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Barcin Ozcem

Cardiovascular surgeon

20 years of experience


  • 1999-2005; Trakya University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2006-2012; Specialization, Izmir Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Cardiovascular Surgery
  • 2012; Near East University Faculty of Medicine Hospital
  • 2013-2016; Assistant Professorship
  • July 2016; Associate professor title
  • March 2021; Prof. title

Doctorate, specialization in medicine, proficiency in art (University, thesis title and year)
İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, Comparison of post-operative drainage and hemodynamic parameters of patients who used acetylsalicylic acid before coronary artery surgery and those who did not. 2012. Thesis Advisor:Assoc.Prof.Dr.Ufuk YETKİN

1.1.International Article Publications
1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists 

Farisoğlu, Ü., Balcıoğlu, Ö., Özcem, B. , ...Nasırcılar Ülker, S., Koçer, G. Parabiosis Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in Aged Female Mice Journal of Surgical Research , 2022, 278, pp. 119–131

The effect of bovine serum albumin-glutaraldehyde and polyethylene glycol polymer on local tissue reaction and inflammation in rabbit carotid artery anastomosis. Besir Y, Karaagac E, Kurus M, Keselik E, Iscan S, Gokalp O, Eygi B, Iner H, Yesilkaya N, Ozcem B , Yılık L, Gurbuz A. Vascular. 2022 Feb 28:17085381221075484. doi: 10.1177/17085381221075484. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35225097

The rational use of thromboprophylaxis therapy in hospitalized patients and the perspectives of health care providers in Northern Cyprus

Shah, SS, Abdi, A., Özcem, B., Basgut, B. PLoS ONE , 2020, 15(7 July), e0235495

Mitral annular calcification and SYNTAX ScoreCerit L ,Günsel A ,cerit Z, Ozcem B ,Kemal H,Taşel B ,Duygu H Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche Volume 177, Issue 6, Pages 260 - 265June 2018

Preventive effect of preoperative vitamin supplementation on postoperative atrial fibrillation Cerit, L., Özcem, B., Cerit, Z., Duygu, H. Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery , 2018, 33(4), pp. 347–352

Introducing clinical pharmacy services to cardiovascular clinics at a university hospital in Northern Cyprus Al-Baghdadi, H., Koca Al-Baghdadi, Ç., Abdi, A., ...Özcem, B., Başgut, B. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy , 2017, 39(6), pp. 1185–1193

Relationship between Vitamin D and the development of atrial fibrillation after on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Cerit L, Kemal H, Gulsen K, Ozcem B , Cerit Z, Duygu H. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2017 Mar/Apr 23;28(2):104-107. doi: 10.5830/CVJA-2016-064. Epub 2016 Aug 2. PMID: 27701486

Ascending Aorta and Aortic Root Replacement With the Bentall Procedure in a Patient With Dextrocardia and Situs Inversus Totalis Özlem Balcıoğlu, Barçın Özcem , Aşkın Ali Korkmaz DOI: 10.4274/cjms.2021.2021-64 Cyprus J Med Sci 2022;7(2)276-278

Spider-like coronary anatomy; the true spider! | Anatomia coronariana em posição spider: A verdadeira aranha!

Cerit, L., Duygu, H., Gülşen, K., Kemal, H., Ozcem, B. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia , 2017, 109(4), pp. 376–377

Successful resection and reconstruction of primary cardiac lymphoma.

Özcem B , Soner Kemal H, Balcıoğlu Ö, Özkayalar H, Sanisoğlu İ. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2017 Dec;45(8):755-757. doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.65745. PMID: 29226899

Ozpak BIlhan GOzcem BKara H. Our Short-Term Results with Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy for Treatment of Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.  2015 Jun 19

Gülşen KDuygu HCerit LÖzcem BBabalık E An extremely rare complication due to percutaneous coronary intervention: Aortic perforation. Int J Cardiol.  2015 Nov 1;198:34-6.

DuyguHCeritLGulsenKOzcemB . Looking beyond lumen: Optical coherence tomography. Int J Cardiol.  2015 Oct 15;197:326.

Yurekli I, Cakir H,  Ozcem B , Besir Y. Effect of preoperative renal function on long-term survival after cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Jan;147(1):539-40.

Bayrak S, Yurekli I, Gokalp O, Kiray M, Bademci MS, Ozcem B , Besir Y, Yilik L, Kestelli M, Gurbuz A. Evaluation of protective effects of methylprednisolone and pheniramine maleate on reperfusion injury in kidney after distant organ ischemia: a rat model. Ann Vasc Surg. 2012 May;26(4):559-65.

