Lithuania, Vilnius

Rehabilitation Procedures in Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center

45 reviews
1 hospital accreditation of quality

About the clinic

Year of foundation

Abromiskes is a modern rehabilitation center located 45 km from the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius. It is located within excellent natural conditions. There is a pine forest and Orys lake near it. The Center conducts rehabilitation of the patients with cardiac diseases, neurological disorders and after orthopedic surgeries. Abromiskes also has Children’s Department which provides recovery for the smallest patients with various disorders (respiratory, neurologic, musculoskeletal or eye diseases). The Hospital offers restorative treatment of European level for reasonable prices. Besides Abromiskes has its own diagnostic laboratory for biochemical, microbiological and immunological analyses.

Language assistance

Treatments prices in the clinic

Last price update — 29.04.2024. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.
Rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy $580
Rehabilitation after a stroke (per 1 day) $68.27 - $75.86
Rehabilitation for arthritis (for 1 day) $67.19 - $70.44
Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury Price on request
Inpatient rehabilitation $65.02 - $86.69

Clinic Doctors

hospital accreditation of quality

Patient choice in Rehabilitation
UA, Patient choice in Rehabilitation certificate for Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center

Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center: more details about the clinic

Lithuania, Vilnius

Abromiskes Rehabilitation Hospital is the leading medical institution of Lithuania which started its work more than 40 years ago. Over 6,000 patients undergo recovery and health restoration at the Center annually. The Clinic’s personnel include 30 physicians and 60 nurses. Another advantage is the location of all the divisions in one building. It helps to accelerate the treatment process.


Specialization of the Rehabilitation Center:


Myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, angina (chest pain), heart valve diseases.


Long bone and pelvic fractures, recovery after arthroplasty, joint replacement, burns, limb amputation, microsurgeries.


Strokes, head injuries, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, vibration syndrome, spine disorders.

Children’s rehabilitation

Respiratory, musculoskeletal, neurological (including cerebral palsy (CP)), and ophthalmological disorders.


Abromiskes uses the following methods of rehabilitation:

  • individual and group kinesiotherapy (remedial gymnastics);
  • occupational therapy (restoration of limb functions for patients with neurological disorders and after orthopedic surgeries);
  • speech therapy (correction of speech articulation, dysphagia (swallowing disorder), logopaedic massage);
  • psychotherapy (addiction treatment, individual consultations, general recovery);
  • physical therapy (hydrotherapy, therapeutic baths, electrophoresis, light therapy and other).

The Clinic disposes the modern diagnostic laboratory which allows to conduct complete, microbiological and biochemical blood counts. You can receive the results right the next day.

Despite numerous laboratory tests the Rehab Center also conducts different diagnostic procedures using advanced equipment:

  • ultrasound;
  • cycle ergometry (ECG diagnosis under load);
  • body type analysis;
  • spirometry (determination of respiratory indicators);
  • ECG and Holter monitoring (24-hour long).


Cost of services in Abromiskes:

Rehabilitation, 24 hours (basic package)

Ward type








Rehabilitation, 24 hours (improved package)

Ward type








Rehabilitation for children, 24 hours

Health resort treatment


Recovery treatment


Other services

Patient attendant treatment program, 1 day


Accommodation+3 meals a day, 1 day (Children’s Department)


Accommodation + 3 meals a day for the patient’s attendant, 1 day (Adults’ Department)


Transfer from Vilnius/Kaunas and back


Additional services
Airport to clinic
$40 - $40
Clinic to airport
$40 - $40
Language assistance
Hotel (apartments) near the clinic, billed daily
Requirements for admission
Payment methods
1 - 90
Deposit and Cancellation/Refund Policy

Patient reviews

1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Abromiskes Rehabilitation Center overall rate includes
Language assistance

Андрей • Rehabilitation Ukraine

Apr 26, 2018
Verified review.
Verified review.
In daniy hour we are known for a rehabilitational lykuvanni. Дитяче відділення. Задоволені відношенням фахівців центр до пацієнтів та умовами проживання, харчування, високим рівнем підготовки фахівців. Practically everything they said on the site to the center - in the course of the day. Read more less

Светлана • Rehabilitation of cerebral palsy Czech Republic

Jul 24, 2023
Verified review.
Verified review.

We thank all doctors, rehabilitators, nurses, cooks, attendants

We went to the clinic for the first time, it was scary, we didn’t know how everything would go (another country, culture, language barrier, etc.) But from the first moment we were surrounded by touching care and attention. Accepted as if they had known each other for a long time. They immediately provided everything necessary for the girl, discussed the features of nutrition, and prescribed treatment. The medical team is top notch professionals. The main thing is friendly communication on the positive. We thank all doctors, rehabilitators, nurses, cooks, attendants. May you all be GOOD! Read more less
About Bookimed service
I thank the Bookimed team for their help in organizing the rehabilitation of the child. All issues were resolved promptly and efficiently at any time of the day. I wish you success and prosperity! I recommend!

Ирина • Rehabilitation of cerebral palsy Ukraine

Jul 31, 2018
Verified review.
Verified review.

Duzhe zadovolonі reabilitatsiyyu, especially zey pidhodom to ditin

Duzhe zadovolonі reabilitatsiyyu, especially zey pidhodom to ditin. Дуже гарне відношення лікарів ісьсього staffu. Duzhe vdyachnі vsim hto borrowed by Yaroslavchik. Great podyaka Ivan Koval. Duzhe garne vidnoshennya і great professional svoyeї svervi. Відповіді на всі запитання giving chitko and clearly. Read more less

Леонид • Rehabilitation Belarus

Jan 24, 2020
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Verified review.

The most important thing was going to recover and got it

It was important for me that I was able to take the course and was able to recover by about 15 percent, thinking was restored by 30 percent, of course, not everything is in full. The staff, as for me, behaved perfectly. The food, of course, was hospital, but it was good. The only thing on the weekend was not very much attention, working days were only weekdays. In general, everything is friendly, good. The most important thing was going to recover and got it. Read more less

Anonymous • Rehabilitation Canada

Jul 9, 2019
Verified review.
Verified review.

I heartily thank the Agency Bookimed for organization, assistance and attention

The clinic staff is very kind and caring. My mother underwent rehab after a stroke and was pleased with warm attitude and treatment, beautiful nature. All doctors are responsible. We are pleased with the stay in Abromishkes, regret that we had not previously got there for better results. I heartily thank the Agency Bookimed for organization, assistance and attention. I am very glad that I used your service and received good advice about rehab. Read more less
About Bookimed service
I sincerely thank the Bookimed agency for the organization, help and attention. I am very glad that I used your service and received good advice about rehabilitation.