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Best Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Clinics and Costs in 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Clinics and Costs in 2025
Discover the Best Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Clinics: 67 Verified Options and Prices
Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 5 reviews to pick the right Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels clinic for you.
Greece, Thessaloniki
83% patients recommend

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European Interbalkan Medical Center is a multidisciplinary hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The specialties are the following: robotic surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, oncology and complete examination (check-up).

The hospital cooperates with the world’s leading medical institutions — Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) and Harvard University (USA).

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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The hospital is big. This has both positive and negative points . Due to the number of people, sometimes it resembles a shopping center. And it adds a bit of chaos, both to the logistics of finding the right department or office, and to the general atmosphere. Doctors and staff are most friendly and helpful.
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— Александра
Ukraine, May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022 • Verified review.
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Spain, Barcelona
97% patients recommend

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SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital (Spain) treats patients from infancy to 18 years old. It is among the top three medical institutions in Europe and a leading center for pediatric oncology. The hospital has a dedicated Laboratory for Molecular Medicine, where innovative treatment methods are developed.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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In my sina, the shower is riddled with sunk, my swine is mine. Potrybna bula operation on the sudina of the brain. In the Ukraine so opera malim dityam did not roach, they were clapping at the cordon behind the cordon. Oskilki hvoroba duzhe rіdkіsna, then і for the cordon we takozh vidmovlyali. They used to clique all the way through the zodiac and through the mediators. At the same time zvernuvsya to the site Bookimed із pityom sho to lіkuvannya dannoї hvorobi. The mediator coordinator Svitlana Kalinichenko challenged the children's state book Sant Joan de Deu at Barcelona, ​​de robe so opera. The spell of a bullet of nedovir up to one's own, adzhe vzhe tikavsya іz medikimnymi mediators, yakі took kosti for consultation with specialists, ali ti consultant and not boo. Prote Svitlana literally from the very back of the spivka showed that she had won a victory over the good manners. At all, I registered the one-time, i nigolovnishe, sho-i-i-pochav dovriyati. In інтернеті знайшов інформацію about дану клініку і pobachiv, scho there is a great dosvіd in лікування хвороби my-mine, neyrohirurgy from 1997 goku vzhe carried out so operatsii. And in our vibory headache, tse dosvid likariv in such operations. Takozh dan hvorobu likuyut і in Switzerland and Japan, and there is a price of 2-3 times for ispany. Mihche clarified the activities of the nutrition in the neuroscientist, a kind of weathering the opera of our sina and the vibrations of the very child gospital of Barcelona. Managers of the international summit reserved us a hotel for 100 metrivas in the room, and we poured a handful of them into the bowl. In klіnіtsі є perekladach, yak ynіyo not lishe rosіysku, ale i ukrains'ku movu, they did not attach any discomfort to the overstudied ones. All the staff are aware of English language, so we'll porozumіtis naveіt іz to our pochatkim anglіyskim рівнем моб було зі всіма without problems. The klіnіka itself cope with the positive positiveness of the enemy, the grandeur of the spacious spaces on top, de bagato tsikavih atraktsiy for children, ї їdalnya, de є inexpensive complex menu, bagano automativ, de mozhno kupiti riznomannіt producti na na. chambers for all the rest of the word, with a shower, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a bathrobe, a toilet, a toilet, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, a shower, a toilet, staff yak I vzhe pisav znaye anglіysku, okrіm іспанської. Order із клінікою є навчальний корпус вищого медичного закладу. В клініці працюють найкраюі дитячі лікарі Іppanії, крім цього кожен із they are engaged in science and і викладацькою діяльністю. Shcho before the self-operation, the won passed without restraint, as it is perebuvannya in reanimatsii and in the chamber. Navrіt і not vіdchuvalos, scho ti perebuvaesh in lіkarnі, staff привітний і зажди радісний, in the chamber they cleaned the skin day, so that they themselves і змінювали postільну білизну на ліжку. I vdyachny medical coordinator Svitlan Kalinichenko and the site Bookimed for those who have denounced Dan Kliniku for likuvannya my sina. Alya likuvannya is not completed, through pivrock planned another stage of the operation in the club room. By his dopis I want to deprive me of pidkresliti, scho Gospital Sant Joan de Deu - well, good clienicism and yakshchoo vie priymete rishennya about likuvannya in gnomu, vee not pardon. And the Bookimed site can be 100% up!
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— Юрий
Ukraine, Jun 26, 2018
Jun 26, 2018 • Verified review.
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Italy, Milan
97% patients recommend

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Policlinico San Donato is a leading Italian clinic for cardiology and cardiac surgery.

