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Best ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Clinics and Costs in 2025

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.

20 Recent ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Reviews: Check Real Patient Experience

Нурлан Чормаков • Hip replacement Kazakhstan Apr 25, 2024

Verified review.
I am very satisfied with the choice of this clinic
At the Turan Turan Clinic, I had total hip replacement surgeries on both legs almost simultaneously, two days apart. The operation was categorised as complicated. From the very first days of my stay in the clinic until my discharge I was really surrounded by sincere care and attention of the doctor and medical staff and interpreter. I was placed in a very comfortable ward with everything I needed. The interpreter and assistant in the person of Eldar did not leave me a step and helped with translation, consulted, gave useful advice and literally led me by the hand to the doctors where I was examined, from the X-ray room to the anaesthesiologist before the operation. Preparation for the operation, collection of analyses, their study and consultation with doctor Kayhan Turan took little time. Everything went promptly. The surgery was performed by the head doctor Kayhan Turan himself, who has vast experience in orthopaedic surgeries. With his light hand and high level of professionalism, the two surgeries two days apart were very easy. Smith & Nephew prostheses were fitted. Both operations were performed under spinal anaesthesia, which in my case completely eliminated the unpleasant stage of coming out of anaesthesia. I was conscious during the operations. Subsequent rehabilitation took place in a hospital ward, where special medical simulators were used along with exercises to develop the joint and vessels. I am very satisfied with the choice of this clinic.
About Bookimed service
Thank you Bookimed for the quality and prompt selection of the right clinic in accordance with the quality-price criterion. I was immediately offered several real offers to choose from, constant communication gave me hope for a speedy recovery. Very attentive staff. Thank you !!!!

Dmytro • Hip replacement Spain Nov 18, 2024

Verified review.
Before and After ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Pictures
Professionalism of doctor and medical personnel
Hospitality and care about us upon arrival to Airport. Professionalism of doctor and medical personnel. Managers are daily asked about our requests and if had any , was solved immediately
About Bookimed service
Fast and professional responding

Евгений • Coxarthrosis Russian Federation Apr 22, 2019

Verified review.
Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен!
Клиника на ул. Малвазинки была выбрана потому что: 1. Клиника специализируется именно на операциях по замене тазобедренных и коленных суставов; 2. Здесь предлагалось провести операцию малоинвазивным способом, т.е. разрез не более 10-12 см. Небольшой разрез – гарантировал максимальное сохранение тканей мышц и быстрое восстановление после операции; 3. Клиника предоставляет услуги не только по операции, но и по последующей реабилитации; 4. Предложение по стоимости было наиболее оптимальным по сравнению с предложениями других клиник. После принятия решения, началась переписка с организаторами медицинского тура. Надо отдать должное сотрудниками по связи с иностранными клиентами, они профессионально и оперативно отвечали на все вопросы, подготовили приглашение, встретили и проводили, организовали: трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт из клиники, сопровождение переводчиками на протяжении всего срока пребывания в клинике. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен! Операцию проводил доктор В. Господар. Всё прошло штатно, как и было запланировано. Разрез в районе 12 см. Однако на следующий день после операции появилась сильная боль в продольной мышце вдоль позвоночника под лопаткой с левой стороны. Она меня мучила даже больше, чем должен был беспокоить разрез. Позднее мне несколько ослабили эту боль с помощью массажа и электро-процедур, но боль всё равно давала о себе знать. Реабилитация проводилась под руководством физиотерапевтов, я посещал групповые занятия и старался больше ходить, однако после снятия швов обнаружилась гематома и, как результат, пришлось выдержать ещё одно оперативное вмешательство по её удалению. После второй операции прекратились боли под лопаткой. Правда, восстанавливаться пришлось заново, и продлить реабилитацию на одну дополнительную неделю. Медицинский персонал клиники был очень приветлив и внимателен, что позволило мне чувствовать себя не как в клинике, а просто как в гостях у добрых, давно знакомых людей. Хочу ещё раз выразить свою благодарность: - медицинскому персоналу (сестричкам и мед. братьям, всем); - физиотерапевтам, особенно Martin Kazemir – он заново научил меня двигать ногой в тазобедренном суставе, а не всем тазом; - переводчикам (Айгерим (Айя), Марии и ещё Марии); - ортопеду Сергею Рыжову; - докторам В. Господару и Томашу Виммеру; - организаторам, без которых я так бы и продолжал хромать, Ольге Скатковой и Ирине Корчминской.

