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Metabolik Cerrahi is one of the best clinics in the field of metabolic surgery. It is headed by the famous surgeon Alper Celik. The Рospital is situated in the European part of Istanbul, 30 minutes from the International Atatürk Airport. Thus, its location is very convenient for transfer. For last 6 years Metabolik Cerrahi practices treatment of type 2 diabetes through standard as well as newly developed metabolic surgeries. Innovative operations (Ileal Interposition и Transit Bipartition) are especially effective for 2 type achrestic diabetes. Such techniques are used only by several hospitals in the world. More than 4,000 patients have undergone their treatment at Metabolik Cerrahi. 92% of them have successfully got rid of diabetes, overweight and hypertention (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, sleep apnea (breathing disorder) and other metabolic problems.