Doctors perform over 9,400 open and minimally invasive operations on the heart and blood vessels annually. It is the largest number in the country.

Сardiology, heart surgery, arrhythmology, and rehabilitation are the top specialities in San Donato Hospital.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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We successfully operated on our daughter Nika Popova at the San Donato clinic (Italy). Thank you so much for the Bookimed service for the excellent organization of the trip. Our manager Aleksey Karaganov was always in touch and helped with all issues (visas, booking, medical and legal issues). The clinic, staff, ward are all at the highest level and the main thing is that real masters of their craft work there. Our attending physicians were delighted with the results of the most complicated heart surgery, the Ross operation. It is unfortunate that politics affects not only ordinary citizens, but also their children. I wish you patience, kindness and health to you and your loved ones, so that as many children from all over the world as possible can receive help. Thank you very much to Alexei and your entire team.
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— Сергей
Russian Federation, Jan 31, 2022
Jan 31, 2022 • Verified review.
Radiofrequency ablation $19614.13
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Turkey, Istanbul
100% patients recommend

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Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals is at the forefront of modern medicine and surgery in Turkey having been founded in 1989 as the first hospital for cardiovascular diseases in the region under the aegis of the Turkish Society of Cardiology. 

All facilities are JCI and ISO accredited. Additionally, Istanbul FNH was also awarded Sign of the City in 2014 and British QHA accreditation in 2015.

Today, there are 4 general hospitals, 2 medical centers, as well as Demiroglu Bilim University which has a medical faculty, a school of nursing and a vocational school of healthcare.

The Group has maintained its reputation for excellence by combining expertise with the highest caliber of staff and healthcare innovation to ensure that each and every patient receives the best care possible.

An American-based international non-profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare institutions has given Florence Nightingale the global “Gold seal” for inpatient care and safety of the highest level.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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I, Temirbek Ormotoev came from Kyrgyzstan, I chose Florence Nightingale Hospital which was helped by bookimed company and the staff of this company liked me, especially I am happy to deal with Professor Ahmet-Tunch Ozdemir. Today is the 3rd day after the operation performed by Prof Ahmet-Tunç Ozdemir. The operation was done wonderfully, I am satisfied and also the hospital conditions and medical staff were top notch, everyone is polite to the patients, especially the head nurse and nurse Linhai were very good at patient care. Why did I choose Florence Nightingale specifically? Because this hospital is one of the advanced hospitals in Turkey and there is a DaVinci robotised system. I have a neoplasm in my kidney over 30 mm. Prof Ahmet-Tunç Ozdemir performed the operation within 1.5 hours and he has golden hands. Dear readers, if anyone wants to be treated abroad, come specifically to Florence Nightingale and find Prof Ahmet-Tunç Ozdemir and you will not go wrong with your choice. I was discharged on the second day after surgery, I feel great and recovery is underway. In terms of the cost of paying for the surgery, compared to other clinics in Turkey, it is realistic and inexpensive. Mr Ahmet-Tunc Ozdemir, my family and I wish you good health, longevity, good luck in everything and that you stay for a long time saving patients from various diseases, Allah help you. I am also grateful to the medical coordinators of bookimed platform, Liana, who from the very beginning until today accompanies and helps with treatment abroad and assistants named Alisher, translator Aigerim, who know their business professionally. Thank you all who helped me with this situation, Allah bless us all.
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— Temirbek Ormotoev
Kyrgyzstan, Feb 7, 2025
Feb 7, 2025 • Verified review.
Coronary angioplasty $900 - $1200
Coronary angiography $11104
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Mexico, Monterrey
92% patients recommend

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Vein Center was formed by a group of specialists in general and vascular surgery seeking to offer the population of the city of Monterrey adequate, safe and effective treatments to treat venous problems in 2013. Directed by Dr. Eduardo Leal, the team offers venous diseases treatments.