Наталья • Coxarthrosis Russian Federation Feb 24, 2018

Verified review.
Very disappointed clinic Malvazinka, coordinators who do not perform their work in the clinic. The attitude of the doctors wants the best. I did not have the opportunity to talk to the operating surgeon., Not after the operation, nor before. Shov who promised 12-15 cm, turned out to be 25. Recommendations after rehabilitation, were not given. Even an elementary statement was issued without translation. Although coordinators of the clinic, they promised that the translation will be sent. It turned out that it was necessary to have it on. mesteplatit.Odnim word just kommercatsiya.Ne believe advertising, we are not particularly needed, our money is needed!

Response from the team working with foreign patients of the clinic Malvazinki:
"Good afternoon, dear Natalya. We hope that you and now are all well from a medical point of view, as well as when discharging from a hospital. And after a successful operation, you will postpone the crutches in a few weeks and forget about the pain while walking. After all, it is for this that you came to us and came! Yes, to save all the muscles and tendons in your physiological case, the doctor had to make a larger incision than usual, and if you could stay on the recommended rehabilitation after the removal of the sutures - it could be leveled with the skin by a medical laser.
We are very sorry that you were left with discontent with coordination, and we could not fulfill your expectations about a personal assistant 24 hours a day. According to the rules of the clinic, concierge-interpreters visit every patient for 1-2 hours a day to translate into Russian the doctor's visit and individual physiotherapy, as indicated in the operating programs. Once again, you are sent a postoperative reminder in Russian with instructions for postoperative measures and remind you to MUST register with an orthopedist for physical control at your place of residence up to 3 days after your discharge.
The translation of the statement will be sent to you by e-mail, and we apologize for the confusion caused by the introduction of a new European standard on the protection of patients' personal data. "

Anonymous • Hip replacement Ukraine Feb 14, 2021

Verified review.
I'm 32 years. Left-sided coxarthrosis. I was looking for options for superficial endoprosthetics. I turned to bookimed and I was offered a clinic in Austria. The operation was estimated at about 30-32 thousand euros, but since the technique is innovative (ceramic surface prosthesis for young patients), I agreed. Before that, I several times discussed what kind of operation we are talking about with the contact person from bookimed (Roman) and the doctor. Upon arrival in Austria, Roman met me. A very pleasant and caring person, I am very grateful to him for his help and a warm welcome. The next day after arriving in the morning, I ended up in the clinic. I went through all the necessary tests, and they brought me 2 contracts for signing, 1 from an anesthesiologist, the second for prosthetics. I noticed that the contract for Hip Replacement (replacement of the hip joint), and I was going to the Hip Resurfacing procedure and I had doubts. Two nurses forced me to sign a contract, but without communicating with the doctor, I refused. After Dr. Stefan Malkowitz came, I started a conversation with him about the procedure, as it turned out the doctor deceived me and wanted to do a regular total arthroplasty. He skillfully tried to manipulate on the patient's weaknesses (you will quickly recover, you will not have any pain, etc.) in every possible way, avoiding a direct answer about the prosthesis. As a result, it turned out that he did not do such a procedure (Hip Resurfacing) and began to move out, that he did not understand me. In fact, he was given all the information about the procedure that I wanted to do, the doctor apparently thought he could do it. In fact, I spent 2 days of which 11 hours spent on the road. A bunch of stress and pain nerves in the leg. From here I learned several lessons: 1. Read the contracts that are slipped to you for signature. 2. Discuss all the details several times before the trip. 3. In Europe, people are deceived in the same way as elsewhere
About Bookimed service
Thanks for the help.

