Rehabilitation is the most effective option for people with severe conditions that cause physical limitations. As the conditions and their stages can differ in each person, specialists use the unique unit to measure the disease burden — YLDs (years lived with disability). It is calculated by multiplying of the disorder by the short- or long-term health loss that leads to the disability.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), 75% of YLDs in the world are the result of those conditions for which rehabilitation is helpful. 15% of YLDs are caused by severe impairments (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, cancer). Rehabilitation is the only option for those people. Over 180 mln people in the world have impairments caused by severe diseases.

Keep reading and find out more about:

Key points on the best rehab hospitals

According to the Bookimed data, 6% out of almost 20,000 people, who submit a request to this website annually, look for the best rehabilitation hospital. Conforming to Bookimed, most of these people search for pediatric rehabilitation centers.

Neurological diseases affect the human musculoskeletal system very often. After a stroke or brain injury, a lot of people get difficulties with moving some parts of the body.

Bookimed managers have picked up the best rehab centers in the world specializing in recovery after orthopedic and neurologic diseases.

This Top Hospitals Ranking is composed by the Bookimed medical team based on 346 clinics comparison. We've chosen the hospitals below according to the following criteria: 1) our patient reviews, 2) clinic success rates, 3) doctors' experience, and 4) innovations to provide high-quality care. This information is given by hospital representatives and under their responsibility. Also, the rules for ranking clinics and displaying them on the pages of the Bookimed platform are outlined in Bookimed Clinic Ranking Policy.

The Ranking aims to provide patients with awareness material to make an informed decision about places of skilled inpatient care and isn't a call to action. The choice is yours.


Where are the Top 10 rehab centers located?

As Bookimed managers report, you can find the best rehab hospitals in each part of the world: Europe, Asia, and the Near East.

  • German, Greek, and Austrian centers are top rated rehab facilities in Western Europe. They provide a wide range of recovery procedures for the therapy of different health conditions.
  • German facilities are among Top 10 rehabs for young adults and are well-known over the world.
  • Eastern European facilities are more affordable rehab centers compared to the Western European. You save up to 50% undergoing recovery period in the Czech Republic or Lithuania alike in Germany or Austria.
  • Indian clinics are recognized as the cheapest among Top 10 rehab centers. Medical institutions in India offer 2-3 times more affordable services than other top rated rehab facilities.
  • Turkey and Greece are popular countries due to a mild climate and abundant natural resources that help speed up recovery significantly. That's why Turkish and Greek centers are among the best rehab facilities. Moreover, centers in Turkey are the cheapest within the Near East.

Best rehab centers in Europe

The leading medical facilities for rehabilitation in Europe show high success rates of the neurologic and orthopedic therapy. Medical tourists may choose the top rehab centers according to the climate of the country, price policy, and level of medical services.

Well-known European rehab centers are located in Austria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Germany.

Compare the prices in Leading rehab centers worldwide

Best rehab hospital in Austria

Lassnitzhöhe Private Clinic (Privatklinik Laßnitzhöhe)

Lassnitzhöhe is among best rehab centers in the world due to high-quality management and patients’ satisfaction. The center specializes only in neurological and orthopedic rehabs. Lassnitzhöhe is No.1 choice of Arabic- and Russian-speaking patients.

Specialists of the Neuro Rehab Clinic help patients with Parkinson’s disease, neuropathy, complications after brain and spine operations, and others. The facility provides one of the best neurological rehabilitations in Europe. The rehab period lasts 4 weeks. As a result, patients improve their bodies’ functions after paralysis, develop sensation and speech skills, correct their vision and swallowing.

Lassnitzhöhe Orthopedic Rehab Center accepts patients with the musculoskeletal system disorders, severe joints and cartilages pain, complications after traumas. The recovery period takes 3 weeks.

Lassnitzhöhe Center is considered one of the best rehab hospitals in Europe due to state-of-the-art technologies. The center is equipped with Armstudio, the robotic instruments for the impaired arm training. Patients with light and severe disabilities train their limbs in the video games context under an occupational therapist supervision. A robot takes over the muscles functions. That’s why the joint is trained through the passive movements. As a result, patients improve the strength, coordination, and range of motions.

Private Hospital Lassnitzhöhe
Austria, Lassnitzhoehe
100% patients recommend

Private Hospital Lassnitzhöhe is a historic rehabilitation center in Austria, specializing in neurology and orthopedics. Established in the 20th century, the clinic blends modern and traditional architecture and offers a serene environment for recovery. The clinic treats both adults and children recovering from strokes, neurosurgical operations, spinal injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, and joint replacements. Certified under EN ISO 9001: 2008 and recognized for high-quality care, it provides personalized rehabilitation plans. Facilities include an indoor swimming pool, well-equipped treatment rooms, and accessible patient accommodations.

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Hospital certificates and accreditation of quality

International Organization for Standardization certificate for Private Hospital Lassnitzhöhe

Latest review

Verified review.
Hello! For the first time, I sincerely want to leave a response, because it can save someone's life. My husband suffered a stroke, I will miss the details, as this can draw on the book ... But the point is that this is a great grief, as in principle any disease. After the ordeals and treatment, by the way, among our best specialists my husband could remain disabled. How pathetic it did not sound, but Bookimed was sent by fate. After discussing the diagnosis, my wishes and requirements, we went to the clinic in Laznitzhoe (Austria) And then starting from A to Z I can assure that everything was at the highest level. Special thanks to all the doctors of the clinic, Dr. Anne and the translator Manuel. Accommodation, treatment, medication and accompaniment of an interpreter were included in the price. My being with my husband was also unhindered and cared for me, too. This is not just a course of therapy, treatment, but also care and a wonderful atmosphere of the clinic, the staff and the wonderful nature around. In this all the most important thing is that my expectations from treatment not only justified, but also surpassed. Do not waste time on treatment here, and the sooner you get into a country where people are responsibly treated and their health as the highest value, the sooner you will be cured. I love my country, we pay taxes here, but we can not get quality medicines or treatment even for money and spend only our health, and it's priceless) Thanks a lot Bookimed, I hope that you will continue to keep this level. In the mountain is very important someone's support and guarantee that the services will be of high quality - it gives HOPE))) p.s. World peace
— Марина Omelyanenko
Ukraine, Mar 21, 2018
Mar 21, 2018 • Verified review.
Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) $577.41 - $883.79

Top rated rehab facility in Germany

Helios Rehab Center for Children and Young People

Helios Hospital is included into the list of Top 10 rehabs for young adults and children in Europe. The center specializes in the neurological rehabilitation. Doctors accept babies, children, teenagers and young adults with brain injury, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, spine traumas or diseases, language or speaking impairments, and other abnormalities.

Over 35,000 young patients undergo rehabilitation at the center annually. The recovery period usually takes several weeks depending on the patient’s disorder and its severity. After this period, patients receive an individually developed rehab plan which they should follow after returning home.

Helios is among the centers for the best neurological rehabilitation in Europe due to the great variety of restoration methods. Among them are physio-, sport-, ergo-, hippo-, music therapies, neuropsychology, and neuropedagogy. The hospital is acknowledged as the best neuro rehab child centre in agreement with the Focus magazine, the most truthful medical edition in Germany.

Helios experts have been providing the first-rate therapy for over 10 years. The high care quality is ensured by the numerous memberships in authoritative organizations: the German Society for Social Pediatrics and Youth Medicine (DEGEMED), the German Society for Pediatric Rehabilitation and Prevention (DG), etc

Helios Vogelsang
Germany, Gommern
100% patients recommend

Helios Fachklinik Vogelsang-Gommern or simply Helios Vogelsang is a specialized orthopedic hospital. The focus of the hospital is on orthopedics, rheumatology, sports medicine and pain management.

Helios Vogelsang is recognized as the best German hospital for rheumatic diseases treatment in Germany according to Focus, authoritative edition.

Helios in Gommern is also popular with professional footballers, boxers, and other athletes.

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Top rehab center in Greece

Evexia Rehabilitation Center

Evexia is among those best rehab centers in Europe that provide excellent care for over 20 years. Specialists help people with walking, balance, speech, perception, and self-supporting disabilities to get back to the common lifestyle.

18,000 patients prefer Evexia to other top rehab centers. Greek services, offered by Evexia medical staff, are popular far beyond the borders of the country. International patients from European countries, Egypt, Kazakhstan and Russia choose the center for the recovery period.

