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Hyeunsung Harrison Kim

Neurosurgeon, Spine neurosurgeon

- Winner of the 2018 Paviz Kambin Award (Youngest winner in Asia) - An authority on endoscopic spine treatment, active academic activities. - A friendly doctor who speaks in english fluently and communicates well using SNS. - World Spine 8 academic committee member and WSCS standing member - 2016 WCMISST KOMISS / Aasia Spine Standing Member - ISASS 2018 academic committee member - Editor of the international academic journal ‘JMISST’ - Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Neurosurgery (2008)

31 years of experience

eless navigation system. Seoul, E-public, 2011


Dr. Kim HS is a member of the Korean Neurosurgical Society, the Korean Neurosurgical Spine Society, and other professional societies. He has extensive experience in minimally invasive spine surgery and procedures, HNP (Herniated Nucleus Pulposus) lumbar cervical, spinal stenosis, and degenerative spinal disease. He obtained his PhD in 2006, and has trained at Chosun University Hospital, 21 Century Spine Hospital, Anna Hospital, and various other hospitals. He is fluent in English and Korean, and is an adjunct professor of the Medical College of the Chosun University. He has published multiple textbooks and articles, and is a journal reviewer of World Neurosurgery and Korean Neurological Society.

Certification & Accreditation

North American Spine Society
International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery


Nanoori Hospital ,Seoul , Republic of Korea

[Special Areas]

Minimally Invasive spine surgery & procedure

HNP (Herniated Nucleus Pulposus) lumbar cervical

Spinal stenosis

Degenerative Spinal disease

Endoscopic Spine Surgery

Minimally Invasive Lumbar Interbody Fusion



English, Korean


[Academic Background and Work Experience]

1994                   Graduate Chosun University Medical School

1994-1999         Trained in Chosun University Hospital: Internship, Residency

2004                   21 century spine Hospital training; Seoul, Korea

2005                   Anna Hospital training; Herne, Germany

2006                   Certificated PhD


1999~2000         Head of Neurosurgery, a Military Unit of Medical Affairs of a 15th Division,

The Army of South Korea

2000~2002         Head of Neurosurgery, Armed Forces Gwangju Hospital

2002~2003         Head of Neurosurgery, Gokseong Hospital

2003~2009.5      Head of Neurosurery, Mokpo Hankook Hospital

2009.5~2014.8   Director of the Hurisarang Spine Hospital

2014.9~              Director of the Sun Han Hospital


[Professional Memberships] 


: A Faculty of International Cooperation of the KOMISS (Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Research Society)

: A Faculty of the Korean Society of Peripheral Nervous System

: A Faculty of the Korean Spinal Deformity Research Society

: A Faculty of the Korean Spinal Osteoporosis Research Society

: A Faculty of the Korean Society of IMS (Interventional Muscle and Soft Tissue Stimulation Therapy)

: A Faculty of the Spinal Therapeutic Technology Related Link

: A Faculty of the Korean Neurosurgery Hospital Society

: A Journal Reviewer of World Neurosurgery

: A Journal reviewer of Korean Neurological Society

: Adjunct professor of the Medical College of the Chosun University

: An Advisory Doctor of the 365 Homecare

: An Advisory Doctor of the Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society


Member of the Korean Neurosurgical Society

Member of the Korean Neurosurgical Spine Society

Member of the Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Research Society

Member of the Korean Society of Peripheral Nervous System

Member of the Korean Spinal Deformity Research Society

Member of the Korean Spinal Osteoporosis Research Society

Member of the Korean Society of Interventional Muscle and Soft Tissue Stimulation Therapy 

Member of the Spinal Therapeutic Technology Related Link 

Member of the Korean Musculoskeletal Laser and Radiofrequency society

Member of the Korean Society of Thermology

Member of the Korean Pain Society

Member of the Korean Neuro-Pain Society

Member of the Korean Society of Complementary & Integrative Medicine

Member of the NASS (North American Spine Society)

Member of the ISASS (International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery)

Member of the Eurospine

Member of the KASS (Korean American Spine Society)

Member of the AANS (American Association of Neurological Surgeons)

Member of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves

Member of the WCMISST (World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques)

Member of the ACMISST (Asian Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques)