Anonymous • Hip replacement Kazakhstan Dec 4, 2020

Verified review.
Before and After ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Pictures Before and After ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Pictures Before and After ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Pictures
Vse super
Vse super. Minusov net. Vse na vichem urovne. Vstretili horowo. Operatsya prowlo uspewno. Teper prohodim rebilitatsyu.
About Bookimed service
Very satisfied

Kevin Hardy • Hip replacement Canada Sep 19, 2024

Verified review.
Overall, we experienced great doctor and nurse care
Overall, we experienced great doctor and nurse care wiith an unfortumate and expensive screwup in the MRI order. I would cone back if neceasary, but be more firm with what I was ordering and paying for and what I recelved.
The eyelid surgery consult, operation and after was excellent
The MRI with contrast we ordered and paid for did not happen and my wife had to order andbpay for an extra MRI with contrast- something that should've been done at the beginning

Гульчехра • Hip replacement Uzbekistan Jul 16, 2022

Verified review.
"Excellent clinic! For all 10 points
Excellent clinic! For all 10 points. After the operation (aseptic necrosis of the hip joint) I began to walk on the third day. Excellent doctors! The medical staff are all so polite! The rooms and conditions are excellent!
About Bookimed service
Yes, sure

Анна • Hip replacement Russian Federation Oct 10, 2019

Verified review.
The clinic does not correspond to the name "European clinic". This is a regular rural clinic, without proper maintenance. I performed a hip replacement surgery on her in October 2019. I was not satisfied.

Диана • Hip replacement Czech Republic Aug 12, 2022

Verified review.
-Mom is happy
I recommend the clinic to everyone, my mother undergoes rehabilitation here, everything is competent, clear, on time, the staff is very caring, they follow everything, there are no comments, they react to any whim, help with everything, mom is happy.
About Bookimed service
I recommend the clinic to everyone, my mother underwent rehabilitation here, everything was done competently, clearly, on time, the staff is very caring, they monitor everything, there are no comments, they respond to any whim, help with everything, my mother is happy.

ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Overview

Related procedures & Costs
How it works
What to expect
Surgery Time - 2 hours
Stay in the country - 10 days
Rehabilitation - 6 days
Anesthesia - General anesthesia
Verified patient reviews - 20
Requests processed - 23249
Bookimed fees - $0
Types of Hip replacement
  • MAKOplasty - from $6175

    The procedure uses robotics for precise knee and hip replacements, reducing recovery time and enhancing mobility.

  • Hip replacement - from $500

    The operation substitutes damaged hip joints with artificial ones, reducing pain and improving movement.

  • This operation is a robot-assisted hip surgery, for precise joint placement, reducing pain, and enhancing mobility.

  • Hip Arthroscopy - from $476

    This therapy involves utilizing a camera and small tools to diagnose and treat hip joint problems, providing minimal recovery time.

  • The operation replaces damaged hip joint with artificial parts, improving mobility and relieving pain.

  • The procedure revises an old hip implant, improving mobility and reducing pain, with modern surgical techniques and materials.

  • This procedure replaces a malformed hip joint, improving mobility and reducing pain for those with hip dysplasia.

  • Replacement or fixation of previous hip implants to improve mobility, pain relief, and hip function.

How to find best solution with Bookimed?
Check available options for your case on the website.
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Arrive and pay at the clinic. Bookimed fees are $0 for you.
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100% free, non-binding assessment of your medical records
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Expert guidance in choosing the perfect Orthopedics doctor and clinic.
Special packages and exclusive prices for our patients.
24/7 Bookimed guidance at no cost, guaranteed.
Hassle-free translation of your medical documents for clinics.
Bookimed's multilingual team ensures comfortable communication.
Bookimed ensures transparent and secure payments. Patients pay at the clinic with no additional fees.
Available Payment Methods:
How to Secure an Appointment:
  1. Documents: Passport and ticket copies.
  2. or
  3. Deposit:
    • Bookimed deposit: $200 or €200.
    • Clinic deposit: Pay a set percentage in advance.
For more information, see our Payment Policy
Step-by-Step Roadmap

Day 1

  • Arrive at the airport.
  • Transfer to the hotel provided.
  • Rest and acclimate to the new environment.

Day 2

  • Transfer from the hotel to the clinic.
  • Consultation with a specialist about the operation.
  • MRI conducted for further assessment.

Day 3

  • Pre-operative tests and procedures.
  • Consultation with anesthesiologist.
  • Preparation for surgery.

