Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH)
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Best Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Clinics and Costs in 2025

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Best Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Clinics and Costs in 2025
Discover the Best Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Clinics: 123 Verified Options and Prices
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Israel, Ramat Gan
100% patients recommend

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Sheba Medical Center is one of the best hospitals in Israel and in the world. Newsweek International Magazine ranked Sheba Hospital in TOP 10 world's hospital in 2020. The hospital covers 1,990 specialties and over 1,500,000 patients all around the world visit Sheba Hospital for treatment every year.

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Italy, Milan
100% patients recommend

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Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio (OGSA) is a new hospital that unites two renowned institutions: Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi and Istituto Clinico Sant'Ambrogio. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi is Italy's first hospital for orthopedic admissions, performing 75% of all revision orthopedic surgeries in the country. Meanwhile, Istituto Clinico Sant'Ambrogio has earned recognition for its cardiovascular unit and expertise in diagnosing and treating obesity. Located in a single facility, OGSA offers comprehensive healthcare services for a wide range of medical needs.


Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Patient Experience Reviews
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Testimonial from patient Daria. There is in this world the kindest, most unique, beautiful, redeyt, talented, cheerful, open, wonderful, bright man !!!!! Employee of Bookimed company !!!! Ekaterina Koliko !!! She has been with us for five years !!! We have already gone through four stages of treatment !!! You can talk about Ekaterina Koliko for a long time !!! Her smile illuminates the world, her wisdom inspires, her successes delight !!! She charges with optimism, courage, radiates warmth and love !!! Her eyes light the way !!! A voice that can calm you down and help you forget about all your troubles !!! Kindness that sets an example! Thank you very much, Ekaterina !!! Low bow to you !!! Everything about you is wonderful, it's amazing how nature could combine all this !!! Amazing little man !!! Let everyone claim that Angels live in heaven, but now I know a man on earth, who is an Angel inside and this man - Ekaterina Koliko !!! In any situation you give hope for the best, your simple human participation warms the soul and fills the heart with happiness and confidence !!! There is another wonderful man at the Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute - Professor Francesco Grecchi !!! Doctor from God !!! Many thanks for the sensitive attitude, for the professional and high-quality assistance in the treatment !!! Thank you for your special attention, for your responsiveness, great talent !!! Thank you very much for your efforts and knowledge, for your efforts and advice, for your kindness and understanding, for your skill !!! Low bow and huge, unlimited gratitude for the unique hands that can cope with even the most difficult work !!! Thank you for your kind heart, sincerity, responsibility !!! We sincerely thank you for your help and humane approach !!! The clinic has a unique scientific and medical base, the highest quality of services, the professionalism of doctors, a comfortable microclimate, healthy nutritious food !!! Beautiful sunny Milan !!!!
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— Алена
Belarus, May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021 • Verified review.
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Republic of Korea, Seoul
92% patients recommend

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Korea University Anam Hospital has world-class robotic surgery skills, especially in cancer surgery. It has developed the world's first robotic oral thyroid cancer surgery method that removes tumor without visible scars by inserting a surgical robot arm into the patient's mouth.

In addition, not only the bladder cancer pre-stage robotic surgery was the first and most successful in Asia, but also the first robotic breast reconstruction surgery in Korea reduces the size of the scar by one-tenth. On top of that, bloodless or minimal blood transfusions are applied to reduce the risk of infection and speed up postoperative recovery. Patients from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia go here for treatment.

Mastectomy $3164 - $12654
Thyroidectomy $7734 - $9139
Lumpectomy $3163 - $12648
Thyroid resection $7733 - $11248
Rectal resection $21200 - $24800
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Czech Republic, Prague
80% patients recommend

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Malvazinky Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Prague, Czech Republic. The team is dedicated to orthopedics and rehabilitation. The center shows 99 % success rates for knee replacement and hip replacement. The Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic is one of the few medical facilities providing comprehensive care, including total preoperative, surgical, and postoperative as well as rehabilitation services. Malvazinky Hospital accepts only adults. 4,000 patients choose Malvazinky Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from the CIS, Europe, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.

