Vadim Neyasov
Addiction specialist
25 years of experience
Medlux Psychological Care and Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Dr. Vadim Neyasov is an addiction specialist, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, psychodrama therapist with over 20 years of experience. Expert in psychodiagnostic, neurotic disorders, and addiction treatment.
Doctor’s Specialty
Dr. Neyasov applies the following techniques:
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
holotropic breathwork
emotional stress management
Ericksonian hypnotherapy (or indirect, metaphorical hypnosis)
gestalt therapy
existential therapy, etc.
Working as an addiction recovery specialist, Dr. Neyasov applies the following concepts:
transactional analysis
transpersonal psychology, etc.
2000 — Prehospital Emergency Medicine Training, the American International Health Alliance (AIHA)
2006 — New Code NLP training
2007 — the Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation training
2010 — Rebirthing Breathwork training
2011 — Emotional Leadership Development, Solutions, and Prospects training
2012 — Group Dynamics Training Course
Since 2012 — Postgraduate Psychodrama Training at the Psychodrama Institute for Europe.
Work experience
2000-2005 — Kyiv City Narcological Hospital "Sociotherapy" — an addiction specialist
2000-2005 — Kyiv city ambulance — a mobile team doctor.
2005-2008 — Boris Clinic — a mobile team doctor, addiction specialist
2008-2012 — ATOS Clinic in Kyiv — chief physician, addiction specialist, psychotherapist
2012-2015 — Adonis Clinic — head of the Addiction Therapy Department, addiction specialist, psychotherapist
Since 2015 — Maximum-Med Medical Center — head of the Addiction Therapy Department, addiction specialist, psychotherapist
Since 2015 — Medlux Psychological Care and Substance Abuse Treatment Center — head of the Addiction Therapy Department, addiction specialist, psychotherapist
Since 2017 — Profi-Detox Addiction Center, chief physician.