Day 4

  • Undergo ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty.
  • Procedure lasts about 1-2 hours.
  • General anesthesia is used.

Day 5

  • Post-operative care in the clinic.
  • Monitoring of recovery and vitals.

Week 1

  • Initial rehabilitation begins.
  • Physiotherapy sessions start.

Week 2-4

  • Continued physiotherapy.
  • Patient can start returning to light activities.

Week 5-8

  • Gradual return to work.
  • Further recovery and strengthening exercises.

Week 8-12

  • Return to full activities.
  • Final assessment of the hip function.

Please note: each individual"s recovery may vary based on their health status and age.

How Much Does ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Cost?

The average price of ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty is $1289, the minimum price is $50, and the maximum price is $12500.
Request the price
Turkey Austria Spain
ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty from $8000 --
The total cost is calculated individually. It may range depending on your medical issue, doctor's qualification, procedure complexity and related complications (if they occur). You’ll get the exact price for a plastic surgery procedure after a consultation with a doctor.
Below average
Above average
According to 23 clinics presented in the ranking
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Discover the Best ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty Clinics: 23 Verified Options and Prices
Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 20 reviews to pick the right ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty clinic for you.
Memorial Şişli Hospital
Highest-Rated Clinic for ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty
Turkey, Istanbul
• 312 reviews

Memorial Şişli Hospital in Istanbul is the largest multidisciplinary medical center in Istanbul. It is the 1st hospital in Turkeу and the 21st in the world accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) for the high quality of treatment.

Memorial Şişli specialties are the following: oncology, transplant, , neurosurgery, weight loss surgery, including gastric lap banding, and organ transplant. The success rate of organ transplant at Memorial is 90%.

Patients from 92 countries choose Memorial Şişli for treatment annually.

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International Organization for Standardization certificate for Memorial Şişli Hospital
Joint Commission International  certificate for Memorial Şişli Hospital
Larisa • Apr 6, 2024
My father, 76 years old, had a knee replacement - Dr Olcay Guller. The doctor is very competent, trustworthy, attentive, positive and charismatic. This is important because my father was very worried and doubtful, but after the first meeting with the doctor he was completely reassured. All pre-operative investigations were organised quickly. Preparation for the operation and the operation itself - everything went smoothly. The next morning my dad was already walking along the corridor with the help of crutches. Nurses and nurses are attentive and friendly, no remarks. Feeding was also excellent, even a lot. I was placed in a spacious ward with a large window and air conditioning. In the bathroom everything is adapted for immobile patients, spacious barrier-free shower. On the territory of the hotel there are a couple of cafes with a good menu, Starbucks. The internet in the hospital is quite good.
312 reviews
CT of the paranasal sinuses $580
Lab tests $385
Arthroscopy $7500 - $9500
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Lokman Hekim Istanbul Hospital
Turkey, Istanbul
• 71 reviews

Lokman Hekim Istanbul Hospital (former Adatip International Hospital) is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. Top specialties here are neurosurgery, orthopedics, spinal surgery, and weight loss surgery. Lokman Hekim serves both adults and children. Patients from the CIS, Africa, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD CERT certificate for Lokman Hekim Istanbul Hospital
Joint Commission International  certificate for Lokman Hekim Istanbul Hospital
Kevin Hardy • Sep 19, 2024
Overall, we experienced great doctor and nurse care wiith an unfortumate and expensive screwup in the MRI order. I would cone back if neceasary, but be more firm with what I was ordering and paying for and what I recelved.
71 reviews
CT (computer tomography) $200 - $350
MRI of one area $438 - $656
Chest X-Ray $55 - $109
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Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Turkey, Istanbul
• 156 reviews
doctor Selman Dogan
Orthopedic oncologist
19 years of experience
Selman Dogan

Hisar Hospital Intercontinental is a multi-specialty medical center in Istanbul, Turkiye, accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) for meeting high standards of treatment quality and safety.

The hospital specializes in oncology, hematology, cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics, and bariatric procedures, including gastric sleeve, bypass, and balloon. It also offers comprehensive health check-ups.

Annually, over 500,000 patients seek medical care at Hisar Hospital Intercontinental. Patients from Europe, America, Africa, CIS, and the Balkans choose the hospital for specialized and high-quality treatment.

