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Best Clinics and Costs for Cardiology in 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Clinics and Costs for Cardiology in 2025
Best Cardiology Clinics: 489 Verified Options and Prices
Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 73 reviews to pick the right Cardiology clinic for you.
Spain, Madrid
40% patients recommend

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Quirónsalud Madrid is the top clinic in Spain and Europe, the largest among Quirónsalud centers by the annual number of patients served.

Specialization ― oncology, neurosurgery, heart surgery, plastic surgery, and .

Quiron Madrid research team carries out studies in the treatment of cancer and neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's diseases). There is an opportunity to be treated for free as a participant in clinical trials in case of meeting requirements.

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The doctor (Madero) didn’t even respond to our greetings when we entered his office. He didn’t even read correctly the medical report. He didn’t explained anything. He was doing things in a rush as if we didn’t have an appointment with him. He even left us in his office and went away. We were so frustrated after the consultation. Coming from Cameroon for this, was so disappointed.
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— Charlene
Spain, May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022 • Verified review.
MRI of the chest $728.22
Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels $400.95
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Ukraine, Kyiv
50% patients recommend

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The Cell Therapy Center EmCell, located in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the world’s first center specializing in fetal stem cell therapy. The center uses this innovative approach to treat a wide range of conditions, including cardiology, endocrinology, diabetes, rheumatology, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.

cell therapy is also employed to address neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as muscular dystrophies, spinal cord injuries, strokes, and autoimmune conditions.

In addition, EmCell applies stem cell technology in wellness treatments for men and women, focusing on rejuvenation and aesthetic procedures. Every year, around 600 patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, the Arab League States, the USA, Canada, and Australia visit the clinic to benefit from these advanced therapies. The center provides care for both adults and children.

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— Аnna
Germany, May 17, 2024
May 17, 2024 • Verified review.
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Austria, Vienna
50% patients recommend

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A multi-stage system of medical care functionate in Private Clinic Josefstadt  that  provide the most effective and comfortable for the patient process of treatment.

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I was not in the hospital. I asked just a second opinion. I was very disappointed, because I was working a lot to translate all the documentation into English, and finally I was discussing with doctor only 10 minutes, and the level of the discussion was very poor. Practically I did not get anything for 400 EUR.

Reply from Professor Johaness Drach:
Second opinion is given on the basis of a thorough analyses of provided medical reports. The procedure lasts as long until all questions of the patient have been clarified. If necessary specialists of other disciplines are also involved. The patient always receive a written statement.
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— Sosna Franciszek
Hungary, Jun 18, 2018
Jun 18, 2018 • Verified review.
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Turkey, Istanbul
92% patients recommend

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Grand Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The strongest specialties are hair transplantation, aesthetic and plastic surgery, medical aesthetics, dental aesthetics and bariatric surgery.

Grand Clinic is a clinic that draws on the academic knowledge and experience of Turkey and provides diagnostic and treatment services in the departments of general hospitals with the help of its experienced medical staff.

Grand Clinic doctors believe that looking great and feeling great are one and the same, so they take a holistic approach to everything they do.

The clinic employs experienced specialists and medical and administrative staff who accompany patients throughout the medical journey, as well as help with travel planning, hotel reservations and transfers.

Grand Clinic knows that guaranteeing patients the safety of procedures, ensuring the quality of procedures and satisfaction with the work of doctors is very important, therefore the clinic staff strives for true honesty, transparency and decency.

Grand Clinic serves only adults. 450 patients choose Grand Clinic to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe, Latin America and the USA visit the clinic most often.

ECG $22 - $44
CT (computer tomography) $547 - $766
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Turkey, Alanya
100% patients recommend

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Vein Clinic Alanya is a private phlebology medical center located in Alanya, Turkey. According to the clinic’s data, the success rate for varicosity treatment is 99.9%. Such technologies for non-invasive varicosis treatments are applied: endovenous thermal ablation- radiofrequency, sclerotherapy treatment in reticular varicosis and spider veins, cosmetic procedures of telangiectasias, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy for accessory veins or small perforators, etc. Vein Clinic Alanya serves only adults. Patients from Europe, Arab League States, and CIS visit the clinic most often.

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— Oleh
Ukraine, Mar 25, 2024
Mar 25, 2024 • Verified review.
Endovenous radiofrequence ablation (EVRF) $1000 - $4000
Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels $100 - $300
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Mexico, Cancún
100% patients recommend

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Giostar Cell Therapy | Cancun Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center in Cancún, Mexico, specializing in stem cell therapy, aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, and longevity health. The clinic provides care for both adults and children, with over 5,000 patients seeking treatment annually.

The clinic is a preferred destination for patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, the USA, Canada, and Australia, offering advanced medical services tailored to their needs.

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I love this place. Bookimed direct me to the correct hospital and I’m on recovery period now. I’m very much satisfied with this treatment.pain free treatment and worthy for my money and time. Hope my Spine cerebral ataxia will reverse from this cell transplant treatment from GIOSTAR Mexico.. Thank you again to Bookimed company and GIOSTAR hospital staff s.
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— Vijaya
Canada, Mar 21, 2024
Mar 21, 2024 • Verified review.
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Spain, Barcelona
97% patients recommend

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SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital (Spain) treats patients from infancy to 18 years old. It is among the top three medical institutions in Europe and a leading center for pediatric oncology. The hospital has a dedicated Laboratory for Molecular Medicine, where innovative treatment methods are developed.

