MosDent Dental Hospital is a specialized medical facility based in Istanbul, Turkey. The local team has over 25 years of experience and provides treatment in orthodontics, endodontics, prosthetics, pedodontics, periodontology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, Smile Design, and aesthetic dentistry.
Başkent University Healthcare Group is a multi-specialty facility based in Turkey. The founder of the hospitals is Prof. Dr. Mehmet Haberal, the first doctor in Turkey performed kidney transplantation from living donor and first adult segmental living related liver transplantation in the world. Dr. Haberal is the founder and president of the Turkish Transplantation Society.
The success rates of transplantations in Başkent University are 90%.
Istanbul Hair Institute is a hair transplant and hair treatments clinic in Istanbul, Turkey. In the clinic, all of the transplant operations have been performed and supervised by Dr. Handan Yavuz, the leading doctor of the clinic.
Tuzla İçme and Thermal Springs have been providing healing to people since the 12th century Byzantine period and offering natural treatments, traditional thermal spa and detox cure.
Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital is a specialized medical facility for treatments of ophthalmological conditions located in Istanbul. The hospital belongs to the Eye Protection Foundation founded in 1984. As of now, the hospital's team provides an average of 125,000 examinations, 6,500 surgeries, 29,000 various tests and interventions annually.
Dentavita Dental Clinic is a dedicated dental facility based in Turkey. The clinic offers services in Cad-cam Dentistry, Aesthetic Dentistry, Implantology, Maxillofacial Surgery, Pedodontics, Orthodontics. The high quality of treatments is proven by ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate.