Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation
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Best Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation Clinics and Costs in 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation Clinics and Costs in 2025
Discover the Best Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation Clinics: 51 Verified Options and Prices
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China, Beijing
92% patients recommend

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Yanda International Hospital is a large multidisciplinary medical institution that combines proven international protocols and traditional Chinese approaches. The hospital is equipped with more than 28,500 modern technologies for effective treatment.

The hospital team has been providing medical care in the areas of neurology, rheumatology and rehabilitation, etc. for 8 years. Every year, the clinic receives about 2,500,000 people.

Janda Hospital is accredited by JCI, which guarantees the high quality of medical services and services for international patients. It belongs to Class A level III clinics, which is the highest level in China.

The medical center only accepts adults. Most of the clinic's patients are residents of such regions: Russian-speaking and Arabic-speaking countries and Asian countries.

Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation $11250 - $11750
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Turkey, Pamukkale
100% patients recommend

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Nobel Center is a facility specializing in physical therapy and rehabilitation. It is located in Pamukkale, Turkey's mineral water spa territory near Denizli (a city in the southwestern part of Turkey). Nobel focuses on patients who require neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation.

The most attractive benefits of Nobel Rehab Center among international patients are therapy in hot thermal water, natural mud therapy, medical massage, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, aquatic therapy, and affordable prices.

Medical tourists from China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine choose Nobel. Nobel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is popular with Turkish celebrities and politicians.

Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation Patient Experience Reviews
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I ended my stay at the Nobel Turkey clinic. I am pleased that I took Nobel, a place very interesting and valuable with thermal waters. Regarding the clinic, I give a rating of Five, very good attitude of the staff, specialists-trainers are assigned to patients, the procedures are satisfying and thoughtful, I think that there clinic at the level, accommodation and meals as in 5 star hotels, I think that it would be more effective if there was also drug treatment. Thank you Bookimed for your help!
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— Anonymous
Ukraine, Nov 25, 2021
Nov 25, 2021 • Verified review.
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China, Beijing
92% patients recommend

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Peking University International Hospital is a multidisciplinary medical center in Beijing, China. The hospital team specializes in therapy, surgery, and traditional Chinese medicine, serving primarily adult patients and, in some cases, children. Its main visitors come from the Arab League, Europe, Asia, and CIS countries.

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Czech Republic, Prague
80% patients recommend

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Malvazinky Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Prague, Czech Republic. The team is dedicated to orthopedics and rehabilitation. The center shows 99 % success rates for knee replacement and hip replacement. The Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic is one of the few medical facilities providing comprehensive care, including total preoperative, surgical, and postoperative as well as rehabilitation services. Malvazinky Hospital accepts only adults. 4,000 patients choose Malvazinky Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Клиника на ул. Малвазинки была выбрана потому что: 1. Клиника специализируется именно на операциях по замене тазобедренных и коленных суставов; 2. Здесь предлагалось провести операцию малоинвазивным способом, т.е. разрез не более 10-12 см. Небольшой разрез – гарантировал максимальное сохранение тканей мышц и быстрое восстановление после операции; 3. Клиника предоставляет услуги не только по операции, но и по последующей реабилитации; 4. Предложение по стоимости было наиболее оптимальным по сравнению с предложениями других клиник. После принятия решения, началась переписка с организаторами медицинского тура. Надо отдать должное сотрудниками по связи с иностранными клиентами, они профессионально и оперативно отвечали на все вопросы, подготовили приглашение, встретили и проводили, организовали: трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт из клиники, сопровождение переводчиками на протяжении всего срока пребывания в клинике. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен! Операцию проводил доктор В. Господар. Всё прошло штатно, как и было запланировано. Разрез в районе 12 см. Однако на следующий день после операции появилась сильная боль в продольной мышце вдоль позвоночника под лопаткой с левой стороны. Она меня мучила даже больше, чем должен был беспокоить разрез. Позднее мне несколько ослабили эту боль с помощью массажа и электро-процедур, но боль всё равно давала о себе знать. Реабилитация проводилась под руководством физиотерапевтов, я посещал групповые занятия и старался больше ходить, однако после снятия швов обнаружилась гематома и, как результат, пришлось выдержать ещё одно оперативное вмешательство по её удалению. После второй операции прекратились боли под лопаткой. Правда, восстанавливаться пришлось заново, и продлить реабилитацию на одну дополнительную неделю. Медицинский персонал клиники был очень приветлив и внимателен, что позволило мне чувствовать себя не как в клинике, а просто как в гостях у добрых, давно знакомых людей. Хочу ещё раз выразить свою благодарность: - медицинскому персоналу (сестричкам и мед. братьям, всем); - физиотерапевтам, особенно Martin Kazemir – он заново научил меня двигать ногой в тазобедренном суставе, а не всем тазом; - переводчикам (Айгерим (Айя), Марии и ещё Марии); - ортопеду Сергею Рыжову; - докторам В. Господару и Томашу Виммеру; - организаторам, без которых я так бы и продолжал хромать, Ольге Скатковой и Ирине Корчминской.
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— Евгений
Russian Federation, Apr 22, 2019
Apr 22, 2019 • Verified review.
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Turkey, Istanbul
92% patients recommend

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MERT SECER AESTHETIC AND PLASTIC SURGEON is a private single-specialty medical center in Istanbul, Turkey. The team excels in plastic surgery. The clinic serves only adults. Every year, 200 patients choose MERT SECER for medical care. Patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, the USA, Canada, Australia, and CIS countries visit the clinic most often.