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Joint Commission International  certificate for Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Turkish Medical Association (Türk Tabıplerı Bırliği) certificate for Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Turkish Medical Association certificate for Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Patient choice in Oncology & Hematology Oncology certificate for Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Best patient assistance certificate for Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Best clinic for radiotherapy certificate for Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Irina • Aug 31, 2023
I have been using the services of bookimed for a year and I would like to once again thank my curator Marina for her attentiveness, efficiency and high qualifications. With proven confidence, I recommend using the help of this team❤️
156 reviews
Consultation with a maxillofacial surgeon $500
Scintigraphy $200 - $2000
Consultation with an orthopaedist $150
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We're rated “Excellent” on TrustPilot
At Bookimed, we put your health first with safe and easy solutions. Our quality care is proven by excellent reviews from patients.
reviews 567 • Excellent
Private Medicabil Hospital

Private Medicabil Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center in Bursa, Turkey. The team is dedicated to neurosurgery, orthopedics, weight loss surgery, and medical check-ups. Among the clinic's achievements are the success rates:

  • 99,9% for hip replacement;
  • 99,9% for MAKOplasty total hip replacement;
  • 99,9% for total knee replacement (arthroplasty) revision.

Private Medicabil Hospital serves both adults and children. 215508 patients choose Private Medicabil Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the Balkans, Arab League states, and Russian-speaking countries visit the clinic most often.

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International Organization for Standardization certificate for Private Medicabil Hospital
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate certificate for Private Medicabil Hospital
Joint Commission International  certificate for Private Medicabil Hospital
upon request
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Maria Cecilia Hospital
Italy, Bologna

Founded in 1973 as the first hospital of GVM Care Research, Maria Cecilia Hospital is internationally renowned for advanced treatments in heart surgery, electrophysiology, neurosurgery, and diabetic foot care. Its research has been featured in prestigious medical journals and is recognized as one of Italy’s top medical centers. The hospital handles over 15% of cardiac surgeries in Italy, with complex cases managed by a multidisciplinary Heart Team, including cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists.

Additionally, it houses the GVM Campus, which hosts international medical congresses and training events. The hospital is conveniently located 40 minutes from Bologna International Airport and offers transfer services for patients.

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Joint Commission International  certificate for Maria Cecilia Hospital
Patient choice in Orthopaedics certificate for Maria Cecilia Hospital
Patient choice for Check-up certificate for Maria Cecilia Hospital
Patient choice in Neurosurgery certificate for Maria Cecilia Hospital
Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence certificate for Maria Cecilia Hospital
upon request
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Liv Hospital Ulus
Most Popular Clinic for ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty
Turkey, Istanbul
• 226 reviews

Liv Hospital Ulus is a multi-specialized medical center located in Istanbul.

Orthopedics, cancer treatment, weight loss surgery, neurosurgery, heart surgery and regenerative medicine are the leading specialties in the hospital.

Liv is a smart hospital with innovative medical technologies available: da Vinci robot-assisted system for the surgeries, MAKOplasty for knee replacement, YAG Laser for vascular surgery, virtual angiography for cardiac diagnostics, etc.

Liv Hospital in Istanbul is a popular weight loss surgery clinic in Turkey — patients lose 71% of their excess weight in a year.

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Joint Commission International  certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD CERT certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Colorectal Surgery Center for Excellence certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Robotic Surgery Center of Exellence certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Patient choice in Diagnostics certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Best patient assistance certificate for Liv Hospital Ulus
Мария • Nov 12, 2019
The clinic is very large, the conditions in the room were very good, there was even a folding chair for an attendant. Food was brought for both of us. The doctor aroused confidence from the very first consultation. But also a whole team was engaged in my operation and they are all great professionals. Nurses have also always been very helpful.
226 reviews
Complete blood count $145
CT of the paranasal sinuses $580
Consultation with creation of treatment plan $140
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Liv Duna Medical Center
Highest-Rated Clinic for ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty
Hungary, Budapest
• 12 reviews
Mykola Tsukanov • Aug 22, 2024
This is the first time I have used the services of The competent specialist Victoria, with whom I had the opportunity to communicate when selecting a clinic and a doctor, was very professional in her preparatory work and was able to answer all my sometimes difficult questions. As a result, I had the opportunity to receive a highly professional consultation with a doctor who diagnosed and prescribed treatment. To the whole team thank you very much for the work done
12 reviews
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Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy
Italy, Rome
• 2 reviews

The Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy, a first-aid facility accredited by the Italian National Health Service, was acquired by GVM Care & Research in May 2015 and underwent a restructuring and reorganization process.

