Prostate cancer develops in 70% of men after 70 years. In this group, the mortality rate from prostate cancer takes the 1-2 place.

The development of the disease from the moment of first atypical cells appearing to the 4th stage of prostate cancer can take years. With timely diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to completely overcome the disease at the early stages, slow the growth of a tumor and eliminate complications in advanced prostate cancer.

Prognosis at different stages of prostate cancer

1 stage. The focus of the cells is located in one of the parts of the prostate gland. It is detected by accident during CT or MRI diagnostics, or through targeted laboratory testing (PSA measurement) during a medical examination.

The prognosis is favorable - 95% of patients in this state are cured. During the diagnostics tests, a tumor is evaluated according to the Gleason grading system. For the tumors with 1-5 points, a doctor can appoint brachytherapy and conservative treatment. More dangerous tumors are removed by microsurgical methods. These methods of treatment do not affect the potency.

Stage 2 prostate cancer. A tumor extends to both lobes of the prostate gland; dysuria syndrome can occur. A tumor is often detected on a standard and planned ultrasound. In this case, a man should visit a urologist. A doctor evaluates the tumor parameters (size, invasiveness), the patient's condition for choosing the method of treatment. As a rule, a prostatectomy is indicated.

The five-year survival rate is above 80% (it is considered as a good indicator for this age group). Robot-assisted surgery (by Da Vinci system) or brachytherapy save the potency in 70% of cases.The transurethral resection leads to erectile dysfunction in 70% of patients, the standard resection in 95%. The prognosis is favorable.

Mortality at this stage is caused by the high invasiveness of a tumor (has 7-10 Gleason points) and possible metastasis.

If a patient hasn't carried out PET-CT or MSCT on high-quality equipment, and small metastasis are not detected on time. It can turn out that the 2-B stage is the 4 stage prostate cancer and completely changes the prognosis for a patient.

3 stage prostate cancer. A tumor extends beyond the capsule of the prostate gland.

3-А stage

single metastases are in periomphalic lymph nodes. The survival rate in a timely operation is about 60%.

3-В stage

multiple metastases are in regional lymph nodes. The five-year survival rate is approx. 40%.

The prognosis depends both on the characteristics of a tumor, and on the qualification, experience of oncourologists and the equipment in a hospital.

For the treatment doctors use combined treatment. The therapy includes advanced methods of radiation exposure, advanced prostatectomy, hormones, cytostatics, immunocorrectors.

At 3 stages of prostate cancer, the patient's life mainly depends on the professionalism of a doctor and the level of the medical facility.

The best survival rates are in hospitals in Germany, the USA and Israel (by 10-20% higher than average).

Stage 4 prostate cancer. The prognosis for life is unfavorable.

The approach to treatment depends on the cellular type of tumor and the number of metastases:

4-А stage

Single metastases in the pelvic organs - testicle, scrotum, pelvic support muscles. If a patient is relatively stable, surgical treatment can be indicated. For such patients, survival rate is up to 30%.

4-В stage

The prognosis is extremely unfavorable due to multiple metastases. To manage the patient's condition and slow the spread of the tumor, doctors apply radiotherapy methods and chemotherapy.

For patients with prostate cancer, who have metastases, a new Xofigo medication is used. The active substance of Xofigo is a Ra 223 dichloride. It affects the atoms of calcium, so the active substance is delivered directly to the metastases in the bones. The medication can prolong the patient's life up to 10 years.

Remission of prostate cancer

The age of a patient influences the speed of the disease process. The older is a patient, the slower a tumor progresses. There is a chance of long-term remission in elderly patients even in 3 stage. In this case, a doctor prescribes expectant management.

Correct therapy allows to slow the growth of a tumor, and a patient has a remission. Long-term remission (from six months) is a usual phenomenon in 1-2 stages, rare for 3 and unlikely for 4 stages of prostate cancer.