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Turkey, Istanbul
92% patients recommend

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DERDA SAGLIK HIZMETLERI is a private single-specialty medical center in Istanbul, Turkey, specializing in ophthalmology. The clinic provides care for both adults and children. Each year, approximately 2,000 patients seek treatment at the facility. The clinic is frequently chosen by patients from CIS countries, Europe, the Commonwealth, and the Balkans.

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Turkey, Istanbul
100% patients recommend

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Dr. Aghaev is an outstanding neurosurgery specialist providing high-quality medical care for adults and children suffering from spine and brain disorders. His private medical practice is available in the heart of Istanbul, Turkey. 

What makes Dr. Kamran Aghaev unique is his impressive experience and signature techniques. He has developed a minimally invasive method for the surgical treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome, known as the PURE technique, and an innovative microvascular decompression technique. These techniques not only maximize efficacy but also minimize risks to patients.

Dr. Aghaev's experience is not limited to theoretical knowledge - he has more than 5,350 successful surgeries. This is an undeniable proof of his outstanding skill and skill.

The effectiveness of Dr. Aghaev's treatment is impressive - it is 99.9% in cases of such complex diseases as hemifacial spasm, epilepsy, arteriovenous malformations (AVM), hydrocephalus, as well as interventions for brain tumors and intervertebral hernias.

Dr. Aghaev welcomes pediatric and adult patients and cherishes patients' trust from CIS, Arabic-speaking countries, the USA, Canada, and Australia. His years of experience and unrivaled professional skills make him the first choice for those seeking quality medical care in neurosurgery.

Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation Patient Experience Reviews
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I can not say enough as to how good Dr Kamran Aghayev and him team are. Dr Kamran is so skilled and professional as well as so approachable. His staff made the entire experience so smooth and trouble free, they will make sure you don’t worry for anything. The hospital is very good and the nurses are great, friendly, considerate and professional. If you find yourself in need of Dr Kamran Aghayev’s skills I would recommend him without reservation.
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— Chris
Canada, Jan 22, 2023
Jan 22, 2023 • Verified review.
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Germany, Berlin
100% patients recommend

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Schlosspark Klinik is a multidisciplinary hospital in Berlin located near to Charlottenburg Palace. Neurosurgery, neurology, orthopedics, and gynecology are the leading fields in the hospital.

Der Tagesspiegel and Gesundheitsstadt Berlin magazines have compared over 60 medical facilities and Schlosspark Klinik Berlin has been considered one of the best clinics recommended by nearly 2,700 doctors. The clinic provides the best treatment in Berlin for herniated discs, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, brain stroke, joint replacements according to Der Tagesspiegel and Gesundheitsstadt Berlin.

About 13,600 patients come here for treatment annually.

Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation Patient Experience Reviews
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My mother was diagnosed in Russia with a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer stage 4. The doctors' actions were not credible, so we turned to Bookimed for the selection of a clinic and a doctor. We were offered a Park-Klinik Weißensee, Dr. Ursula Makowiec. Mom passed a 3-day examination in the hospital, in a separate ward. Friendly atmosphere, professionalism, respect for the elderly patient - all this allowed us to relax, not to try to control every step of the medical staff, to read the articles on the Internet. I was sure that we made the right choice. And most importantly - the diagnosis was not confirmed! My mother was not breast cancer with metastases, but a sweat cancer in the armpit without any signs of metastases, the prognosis is much more favorable. The doctor told us - you came here with a fatal diagnosis, but you came out as a healthy person! We plan to be observed further in this clinic with this doctor. I would also like to thank the translator Marina Wernke. She was not only an excellent professional, but also a very pleasant conversationalist, we were very comfortable with her. I also want to thank the curators who helped a lot all the time while mom was in the clinic.
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— Anonymous
Russian Federation, Jun 1, 2019
Jun 1, 2019 • Verified review.
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Georgia, Tbilisi
92% patients recommend

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High Technology Medical Center University Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center in Tbilisi, Georgia. The clinic specializes in neurosurgery, pediatrics, medical check-ups, and longevity health. It provides care for both adults and children. Patients from CIS countries, Europe, and Arab League states frequently visit the clinic.

The clinic offers pluripotent stem cell therapy for various conditions following German protocols.

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Italy, Bologna
92% patients recommend

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Lucia Magnani Health Clinic is a luxury centre of Italian Longevity that combines the high specialty of prevention, well-being, beauty, personal assistance and high-end hospitality. The method for a long-lasting well-being, adopted by the Lucia Magnani Health Clinic, is called Long Life Formula®. The method gave birth to wellness programs to prevent specific pathologies of the modern age.

Fillers injection $270.91 - $487.64
Dermabrasion $270.91 - $325.1
Botox injections $487.64 - $596.01
Diagnostic by doctor's recommendation $162.55 - $1083.65
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