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Best Clinics and Costs for Neurology in 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Clinics and Costs for Neurology in 2025
Best Neurology Clinics: 519 Verified Options and Prices
Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 580 reviews to pick the right Neurology clinic for you.
China, Beijing
92% patients recommend

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Yanda International Hospital is a large multidisciplinary medical institution that combines proven international protocols and traditional Chinese approaches. The hospital is equipped with more than 28,500 modern technologies for effective treatment.

The hospital team has been providing medical care in the areas of neurology, rheumatology and rehabilitation, etc. for 8 years. Every year, the clinic receives about 2,500,000 people.

Janda Hospital is accredited by JCI, which guarantees the high quality of medical services and services for international patients. It belongs to Class A level III clinics, which is the highest level in China.

The medical center only accepts adults. Most of the clinic's patients are residents of such regions: Russian-speaking and Arabic-speaking countries and Asian countries.

Multiple sclerosis rehabilitation $15000 - $25000
MRI of one area $100 - $200
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Germany, Solingen
93% patients recommend

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The Neurology Department in Solingen Clinic specializes in treatment of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles diseases. Here, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, dementia are being treated.

Electroencephalography, dopplerography, duplex sonography are applied as diagnostics methods.

There is also a consultation for neurological rehabilitation of patients.

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There was an operation on the soft palate and a gastrocheck. The professor surgeon, a conscientious and attentive person, did an excellent job. There would be more such specialists. I have questions for the accompanying Russian office, nurses and ultrasound doctor: 1) The catheter was installed only the fourth time, and as a result, I now have a damaged vein in my arm that can no longer be restored 2) the ultrasound doctor found two cysts in the thyroid, 1.2 cm each , although this had never happened before, upon arrival home I did a double check, the cysts turned out to be 1.2 mm each, perhaps in the conclusion the comma was placed in the wrong place, or the fact that the doctor was very young 3) support and organization for 3, they took payment for a separate fee, but except for me there was also a man. They promised to recalculate, but they never did, after 3 months. Then I sent photographs to show them to the professor to make sure that everything was ok with the larynx, I first checked whether it was possible to send them. I've been waiting two weeks for an answer, and now they're completely ignoring me. The impression is that after receiving payment, attention and interest in the patient ends.
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— Игорь
Czech Republic, Jun 9, 2023
Jun 9, 2023 • Verified review.
Spine X-ray $108.37
OCT (Optical coherence tomography) $108.37
Electromyography $108.37
Ultrasound $325.1 - $541.83
Brain MRI with contrast $1625.48
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Czech Republic, Prague
92% patients recommend

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Diagnostic Centre in Prague is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Prague, Czech Republic. The strongest specialties are cardiology, neurology, obstetrics & gynecology, and diagnostics. The team offers a wide spectrum of medical examinations for adults and children. The Altoa International Department of Diagnostic Centre in Prague welcomes patients from Europe, Arab League States, and the USA. Diagnostic Centre in Prague provides only medical consultations.

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— Tamara Zarchenko
Bulgaria, Dec 7, 2023
Dec 7, 2023 • Verified review.
MRI of one area $540 - $2150
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Czech Republic, Prague
100% patients recommend

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Beroun Rehabilitation Hospital is a newly constructed, state-of-the-art facility in Beroun, Czech Republic. Conveniently located, it is only a 20-minute drive from Prague International Airport.

The rehabilitation center stands out for its hotel-quality accommodation, extensive range of procedures, comprehensive medical specializations under one roof, daily treatment, personal coordinators, diverse meal options, and private transportation services.


