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Best Colonoscopy Clinics and Costs in 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Colonoscopy Clinics and Costs in 2025
Discover the Best Colonoscopy Clinics: 177 Verified Options and Prices
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Austria, Vienna
75% patients recommend

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Döbling Private Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Vienna, Austria. The team is dedicated to Orthopedics, Oncology, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Döbling Private Hospital ranks among Vienna's top private hospitals treating about 16,000 patients from home and abroad each year. Top-level medical care and security of our patients is our main concern. Therefore, the hospitals implemented JCI-International Patient Safety Goals. Thus complication rates in Döbling Private Hospital are much below nominal values. Top-specialists, safety, individual care and comfort are the main keys of our success. Döbling Private Hospital serves both adults and children. Patients from CIS, Europe & Commonwealth and Balkans visit the clinic most often.

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I'm 32 years. Left-sided coxarthrosis. I was looking for options for superficial endoprosthetics. I turned to bookimed and I was offered a clinic in Austria. The operation was estimated at about 30-32 thousand euros, but since the technique is innovative (ceramic surface prosthesis for young patients), I agreed. Before that, I several times discussed what kind of operation we are talking about with the contact person from bookimed (Roman) and the doctor. Upon arrival in Austria, Roman met me. A very pleasant and caring person, I am very grateful to him for his help and a warm welcome. The next day after arriving in the morning, I ended up in the clinic. I went through all the necessary tests, and they brought me 2 contracts for signing, 1 from an anesthesiologist, the second for prosthetics. I noticed that the contract for Hip Replacement (replacement of the hip joint), and I was going to the Hip Resurfacing procedure and I had doubts. Two nurses forced me to sign a contract, but without communicating with the doctor, I refused. After Dr. Stefan Malkowitz came, I started a conversation with him about the procedure, as it turned out the doctor deceived me and wanted to do a regular total arthroplasty. He skillfully tried to manipulate on the patient's weaknesses (you will quickly recover, you will not have any pain, etc.) in every possible way, avoiding a direct answer about the prosthesis. As a result, it turned out that he did not do such a procedure (Hip Resurfacing) and began to move out, that he did not understand me. In fact, he was given all the information about the procedure that I wanted to do, the doctor apparently thought he could do it. In fact, I spent 2 days of which 11 hours spent on the road. A bunch of stress and pain nerves in the leg. From here I learned several lessons: 1. Read the contracts that are slipped to you for signature. 2. Discuss all the details several times before the trip. 3. In Europe, people are deceived in the same way as elsewhere
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— Anonymous
Ukraine, Feb 14, 2021
Feb 14, 2021 • Verified review.
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Turkey, Istanbul
92% patients recommend

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Erdem Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to gastroenterology, aesthetic medicine, and cosmetology. Erdem Group has been providing healthcare and education services since 1988. With 3 hospitals, 2 dialysis centers, a medical center, and a dental health center, it serves patients in 23+ departments. Güneşli Erdem Hospital offers a modern 150-bed facility, while Başakşehir Hospital is set to open soon. Erdem is committed to innovation and integrates cutting-edge technologies and international standards to ensure top-quality care. Its approach emphasizes patient satisfaction and rights above all. Erdem Hospital serves both adults and children. 200000 patients choose Erdem Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Latin America, the USA, Canada, and Australia visit the clinic most often.

Stomach resection $325.1 - $541.83
Esophagectomy $325.1 - $541.83
Laparoscopic prostatectomy $325.1 - $541.83
Complex treatment of pancreatitis $325.1 - $541.83
Small intestine resection $325.1 - $541.83
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Greece, Thessaloniki
83% patients recommend

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European Interbalkan Medical Center is a multidisciplinary hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The specialties are the following: robotic surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, oncology and complete examination (check-up).

The hospital cooperates with the world’s leading medical institutions — Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) and Harvard University (USA).

Colonoscopy Patient Experience Reviews
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The hospital is big. This has both positive and negative points . Due to the number of people, sometimes it resembles a shopping center. And it adds a bit of chaos, both to the logistics of finding the right department or office, and to the general atmosphere. Doctors and staff are most friendly and helpful.
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— Александра
Ukraine, May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022 • Verified review.
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Thailand, Bangkok
100% patients recommend

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Intrarat Hospital, located at Ramintra KM 9 in Bangkok, Thailand, is certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard, ensuring high-quality management and consistent patient care. The hospital offers services across 15 departments, including orthopedics, internal medicine, cardiology, and pediatrics. With a team of experienced professionals and modern technology, Intrarat Hospital provides rapid and accurate diagnoses while prioritizing compassionate, holistic care for every patient.

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— Anonymous
Turkmenistan, Feb 21, 2025
Feb 21, 2025 • Verified review.
Hormone therapy $450
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Ukraine, Kyiv
50% patients recommend

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The Cell Therapy Center EmCell, located in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the world’s first center specializing in fetal stem cell therapy. The center uses this innovative approach to treat a wide range of conditions, including cardiology, endocrinology, diabetes, rheumatology, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.

cell therapy is also employed to address neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as muscular dystrophies, spinal cord injuries, strokes, and autoimmune conditions.

In addition, EmCell applies stem cell technology in wellness treatments for men and women, focusing on rejuvenation and aesthetic procedures. Every year, around 600 patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, the Arab League States, the USA, Canada, and Australia visit the clinic to benefit from these advanced therapies. The center provides care for both adults and children.