Upper limb robotic system is available at Evexia. It is a technique for rehabilitation patients with arm function disorders, especially after the stroke and its complications. The robot reaches 300-500 repeated movements compared to the traditional methods (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, etc.) that achieve only 30-40 ones. A patient repeats a great number of passive movements and as a result, restores the arm motions.

Evexia is recognized as best rehabilitation hospital due to other latest rehab methods availability. Among them are robotic gait system (technology for balance and motor coordination improvement),

rich therapy (cell regenerative technique for tendons and ligaments functions restoration), virtual reality (device virtualizing movements to evoke them and make a patient repeat them), and others.

Evexia Rehab Center is located near Thessaloniki, the 2nd largest city in Greece at the northwest of the Aegean seaboard. This area is featured by the unique climate and exotic (specific for Greece) nature

Evexia Rehabilitation Center
Greece, Chalkidiki
100% patients recommend

Evexia Rehabilitation Center is located directly on the Mediterranean coast at one the Greek resorts – Chalkidiki. The Center treats patients for more than 20 years and is constantly developing through implementing innovations and progressive rehabilitation techniques. Sea air, mild climate, polite personnel and luxury conditions significantly increase the effectiveness of the recovery process.

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Hospital certificates and accreditation of quality

International Organization for Standardization certificate for Evexia Rehabilitation Center

Latest review

Verified review.
We heard that Greece has very good water therapy. And we came to Evexia mainly for this. The pool is specially equipped for various activities. There is also a device for transporting patients in wheelchairs, which is not found everywhere. Our son does water therapy every day with very good instructors. He manages to actively perform many exercises. The water is warm, and the duration of the lesson itself is 45 minutes. This is wonderful therapy for our son. The results are noticeable gradually. We are also very pleased with the speech therapy classes. Therapists are mostly young people, very proactive and responsible. The accommodation is comfortable, very clean. The clinic is 20 minutes by car from the airport and 10 minutes from the sea. The weather is great in winter, lots of sun.
— Sibila Rot
Switzerland, Feb 6, 2024
Feb 6, 2024 • Verified review.
Rehabilitation with "Lokomat" $100 - $2000
Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) $224.97 - $317.09

Affordable rehab centers in the Czech Republic

Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic

Malvazinky Center is included into the list of the best rehabilitation centers in the world for patients with musculoskeletal impairments. The world-class quality is confirmed by SAK accreditation, an authoritative healthcare promoter in the Czech Republic.

11,450 rehab procedures are performed in Malvazinky Clinic annually. Specialists provide physiotherapy as one of the most effective methods. Over 9,300 hours of physiotherapy are spent each year.

Malvazinky is recognized as the best rehabilitation center in the Czech Republic according to the hospital’s anonymous patients’ survey. About 3,000 patients choose this overhaul hospital every year. Malvazinky Rehab Center is popular among medical tourists due to its comfortable location. The hospital is situated in the quiet Prague district, where patients may relax and recover their motor functions

Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic
Czech Republic, Prague
80% patients recommend

Malvazinky Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Prague, Czech Republic. The team is dedicated to orthopedics and rehabilitation. The center shows 99 % success rates for knee replacement and hip replacement. The Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic is one of the few medical facilities providing comprehensive care, including total preoperative, surgical, and postoperative as well as rehabilitation services. Malvazinky Hospital accepts only adults. 4,000 patients choose Malvazinky Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Hospital certificates and accreditation of quality

International Organization for Standardization certificate for Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic Czech Joint Commission Accreditation (Spojené akreditační komisi) certificate for Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic Czech Best Managed Company certificate for Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic

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Verified review.
Клиника на ул. Малвазинки была выбрана потому что: 1. Клиника специализируется именно на операциях по замене тазобедренных и коленных суставов; 2. Здесь предлагалось провести операцию малоинвазивным способом, т.е. разрез не более 10-12 см. Небольшой разрез – гарантировал максимальное сохранение тканей мышц и быстрое восстановление после операции; 3. Клиника предоставляет услуги не только по операции, но и по последующей реабилитации; 4. Предложение по стоимости было наиболее оптимальным по сравнению с предложениями других клиник. После принятия решения, началась переписка с организаторами медицинского тура. Надо отдать должное сотрудниками по связи с иностранными клиентами, они профессионально и оперативно отвечали на все вопросы, подготовили приглашение, встретили и проводили, организовали: трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт из клиники, сопровождение переводчиками на протяжении всего срока пребывания в клинике. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен! Операцию проводил доктор В. Господар. Всё прошло штатно, как и было запланировано. Разрез в районе 12 см. Однако на следующий день после операции появилась сильная боль в продольной мышце вдоль позвоночника под лопаткой с левой стороны. Она меня мучила даже больше, чем должен был беспокоить разрез. Позднее мне несколько ослабили эту боль с помощью массажа и электро-процедур, но боль всё равно давала о себе знать. Реабилитация проводилась под руководством физиотерапевтов, я посещал групповые занятия и старался больше ходить, однако после снятия швов обнаружилась гематома и, как результат, пришлось выдержать ещё одно оперативное вмешательство по её удалению. После второй операции прекратились боли под лопаткой. Правда, восстанавливаться пришлось заново, и продлить реабилитацию на одну дополнительную неделю. Медицинский персонал клиники был очень приветлив и внимателен, что позволило мне чувствовать себя не как в клинике, а просто как в гостях у добрых, давно знакомых людей. Хочу ещё раз выразить свою благодарность: - медицинскому персоналу (сестричкам и мед. братьям, всем); - физиотерапевтам, особенно Martin Kazemir – он заново научил меня двигать ногой в тазобедренном суставе, а не всем тазом; - переводчикам (Айгерим (Айя), Марии и ещё Марии); - ортопеду Сергею Рыжову; - докторам В. Господару и Томашу Виммеру; - организаторам, без которых я так бы и продолжал хромать, Ольге Скатковой и Ирине Корчминской.
— Евгений
Russian Federation, Apr 22, 2019
Apr 22, 2019 • Verified review.
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction $5142.08 - $5891.96
Rotator cuff repair surgery $5356.33
Knee Arthroscopy $2035.41
Shoulder replacement $16068.99
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Kladruby Rehabilitation Center

Kladruby Rehabilitation Center focuses on the locomotor and nervous systems disorders. Patients with spinal and brain injuries, post-surgical conditions, scoliosis, amputations, plegia and paresis, orthopedic traumas, and stroke receive treatment here.

Kladruby Center is determined as one of the best rehab centers in the world due to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programs. Following this programs, Kladruby specialists implement innovative rehab approaches, increase effectiveness and quality of recovery methods.

Over 1,800 patients prefer Kladruby as one of the best rehab centers in Europe. Patients with the neuro impairments prevail at the center. Over 100 patients with the neurological injuries rehab at Kladruby. 65% of these patients are men and 35% are women. The average age is 50 years old.

Every year 80 patients with post-stroke condition choose Kladruby as one of the best rehab neuro centers in Europe. Over 60 people after ischemic cardiomyopathy and over 20 after hemorrhagic stroke undergo the recovery period at this center each year. The average duration of the rehabilitation is 72 days. Over 80% of patients undergo rehabilitation at the outpatient basis.

Best rehabilitation hospital in Lithuania

Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center

Abromiskes Rehab Center is considered one of the outstanding and affordable rehab centers in Europe. Over 6,000 patients entrust their physical and psychological health to Abromiskes specialists.

Doctors help people with the complications and conditions after the heart diseases and cardiac surgeries. Patients notice the significant improvement in their physical strength, positive changes in the heart rate, blood pressure and correction of the heart failure signs. 97% of patients are satisfied with the cardiac rehabilitation at Abromiskes according to the hospital’s anonymous survey.

Abromiskes is one of the best neurorehabilitation centers in Europe in agreement with the patients’ reviews. 90% of them have appreciated the neurological restoration at this center. People after the stroke, head injuries, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and spine disorders undergo rehab here. They point out that walking, balance, and coordination skills are improved, the pain syndrome is reduced, the motion functions are increased.

Specialists also help patients with orthopedic disorders and traumas to restore as quickly as possible. The center is recognized as one of the best physical rehabilitation centers in Lithuania. 95% of patients have given positive feedback on recovery period at Abromiskes

Children rehab is a leading and the most developed specialty at the center. That’s why Abromiskes is included into the best rehab centers in the world list. The program consists of physical and psychological training on the center’s premises and lasts approximately 3 weeks. After this period, a child comes back home and continues training for 3-6 months to maintain the results.

