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Best Hospitals for Moyamoya disease treatment in Spain 2025

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.

4 Recent Moyamoya disease Treatment Reviews in Spain: Check Real Patient Experience

Юрий • Moyamoya disease Ukraine Jun 26, 2018

Verified review.
Alya likuvannya is not completed, through pivrock planned another stage of the operation in the club room
In my sina, the shower is riddled with sunk, my swine is mine. Potrybna bula operation on the sudina of the brain. In the Ukraine so opera malim dityam did not roach, they were clapping at the cordon behind the cordon. Oskilki hvoroba duzhe rіdkіsna, then і for the cordon we takozh vidmovlyali. They used to clique all the way through the zodiac and through the mediators. At the same time zvernuvsya to the site Bookimed із pityom sho to lіkuvannya dannoї hvorobi. The mediator coordinator Svitlana Kalinichenko challenged the children's state book Sant Joan de Deu at Barcelona, ​​de robe so opera. The spell of a bullet of nedovir up to one's own, adzhe vzhe tikavsya іz medikimnymi mediators, yakі took kosti for consultation with specialists, ali ti consultant and not boo. Prote Svitlana literally from the very back of the spivka showed that she had won a victory over the good manners. At all, I registered the one-time, i nigolovnishe, sho-i-i-pochav dovriyati. In інтернеті знайшов інформацію about дану клініку і pobachiv, scho there is a great dosvіd in лікування хвороби my-mine, neyrohirurgy from 1997 goku vzhe carried out so operatsii. And in our vibory headache, tse dosvid likariv in such operations. Takozh dan hvorobu likuyut і in Switzerland and Japan, and there is a price of 2-3 times for ispany. Mihche clarified the activities of the nutrition in the neuroscientist, a kind of weathering the opera of our sina and the vibrations of the very child gospital of Barcelona. Managers of the international summit reserved us a hotel for 100 metrivas in the room, and we poured a handful of them into the bowl. In klіnіtsі є perekladach, yak ynіyo not lishe rosіysku, ale i ukrains'ku movu, they did not attach any discomfort to the overstudied ones. All the staff are aware of English language, so we'll porozumіtis naveіt іz to our pochatkim anglіyskim рівнем моб було зі всіма without problems. The klіnіka itself cope with the positive positiveness of the enemy, the grandeur of the spacious spaces on top, de bagato tsikavih atraktsiy for children, ї їdalnya, de є inexpensive complex menu, bagano automativ, de mozhno kupiti riznomannіt producti na na. chambers for all the rest of the word, with a shower, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a bathrobe, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, staff yak I vzhe pisav znaye anglіysku, okrіm іспанської. Order із клінікою є навчальний корпус вищого медичного закладу. В клініці працюють найкраюі дитячі лікарі Іppanії, крім цього кожен із they are engaged in science and і викладацькою діяльністю. Shcho before the self-operation, the won passed without restraint, as it is perebuvannya in reanimatsii and in the chamber. Navrіt і not vіdchuvalos, scho ti perebuvaesh in lіkarnі, staff привітний і зажди радісний, in the chamber they cleaned the skin day, so that they themselves і змінювали postільну білизну на ліжку. I vdyachny medical coordinator Svitlan Kalinichenko and the site Bookimed for those who have denounced Dan Kliniku for likuvannya my sina. Alya likuvannya is not completed, through pivrock planned another stage of the operation in the club room. By his dopis I want to deprive me of pidkresliti, scho Gospital Sant Joan de Deu - well, good clienicism and yakshchoo vie priymete rishennya about likuvannya in gnomu, vee not pardon. And the Bookimed site can be 100% up!

Юрий • Moyamoya disease Ukraine Nov 7, 2018

Verified review.
"To my son, I was shocked by my friend's operation on the vessels of the brain
Tse our other vіzit in qiu klіnіku. All on vivomu rivnі. To my son, I was shocked by my friend's operation on the vessels of the brain. The operation went without acceleration. The operatives translated the sina into the new reanimacine viddlennya, one from the most in Europe. Yogo bulo vіdkrito liche y Chervni 2018 rock. Doba perebuvannya in reanіmatsії і mi vzhe boules in chambers. All lіkari that medical staff - great professional. In lіkarnі є perekladach from Ukraine, the one that you felt here, yak in the house. Okrem Podyaka website Bookimed that our medical coordinator Sv_tlanі Kalіnіchenko for nadanu help in the compilation of the klіnіki that postіnu pidtrimku yak і in Ukraine, і in Іспанії.

