At Breast & Body Clinic, patients can trust their surgeon to guide them through the process of carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. The surgery is performed by a trusted surgeon who specializes in a full range of cosmetic surgery procedures. During the consultation, the surgeon will provide personalized recommendations based on the patient's unique needs and goals. To ensure a successful procedure, the patient can take several key measures to optimize their safety and results. The surgery is performed using advanced techniques to reduce the risk of complications and achieve the best possible outcome.
Benefits of Breast & Body Clinic and Dr. Aftab Siddiqui:- Over 22 years of experience in plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery practice in Northwest
- Flexible payment plans at zero interest rate
- One of the top 10 plastic surgeons in Manchester, UK
- Consultant-led and individually focused cosmetic surgery clinics at Manchester, Chester, and Preston
- Special interests include breast surgery, facial reconstruction, complex hand and microsurgery, abdominal wall reconstruction, perineal reconstruction, and a full range of cosmetic surgery procedures
- Over 9000 procedures performed with a 4.97 out of 5 rating on Doctify
- First Prize for Best Clinical Design at National Research Collaborative Meeting, London
- Helps women to get back to what they looked like before pregnancy and often even better - all in one single operation with one recovery
- Dedicated focus in hand therapy, cubital tunnel syndrome, De Quervain's tenosynovitis, skin lesions, hybrid breast augmentation, basal cell cancers, inverted nipple correction, moles and cysts, and ganglions