Founded in 1932, the San Carlo of Nancy Hospital is located on the Via Aurelia, not far from the Vatican City. The facility, classified as a general local hospital since September 1976, can treat about 15,000 patients a year under ordinary hospitalization. To date, the facility has about 450 professionals, including the medical and paramedical staff.

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Patient choice for robotic prostate surgery certificate for Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy
Patient choice for Check-up certificate for Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy
Erika • Dec 20, 2024
Excellent facility, efficient staff, and a highly qualified, personable and empathetic physician.
2 reviews
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Veselibu Clinic
Greece, Thessaloniki


Patient choice in Rehabilitation certificate for Veselibu Clinic
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate certificate for Veselibu Clinic
upon request
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Dr. K Clinics
Turkey, Istanbul
• 8 reviews

Dr. Ibrahim Karatas Clinics is a private multi-specialty medical center in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to gastroenterology, weight loss surgery, and mammology. According to the clinic’s data, the success rate for gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) is above 95%. Dr. Ibrahim Karatas Clinics serves only adults. 1,000 patients choose to get medical care at the clinic every year. Patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, the USA, Canada, Australia, and the CIS countries visit Dr. Ibrahim Karatas Clinics most often.

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Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence certificate for Dr. K Clinics
Czech Joint Commission Accreditation (Spojené akreditační komisi) certificate for Dr. K Clinics
Joint Commission International  certificate for Dr. K Clinics
Аlla • Aug 29, 2024
I want to thank everyone who participated in my treatment, thank you! everything went super, on the 4th day I was already walking a lot, now the 10th day, I feel good, I was 124.3 today 116.8, this is 10 days, I have no regrets, the room was great, the staff was polite, and the doctor is a real kind man, it is very nice that you were operated by such an experienced and tolerant doctor, I am very happy.THANK YOU😘
8 reviews
Complete blood count $3010 - $3025
Chest X-Ray $50 - $100
Lab tests $75 - $150
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Interbalkan European Medical Center
Highest-Rated Clinic for ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty
Greece, Thessaloniki
• 6 reviews

European Interbalkan Medical Center is a multidisciplinary hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The specialties are the following: robotic surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, oncology and complete examination (check-up).

The hospital cooperates with the world’s leading medical institutions — Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) and Harvard University (USA).

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TEMOS International Healthcare Accreditation certificate for Interbalkan European Medical Center
Global Healthcare Accreditation Program certificate for Interbalkan European Medical Center
Александра • May 9, 2022
The hospital is big. This has both positive and negative points . Due to the number of people, sometimes it resembles a shopping center. And it adds a bit of chaos, both to the logistics of finding the right department or office, and to the general atmosphere. Doctors and staff are most friendly and helpful.
6 reviews
Scintigraphy $164 - $219
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Biruni University Hospital
Turkey, Istanbul

Biruni University Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The strongest specialties are neurosurgery, cardiology, oncology and hematology oncology. Biruni University Hospital serves both adults and children. Patients from CIS, Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia visit the clinic most often.

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Turkish Medical Association certificate for Biruni University Hospital
TEMOS International Healthcare Accreditation certificate for Biruni University Hospital
Consultation with creation of treatment plan $170
Complete blood count $50 - $100
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Aster Hospitals, DUBAI
Highest-Rated Clinic for ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
• 21 reviews

Aster Hospitals based in Dubai is a part of Aster DM Healthcare. The network comprises 26 Hospitals, 19,000+ employees, and about 2,200+ doctors. Aster Hospitals include the multispecialty hospitals, single-specialty  hospitals, day surgery centres, diagnostic labs, telehealth, online consultations, a chain of pharmacies, research and education to provide a seamless healthcare journey. 