Specialists help children with neurological, orthopedic, pulmonary, vision diseases, and traumas. 80% of children receive improvements after the rehab. Halotherapy (salt treatment) room is available at Abromiskes. 97% of children get rid of congenital lung abnormalities and rales

Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center
Lithuania, Vilnius
97% patients recommend

Abromiskes is a modern rehabilitation center located 45 km from the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius. It is located within excellent natural conditions. There is a pine forest and Orys lake near it. The Center conducts rehabilitation of the patients with cardiac diseases, neurological disorders and after orthopedic surgeries. Abromiskes also has Children’s Department which provides recovery for the smallest patients with various disorders (respiratory, neurologic, musculoskeletal or eye diseases). The Hospital offers restorative treatment of European level for reasonable prices. Besides Abromiskes has its own diagnostic laboratory for biochemical, microbiological and immunological analyses.

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Hospital certificates and accreditation of quality

Patient choice in Rehabilitation certificate for Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center

Latest review

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We went to the clinic for the first time, it was scary, we didn’t know how everything would go (another country, culture, language barrier, etc.) But from the first moment we were surrounded by touching care and attention. Accepted as if they had known each other for a long time. They immediately provided everything necessary for the girl, discussed the features of nutrition, and prescribed treatment. The medical team is top notch professionals. The main thing is friendly communication on the positive. We thank all doctors, rehabilitators, nurses, cooks, attendants. May you all be GOOD!
— Светлана
Czech Republic, Jul 24, 2023
Jul 24, 2023 • Verified review.

Top rehab centers in the Near East

Israel is one of the most popular countries for rehab in the world. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, the rehab services take 25% of the government’s total mental health budget. Israeli specialists have vast experience and provide excellent care.

However, Turkish best rehab facilities offer the same services but at lower prices compared to Israeli ones without quality loss. It's the main reason why thousands of international patients visit Turkey.

Top rated rehab facility in Israel

Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital

Reuth is among the best rehabilitation hospitals in Tel Aviv, Israel. Specialists help seniors to improve their physical functions, which are related to age, illness, surgery or falls.

78% of elderly people become independent and come back to the interaction. High-quality care for patients and their families makes Reuth one of the top rated rehab facilities in the Middle East.

Reuth Medical Center has become firmly established among Top 10 rehab centers as the leading facility for neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation in Israel. Doctors help over 1,500 patients return to the common life every year. The average in-hospital stay takes 40 days.

Reuth experts also accept patients who live at home at an outpatient basis. Over 2,200 outpatients receive treatment at the center. Specialists perform more than 40,000 therapy sessions annually.

People with eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, obesity) also undergo therapy at Reuth. Over 90 patients with such ailments are being treated here now.

The Shikumon Social Club works on the Reuth premises and is recognized as one of the top stroke rehabilitation centers that promote physical and social rehabs, help to cope the stroke victims with the impairment. 35 members are in the club now and meet 3 days a week.

Reuth Rehabilitation Сenter
Israel, Tel Aviv
92% patients recommend

One of the largest rehabilitation centers in Israel - Reuth for more than 55 years receives patients with orthopedic and neurological disorders. The accumulated experience and modern equipment allows the center to successfully carry out the whole range of neuropsychological and physical rehabilitation. 5 main areas, more than 10 para-medical specialists, pediatric department and 350 beds in the hospital - this is an incomplete list of the distinguishing features of the rehabilitation center.

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Top rehab facility in Turkey

Nobel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center

Nobel Physiotherapy and Rehab Center specializes in orthopedic and neurological rehab. This facility is included into the best rehab centers in the world list due to its authoritativeness among the Turkish influential people and international patients. Every year people from China, Spain, Germany, France, Sweden, Ukraine, and Russia choose Nobel as the best rehabilitation center.

37 physiotherapists help patients to restore their movements and balance, reduce pain, and improve body’s functions after traumas or diseases. In accordance with the rehabilitation type and aim, it lasts from 2 days to several months.

The medical staff offers the package for rehabilitation. The standard package program includes the in-hotel stay in a standard room, meals, and treatments. The package is cheaper than the services separately. That’s why Nobel is considered one of the most affordable rehab centers in the country.

