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Best Hospitals for Asthma treatment in the World 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Hospitals for Asthma treatment in the World 2025
Best Asthma Treatment Centers: 67 Verified Options and Prices
Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 7 reviews to pick the right Asthma clinic for you.
Turkey, İzmir
92% patients recommend

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Egemed Hospitals is a private healthcare provider based in Turkey with focus on bariatric surgery, obesity treatment, plastic surgery. Has 12 polyclinics to accept patients with ophthalmological, urological, cardiological, and other disorders. The local team welcomes international patients and provides 24/7 support.

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Turkey, Bursa
92% patients recommend

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Bursa Natural Clinic is a dedicated to the varicose veins treatment of varicose veins. The basic approach in the clinic is non-surgical treatment. Treatments such as ozone therapy, medical skin aesthetics, and skin renewal are also available. The clinic was founded by Dr. Yunus Keser Yılmaz, a vascular expert with more than 15 years of experience. 

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Turkey, Istanbul
92% patients recommend

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Derindere Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to orthopedics, neurology, hand surgery, and weight loss surgery. Derindere Hospital serves both adults and children. Over 106,300 patients choose Derindere Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Ukraine, Kyiv
92% patients recommend

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Dobrobot is a network of private multispecialty clinics in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Medical centers specialize in 75 branches. The main ones are oncology, cardiac surgery, endovascular surgery, plastic surgery, orthopedics and traumatology.

Dobrobut surgeons perform more than 11,000 operations per year.

Over 330,000 patients undergo treatment annually.

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Italy, Rome
92% patients recommend

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Located in Oblia (Sardinia), Mater Olbia Hospital is an international center of excellence, created by combining the skills and the respective experiences of Qatar Foundation Endowment and Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS in Rome.

The Mater Olbia Hospital is a preferred destination for patients from around the world, in search of top-level expertise, cutting-edge technology and modern and luxurious premises.

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Georgia, Tbilisi
92% patients recommend

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High Technology Medical Center University Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center in Tbilisi, Georgia. The clinic specializes in neurosurgery, pediatrics, medical check-ups, and longevity health. It provides care for both adults and children. Patients from CIS countries, Europe, and Arab League states frequently visit the clinic.

The clinic offers pluripotent stem cell therapy for various conditions following German protocols.

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Spain, Barcelona
97% patients recommend

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  • Ranked among the Top-5 medical institutions in Europe, with recognition as the best pediatric hospital by Bookimed and Newsweek.
  • Accredited by the National Board of Health in Spain and part of the National Association of Children’s Hospitals.
  • Specializes in comprehensive pediatric care, accepting patients from infancy to 21 years old.
  • Innovative research in respiratory diseases, including asthma, through dedicated laboratories for molecular medicine.
  • Offers minimally invasive procedures like thoracoscopy and laser surgical systems for asthma-related surgeries.
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In my sina, the shower is riddled with sunk, my swine is mine. Potrybna bula operation on the sudina of the brain. In the Ukraine so opera malim dityam did not roach, they were clapping at the cordon behind the cordon. Oskilki hvoroba duzhe rіdkіsna, then і for the cordon we takozh vidmovlyali. They used to clique all the way through the zodiac and through the mediators. At the same time zvernuvsya to the site Bookimed із pityom sho to lіkuvannya dannoї hvorobi. The mediator coordinator Svitlana Kalinichenko challenged the children's state book Sant Joan de Deu at Barcelona, ​​de robe so opera. The spell of a bullet of nedovir up to one's own, adzhe vzhe tikavsya іz medikimnymi mediators, yakі took kosti for consultation with specialists, ali ti consultant and not boo. Prote Svitlana literally from the very back of the spivka showed that she had won a victory over the good manners. At all, I registered the one-time, i nigolovnishe, sho-i-i-pochav dovriyati. In інтернеті знайшов інформацію about дану клініку і pobachiv, scho there is a great dosvіd in лікування хвороби my-mine, neyrohirurgy from 1997 goku vzhe carried out so operatsii. And in our vibory headache, tse dosvid likariv in such operations. Takozh dan hvorobu likuyut і in Switzerland and Japan, and there is a price of 2-3 times for ispany. Mihche clarified the activities of the nutrition in the neuroscientist, a kind of weathering the opera of our sina and the vibrations of the very child gospital of Barcelona. Managers of the international summit reserved us a hotel for 100 metrivas in the room, and we poured a handful of them into the bowl. In klіnіtsі є perekladach, yak ynіyo not lishe rosіysku, ale i ukrains'ku movu, they did not attach any discomfort to the overstudied ones. All the staff are aware of English language, so we'll porozumіtis naveіt іz to our pochatkim anglіyskim рівнем моб було зі всіма without problems. The klіnіka itself cope with the positive positiveness of the enemy, the grandeur of the spacious spaces on top, de bagato tsikavih atraktsiy for children, ї їdalnya, de є inexpensive complex menu, bagano automativ, de mozhno kupiti riznomannіt producti na na. chambers for all the rest of the word, with a shower, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a bathrobe, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, staff yak I vzhe pisav znaye anglіysku, okrіm іспанської. Order із клінікою є навчальний корпус вищого медичного закладу. В клініці працюють найкраюі дитячі лікарі Іppanії, крім цього кожен із they are engaged in science and і викладацькою діяльністю. Shcho before the self-operation, the won passed without restraint, as it is perebuvannya in reanimatsii and in the chamber. Navrіt і not vіdchuvalos, scho ti perebuvaesh in lіkarnі, staff привітний і зажди радісний, in the chamber they cleaned the skin day, so that they themselves і змінювали postільну білизну на ліжку. I vdyachny medical coordinator Svitlan Kalinichenko and the site Bookimed for those who have denounced Dan Kliniku for likuvannya my sina. Alya likuvannya is not completed, through pivrock planned another stage of the operation in the club room. By his dopis I want to deprive me of pidkresliti, scho Gospital Sant Joan de Deu - well, good clienicism and yakshchoo vie priymete rishennya about likuvannya in gnomu, vee not pardon. And the Bookimed site can be 100% up!
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— Юрий
Ukraine, Jun 26, 2018
Jun 26, 2018 • Verified review.
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