Member of the Asia Spine

Member of the World Spine Society

Member of the AO Spine



Solco Company: Apollon® Co-Designer / Solco India / Joimax® / S@S Care Tech


[Publication / Translation]


1.          Korean Neurosurgical Spine Society. The Textbook of Spine. Seoul, Koonja Publishing, 2008

2.          Jo DH, Lim KJ, Kim HS, Kim IH, Cho SH. Diagnosis and injection techniques in orthopedic medicine. Seoul, Hanmibook, 2005

3.          Kim HS et al. Muscles testing and function with posture and pain. Seoul, Hanmibook, 2006

4.          Kim HS, Cho SH. A manual of neuro-anatomical acupuncture. Seoul, Hanmibook, 2007

5.          Lee SC, Kim KS, Kim HS et al. Diagnosis and treatment in lumbopelvic pain: Movement, stability and lumbopelvic pain. Seoul, E-public, 2010

6.          Lim KJ, Kim KS, Kim HS, Lee HY, Heo K. Imaging of Pain. Seoul, Medbook, 2011




  1. 2002 Best article award in The Korean Intramuscular Stimulation Therapy Association: Kim JK, Lim KJ, Kim C, Kim HS. Intramuscular Stimulation Therapy in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients. J Korean Pain Soc 16 (1): 60-67, 2003
  2. 2008 Best article award in the Korean Neurosurgical Society: Kim SW, Kim HS, Ju CI, Lee SM, Shin H. Balloon kyphoplasty in severe osteoporotic compression fracture: Is it a contraindication? Neurosurgery 2007 Mar 15; [Epub ahead of print]
  3. 2013 Best Paper Award: The Factors associated with Early Relapse after Posterolateral Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy. 6th ISMISS TURKEY
  4. 2014 Abstract Prize: Spinal canal compromise related factors of surgical success in the percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic lumbar discectomy. 3rd Asia-MISS, 7th ISMISS TURKEY
  5. 2018 Winner of the 2018 Paviz Kambin Award


[Published Articles]


1.          Kim HS, Jang SJ, Jeong SH. Analysis for Circumstantial Factors in Onset of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 27:939-946, 1998

2.          Kim HS, Jang SJ, Jeong SH. Microcystic Meningioma - Case Report - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 27:1271-1276, 1998

3.          Kim JK, Lim KJ, Kim C, Kim HS. Intramuscular Stimulation Therapy in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients. J Korean Pain Soc 16 (1): 60-67, 2003 

4.          Kim BO, Kim SW, Lee SM, Kim HS, Shin H. Effectiveness of early surgery in children with traumatic subdural hygroma. Chosun University Medical School miscellany 2004

5.          Kim HS, Ryu JK, Park IH, Jung KH, Sun KJ, Lim KJ, Jo DH. Diagnosis using the infrared thermography in lumbosacral pain and Gunn's IMNS treatment. Korean J Thermology 6: 27-34, 2005

6.          Kim HS, Jung KH, Park IH, Ryu JK, Sun KJ, Lim KJ, Jo DH. The results of thermographic image and prolotherapy for the symptoms mimicking radiculopathy developed after trauma -3 cases report- Korean J Thermology 7: 81-86, 2006

7.          Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H, Kim HS. Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Following Postural Reduction in Unstable Vertebra Plana; Is it a Contraindication? Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 92-95, 2006

8.          Kim HS, Park IH, Rye JK, Kim SW, Shin H. Bone Cement Augmentation of Pedicular Screwing in Severe Osteoporotic Spondylolisthetic Patients. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 6-10, 2007

9.          Lim HG, Kim HS, Kim SW, Shin H. Discal Cyst Diagnosed by Radiologic Finding. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 41: 418-420, 2007

10.        Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. Balloon kyphoplasty in severe osteoporotic compression fracture: Is it a contraindicatioin? Neurosurgery 2007 Mar 15; [Epub ahead of print]

11.        Kim HS, Kim SW, Ju CI. Balloon Kyphoplasty through Extrapedicular Approach in the Treatment of Middle Thoracic Osteoporotic Compression Fracture : T5-T8 Level. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 363-366, 2007