Varicose Vein Stripping $2500 - $4000
Sclerotherapy of varicose veins $100 - $300
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Italy, Milan
86% patients recommend

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Ospedale San Raffaele (San Raffaele Research Hospital) in Milan is one of the largest research hospitals in Europe. It applies ad hoc methods for rare immune system and genetic diseases treatment.

Among its achievements — the world's first stem cell therapy for patients with severe combined immune deficiency disorder (ADA-SCID).

Oncology, oncohematology, neurosurgery, neurology, cardiovascular surgery, urology, and gynecology are the strongest specialities here.

Surgeons of the hospital perform over 52,000 operations annually.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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I went to the Galeazzi clinic. Milan. Italy. on my son's problem - gmgantism. Coordinators from Bookimed got involved. Had an online consultation. for which I paid 360 euros. All required documentation has been sent. references. analyses. x-rays. To determine the volume of the operation and the cost, they said that the patient needs to come to Milan. I'm from Ukraine. It's hard to describe how the journey cost me. with what difficulty. Upon arrival in Milan. we are consulted by another doctor and gives quite the opposite answer.!! Is it really impossible to agree and view all the documentation. y t. h and the video was sent!!! with immediately give a negative answer during an online consultation. why do it at all then? It's just a waste of money. not problem solving. Be careful!
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— Anonymous
Italy, Oct 21, 2022
Oct 21, 2022 • Verified review.
Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels $184.22 - $303.42
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Turkey, Istanbul
100% patients recommend

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Health Point World Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey on the famous street of Nisantasi. Health Point World Clinic provides services in the fields such as plastic surgery, dentistry, hair transplantation, and many other fields related to general health treatments considering the patient’s needs. 

Health Point World Clinic serves only adults. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Balkans visit the clinic most often.

Health Point World Clinic organizes patients’ journeys from the really beginning by creating personalized treatment plans based on the doctors’ recommendations and patients’ expectations. This clinic aims to provide effective two-way communication between patients and healthcare specialists.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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I can recommend this clinic to everyone. Had a hair transplant and Morpheus facial procedure I’m happy with everything - attentive attitude towards the patient, professional doctors, everything is fast and clear I received answers to all my questions; they explained the procedures in detail and gave step-by-step recommendations for every day. Who else doubts, don’t think - you will be satisfied with this clinic - truly experienced doctors and an established process of operations with maximum comfort for the patient I would like to express special gratitude to the organizers - Bookimed, consultants Olga, Anastasia, Daria It is very important that in a foreign country without knowing the language you do not feel any discomfort Very attentive attitude, always in touch, answer to any question and help with any requests. The issue with the transfer was settled - the driver dropped off and picked up from all procedures, as well as meeting at the airport and back Thank you all very much, I will come back to you for more procedures!
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— Ельвира
Germany, Apr 14, 2023
Apr 14, 2023 • Verified review.
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Turkey, Istanbul
78% patients recommend

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NP Istanbul Brain Hospital is the first private neuropsychiatric hospital in Turkey focused to treat soul/brain health related conditions. The hospital is No.2 Brain Hospital in Europe.

NP Istanbul Is the pioneer among other Turkish medical facilities to apply therapy with thought-focused medicines and treatment by brain functions measurement.

