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58 medical coordinators
Every patient request is processed by certified doctors. They help with the choice of hospital, paperwork, and medical trip arrangements.
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6356 reviews
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Bookimed is an international platform for hospital search and treatment arrangement
814594 patients have already got our assistance since 2014. We've gained invaluable experience to solve any medical issue.
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At Bookimed, we prioritize your health with top-quality solutions. We are Temos certified for excellence in medical tourism and offer free services to ensure patient satisfaction:
Premier Global Clinics & Doctors
Access to quality global healthcare with 1,000+ accredited clinics and 1,500+ certified doctors in 50 countries.
Telemedicine and Second Opinions
Get online consultations and second opinions with top world doctors, saving you time and money on travel.
Personalized Treatment Packages
Choose one or several clinics, send your medical details, get a clear cost breakdown. And only then decide where to go.
Transfer and Interpreter Services
A transfer and an interpreter will be arranged. You can focus solely on your treatment, not worrying about logistics or communication.
Free 24/7 Support During Treatment
You are not alone along your medical trip. You can always contact the Bookimed medical coordinator if any issues occur.
Document Translation Services
Work faster and smarter by integrating directly with Dropbox, right in the app.
Bookimed service is absolutely free.
Bookimed services are free. You pay the same rates for treatment as in the clinic's original price list.
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  • You submit a request and specify an issue

  • Bookimed medical coordinator studies your request and contacts you

  • Bookimed medical coordinator chooses the best hospital and specialist for your particular case

  • You approve the treatment program, and a Bookimed medical coordinator assists in arranging your medical trip

  • Bookimed medical coordinator stays in touch 24/7 during your treatment

  • Bookimed follows your treatment process and stays in touch even after you return home

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Plastic Surgery

Bookimed patient stories

Bookimed Milestones
On February 16, 2014, our founding fathers, Yevhenii Kozlov and Ievgen Khotianov, registered Bookimed. Soon, they set to work with 5 employees to help cancer patients from CIS find hope for cure abroad.
We strategically decided to employ only medically trained staff for consulting our patients. Partners from Germany and Turkey join the platform. First 10,000 requests.
A whole new direction to a company — with a support for English-speaking patients, USA and UK-based in particular. The team counts 87 people.
Raising $500,000 in funding from AVentures Capital, a leading investment fund in Ukraine. That helps us complement our strengths and grow our potential. Over 35,500 requests.
Now, how to become even better and helpful? What if we give the most objective data to people but keep our human support? So we’ve created a new algorithm for clinics ranking, and that’s a way new chapter in our story.
Following the booming plastic surgery trend, we open a new way to deliver our services. A new dedicated team. New plastic surgery centers across the globe. The team of 130 people.
Bookimed vs. COVID-19: 3 months of the entire world’s lockdown. The team of 40 people flexes the muscles and delivers patients to the hospitals no matter what. First 500,000 requests.
We’re scaling quickly and penetrating a market segment in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica. We offer partner clinics new pathways for acting upon patient needs with a new cabinet and app. Over 800,000 requests totally.
Launching website in Spanish, German, and Ukrainian. Getting TEMOS Certificate as a proof of being a reliable and high-quality medical tourism provider. Opening new destination as the UK, Colombia, Ecuador, Serbia, Croatia.
Launched the website in French, improving our accessibility in Francophone areas. Expanded team with Arabic and Spanish-speaking doctors, enhancing care for patients speaking these languages. Initiated Wellness Retreats project.
Bookimed Founders
Yevhenii Kozlov
Yevhenii Kozlov
CEO & Co-Founder
We’re creating a transparent and reliable platform with verified review-based clinics rankings. Thus, if I need any medical assistance, I’ll check the list on our website because I trust it.
Ievgen Khotianov
Ievgen Khotianov
CEO & Co-Founder
We carefully audit the clinic before starting a partnership. Certificates and excellent reputation are among our top benchmarks. We guide our patients and do our best to deliver great customer service exceeding their expectations.

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Written With You in Mind
We tailor content to meet all patients’ needs, providing actionable medical tourism guidance.
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We keep content up-to-date with the latest health and medical information and guidelines.
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You do not pay Bookimed

The selection of solutions and the organization of the trip do not affect your score — our work is financed by medical facilities. You pay exclusively for the procedures at the clinic cash desk.

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Reviews about Bookimed: Discover Patients' Insights
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Виктория • Hair transplant United States of America Sep 4, 2024

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Bookimed made the experience just perfect

Keith Bertling • Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion United States of America Nov 14, 2023

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I was treated here like royalty
My whole family against me coming to turkey for this operation from the Us they were very scared and I was a little nervous as well . Wish they could have come and seen how I was treated here like royalty . Hate to admit it but would have never got this kind of service in US. I think everyone here that was involved doctors nurses interpreters drivers and sure left some out behind the scenes. Would definitely recommend and come back again
About Bookimed service
This was my first experience and if ever need be would recommend and use again

Kimberlie Jackson • Dental Implant United States of America Oct 22, 2023

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It was an experience my husband and I will never forget!!
Bookimed was so helpful and extremely nice. Everything they told me was to the detail accurate. I was very nervous about this because we’d never traveled that far before, just so many unknowns. But from the minute we were picked up from the airport we felt completely comfortable. Even with the language barrier, there were tons of laughs, smiles and hugs. It was an experience my husband and I will never forget!!
About Bookimed service
I was very nervous about this trip and had tons of questions, so I’m sure at times I was driving the young lady that helped me crazy, but never did she make me feel that way. She always answered me in a timely fashion. She would even call the dentist office with questions I had and she would let me know right away what they had to say. I’m usually not a very trusting person, but she helped me know that even though we’d never met I could completely trust her. It was an experience of a lifetime, and I would definitely use them again.

