Hungary, Budapest
Consultation rheumatologist in Liv Duna Medical Center
66% Patients
recommended this clinic
About the clinic
Year of foundation
250 doctors
85000 patients per year
Get a free consultation
Individual treatment program and cost estimate
Average answering time – 5 minutes
Treatments prices in the clinic
Last price update — 29.04.2024. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.
Plastic Surgery
Liv Duna Medical Center: more details about the clinic
Hungary, Budapest
Additional services
Language assistance
Hotel (apartments) near the clinic, billed daily
Lechner Ödön fasor 5, 1095 Budapest, Hungary
updated 1/26/2025
Get a free consultation
Individual treatment program and cost estimate
Average answering time – 5 minutes
How it works:
- We find a medical coordinator familiar with the matter
- You get a personal offer with a step-by-step guide and the cost estimate
- We arrange your travel including appointment scheduling and flights booking
- You arrive at the hospital, we support you 24/7