Gokalp O, Yurekli I, Gur S, Bademci M, Ozcem B , Gurbuz A. Femorofemoral bypass in addition to femoropopliteal bypass. Ann Vasc Surg. 2012 Aug;26(6):885.

Gokalp O, Karakas N, Besir Y,  Ozcem B , Gurbuz A. Factors affecting the development of renal failure after abdominal vascular surgery. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2012 May;43(5):612-3

Kestelli M, Yurekli I, Akyuz M, Ozcem B. Are all antegrade cerebral perfusion techniques equal? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012 Jun;41(6):1406

Kestelli M, Yurekli I, Ozcem B , Gurbuz. What else could be done besides aortic repair? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Dec;38(6):815

1.1.1.b. Journals included in SCI extended lists

Cerit L, Kemal H, Gulsen K, Ozcem B, Cerit Z, Duygu H.Relation Between Vitamin D and Development of atrail fibrillation after On-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery


Cerit L, Duygu H, Gulsen K, Kemal H,  Ozcem B , Balcioglu O, Gunsel A, Tosun O Emren v. Is SYNTAX Score Predictive of Atrial Fibrillation After On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery? Korean Circ J. 2016;46:e103.

Akyuz M, Gokalp O, Ozcem B, Ozcan S, Besir Y, Gurbuz A. Surgical management of axillosubclavian vascular injuries. Pak J Med Sci. 2015;31(3):552-5

Yazıman S, Yurekli İ, Yılık L, Yetkin U, İner H, Gunes T, Ozcem B , Gurbuz A OUR MID-TERM RESULTS IN THE ENDOVASCULAR REPAIR OF ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM TGKDC-2016-E12320 (accepted)

Gülşen K, Cerit L, Özcem B , Akpınar O. Predictors of poor coronary collateral development in patients with stable coronary artery disease: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelets. Anatol J Cardiol. 2015 Nov;15(11):960-1.

Özçem B, Cerit L, Şahin T, Akyüz M, Duygu H. Preoperative oral pentoxifylline in case of coronary artery bypass grafting with left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction equal to/less than 30%). Anatol J Cardiol. 2015 Sep;15(9):773-4.

Cerit L, Duygu H, Gülşen K, Özcem B. Achilles' heel of coil occlusion procedure: Anticoagulant therapy. Anatol J Cardiol. 2015 Sep;15(9):765-6.

Ozcem B , Gulsen K, Cerit L, Conkbayir C Long-term patency of autogenous saphenous veins etc. PTFE interposition graft for prosthetic hemodialysis access .Anatol J Cardiol 2015; 15:263-264

Ozcem B , Sahin T, Balcıoglu O. Nonthyroidal illness syndrome in offpump coronary artery bypass surgery doi:  10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2015.6787

Ozcem B , Akyuz M, Ozpak B , Sanisoglu İ Recurrent varicose veins after surgery: an analysis of 247 patients Turk Gogus Kalp Damar 2016;24(1):190-191

Ozcem B , Gulsen K, Akyuz M, Sanisoglu İ The impact of body mass index on mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing isolated valve surgery Turk Gogus Kalp Damar 2015;23(4):802-803.

Yasa H, Akyuz M, Yakut N, Aslan O, Akyuz D,  Ozcem B , Tulukoğlu E, Gurbuz A. Comparison of two surgical techniques for carotid endarterectomy: conventional and eversion. Neurochirurgie. 2014 Feb-Apr;60(1-2):33-7.

Ozcem B , et al. Propofol-related infusion syndrome in a geriatric patient following the use of propofol in low doses and short duration, during and after cardiac surgery: A case report. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 17: 108-111, No. 1, 2014.

Ozcem B A case of radial arteriovenous fistula during coronary angiography. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 Mar;14(2):210

Özcem B , Gülşen K, Cerit L An excellent collateralization between left internal mammary artery to left external iliac artery. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 May 19;14(3):E7-8.

Gülşen K, Cerit L, Özcem B , Conkbayır C, Ökçün B. Multivessel disease in a patient taken to the catheter laboratory with acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock. Start revascularization with the distal LAD via LIMA. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 Dec;14(8):752, 756


Russ J Cardiol 2014, 1 (105), Engl.: 52-53 (The journal was SCI-e when it was accepted)

Yürekli I, Yazıman S, Cakır H,  Ozcem B. About contrast-induced nephropathy. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2013 Nov;13(7):719-20.