Moyamoya disease Treatment Overview in Spain

How it works
What to expect
Pros & Cons
Bookimed fees - $0
Doctors - 1
Clinics - 3
How to find best solution with Bookimed?
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How to Secure an Appointment:
  1. Documents: Passport and ticket copies.
  2. or
  3. Deposit:
    • Bookimed deposit: $200 or €200.
    • Clinic deposit: Pay a set percentage in advance.
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Step-by-Step Roadmap


  • Reach the country and check in the hotel or clinic.
  • Complete necessary paperwork for medical procedures.
  • Preparation for diagnostic procedures.


  • Cerebral angiography to visualize blood vessels.
  • MRI scans to detect blood flow changes.
  • CT scans to identify damaged areas.

Treatment plan development

  • Discuss diagnostic results with health professionals.
  • Develop a personalized treatment plan.
  • Prepare for the treatment.


  • Undergo bypass surgery under general anesthesia.
  • Procedure lasts approximately 3-6 hours.
  • Treatment purpose: to restore blood flow.


  • Monitoring in post-operative care.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments.
  • Assess treatment effectiveness.


  • Physical therapy to regain strength.
  • Speech therapy if needed.
  • Regular exercise to maintain health.

Only a healthcare professional can determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. This is an individual process that may also include additional diagnostic options like transcranial Doppler ultrasound or treatments like angioplasty, depending on the patient"s condition.

What patients like

  1. Moyamoya disease treatment efficacy. Spain offers innovative treatments like indirect revascularization surgery, which has shown promising results.
  2. Doctor’s professionalism. Spanish neurosurgeons are globally recognized for their expertise in treating Moyamoya disease. They often hold memberships in prestigious organizations like the European Association of Neurological Societies.
  3. Cost. The Moyamoya disease treatment cost in Spain ranges from $0 to $0. Compared to other countries like the United States, where the cost is about $50,000, Spain offers a more cost-effective option.
  4. Service level. Spain is renowned for its high-quality healthcare services. Patients appreciate the attentive and personalized care they receive.
  5. Logistics. Spain's location in Europe and well-connected transport system makes it easily accessible for patients from around the globe.

What patients don’t like

  1. Language barrier. Although many Spanish healthcare professionals are multilingual, language can still pose a challenge.
  2. Waiting time. Spain's healthcare system is known for its efficiency, but due to the complex nature of Moyamoya disease, there can be waiting times for treatment.
  3. Additional costs. Some patients have noted that additional costs, such as accommodation and travel expenses, can accumulate and make treatment in Spain more expensive.
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Best Moyamoya disease Treatment Centers in Spain: 3 Verified Options and Prices
Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 4 reviews to pick the right Moyamoya disease clinic for you.
SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital
Spain, Barcelona
• 41 reviews

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital (Spain) treats patients from infancy to 18 years old. It is among the top three medical institutions in Europe and a leading center for pediatric oncology. The hospital has a dedicated Laboratory for Molecular Medicine, where innovative treatment methods are developed.

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Bookimed Award: Best pediatric hospital certificate for SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital
World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2022 by Newsweek certificate for SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital
Юрий • Jun 26, 2018
In my sina, the shower is riddled with sunk, my swine is mine. Potrybna bula operation on the sudina of the brain. In the Ukraine so opera malim dityam did not roach, they were clapping at the cordon behind the cordon. Oskilki hvoroba duzhe rіdkіsna, then і for the cordon we takozh vidmovlyali. They used to clique all the way through the zodiac and through the mediators. At the same time zvernuvsya to the site Bookimed із pityom sho to lіkuvannya dannoї hvorobi. The mediator coordinator Svitlana Kalinichenko challenged the children's state book Sant Joan de Deu at Barcelona, ​​de robe so opera. The spell of a bullet of nedovir up to one's own, adzhe vzhe tikavsya іz medikimnymi mediators, yakі took kosti for consultation with specialists, ali ti consultant and not boo. Prote Svitlana literally from the very back of the spivka showed that she had won a victory over the good manners. At all, I registered the one-time, i nigolovnishe, sho-i-i-pochav dovriyati. In інтернеті знайшов інформацію about дану клініку і pobachiv, scho there is a great dosvіd in лікування хвороби my-mine, neyrohirurgy from 1997 goku vzhe carried out so operatsii. And in our vibory headache, tse dosvid likariv in such operations. Takozh dan hvorobu likuyut і in Switzerland and Japan, and there is a price of 2-3 times for ispany. Mihche clarified the activities of the nutrition in the neuroscientist, a kind of weathering the opera of our sina and the vibrations of the very child gospital of Barcelona. Managers of the international summit reserved us a hotel for 100 metrivas in the room, and we poured a handful of them into the bowl. In klіnіtsі є perekladach, yak ynіyo not lishe rosіysku, ale i ukrains'ku movu, they did not attach any discomfort to the overstudied ones. All the staff are aware of English language, so we'll porozumіtis naveіt іz to our pochatkim anglіyskim рівнем моб було зі всіма without problems. The klіnіka itself cope with the positive positiveness of the enemy, the grandeur of the spacious spaces on top, de bagato tsikavih atraktsiy for children, ї їdalnya, de є inexpensive complex menu, bagano automativ, de mozhno kupiti riznomannіt producti na na. chambers for all the rest of the word, with a shower, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a bathrobe, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, staff yak I vzhe pisav znaye anglіysku, okrіm іспанської. Order із клінікою є навчальний корпус вищого медичного закладу. В клініці працюють найкраюі дитячі лікарі Іppanії, крім цього кожен із they are engaged in science and і викладацькою діяльністю. Shcho before the self-operation, the won passed without restraint, as it is perebuvannya in reanimatsii and in the chamber. Navrіt і not vіdchuvalos, scho ti perebuvaesh in lіkarnі, staff привітний і зажди радісний, in the chamber they cleaned the skin day, so that they themselves і змінювали postільну білизну на ліжку. I vdyachny medical coordinator Svitlan Kalinichenko and the site Bookimed for those who have denounced Dan Kliniku for likuvannya my sina. Alya likuvannya is not completed, through pivrock planned another stage of the operation in the club room. By his dopis I want to deprive me of pidkresliti, scho Gospital Sant Joan de Deu - well, good clienicism and yakshchoo vie priymete rishennya about likuvannya in gnomu, vee not pardon. And the Bookimed site can be 100% up!
41 reviews
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HM Hospitales
Spain, Madrid
• 16 reviews