Anonymous • Rhinoplasty (nose job) United States of America Sep 7, 2023

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I felt like both were done taking exactly what I wanted into account and the overall symmetry at the end for my nostrils was excellent - my nose had been broken and before surgery lack of symmetry was a big issue
I had a really great experience with my doctor and care here. I wanted a very natural looking nose, not to look "doll-like" or like I had a rhinoplasty. Same for lip filler. I felt like both were done taking exactly what I wanted into account and the overall symmetry at the end for my nostrils was excellent - my nose had been broken and before surgery lack of symmetry was a big issue. I believe it required different degrees of cutting for each nostril so I'm very impressed that the end result's symmetry appears less than 1mm different from one another, that's a huge improvement from before. The shape is really nice and I was impressed that after surgery the packing was done in such a way that I was able to breathe through my nose the whole time, even during my recovery.

Ajaz Latif • Hair transplant United States of America Mar 5, 2023

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Great people to deal with
Great people to deal with. Hair are growing after 2 months of transplant. Ajaz Latif

Kyra • Biopsy United States of America Feb 13, 2023

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Lovely staff and best service by far!
Lovely staff and best service by far! And a loving kitty to great every patient !
About Bookimed service
Very much so.

Desiree • Revision rhinoplasty United States of America Feb 1, 2023

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If i do another cosmetic surgery in Istanbul I will be booking through BookIMed
I really enjoyed my trip to Istanbul. Bookimed created a very effortless experience. On arrival at the airport after a canceled flight and having to rebook surgery, it was very easy to find my transportation which took me directly to the hotel. Due to complications with our flight on arrival, the rescheduling of the surgery was arranged by my medical coordinator and he handled it very quickly and easily (on my part, im not sure if it was easy on him, lol). The next day the transportation was already scheduled to get me to the hospital for revision rhinoplasty. There was quite a language barrier but bookimed assured we had a translator with us for the majority of our stay or was readily available to communicate through cell phone if necessary. Upon waking from surgery I was shivering extremely badly, which seems to be a normal experience for patients waking up from anesthesia, which I was not aware of and caused a little bit of worry from my guest that accompanied me. Once this resided the night in the hospital I spent the majority of the time sleeping so the nurses took good care of me, but there was still that language barrier which made some difficulties with understanding what medications they were giving me or wanted me to do. I am a nurse in the United States and can say that the nurses did a fabulous job with making sure I was ambulating the evening of my surgery to get the blood flowing even though I didn't feel like it. The medical coordinator came by in the morning to assist with getting my medications, then we got some tea and we waited about 20 minutes for the transportation that took us back to the hotel. After that my guest and I spent about three nights in the hotel room before I felt okay enough to go explore, during this time period the medical coordinator continued to check in to make sure we were doing okay, he even gave us some recommendations on places to explore. We arranged the transportation on the days we explored, but given the advice from locals, we made sure we did not get scammed by the taxi drivers as this is a common practice in Istanbul that we were made aware of. Days later transportation was arranged for me to go see the doctor again and have the "tampons" removed from my nose and my nose to be cleaned out. All in all the pain was fairly minimum, I just felt very tired, the doctor was extremely professional and really took his time on my case which I knew was extremely difficult, the medical coordinator was fantastic and really eased the stress and anxiety of the surgery. If i do another cosmetic surgery in Istanbul I will be booking through BookIMed. Also Professor Doner was an AMAZING rhinoplasty surgeon and I highly recommend him.
About Bookimed service
Yes, Ihsan our medical coordinator was the BEST

Concepción Ocasio • Vaginoplasty United States of America Aug 6, 2022

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"I highly recommend Bookimed is just really convenient
I highly recommend Bookimed is just really convenient.The transportation to and from the hotel, hospital and airport went smoothly. Everyone was extremely welcoming and nice. I felt save and comfortable. The nurses were very attentive and my doctor was very humble and informative. Everything went smoothly and I didn’t have to worry about a thing. So don’t worry about coming alone you’ll be alright, everything is really taking care of.
About Bookimed service
100 percent. I highly recommend Bookimed is just really convenient.

Ирина • Dental Implant United States of America Jun 7, 2022

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I am delighted with the professionalism, organization, hospitality and warmth of the doctors and all the staff of the clinic
From the beginning to the end of my tour, I felt at home, in safe and caring hands. I am delighted with the professionalism, organization, hospitality and warmth of the doctors and all the staff of the clinic. This combination of qualities is rare, and I appreciate it very much! I got the best result I could. A favorable outcome of the operation and healing of the gums was predicted with the help of the correct selection of medicines. I would recommend this unique clinic to all my friends and clients at work! Success and prosperity Dentaglobal!
About Bookimed service
Very pleased

Ronald • Liposuction United States of America Apr 25, 2022

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Thanks Ron Richards
Hello I am very happy with my Facelift and Liposuction. They took good care of me. Thanks Ron Richards

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