The hospital has 19 departments, 20 polyclinics, 7 laboratories. The key specialties are neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, addiction treatment. The quality of services is certified by JCI (Joint Commission International) and ISO.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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At the first consultation, the doctor promised us a 50% improvement in our son’s health, but on the contrary, his condition worsened. When we returned home, he began to get very sick; Perhaps the medications didn’t work and we went to the clinic. Unfortunately, they did not answer us. They did 7 sessions of ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy), which is very dangerous for epileptics, after which convulsive attacks began, which occurred several times a day. I was desperate and didn't know how to help. We had to hospitalize our son at a local clinic. Doctors requested an extract from the NP Istanbul clinic. I received the translation of the extract with difficulty after 20 days. I wrote to the translator about everything and he seemed to report to the doctors of the clinic. I waited a month, I thought that the doctors would get in touch and correct their mistakes and help in some way, but on the contrary, they again offer their services for a fee. I'm in great shock! I do not recommend this clinic to anyone!
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— Gul'shat
Kazakhstan, Aug 24, 2023
Aug 24, 2023 • Verified review.
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Germany, Hamburg
89% patients recommend

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Asklepios Hospital Barmbek is a clinic No. 1 for foreign patients according to the Medical Travel Quality Alliance, the international organization for medical tourism.

The Hospital is a multidisciplinary medical center. It is a part of Asklepios Kliniken, the most significant German hospitals' network.

Asklepios Barmbek specializes in Oncology, Oncohematology, Surgery, and Pulmonology.

80,000 patients from Germany and other countries worldwide receive treatment annually here.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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My father was suffering from pulmonary related disease , after doing study about medical tourism agents. I have decided to prepare my father medical treatment in Germany by Bookimed as this agency as per my experience is the best agency in terms of organizing medical treatment for patient across the globe is the best option for everyone which i suggest for each patient . From Bookimed Dr Younus and Lydia from Talvin organise my father medical treatment in Germany, they have recommended Asklepios Hospital in Hamburg which is one of the top hospital in Germany , my father treatment was done by Dr Gunther Wiest. My father was too much satisfied with the Dr treatment along with rich experience the Dr behaviour was sweet with my father due which my father was much satisfied and inspired from him. Overall our experience with Bookimed and Dr treatment was excellent.
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— Sadiq jahan
Pakistan, Apr 18, 2022
Apr 18, 2022 • Verified review.
Radiofrequency ablation $15712.98 - $23840.38
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Germany, Frankfurt am Main
90% patients recommend

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Nordwest Krankenhaus is a multi specialized medical institution, a leading hospital in Germany due to development of innovations, such as 3D ultrasound, anticancer vaccines in targeted therapy. It comprises 5 research institutes and 11 specialized centers.

Doppler sonography (ultrasonography, duplex angioscanning) vessels Patient Experience Reviews
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My name is Sergey, I am undergoing treatment at the oncology department of the Nordwest Clinic in Frankfurt am Main. I would like to note the high professional level of doctors, the technical equipment of the clinic at the proper level. I want to express special gratitude to Professor Elka Yeager, senior doctor Kiselichki, Dr. Weber, the highest level of professionalism, are very friendly and attentive, the junior staff are smart, everything is super, I’m very pleased with the treatment, if not for one “but” ... Because of ignorance language had to contact the company "Phoenix Service", which is an intermediary for the provision of medical services, led by Radislav. My communication with them began with the fact that before arrival they demanded a significant prepayment, which was timely transferred to their account. After arriving at the clinic, I had to transfer money several times, rather big money. I persistently asked the company’s employees to conclude an agreement with me on the provision of services by Phoenix Service, in order to specifically understand which services and for what specific payment the services will be provided. However, no contracts, as well as invoices with prices, were provided to me, which directly testifies to dishonesty. Only two months later I received the clinic’s bills (with which I completely agree) and separately a bill from Phoenix Service for the services rendered, after viewing which there were simply no words ... As it turned out, being treated in Germany was not expensive, it was expensive to pay for the services of Phoenix invoiced, which either didn’t turn out at all, or turned out to be in the wrong amount and at very high prices. I tried to talk with the head of the company Radislav, saying that I did not agree with the bill, to which I received the answer "if something does not suit you, you can refuse our services further." I officially wrote an appeal to the clinic about the detachment from this dishonest company, to which I received a positive response. He also wrote an official letter to Phoenix with a request to review the account, to which he still has not received an answer. I want to warn everyone who is in my position, those cancer patients who sell everything in order to pay for treatment and live on, but these “phoenixes” don’t stop at anything to enrich themselves at their expense.
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— Ярослава
Ukraine, Nov 11, 2019
Nov 11, 2019 • Verified review.
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