Gökalp O, Yazıman S, Özcem B , Gürbüz A. Effect of systemic inflammation in the cardiac surgery performed on elderly. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2013 Jun;13(4):401.

Bozok S, Kestelli M, Ilhan G, Gokalp O, Ozpak B, Akyuz M, Ozcem B , Kestelli P. Tips and pearls for "true" dextroposition of the aorta in tetralogy of Fallot. Cardiol Young 2012 Sep 14:1-4.

Gunes T, Bozok S, Kestelli M, Yurekli I, Ilhan G, Ozpak B, Bademci M, Ozcem B , Sahin A. α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid in early postoperative period of cardiopulmonary bypass. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2012 Nov;13(11):691-9

T Güneş, L Yılık, U Yetkin, İ Yürekli, B Özcem,Yazman S,Gokalp O,Gurbuz A. Comparison of open conventional and endovascular surgical treatment in abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2012.099

Gökalp O, Yürekli I, Güneş T, Kestelli M, Yılık L, Lafçı B,  Ozcem B , Gürbüz A. Sternal wire reaction with wire's skin exposure and its treatment in a patient who underwent coronary bypass surgery. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2011 Mar 7;11(2):E9-E10.

Tetik O,  Ozcem B , Calli AO, Gurbuz A. True brachial artery aneurysm. Tex Heart Inst J. 2010;37(5):618-9.

Gürbüz A, Yetkin U, Lafçi B, Postaci N,  Ozcem B , Yürekli I. Perforation of the mitral valve due to Brucella endocarditis as a late complication diagnosed perioperatively. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2009 Oct;9(5):430.

Kestelli M, Yürekli I, Ozelçi AB, Gökalp O, Güneş T, Ozcem B , Gürbüz A. [The role of inflammation in atrial fibrillation/The comparison between the efficiency of different anti-arrhythmic agents in preventing postoperative atrial fibrillation after open-heart surgery]. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2008 Oct;8(5):394

Tetik O, Yetkin U, Rezanko T,  Ozcem B , Gurbuz A. Cavernous hemangioma atypically located at the left brachial region. Tex Heart Inst J. 2008;35(2):218-9.

Bayrak S, Güneş T, Özcem B , Gökalp O, Yürekli İ, Yazıman S, Gürbüz A. Port catheter implantation under scopy in hybrid operation rooms. Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012 April;20(2):275-280

Bayrak S, Yetkin U, Yürekli İ, Gökalp O, Bademci MŞ, Yaşa H, Özcem B , Gürbüz A. Chronic venous insufficiency cases in the practice of external banding. Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012 October;20(4):788-793

1.1.2. EI, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ.Lit., and other field indexed journals

Ozcem B , Yasa H, Akyuz M, Işık O Intraoperative Left Mamarian Artery Flow Measurement in Elderly Patients 2015 DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.3889

Yasa H, Aslan O,  Ozcem B , Akyuz M, Gurbuz A, Akhan G. An alternative surgical procedure for a patient with critically restenosed and kinked carotid artery: graft interposition. Case Rep Surg. 2011;2011:572454.

Yillik Y,Gokalp O,Yurekli İ,Bayrak S,Gunes T, Ozcem B ,Bademci M,Gurbuz A. Direct Thrombolytic Theraphy with Catheter Ultrasonographic in the Treatment of Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism: First Applications in Turkey Damar Cer Derg 2012;21( 1):47-50

1.1.3. Published in peer-reviewed journals and 1.1.1. and1.1.2. articles not included

Gurbuz A, Yetkin U, Ozcem B , Postaci N, Yurekli İ Giant left ventricular saccular true aneurysm at posterobasal localization. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2009 Volume 13 Number 2

Özbek C, Yetkin U, Özcem B , Bademci M, Yürekli İ, Postacı N, Gürbüz A. Combined mitral and aortic valve repair in a patient with end-stage renal disease. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2009 Volume 13 Number 2

Gürbüz A, Yetkin U, Lafçı B, Bayrak S, Göktoğan T, Özcem B. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,Vol 12(2),(2008).

Yetkin U, Özbek C, Göktoğan T, Karahan N, Özcem B , Akyüz M, Gürbüz A. Our Infective Endocarditis Cases That Diagnosed Splenic Infarctus The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,Vol 12(2),(2008).

