Proven HIV and AIDS treatment methods

The specialists with the help of modern medical approaches maintain the healthy lifestyle of HIV infected patients and can prevent HIV developing into AIDS. In the best clinics in the world provide an accurate HIV diagnosis and treatment. A patient receives all necessary initial examinations:

  • immune status;
  • virus status;
  • immunogram;
  • diagnostics of the organs.

Detection of the disease in the early stages is a guarantee of successful treatment. An accurate diagnostic is the basis of an effective HIV treatment in the best hospitals worldwide.

The human immunodeficiency virus does not cause a fatal outcome. A high level of lethality is promoted by diseases that occur because of an infection of the weakened body. For the development of correct treatment plan, the specialists need to know the status of the human body. Modern diagnostic methods:

  • examination of the immune system;
  • laboratory examination of body fluids;
  • functional protein studies.

Scientists research new treatment methods of HIV and AIDS in Germany, Spain, and Israel. They work on a vaccine that would suppress not only the AIDS virus but also affect the immune system of patients. Drugs can destroy the virus in the human body. However, their use does not allow to restore the damaged immune system of people.

Clinics around the world use the methods of HIV and AIDS treatment, which allow achieving a stable remission.

The main task of specialists is to strengthen the immune system of patients suffering from AIDS or HIV infection. For these purposes, specialists apply the following treatment methods:

Physiotherapy is based on the eliminating clinical symptoms of HIV infections.

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) can lose its effectiveness due to the adaptation of the human immunodeficiency virus to the drug. ART can also lead to complications and side effects (great chemical stress on the body). Antiretroviral therapy only suppresses the replication of the HIV.

Homeopathic treatment of HIV and AIDS is focused on the reaction change of the body. The therapy does not suppress the replication of the virus. Homeopathic medicine is harmless and has no adverse effects. Homeopathic treatment of HIV strengthens the immune system, has a strong immunomodulatory effect, conducts drainage of internal organs by natural methods, and increasing their resistance to infections. Homeopathic drugs have no antiviral effect. Homeopathic treatment cannot completely cure AIDS.

Therapy with immunomodulators and immunostimulants is beneficial not only for the symptoms of HIV treatment but also for all diseases. Most often specialists provide natural regulators of immune reactions (thymic hormones, interferon), synthetic drugs (immutol, isoprinosine, gepon, neovir) to restore the immune status of the body. As the kind of immuno-substitution therapy, the doctors offer transplantation and thymus fragments. Hyperthermia treatment of blood lymphocytes of a patient is also used. Specialists provide this type of treatment in cycles, because of the pronged treatment the immune system status of a patient may decrease.

Treatment of AIDS by electromagnetic radiation does not cause the addiction. This type of therapy is cheaper than other ones.

There are specialized ctive centers for AIDS patients all over the world, especially in Germany and Israel. Here the infected parents can deliver healthy children who do not suffer from the human immunodeficiency virus.