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Клиника на ул. Малвазинки была выбрана потому что: 1. Клиника специализируется именно на операциях по замене тазобедренных и коленных суставов; 2. Здесь предлагалось провести операцию малоинвазивным способом, т.е. разрез не более 10-12 см. Небольшой разрез – гарантировал максимальное сохранение тканей мышц и быстрое восстановление после операции; 3. Клиника предоставляет услуги не только по операции, но и по последующей реабилитации; 4. Предложение по стоимости было наиболее оптимальным по сравнению с предложениями других клиник. После принятия решения, началась переписка с организаторами медицинского тура. Надо отдать должное сотрудниками по связи с иностранными клиентами, они профессионально и оперативно отвечали на все вопросы, подготовили приглашение, встретили и проводили, организовали: трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт из клиники, сопровождение переводчиками на протяжении всего срока пребывания в клинике. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне, за что я им очень признателен! Операцию проводил доктор В. Господар. Всё прошло штатно, как и было запланировано. Разрез в районе 12 см. Однако на следующий день после операции появилась сильная боль в продольной мышце вдоль позвоночника под лопаткой с левой стороны. Она меня мучила даже больше, чем должен был беспокоить разрез. Позднее мне несколько ослабили эту боль с помощью массажа и электро-процедур, но боль всё равно давала о себе знать. Реабилитация проводилась под руководством физиотерапевтов, я посещал групповые занятия и старался больше ходить, однако после снятия швов обнаружилась гематома и, как результат, пришлось выдержать ещё одно оперативное вмешательство по её удалению. После второй операции прекратились боли под лопаткой. Правда, восстанавливаться пришлось заново, и продлить реабилитацию на одну дополнительную неделю. Медицинский персонал клиники был очень приветлив и внимателен, что позволило мне чувствовать себя не как в клинике, а просто как в гостях у добрых, давно знакомых людей. Хочу ещё раз выразить свою благодарность: - медицинскому персоналу (сестричкам и мед. братьям, всем); - физиотерапевтам, особенно Martin Kazemir – он заново научил меня двигать ногой в тазобедренном суставе, а не всем тазом; - переводчикам (Айгерим (Айя), Марии и ещё Марии); - ортопеду Сергею Рыжову; - докторам В. Господару и Томашу Виммеру; - организаторам, без которых я так бы и продолжал хромать, Ольге Скатковой и Ирине Корчминской.
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— Евгений
Russian Federation, Apr 22, 2019
Apr 22, 2019 • Verified review.
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Austria, Graz
92% patients recommend

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Leech Private Clinic is a multi-specialty medical center in Graz, Austria. It has nearly 20 years of experience in advanced surgery and diagnostics. It offers advanced surgery and diagnostics, including echography, X-ray, endoscopy, MRI, and CT scans. The clinic has modern operation rooms, rehabilitation wards, intensive care units, and a sleep laboratory.

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) $9037.67 - $10360.81
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Republic of Korea, Busan
100% patients recommend

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South Korean Kang Dong Hospital is one of the best advanced medical centers in the field of orthopedics. It is one of the first hospital which began to practice multi-pronged approach to the treatment of orthopedic disorders in the world. Specialized Orthopedic Hospital uses the most modern technology, providing a full range of orthopedic services for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rehabilitation of injuries and all types of damages joints and spine.

Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Patient Experience Reviews
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Kang Dong Clinic has very good specialists. Good at diagnosing. Thanks a lot.
— Луиза
Kazakhstan, Jul 15, 2022
Jul 15, 2022 • Verified review.
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Turkey, Istanbul
100% patients recommend

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Kolan International Hospital in Istanbul is a part of huge medical institution group. It consists of 6 hospitals and 2 medical centers. It can accommodate 1,230 patients. The main specializations are cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, neurology, and ophthalmology.

Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Patient Experience Reviews
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Good afternoon! We liked the clinic Kolan, except that the conclusion and examinations of doctors with translation into Russian were promised to us by Olya, but she did not send anything, several times she was called, she said that she would recover, and already 2 months had passed.
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— Аминат
Russian Federation, Aug 31, 2018
Aug 31, 2018 • Verified review.
Subtotal thyroidectomy $4650 - $6100
Breast cancer surgery $5743.36 - $9427.79
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) $5000 - $5500
Thyroid resection $4650 - $6100
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Thailand, Bangkok
91% patients recommend

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Bumrungrad International Hospital is a global medical facility in Bangkok, Thailand that specializes in oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurosciences, heart surgery, check-ups, etc. Over 1 million patients choose Bumrungrad annually. 50% of them are international ones from over 190 countries.