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Шолпан • Nov 7, 2022
All OK
21 reviews
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Estophia Hospital
Turkey, Istanbul
• 41 reviews

Estophia Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The strongest specialties are orthopedics, urology, aesthetic medicine, and weight loss surgery. Among the clinic's achievements are the success rates: 98% for breast lift, 95% for liposuction, 98% for tummy tuck, 98% for ear surgery, and 98 for FUE hair transplant. Estophia Hospital serves both adults and children. Patients from Europe, African countries, the USA visit the clinic most often.

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Anonymous • Jan 24, 2023
Incredibly attentive medical professionals who got me through my surgery without any trouble and very comfortably. Highly recommend anyone needing surgery to go with this team. Very fast, very clean.
41 reviews
Consultation with an orthopedist (traumatologist) $150 - $200
Plantography $250 - $1000
Complete blood count $750 - $1000
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Emsey Hospital
Turkey, Istanbul
• 32 reviews

Emsey Hospital, one of Turkey's multi-specialty private medical centers, provides health services at the A+ class level hospital. The hospital has ISO and JCI accreditations as a reliable medical center. The facility offers general, surgical, and internal medicine treatments as a general hospital. Emsey Hospital has provided healthcare services to patients worldwide since 2012. The hospital's Advanced Spine Surgery Center performs congenital and complicated orthopedic treatments, from scoliosis to spine fusion surgeries. The Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit is one of the largest units in Turkey, with 45 beds. 

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The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) by WHO and UNICEF certificate for Emsey Hospital
Turkish Medical Association certificate for Emsey Hospital
TEMOS International Healthcare Accreditation certificate for Emsey Hospital
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD CERT certificate for Emsey Hospital
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate certificate for Emsey Hospital
International Organization for Standardization certificate for Emsey Hospital
Randy Werbiski • Jun 1, 2023
A3some doctor explain everything I wanted to know
32 reviews
Consultation with an orthopedist (traumatologist) $100 - $120
Complete blood count $200 - $450
MRI of one area $400 - $700
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Acibadem Altunizade Clinic
Turkey, Istanbul
• 7 reviews


International Organization for Standardization certificate for Acibadem Altunizade Clinic
Joint Commission International  certificate for Acibadem Altunizade Clinic
LEED Platinum Sertificate for ECO Buildings certificate for Acibadem Altunizade Clinic
Anonymous • May 28, 2022
Nothing to say, everything was bad! Everything is not organized! Translators don't even know medical terms!
7 reviews
MRI of one area $650 - $1350
Complete blood count $100 - $500
CT (computer tomography) $500 - $1000
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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
Thailand, Pattaya

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya was founded in 1990 in the province of Chonburi, which is considered to be one of the most popular resorts in Thailand.

The Hospital is the main treatment and diagnostic center of the East coast of Thailand. Pattaya Hospital is one of 30 hospitals run by Bangkok Dusit Medical Services and Bangkok Hospital Group.

The Hospital works under the Joint Commission International (JCI) standards.

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Joint Commission International  certificate for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD CERT certificate for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
TEMOS International Healthcare Accreditation certificate for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
THE IMTJ MEDICAL TRAVEL AWARD WINNER IN 2019 certificate for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
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Belarus, Minsk

Precision Medical Center is a multi-specialty medical facility based in Minsk, Belarus. The center is an expert in full cycle stem cell treatments for aging, orthopedic and neurological conditions; organ transplantation, cancer treatment, plastic surgery. Patients from Europe, the USA, and Kazakhstan visit the center to get medical care.

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Private Yunus Emre Hospital
Turkey, Istanbul

Private Yunus Emre Hospital is a multi-specialty Turkish medical facility based in Istanbul. The key specialties are General surgery, ENT, Gynecology, Cardiovascular diseases treatment. Urology. The high quality of medical care is ensured by ISO 9001 Certificate. Yunus Emre is also named as a Baby Friendly Hospital. The hospital provides 24/7 in-patient and outpatient treatment and welcomes international patients.