12.        Kim HS, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. Endoscopic Discectomy for the Cauda Equina Syndrome During Third Trimester of Pregnancy. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 419-420, 2007

13.        Kim HS, Park SK, Joy H, Park IH, Ryu JK, Sun KJ Lim KJ Jo DH. Diagnosis and Treatment of Sacral Asymlocation in Back Pain Patients - Clinical Experience of Prolotherapy - J Korean Pain Soc 20: 130-137, 2007

14.        Jang JH, Kim HS, Kim SW. Severe Vertebral Erosion by Huge Symptomatic Pulsating Aortic Aneurysm. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 43: 117-118, 2008

15.        Park IH, Kim HS, Park SK, Kim SW. Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Superficial Temporal Artery Diagnosed by 3-dimensional CT Angiography. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 43: 209-211, 2008

16.        Wang HS, Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW. Delayed Bone Cement Displacement Following Balloon Kyphoplasty. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 43: 212-214, 2008

17.        Kim HS, Jo DH, Park IH, Ryu JK, Sun KJ, Lim KJ. Spontaneous Regression of a Radiculopathic Cervical Herniated Disc Following Non-surgical Treatment. Korean J Pain 21: 84-88, 2008

18.        Kim HS, Park SK, Joy H, Ryu JK, Kim SW, Ju CI. Bone Cement Augmentation of Short Segment Fixation for Unstable Burst Fracture in Severe Osteoporosis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44: 8-14, 2008

19.        Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW, Kim JG. Endoscopic Transforaminal Suprapedicular Approach in High Grade Inferior Migrated Lumbar Disc Herniation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 45 : 67-73, 2009

20.        Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW, Kim JG. Huge Psoas Muscle Hematoma due to Lumbar Segmental Vessel Injury Following Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 45: 192-195, 2009

21.        Ju CI, Shin H, Kim SW, Kim HS. Sacral Perineural Cyst Accompanying Disc Herniation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 45: 185-187, 2009

22.        Chae KH, Ju CI, Lee SM, Kim BW, Kim SY, Kim HS. Strategies for Noncontained Lumbar Disc Herniation by an Endoscopic Approach : Transforaminal Suprapedicular Approach, Semi-Rigid Flexible Curved Probe, and 3-Dimensional Reconstruction CT with Discogram. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 46;312-6, 2009

23.        Oh GS, Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. Comparison of the Results of Balloon Kyphoplasty Performed at Different Times after Injury. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 47;199-202, 2010

24.        Kim HS, Park SK, Joy H, Park IH, Ryu JK, Ryu HS, Kim SW, Ju CI, Lim KJ, Jo DH. Hyperosmolar dextrose solution injection on lumbosacral medial branch and bilateral sacro-iliac joint for remnant buttock pain after vertebral augmentation procedures. The Pain Clinic 19; 293-297, 2007

25.        Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW. Bilateral Pedicle Stress Fracture Accompanying Spondylolysis in a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 48;70-2, 2010

Member of the AO Spine

26.        Kim HS, Kim SH, Ju CI, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. The Role of Bone Cement Augmentation in the Treatment of Chronic Symptomatic Osteoporotic Compression Fracture. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 48;490-5, 2010

27.        Kim SH, Kim HS, Kim SW. Lumbar Disc Herniation in Tae Kwon Do Athletic Child. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 48;538-40, 2010

28.        Kim HS, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. Ligamentum Flavum Hematoma in the Adjacent Segment after a long Level Fusion.  J Korean Neurosurg Soc 49;58-60, 2011

29.        Jang KS, Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. Paraspinal Muscle Sparing versus Percutaneous Screw Fixation: A Prospective and Comparative Study for the Treatment of L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 49(3);163-6, 2011

30.        Kim HS, Lee SK, Kim SW, Shin H. Chronic Spinal Epidural Hematoma Related to Kummell's Disease. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 49(4);231-3, 2011

31.        Kim HS, Kim HS, Kim SW, Shin H. Sudden Foot Drop Caused by Foraminal Gas Pseudocyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 49(6);384-6, 2011

32.        Kim HS, Ju CI, Kim SW. Foraminal Synovial Cyst Associated with Ankylosing Spondylitis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 50(1);54-6, 2011

