Alexander Zavoloka
26 years of experience
Patlazhan Clinic
Dr. Alexander Zavoloka is a highly qualified, one of the leading plastic surgeons in Ukraine with 31 years of medical experience and 21 years of surgical experience. He is head of the Patlazhan Clinic and the Patlazhan School of Plastic Surgery, a full member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and a co-founder of the Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Ukraine. His achievements include:
Accumulated vast experience in carrying out the most complex types of plastic surgery
Performed more than 8,000 successful operations in all areas of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery
Took part in 67 scientific forums in 29 countries
Organizer of 17 international master classes with live surgery in rhinoplasty, mammoplasty and facial rejuvenation
Seven copyright certificates for inventions in the field of rhinoplasty, mammoplasty and lipofilling
Organizer of the first international master class with live surgery on two tables in parallel
The only Speaker from Ukraine at the 23rd Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons in Japan
Organizer of the first live surgery webinar on plastic surgery in Ukraine
Vice President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
The only Faculty Speaker at the largest Congress plastic surgeons in the World ISAPS-Miami-2018 from Ukraine
Research interests include plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery
Works in the field of surgical treatment of complications of breast correction performed using injections of polyacrylamide gel (polyacrylamide mammary syndrome) are published in the leading scientific journals
Defended his thesis on “Surgical treatment of complications of breast correction carried out with the help of polyacrylamide gel injections” and was awarded the degree of candidate of medical sciences and more