Nobel differs from other best rehab hospitals in the world with its location. This rehab center is situated in the Denizli district and only 6 km away of Pamukkale, the world-renowned hot springs. Nobel Rehab stands near the Pam Thermal Hotel where patients stay during their recovery period. Both hospital and hotel are surrounded by the forest that makes the air exceptionally fresh and clean.

Nobel is one of best rehab facilities in Turkey where you can enjoy the hot and earthy nature springs. They detoxify, have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects

Nobel Medical, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center
Turkey, Pamukkale
100% patients recommend

Nobel Center is a facility specializing in physical therapy and rehabilitation. It is located in Pamukkale, Turkey's mineral water spa territory near Denizli (a city in the southwestern part of Turkey). Nobel focuses on patients who require neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation.

The most attractive benefits of Nobel Rehab Center among international patients are therapy in hot thermal water, natural mud therapy, medical massage, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, aquatic therapy, and affordable prices.

Medical tourists from China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine choose Nobel. Nobel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is popular with Turkish celebrities and politicians.

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Latest review

Verified review.
The medical facility is well organized and the staffs were also very friendly. The medical therapy program is intensive varies between using applicable technology such electro therapy and Electro Magnetic. Hand on Physical therapy is also included. For improvement, I think they can publish leaflets notes in different languages about the usage of mineral water and mud and who should use it and who should not.
— Ismail Yousif Barnawi
Saudi Arabia, May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023 • Verified review.
Orthopedic rehabilitation (per 1 day) $120 - $200
Physiotherapy $230

What are the best rehabilitation hospitals in Asia?

Asia is one of the leading destinations for rehabilitation. Asian medical facilities provide high-quality services at lower prices. Hospitals in India and Thailand are among the most affordable rehab centers over the world. You may save about 50% of your money.

Best physical rehabilitation center in Thailand

Bumrungrad International Hospital

Bumrungrad International Hospital is among Top 10 world’s medical facilities according to Top Master's in Healthcare Administration, world-class programs in medical management. The hospital is recognized as the global medical facility with over 500,000 international visits annually. Medical tourists from the USA, Australia, the UAE, and European countries prefer Bumrungrad to other hospitals.

One of the top rehabilitation centers in Asia works on the premises of Bumrungrad International. Specialists of the center help patients with orthopedic and spine disorders, neurological conditions, pulmonary diseases, and pediatric impairments.

Bumrungrad is considered one of the best rehab centers in the world due to the advanced technologies. The hospital is among the most innovative facilities worldwide in accordance with OnTopList, the organization that searches for top quality facilities.

Experts apply the Biodex Balance System, a multi-mode computerized robotic dynamometer for faster restoration of spine disorders, sports traumas, neurological ailments, limbs diseases, pediatric impairments, and post-stroke condition. The system helps to progress improvement and increase an outcome of the rehab program.

Bumrungrad International is a leading facility in Thailand. Mild and exotic climate of the country promotes cozy and pleasant recovery time

Bumrungrad International Hospital
Thailand, Bangkok
91% patients recommend

Bumrungrad International Hospital is a global medical facility in Bangkok, Thailand that specializes in oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurosciences, heart surgery, check-ups, etc. Over 1 million patients choose Bumrungrad annually. 50% of them are international ones from over 190 countries.

The hospital is one of the largest private centers in Southeast Asia and one of the most significant world’s outpatient clinics. Bumrungrad International is recognized as TOP-10 best hospitals and TOP-30 most technologically advanced clinics in the world.

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Hospital certificates and accreditation of quality

International Organization for Standardization certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital Joint Commission International  certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital Global Healthcare Accreditation Program certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital World's Best Hospitals 2020 by Newsweek certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital World's Best Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital World's Best Smart Hospitals 2023 by Newsweek certificate for Bumrungrad International Hospital