Colonoscopy Patient Experience Reviews
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— Аnna
Germany, May 17, 2024
May 17, 2024 • Verified review.
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Turkey, Istanbul
92% patients recommend

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Grand Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The strongest specialties are hair transplantation, aesthetic and plastic surgery, medical aesthetics, dental aesthetics and bariatric surgery.

Grand Clinic is a clinic that draws on the academic knowledge and experience of Turkey and provides diagnostic and treatment services in the departments of general hospitals with the help of its experienced medical staff.

Grand Clinic doctors believe that looking great and feeling great are one and the same, so they take a holistic approach to everything they do.

The clinic employs experienced specialists and medical and administrative staff who accompany patients throughout the medical journey, as well as help with travel planning, hotel reservations and transfers.

Grand Clinic knows that guaranteeing patients the safety of procedures, ensuring the quality of procedures and satisfaction with the work of doctors is very important, therefore the clinic staff strives for true honesty, transparency and decency.

Grand Clinic serves only adults. 450 patients choose Grand Clinic to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe, Latin America and the USA visit the clinic most often.

Testicular prosthesis $18051
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Czech Republic, Prague
80% patients recommend

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Malvazinky Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Prague, Czech Republic. The team is dedicated to orthopedics and rehabilitation. The center shows 99 % success rates for knee replacement and hip replacement. The Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic is one of the few medical facilities providing comprehensive care, including total preoperative, surgical, and postoperative as well as rehabilitation services. Malvazinky Hospital accepts only adults. 4,000 patients choose Malvazinky Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Клиника на ул. Малвазинки была выбрана потому что: 1. Клиника специализируется именно на операциях по замене тазобедренных и коленных суставов; 2. Здесь предлагалось провести операцию малоинвазивным способом, т.е. разрез не более 10-12 см. Небольшой разрез – гарантировал максимальное сохранение тканей мышц и быстрое восстановление после операции; 3. Клиника предоставляет услуги не только по операции, но и по последующей реабилитации; 4. Предложение по стоимости было наиболее оптимальным по сравнению с предложениями других клиник. После принятия решения, началась переписка с организаторами медицинского тура. Надо отдать должное сотрудниками по связи с иностранными клиентами, они профессионально и оперативно отвечали на все вопросы, подготовили приглашение, встретили и проводили, организовали: трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт из клиники, сопровождение переводчиками на протяжении всего срока пребывания в клинике. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен! Операцию проводил доктор В. Господар. Всё прошло штатно, как и было запланировано. Разрез в районе 12 см. Однако на следующий день после операции появилась сильная боль в продольной мышце вдоль позвоночника под лопаткой с левой стороны. Она меня мучила даже больше, чем должен был беспокоить разрез. Позднее мне несколько ослабили эту боль с помощью массажа и электро-процедур, но боль всё равно давала о себе знать. Реабилитация проводилась под руководством физиотерапевтов, я посещал групповые занятия и старался больше ходить, однако после снятия швов обнаружилась гематома и, как результат, пришлось выдержать ещё одно оперативное вмешательство по её удалению. После второй операции прекратились боли под лопаткой. Правда, восстанавливаться пришлось заново, и продлить реабилитацию на одну дополнительную неделю. Медицинский персонал клиники был очень приветлив и внимателен, что позволило мне чувствовать себя не как в клинике, а просто как в гостях у добрых, давно знакомых людей. Хочу ещё раз выразить свою благодарность: - медицинскому персоналу (сестричкам и мед. братьям, всем); - физиотерапевтам, особенно Martin Kazemir – он заново научил меня двигать ногой в тазобедренном суставе, а не всем тазом; - переводчикам (Айгерим (Айя), Марии и ещё Марии); - ортопеду Сергею Рыжову; - докторам В. Господару и Томашу Виммеру; - организаторам, без которых я так бы и продолжал хромать, Ольге Скатковой и Ирине Корчминской.
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— Евгений
Russian Federation, Apr 22, 2019
Apr 22, 2019 • Verified review.
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Germany, Dusseldorf
100% patients recommend

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St. Martinus-Krankenhaus is a multidisciplinary clinic located 20 minutes from the International Airport in the center of Düsseldorf. It is considered as the leading German hospital in the surgical treatment of obesity. Only two German clinics are accredited by the International Federation of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders and St. Martinus-Krankenhaus is one of them.

The Medical Center also includes specialized divisions for diabetes (accredited by the German Diabetes Association - DDG) and minimally invasive gastric surgery. St. Martinus-Krankenhaus is entitled to Top Mediziner 2016 in obesity surgery according to Focus Magazine (one of the most prestigious medical awards in Germany). The Clinic has also an advanced training base for dietitians from the whole country.

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— Matthew Edevbie
United States of America, Mar 19, 2018
Mar 19, 2018 • Verified review.
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Israel, Haifa
100% patients recommend

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Rambam Hospital is one of the greatest medical centers in Israel. Thousands of international patients visit the medical center every year. It offers more than 1,000 beds for inpatients. It is necessary to mention that the Rambam medical team includes leading Israeli specialists – professors and doctors, some of whom were even awarded the Nobel Prize. Up-to-date equipment and advanced technologies allow these high-level specialists to refine and develop in various realms of medicine.

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Thank you for your professionalism and help in organizing a video consultation with Professor Zuckerman.
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— Дарья
Ukraine, Oct 16, 2023
Oct 16, 2023 • Verified review.
Robotic da Vinci prostatectomy $29300
Colectomy (large bowel resection) $16440 - $21620
Breast cancer surgery $9500 - $12000
Radiofrequency ablation $15400
Immunotherapy $3500 - $5000
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