The hospital is one of the largest private centers in Southeast Asia and one of the most significant world’s outpatient clinics. Bumrungrad International is recognized as TOP-10 best hospitals and TOP-30 most technologically advanced clinics in the world.

Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Patient Experience Reviews
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Everything at Bumrungrad was above average, except the fact that they told me they d send me quotes on different procedures within 3 days and it took one full month and me pushing them 3 times in order to get these quotes. That is far from what anyone would expect from an hospital of this international standing. On the flip side though, the people from Bookimed were awesome and i was happily surprised by they re professionalism, presence and speed of response to any of my inquiry. I will recommend Bookimed's services to everyone i know that are in need. Keep it up Bookimed and all the best! :-)
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— Anonymous
Thailand, Dec 12, 2018
Dec 12, 2018 • Verified review.
$137000 - $170000
Radiation therapy for brain tumor $12000 - $24000
Wedge Resection $15160 - $24300
Lobectomy $16900 - $21500
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) $7600 - $12440
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Ukraine, Kyiv
91% patients recommend

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ADONIS Medical Group is one of the leading private medical group of Ukraine consisting of 13 own medical centers & laboratories based in Kyiv. The ADONIS team counts over 400 experienced doctors with more than 10 years of practice who provide treatments in 65 specialties. The clinics have advanced technologies manufactured in Germany and the USA and own stem cell lab. The clinics serve children, men, and women. Patients from over 40 countries visit ADONIS to get medical assistance.

Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Patient Experience Reviews
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I really liked Dr. Pasichnyk with his professional approach to business. I came for a consultation on circular lifting. The doctor explained to me that it was too soon for me. I showed photos of patients my age who underwent surgery, and it was very revealing for me. I realized that I really need to wait for the photos I saw. 2 years ago I had a blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids in Lviv, where the doctor suggested that I do a 2/3 facelift in six months. Andriy Valeriyovych suggested inserting threads to improve the oval, but added that I also look good here at my age. One that gave off a little flabby skin on the lower eyelids. The beekeeper on the same day, at my request, underwent a lower eyelid lift, which took 40 minutes under local anesthesia. As a result, I was amazed, I have never seen such a thin and invisible cosmetic suture, as I had nothing to compare with the previous surgeon. The staff is also very friendly, accompanied me everywhere. The ward is a normal double room but extremely expensive, I had to see a doctor the next day. I was told the price of staying in a double room was UAH 2,800. Near the hospital there is a hotel where the room costs 700 UAH. Also about the disadvantages was that after the operation the first 3 days had to be put cold. They only had 2 ice packs and they didn't give them to me. Those plastic cubes that contain water cost pennies, so the hospital could buy them for such patients, especially since they specialize in cosmetology. On the second day when I was examined by a doctor and bandaged, it is also a paid procedure in the hospital, which is not included in the cost of the operation. But in general, for me it does not matter in which clinic Pasichnyk will work, first of all we go to a good professional and a practitioner who does his job brilliantly. I think that the clinic should be proud to have such a professional. As they say, personnel decides everything.
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— Юлия
Ukraine, Feb 2, 2022
Feb 2, 2022 • Verified review.
Lumpectomy $673 - $808
Prostatectomy $3365
Thyroidectomy $942 - $1144
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) $828 - $2154
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United Arab Emirates, Dubai
90% patients recommend

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Aster Hospitals based in Dubai is a part of Aster DM Healthcare. The network comprises 26 Hospitals, 19,000+ employees, and about 2,200+ doctors. Aster Hospitals include the multispecialty hospitals, single-specialty  hospitals, day surgery centres, diagnostic labs, telehealth, online consultations, a chain of pharmacies, research and education to provide a seamless healthcare journey. 

Thyroid function tests (including T3, T4, TSH) Patient Experience Reviews
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Translator Zukhra was very professional, thank you very much. But the doctor, unfortunately, did not inspire confidence in me, for 45 minutes of the conversation the doctor did not ask me any details of the disease, not about what tests were passed, what manipulations were. If I didn’t tell and didn’t ask questions for 45 minutes, then most likely the meeting would have ended in 5 minutes. In general, I didn’t see the doctor’s interest in the patient. In principle, I have not heard anything new either.
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— Ренат
Kazakhstan, Jan 1, 2022
Jan 1, 2022 • Verified review.
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