Latest review

Verified review.
Thank you very much to Anna from Bookmed, who organized an online consultation for my husband, she is a very responsive and kind person. She answered me at any time, the time difference was big. Thanks a lot! The doctor said that the diagnosis was good and we finally calmed down. The doctor waited until the MRI was loaded and rescheduled the appointment
— Banu
Kazakhstan, Dec 2, 2023
Dec 2, 2023 • Verified review.
$137000 - $170000
Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) $7300 - $11840
Mammoplasty $5471.52 - $6578.75
Septoplasty (Deviated Septum Surgery) $6370 - $7300
Coronary artery bypass grafting $22830 - $39420
I Fertilization $9755 - $12260
Heart Valve Replacement $33800 - $40000
Lobectomy $16900 - $21500
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) $7600 - $12440
Brain tumor removal $16700 - $25800
Breast cancer surgery $9700 - $15700
Liposuction $5599.32
Robotic da Vinci prostatectomy $29270 - $32350
Transnasal resection of tumor $18900 - $21900
Show more

Top rehab center in India

BLK Super Specialty Hospital

BLK Hospital is identified among the top rehab facilities in India. Rehabilitation services include orthopedic and sports, neurological, cardiopulmonary, and women health physiotherapies.

BLK Center is an outstanding Indian medical facility to provide Biofeedback method for patients after the stroke and spine injuries. The method is based on placing the sensors on the patient’s body. They detect the signals of the nervous system and transmit them to the monitor. The patient wears the headphones and hears how their nervous system works. Biofeedback helps to understand the functions of the patient’s nervous system better and develop the most suitable relaxation plan.

The Pediatric Department works on the premises of BLK Rehab Center. Specialists accept children and teenagers with cerebral palsy, autism, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Dr. Dharam Pani Pandey heads the BLK Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department. Dr. Pandey is recognized as one of the leading Indian doctors specialized in neurorehabilitation. He is associated with more than 6 local and international universities that guarantee his expertise. Dr. Dharam is awarded for the best contribution to rehab services in Delhi according to Time Media, the world’s most recognized media event.

BLK Super Speciality Hospital
India, Delhi
87% patients recommend

BLK Hospital is one of the largest private clinics and is ranked among top 10 Multi Super Specialty Hospitals in Delhi. The Hospital specializes in transplant, cancer treatment, bariatric surgery and cardiology. BLK Hospital monitors innovations and uses the analogues of modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment of the best European hospitals.

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Hospital certificates and accreditation of quality

Joint Commission International  certificate for BLK Super Speciality Hospital Indian National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories certificate for BLK Super Speciality Hospital

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Verified review.
BLK has been equipped with modern equipment to arrange all the necessary services and comfort for patients. Doctors are highly qualified. In order to reduce the term of interruption, I propose taking control of registered patients for the reasons for their delay, improving transfers by profession, I was in three local wards, I was in good condition. Thanks to him for the quality operation. I consulted here with cardiologist Ajay Cole, neurologist Rajiv Anand, pulmologist Sanda Ep Nayar and others are all called to give Health Well done. In order to prevent "financial games, I suggest that the head of BLK advertise about his clinic, its services, medical services and conditions, prices of operations through national television of various countries or in the field to create representative offices. I am pleased that I contacted such objective and successful organizations as Bookimed and best wishes Patient from Uzbekistan Kurbon Eshmirzaev.
— Kurbon
Uzbekistan, Dec 3, 2019
Dec 3, 2019 • Verified review.
transplantation $25000
Coronary artery bypass grafting $4400 - $6700
Radiofrequency ablation $1700 - $3900
Liver transplant $36000
Heart Valve Replacement $6000 - $9700
Chemotherapy $550
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) $5000 - $7000
Breast cancer surgery $3000 - $4050
Hysterectomy with DaVinci robot $13500
$25000 - $90000
Kidney transplant $13000
Gastric sleeve surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) $6700 - $9300
transplantation from a related donor $33000 - $37000
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How to find best rehab centers in the world?

Bookimed managers have analyzed more than 300 medical facilities and chosen the best rehab centers in the world according to such criteria as:

  1. Rehab methods (application of the latest developments in the field of rehabilitation)
  2. Successful statistics (number of patients satisfied with the result)
  3. The professionalism of medical personnel (level of specialists’ skills for the treatment of patients with different disorders and their stages)
  4. Affordability of the rehabilitation programs (cost-effective programs for people with different incomes)
  5. Hospitals’ services (wards, equipment, special services for foreign patients, meals, and attitude of medical staff)
  6. Patients’ reviews (positive assessment of the clinic by patients who have already undergone rehabilitation and received satisfying results)
  7. Geographical location and climate (both are chosen in accordance with the patients’ preferences).