HM Hospitales is a group of 7 medical centers in Madrid which provide medical services in all specialties. Includes 4 comprehensive centers for oncology treatment, neurosciences, cardiovascular surgery, and .

In 2018, was awarded by the Spanish Society of Health Informatics (SEIS) for revolutionized patient care and significant technological solutions in the healthcare sector.

Annually the HM medical team serves around 75K inpatients and 2.3M outpatients.

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European Foundation for Quality Management certificate for HM Hospitales
TÜV AG Сompany Research & Investing Certificate certificate for HM Hospitales
World's Best Hospitals 2021 by Newsweek certificate for HM Hospitales
Айжан • Oct 19, 2018
I want to thank
16 reviews
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Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro

Hospital HM Sanchinarro is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Madrid, Spain. The clinic's team specializes in neurosurgery, oncology, urology, and surgery. Hospital HM Sanchinarro serves only adults. 400,000 patients choose Hospital HM Sanchinarro to get medical care every year. They are mainly patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Arab League States, and Russian-speaking countries.



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European Foundation for Quality Management certificate for Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD CERT certificate for Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro
upon request
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We're rated “Excellent” on TrustPilot
At Bookimed, we put your health first with safe and easy solutions. Our quality care is proven by excellent reviews from patients.
reviews 567 • Excellent

Get a Medical Assessment for Moyamoya disease Treatment in Spain: Consult with 1 Experienced Doctor Now

Gerardo Conesa Bertran
Spain, Barcelona
Gerardo Conesa Bertran
40 years of experience


European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
Centro Médico Teknon
  • Specializes in Moyamoya disease treatment.
  • Expertise in revascularization surgeries, direct and indirect bypass.
  • Practices cerebral angioplasty and stenting for Moyamoya.
  • Conducts medical management including antiplatelet therapy.
  • Trained internationally in USA (Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, Seattle) and France (Toulouse).
  • Engages in online consultations for patients with Moyamoya disease.
  • Speaks English, Spanish, and possibly other languages (not specified).
Read more
Updated: 11/7/2018
The content accuracy and quality have been checked by Bookimed Medical Advisory Board
This page may feature information relating to various medical conditions, treatments, and healthcare services available in different countries. Please be advised that the content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or guidance. Please consult with your doctor or a qualified medical professional before starting or changing medical treatment.

4 Recent Moyamoya disease Treatment Reviews in Spain: Check Real Patient Experience

All reviews are checked by Bookimed team to ensure they are real. Clinics or doctors cannot add, edit, or delete reviews.

Bookimed editorial policy

Bookimed, a leading global medical tourism platform, is committed to helping clients looking for Moyamoya disease treatment by offering expert assistance and trustworthy medical solutions for every situation. Smart automatic ranking system is used to compose transparent clinic listings, meticulously maintained by a data scientist using AI for accuracy. The platform guarantees authenticity by publishing reviews from real patients after their treatments. Bookimed offers comprehensive medical solutions, with updates from clinics to ensure trustworthiness. The content about Moyamoya disease treatment, crafted by experienced medical authors and reviewed by specialists, adheres to Bookimed"s Editorial Guidelines, reflecting the platform"s commitment to delivering high-quality and clear health information. For more details or inquiries, feel free to contact us at or learn more about us and our mission here.

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