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Bulent Unal

General surgeon

29 years of experience


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Turkey, Istanbul

General Surgery Department 

Liver Transplantation 

Kidney Transplantation


Educational Information 

Master's Degree School of Medicine Çukurova University, School of Medicine 1996

 Ph.D./S. Qualification General Surgery Ankara Numune Training And Research Hospital 2001


Academic/Professional Experience 

Term General Practitioner Rize Fındıklı Central Health Center Spec. 1996-1997

 Ankara Numune Training And Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Assist. Prof. 1997-2001 

Ankara Numune Training And Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Spec. Prof. 2001-2002 

Ankara Numune Training And Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Chief Assistant 2002-2007 

İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Surgery Assoc. Prof. 2007-2010 

İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya Surgical Oncology Minor Specialist 2012 

İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Surgery Assoc. Prof. 2010-2015 

İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Surgery Professor 2015-2017

Osmangazi University, School of Medicine Eskişehir Head of General Surgery-Surgical Oncology Department Professor 2017-Present


Education Abroad: 

1- As a National Cancer Institute Short-Term Scientist for 10 months, sentinel node applications and ductoscopy training in breast cancer, with the National Cancer Institute's Research Scholarship at Surgical Oncology Clinic, Magee-Womens Hospital of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the United States, 2008 (10 months) 

2- Transplantation and Oncology Surgery Training at the University of Giessen-Marburg, Germany, 2010 (1 month)


Master's Theses Managed (Activity List H) 

1- Keskin,K., “Evaluation of Operative Hyperthyroidism Patients with SF-36 Quality of Life Scale”, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2003. 

2- Aydın,S., “Effects of TNFα Receptor Blocker (Infliximab) on Bacterial Translocation and Pancreatitis in Experimental Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis”, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2005. 

3- Arslan MŞ, Analysis of the Perspective of Organ Transplantation in a Geographical Region where Liver Transplantation is Extensively Performed (The Case of Malatya Province). 2018 



Specialization thesis in medicine: 

The Relationship Between Breast Cancer and Thyroid Pathologies, 2001.



Before Associate Professorship 

2003 Turkish Society of Surgery-Sanofi Pharma Thrombosis Research Foundation 7. Research Project Competition incentive award. “The importance of insulin resistance and VEGF-C in breast cancer lymph node metastasis: Prospective Clinical Study”. 

2005 Oral Presentation “Third Prize”. National Geriatrics Congress, Antalya. "Factors affecting mortality and morbidity in elderly patients with Fournier's Gangrene". 

2007 Oral Presentation “Second Prize”. National Breast Congress, Ankara. “Vascular endothelial growth factors; Is postmastectomy a risk factor for lymphedema?”. 

2008 AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) Scholar-in-Training Award. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, USA. “The Predictive Probability of Four Different Breast Cancer Nomograms for Non Sentinel Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Positive Sentinel Node Biopsy”. 

2009 Pilot Grant Award. 6th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer, Santa Monica, California, USA. “Autoflourescence Ductoscopy for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer”. 

During Professorship and Associate Professorship: 

2013 1000. Liver Transplant Outstanding Achievement Certificate. April 2013 

2013 Best poster presentation award “Massive Hemorrhage from Retropancreatic Portal Vein as a Complication of Thromboendovenectomy and Control with Balloon Catheter Tamponade during Liver Transplantation. 13. International Euroasian Congress of Surgery and Gastroenterology” Bucharest, Romania.  


Turkish Surgical Association 

Ankara Surgery Association 

Ankara Breast Diseases Association 

Federation of Breast Associations 

Association of Gastroenterology Surgery 

Edoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery 

Association American Society of Breast Cancer 

International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists

 Surgical Oncology Association (Member of the Board of Directors)

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