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International Organization for Standardization certificate for Private Yunus Emre Hospital
The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) by WHO and UNICEF certificate for Private Yunus Emre Hospital
ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty $8000 - $15000
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Merkez Prime Hospital
Turkey, Gebze

Merkez Prime is a multidisciplinary hospital based in Gebze (Turkey). The main specialties are surgery, ophthalmology, gynecology and obstetrics, dentistry, aesthetic medicine.

The hospital has 60 departments equipped with technologies of the latest generation.  There is a helipad on the base of Merkez Prime making possible to serve the most urgent and severe patients from abroad.

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Our Trusted Doctors

Selman Dogan
Turkey, Istanbul
Selman Dogan
Orthopedic oncologist
19 years of experience
Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Dr. Selman Dogan is an experienced orthopedic doctor. He is one of the highly-rated hip and shoulder replacement surgeons serving international patients in Turkey. He also manages traumas treatments of spine and extremities, specializing in sports traumatology. Selman DOGAN, M.D., was graduated from Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Istanbul University. He completed residency training at Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic of Istanbul Umraniye Teaching and Research Hospital. Moreover, he also studied Orthopedic Oncology at Goztepe Teaching and Research Hospital of Medeniyet University.   FIELDS OF MEDICAL INTEREST   Lower, Upper Extremity Trauma Surgery Spinal Surgery Ligament and Tendon Injuries of Knee (Sports Surgery: meniscus, anterior cruciate ligament injuries, repair of cartilage) Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Treatment of Pes Equinovarus and Hip Dysplasia (DHD) in Childhood Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors EDUCATION Bachelor's: Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine Specialization: Istanbul Umraniye Training and Research Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic INSTITUTIONS WHERE EDUCATION AND WORKED Istanbul Umraniye Training and Research Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Sanliurfa Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital  
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Gursel Saka
Turkey, Istanbul
Gursel Saka
Orthopedic oncologist
28 years of experience
Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Prof. Dr. Gürsel SAKA, after completing his medical education at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, completed his specialty education at the University of Health Sciences, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital. Especially in his career;   Spine Surgery Trauma Surgery Arthroplasty Prof., who is interested in the fields of Pelvis-Acetabulum Surgery. Dr. Gürsel Saka has carried out many successful operations in the field of Orthopedics and Traumatology. In 2014, Tubitak XI. Technology Awards Finalist.   Prof. Dr. Gürsel Saka continues to serve his patients in Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Orthopedics and Traumatology Department. Education General Degree: Karadeniz Technical University Expertise: University of Health Sciences Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Associate Professor: Health Sciences University Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital.
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Aviram Gold
Israel, Tel Aviv
Aviram Gold
32 years of experience
Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov)
Dr. Aviram Gold is a distinguished Orthopedic Surgeon, Hip Replacement Surgeon, and Knee Replacement Surgeon with over 20 years of experience, offering treatments for a range of musculoskeletal conditions. His key takeaways are: MD from The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Hadassah Medical School Masters Degree in Health Administration from The Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, School of Management, Department of Health Systems Management Certified by the Israeli Orthopedic and general surgery board Certified in aviation medicine Attended AO Advanced Course: Advances in fracture treatment, Leeds and Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor course Operating Hours: Monday to Saturday, 8 am to 4 pm Popular Procedures: Shoulder Tendon Repair-Rotator Cuff, Knee Arthroscopy, Ankle Fusion Surgery, Total Knee Replacement B/L, Total Hip Replacement B/L, Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction, Meniscus Repair, Carpal Tunnel Release, Shoulder Arthroscopy
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Updated: 11/18/2024
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Bookimed, a leading global medical tourism platform, is committed to helping clients looking for ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty by offering expert assistance and trustworthy medical solutions for every situation. Smart automatic ranking system is used to compose transparent clinic listings, meticulously maintained by a data scientist using AI for accuracy. The platform guarantees authenticity by publishing reviews from real patients after their treatments. Bookimed offers comprehensive medical solutions, with updates from clinics to ensure trustworthiness. The content about ALMIS - minimal invasive hip arthroplasty, crafted by experienced medical authors and reviewed by specialists, adheres to Bookimed"s Editorial Guidelines, reflecting the platform"s commitment to delivering high-quality and clear health information. For more details or inquiries, feel free to contact us at or learn more about us and our mission here.

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