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In my sina, the shower is riddled with sunk, my swine is mine. Potrybna bula operation on the sudina of the brain. In the Ukraine so opera malim dityam did not roach, they were clapping at the cordon behind the cordon. Oskilki hvoroba duzhe rіdkіsna, then і for the cordon we takozh vidmovlyali. They used to clique all the way through the zodiac and through the mediators. At the same time zvernuvsya to the site Bookimed із pityom sho to lіkuvannya dannoї hvorobi. The mediator coordinator Svitlana Kalinichenko challenged the children's state book Sant Joan de Deu at Barcelona, ​​de robe so opera. The spell of a bullet of nedovir up to one's own, adzhe vzhe tikavsya іz medikimnymi mediators, yakі took kosti for consultation with specialists, ali ti consultant and not boo. Prote Svitlana literally from the very back of the spivka showed that she had won a victory over the good manners. At all, I registered the one-time, i nigolovnishe, sho-i-i-pochav dovriyati. In інтернеті знайшов інформацію about дану клініку і pobachiv, scho there is a great dosvіd in лікування хвороби my-mine, neyrohirurgy from 1997 goku vzhe carried out so operatsii. And in our vibory headache, tse dosvid likariv in such operations. Takozh dan hvorobu likuyut і in Switzerland and Japan, and there is a price of 2-3 times for ispany. Mihche clarified the activities of the nutrition in the neuroscientist, a kind of weathering the opera of our sina and the vibrations of the very child gospital of Barcelona. Managers of the international summit reserved us a hotel for 100 metrivas in the room, and we poured a handful of them into the bowl. In klіnіtsі є perekladach, yak ynіyo not lishe rosіysku, ale i ukrains'ku movu, they did not attach any discomfort to the overstudied ones. All the staff are aware of English language, so we'll porozumіtis naveіt іz to our pochatkim anglіyskim рівнем моб було зі всіма without problems. The klіnіka itself cope with the positive positiveness of the enemy, the grandeur of the spacious spaces on top, de bagato tsikavih atraktsiy for children, ї їdalnya, de є inexpensive complex menu, bagano automativ, de mozhno kupiti riznomannіt producti na na. chambers for all the rest of the word, with a shower, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a bathrobe, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, staff yak I vzhe pisav znaye anglіysku, okrіm іспанської. Order із клінікою є навчальний корпус вищого медичного закладу. В клініці працюють найкраюі дитячі лікарі Іppanії, крім цього кожен із they are engaged in science and і викладацькою діяльністю. Shcho before the self-operation, the won passed without restraint, as it is perebuvannya in reanimatsii and in the chamber. Navrіt і not vіdchuvalos, scho ti perebuvaesh in lіkarnі, staff привітний і зажди радісний, in the chamber they cleaned the skin day, so that they themselves і змінювали postільну білизну на ліжку. I vdyachny medical coordinator Svitlan Kalinichenko and the site Bookimed for those who have denounced Dan Kliniku for likuvannya my sina. Alya likuvannya is not completed, through pivrock planned another stage of the operation in the club room. By his dopis I want to deprive me of pidkresliti, scho Gospital Sant Joan de Deu - well, good clienicism and yakshchoo vie priymete rishennya about likuvannya in gnomu, vee not pardon. And the Bookimed site can be 100% up!
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— Юрий
Ukraine, Jun 26, 2018
Jun 26, 2018 • Verified review.
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Ukraine, Kyiv
100% patients recommend

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Impuls Medical Center is two multidisciplinary clinics in Kyiv, Ukraine, one of which operates on the principle of a polyclinic. The main directions of the center are emergency care (home ambulance call), diagnostics, therapy, neurology, cardiology, and rehabilitation (after stroke, trauma, surgery), as well as soothing care (supportive treatment). Reception is conducted by experienced specialized doctors — their experience is at least 15 years.

The clinic has the necessary equipment, including resuscitation equipment — each intensive care ward has oxygen supply points and ventilators. Each clinic has its own laboratory, so patients promptly receive the results of tests and examinations. Also they have its own high-powered diesel generator of electricity. Based at the clinic center, patients can undergo a medical check-up or comprehensive health examination.

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The staff is very polite and attentive. My request for a consultation with a gastroenterologist was satisfied promptly - immediately on the second day of my arrival at the clinic. Sessions with specialists (with physiotherapist and occupational therapist) for 2 hours a day are very useful, as even in Latvia, where I used to be in rehabilitation, a session lasted only 0.5 hours. I wish your clinic further success in rehabilitating patients. I am very satisfied! Thank you!
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— Rafaєnko Sergіi Dmitrovich
Ukraine, May 12, 2024
May 12, 2024 • Verified review.
ECG $6 - $12
Consultation with a cardiologist $22
Coagulogram $12
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Spain, Madrid
92% patients recommend

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Olympia, part of Quirónsalud Group, is a unique project in Spain that combines the essence of Quirónsalud and its person-centred care with a focus on new health trends and preserving physical, mental and emotional health. 

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