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I was very satisfy with your reaction , asa well as reaction of Miss. Aneta Obtulovičova from Altoa Cz. Thank you and , Kind regards, Petar Martinovic
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— Petar
Czech Republic, Jan 15, 2023
Jan 15, 2023 • Verified review.
Multiple sclerosis rehabilitation $650 - $800
Gross Therapy $650 - $800
Rehabilitation with space suit TheraSuit $650 - $800
Occupational therapy $650 - $800
Rehabilitation with "Lokomat" $650 - $800
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Austria, Vienna
75% patients recommend

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Neurology Department of the Döbling Hospital (Austria) specializes in the treatment of the nervous system, muscles, and sleep disorders. It is used to treat strokes, epilepsy, dizziness.

Electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), electroneurography (ENG) and methods for visualization (MRI or CT) are used for diagnosis. These technologies detect pathologies of the brain activity, nervous system, and muscles.

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I'm 32 years. Left-sided coxarthrosis. I was looking for options for superficial endoprosthetics. I turned to bookimed and I was offered a clinic in Austria. The operation was estimated at about 30-32 thousand euros, but since the technique is innovative (ceramic surface prosthesis for young patients), I agreed. Before that, I several times discussed what kind of operation we are talking about with the contact person from bookimed (Roman) and the doctor. Upon arrival in Austria, Roman met me. A very pleasant and caring person, I am very grateful to him for his help and a warm welcome. The next day after arriving in the morning, I ended up in the clinic. I went through all the necessary tests, and they brought me 2 contracts for signing, 1 from an anesthesiologist, the second for prosthetics. I noticed that the contract for Hip Replacement (replacement of the hip joint), and I was going to the Hip Resurfacing procedure and I had doubts. Two nurses forced me to sign a contract, but without communicating with the doctor, I refused. After Dr. Stefan Malkowitz came, I started a conversation with him about the procedure, as it turned out the doctor deceived me and wanted to do a regular total arthroplasty. He skillfully tried to manipulate on the patient's weaknesses (you will quickly recover, you will not have any pain, etc.) in every possible way, avoiding a direct answer about the prosthesis. As a result, it turned out that he did not do such a procedure (Hip Resurfacing) and began to move out, that he did not understand me. In fact, he was given all the information about the procedure that I wanted to do, the doctor apparently thought he could do it. In fact, I spent 2 days of which 11 hours spent on the road. A bunch of stress and pain nerves in the leg. From here I learned several lessons: 1. Read the contracts that are slipped to you for signature. 2. Discuss all the details several times before the trip. 3. In Europe, people are deceived in the same way as elsewhere
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— Anonymous
Ukraine, Feb 14, 2021
Feb 14, 2021 • Verified review.
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Thailand, Bangkok
100% patients recommend

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Intrarat Hospital, located at Ramintra KM 9 in Bangkok, Thailand, is certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard, ensuring high-quality management and consistent patient care. The hospital offers services across 15 departments, including orthopedics, internal medicine, cardiology, and pediatrics. With a team of experienced professionals and modern technology, Intrarat Hospital provides rapid and accurate diagnoses while prioritizing compassionate, holistic care for every patient.

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— Anonymous
Turkmenistan, Feb 21, 2025
Feb 21, 2025 • Verified review.
Ultrasound $13500
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Azerbaijan, Baku
100% patients recommend

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Melhem International Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center in Baku, Azerbaijan. The team is dedicated to neurosurgery, cardiology, and pediatric neurosurgery. It is the first center to perform Parkinson's surgery in Azerbaijan.

Dr. Teyyub Hasanov, educated in Turkey, has successfully performed pediatric and adult brain tumor surgeries, as well as the first Parkinson's surgery in Azerbaijan. At Melhem International Hospital, Dr. Hasanov performed Parkinson's surgery on the famous actor Allahverdi Yolcuyev. 

The hospital serves both adults and children. Every year, 200,000 patients choose Melhem International Hospital for medical care. Patients from the Balkans, Arab League States, and the CIS visit the clinic most often.