Gürbüz A, Yetkin U, Apaydın M, Özcem B, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Associated With Renal Carcinoma The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol 11(2),(2008).

Özbek C, Yetkin U, Özcem B , Özpak B, Yürekli İ, Gürbüz A. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery In An Elephantiasis Patient: The First Case In Literature The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol 10(2),(2007) .

International Conferences
Poster Presentations

1. Yazıman SYürekli İYetkin UYılık LDönmez Kİner HGüneş TÖzcem BGürbüz A. Relationship between endoleak development and aneurysm diameter in patients with abdominal aorta aneurysm treated with endovascular repair. J Cardiothorac Surg.  2015 Dec 16;10 Suppl 1:A224.

2.Yazman S, Yürekli İ, Yılık L, Yetkin U, Dönmez K, İner H, Güneş T, Özcem B, Gürbüz A. Pre and postoperative value of contrast computerized tomography scan for patients with abdominal aorta aneurysm treated with endovascular repair study. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Dec 16;10 Suppl 1:A231.

3.Yazman S, Yürekli İ, Yetkin U, Yılık L, Dönmez K, İner H, Güneş T, Özcem B, Gürbüz A. Mortality properties of our case series of abdominal aorta aneurysm patients treated with endovascular repair. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Dec 16;10 Suppl 1:A226.

4.Ozcem B, Yetkin U, Bademci M, Akyuz M, Yazıman S, Celik E, Karakas N, Yurekli I, GurbuzA.  Comparison of amount of postoperative use of blood and blood products between patients receiving and not receiving salicylate before coronary surgery Journal ofCardiothoracicSurgery2013,8(Suppl1):P80   23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split, Croatia.12-15 2013

5.B Ozcem, U Yetkin, M Bademci, M Akyuz, S Yazıman, E Celik, N Karakas, I Yurekli and A Gurbuz .Comparison of patients receiving salicylate before coronary artery surgery with patients not receiving in terms of postoperative mortality rate Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P108 P80   23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split, Croatia.12-15 September 2013

6.M Akyuz, B Lafci, U Yetkin, M Bademci, B Ozpak, I Akyildiz, B Ozcem, A Gurbuz. Short and mid-term follow-up of patients with low ejection fraction who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery: comparison of preoperative and postoperative anginal complaint and functional capacity Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P101 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split, Croatia.12-15 September 2013

7.M Akyuz, B Lafci, U Yetkin, M Bademci, B Ozpak, I Akyildiz, B Ozcem, A Gurbuz. Evaluation of pre-, per- and postoperative data for comparison of short and midterm results of high-risk coronary arterial bypass surgery in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P100 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

8.M Akyuz, B Lafci, U Yetkin, M Bademci, B Ozpak, I Akyildiz, B Ozcem, A Gurbuz Coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with low ejection fraction: short and mid term outcomes according to the associated risk factors Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P99 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

9.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Our incision types of choice for surgical treatment of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P49 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

10.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Our graft choice for surgical treatment of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013 , 8(Suppl 1):P48 P100 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

11.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Diagnosis of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries and our principles of surgical approach Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P46 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split , Croatia.12-15 September 2013

12.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Characteristics of postoperative early and late period for surgical treatment of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P45 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013Papers Presented at International Congresses

  1. Ozbek C, Yetkin U, Bayrak S, O Tetik, Ozcem B , T Gunes, Gurbuz Sklerotheraphy of lower Extremity Varices: Relieving The Symptoms And Optimal Cosmetic Results.The 15th Annual Meeting of Asian Society For Cardio-Vascular Surgery-ASCVS,Abstract Book,S127-128/PU-007,Partnerships in Progressing Cardi-Thoracic Surgery,May 17-20,2007,Beijing,China
  2. Yetkin U,O Tetik, Ozcem B , Ozpak B, Ozbek C,Gurbuz Planning The Operation In Occlusive Lower Extremity Arterial Disease With MR Angiograpy.The 15th Annual Meeting of Asian Society For Cardio-Vascular Surgery-ASCVS,Abstract Book,S131 / PU-016/474, Partnerships in Progressing Cardi-Thoracic Surgery,May 17-20,2007,Beijing,China
  3. Ergunes K, Yasa H, Özsoyler I, Lafci B, Ozcem B , Akyuz M, Aksun M, Gürbüz A. Neurologic Manifestation Of Cardıac Myxoma The European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery 56th International Congress, Venice, Italy, May 17-20,2007


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