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Fatih Yuzbasioglu

General surgeon

25 years of experience
Prof. Dr. Fatih Yuzbasioglu is a medical professional specializing in General Surgery. He has several publications to his name, including an article on 'Appendicular Mucinous Cystadenoma and Peritoneal Adenomucinosis' published in 2021.


Dr. Fatih Yuzbasioglu is a respected General Surgeon who has made significant contributions to his field through various publications. His most notable work is the 2021 article on 'Appendicular Mucinous Cystadenoma and Peritoneal Adenomucinosis'.


  • "Three-port versus standard four-port laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Retrospective Study" co-authored with Bahtiyar Muhammedoğlu, Sezgin Topuz, Ali İşler, Muhammed Alkan, Mehmet Buğra Bozan, and Taner Kale. Published in KSU Medical Journal.
  • "Appendiküler Müsinöz Kistadenom ve Peritoneal Adenomüsinozis" co-authored with Alper Boz, Hasan Acar, Emrah Cengiz, Sezgin Topuz, and Onur Peker. Published in 2021 in KSU Medical Journal.

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