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— Дарья
Azerbaijan, Nov 29, 2024
Nov 29, 2024 • Verified review.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery $23000 - $25000
Spinal cord stimulator (SCS) $23000 - $25000
Stereotaxic surgeries $3000 - $5000
Vagus nerve stimulation $23000 - $25000
MRI of one area $150 - $250
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Czech Republic, Prague
80% patients recommend

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Malvazinky Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Prague, Czech Republic. The team is dedicated to orthopedics and rehabilitation. The center shows 99 % success rates for knee replacement and hip replacement. The Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic is one of the few medical facilities providing comprehensive care, including total preoperative, surgical, and postoperative as well as rehabilitation services. Malvazinky Hospital accepts only adults. 4,000 patients choose Malvazinky Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Клиника на ул. Малвазинки была выбрана потому что: 1. Клиника специализируется именно на операциях по замене тазобедренных и коленных суставов; 2. Здесь предлагалось провести операцию малоинвазивным способом, т.е. разрез не более 10-12 см. Небольшой разрез – гарантировал максимальное сохранение тканей мышц и быстрое восстановление после операции; 3. Клиника предоставляет услуги не только по операции, но и по последующей реабилитации; 4. Предложение по стоимости было наиболее оптимальным по сравнению с предложениями других клиник. После принятия решения, началась переписка с организаторами медицинского тура. Надо отдать должное сотрудниками по связи с иностранными клиентами, они профессионально и оперативно отвечали на все вопросы, подготовили приглашение, встретили и проводили, организовали: трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт из клиники, сопровождение переводчиками на протяжении всего срока пребывания в клинике. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен! Операцию проводил доктор В. Господар. Всё прошло штатно, как и было запланировано. Разрез в районе 12 см. Однако на следующий день после операции появилась сильная боль в продольной мышце вдоль позвоночника под лопаткой с левой стороны. Она меня мучила даже больше, чем должен был беспокоить разрез. Позднее мне несколько ослабили эту боль с помощью массажа и электро-процедур, но боль всё равно давала о себе знать. Реабилитация проводилась под руководством физиотерапевтов, я посещал групповые занятия и старался больше ходить, однако после снятия швов обнаружилась гематома и, как результат, пришлось выдержать ещё одно оперативное вмешательство по её удалению. После второй операции прекратились боли под лопаткой. Правда, восстанавливаться пришлось заново, и продлить реабилитацию на одну дополнительную неделю. Медицинский персонал клиники был очень приветлив и внимателен, что позволило мне чувствовать себя не как в клинике, а просто как в гостях у добрых, давно знакомых людей. Хочу ещё раз выразить свою благодарность: - медицинскому персоналу (сестричкам и мед. братьям, всем); - физиотерапевтам, особенно Martin Kazemir – он заново научил меня двигать ногой в тазобедренном суставе, а не всем тазом; - переводчикам (Айгерим (Айя), Марии и ещё Марии); - ортопеду Сергею Рыжову; - докторам В. Господару и Томашу Виммеру; - организаторам, без которых я так бы и продолжал хромать, Ольге Скатковой и Ирине Корчминской.
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— Евгений
Russian Federation, Apr 22, 2019
Apr 22, 2019 • Verified review.
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Czech Republic, Horovice
100% patients recommend

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Horovice Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Horovice, Czech Republic. The team is dedicated to aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, and plastic surgery. Horovice Hospital serves both adults and children. Patients from Europe, Arab League States , the USA, and Canada visit the clinic most often.

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From pickup to drop off, it was all so easy. Denisa, my surgery coordinator was so sweet and made me really feel at ease. The doctor was also funny yet professional. I was having labiaplasty so it was nice to smile through it all. Also my recovery was really simple. I had minor pain for maybe 1 day and then I was really moving around fine. Plus, I knew I could call on Denisa if I had any problems. I really appreciated that since I was traveling alone for my surgery. Overall, great service and pleased with my results.
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— Anonymous
United States of America, Nov 3, 2021
Nov 3, 2021 • Verified review.
Ultrasound $160 - $270
MRI of one area $540 - $2150
CT (computer tomography) $400
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