33.        Wang HS, Kim HY, Kim SW, Lee SM, Kim HS, Kim SH. Advantages of the Plating for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and fusion: Comparison with Wearing Cervical Collar Without Plate. Korean J Spine 8(3):161-164, 2011

34.        Kim HS, Park KH, Ju CI, Kim SW, Lee SM, Shin H. Minimally Invasive Multi-Level Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using a Percutaneously Inserted Spinal Fixation System: Technical Tips, Surgical Outcomes. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 50;441-445, 2011

35.        Kim HY, Kim HS, Kim SW, Ju CI, Lee SM, Park HJ. Short Segment Screw Fixation without Fusion for Unstable Thoracolumbar and Lumbar Burst Fracture : A Prospective Study on Selective Consecutive Patients. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 51 : 203-207, 2012

36.        Ha SW, Ju CI, Kim SW, Lee SM, Kim YH, Kim HS. Clinical Outcomes of Percutaneous Endoscopic Surgery for Lumbar Discal Cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 51 : 208-214, 2012

37.        Kim HS, Kim SW, Lee WT. Spondylolisthesis Accompanying Bilateral Pedicle Stress Fracture at Two Vertebrae. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 51 : 388-390, 2012

38.        Kim JH, Kim SW, Kim HS. Congenital Osseus Bridging of Lumbar Transverse Processes. J Korean Neurosurgo Soc 52(2): 159-60, 2012

39.        Jung HJ, Kim SW, Ju CI, Kim SH, Kim HS. Bone Cement-Augmented Short Segment Fixation with Percutaneous Screws for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures Accompanied by Severe Osteoporosis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 52 : 353-8, 2012

40.        Kim HS, Kim SW, Ju CI et al. Short Segment Fixation for Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture Accompanying Osteopenia : A Comparative Study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 53 : 26-30, 2013

41.        Kim HS, Park JY. Comparative Assessment of Different Percutaneous Endoscopic Interlaminar Lumbar Discectomy (PEID) Techniques. Pain Physician 16(4):359-67, 2013

42.        Kim MH, Kim SW, Kim SH, Kim HS. Extraforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Cage Migration after Screw Removal: A Case Report.  Korean J Spine 10(2):104-106, 2013

43.        Park JH, Do NY, Kim SW, Kim HS. Large Perforation of Hypopharynx Secondary to Anterior Cervical Approach : A Complicated Case.<Case Report> J Korean Neurosurg Soc 53: 377-9, 2013

44.        Kim HS et al. Implant Removal after Percutaneous Short Segment Fixation for Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture: Does It Preserve Motion? J Korean Neurosurg Soc 55 : 73-77, 2014

45.        Kim SW, Ju CI, Kim HS, Kim YS. Brown-Séquard Syndrome Caused by a Cervical Synovial Cyst. Case Report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 55: 215-7, 2014Kim DE, Kim HS, Kim SW, Kim HS. Clinical Analysis of Acute Radiculopathy after Osteoporotic Lumbar Compression Fracture. J Korean Neurosurg Soc57(1);32-5, 2015

46.        Kim HS et al. Minimally invasive percutaneous endoscopic 2 levels adjacent lumbar discectomy through 1 portal skin incision: preliminary study. Asian J Neurosurg. 2015

47.        Kim do E, Kim HS, Kim SW, Kim HS. Clinical analysis of acute radiculopathy after osteoporotic lumbar compression fracture. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2015 

48.        Kim HS, Kim SW, Ju CI, Kim YS. Unilateral Pedicle Fracture Accompanying Spondylolytic Spondylolisthesis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2015

49.        Park JH, Kim SW, Kim HS, Ko JU. Rapid Resolution of Traumatic Pneumatocyst in the Cervical Spine: A Case Report. Korean J Spine. 2015 

50.        Park SJ, Kim HS, Lee SK, Kim SW. Bone Cement-Augmented Percutaneous Short Segment Fixation: An Effective Treatment for Kummell's Disease? J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2015 

51.        Park SJ, Kim HS, Kim HS, Kim SW. Complete Separation of the Vertebral Body Associated with a Schmorl's Node Accompanying Severe Osteoporosis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2015


276.      2015 (P) – KOMISS Case Conference: Pitfall of percutaneous endoscopic formainoplasty in foraminal stenosis




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