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Ibrahim Alatas


30 years of experience

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Turkey, Istanbul


 1989-1995, Physician (M.D.), Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine 

 1999-2005, Neurosurgery Department, Vakıf Gureba Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 



 2006-2008, Specialist Physician, Bağcılar Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 

 2008-2009, Specialist Physician, Avicenna Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 

 2009-2010, Specialist Physician, Taksim Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 

 2010-2013, Specialist Physician, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

 2013 – Still Continues, Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery Department, Istanbul Science University, Istanbul, Turkey 

Languages: English, Turkish 



 06.2014-Present Day Member of Turkish Neurosurgical Society 



2022 – The Best Presentation Award in 39th National Pediatric Surgery Congress, 12th National Pediatric Urology Congress, 25th National Pediatric Surgery Nurse Congress. 2-5 November 2022. The relationship between urodynamically prolapsed bladder compliance and markers of urinary fibrosis in spina bifida patients. 

2016 – The Best Poster Award in Turkish Orthopaedic Surgery Society Scientific Congress. "Medium-term results of surgical treatment of knee flexion contracture in meningomyelocele patients who can walk." 

2016 – The Best Poster Award in Turkish Pediatric Surgery Society Scientific Congress. "Prevalence of Inguinoscrotal Pathologies and Risk Factors in spina bifida patients." 

2014 - The Best Poster Award in Turkish Pediatric Surgery Society Scientific Congress. "Urodynamic Differences in Spina Bifida Patients with High Pressure and Low Pressure Detrusor Overactivity," Ş.K. Özel, İ. Alataş, T. Tunç, A. Alim, H. Canaz, Turkish Pediatric Surgery Society Scientific Congress, Antalya, 2014. 

2013 – 8th Award in Neurosurgery Society 27th Scientific Congress "Clinical Significance of Lumbar Examination Findings in Children with Closed Spinal Dysraphism: A Urodynamic Study," K.ÖZEL, İ.ALATAŞ, S.BAYDIN, B.DEMİRGİL, O.AKDEMİR, E.EMEL Turkish Neurosurgery Society 27th Scientific Congress, 12-16 April 2013. 

2012 - "THE PHYSICIAN OF THE YEAR" MINISTRY OF HEALTH 2011 - "Appreciation" 08.02.2011 - 471 GOVERNORSHIP OF ISTANBUL 2011 - "Appreciation" 08.02.2011 - 2727 GOVERNORSHIP OF ISTANBUL 


Study Abroad: 

2013-2015 - Minimal Invasive Fetal Surgery Training for Spina Bfida. German Fetal Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery Center (DZFT), Giessen University Hospital Giessen, Germany. 

2005-2016 - Fetal Surgery Training for Spina Bfida. University of Zurich, Switzerland. 

2016-2017 - Fetal Surgery Training for Spina Bfida. Katowice University, Poland. 


Thesis Supervision 

Investigating the frequency of spinal anomalies and deformities in the children aged 0-18 months, who underwent primary repair due to meningomyelocele. Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. 2014. 

Investigating the relationship between lower extremity, muscle strength and mobility and functional walking level and quality of life in the patients with Lumbosacral Spina Bifida. Istanbul Medipol University Health Sciences Institute. 2017. 


Participation as Meeting-Symposium Speaker: 

1. “From Basic to Clinic” Neuropathic Bladder in Children with Spina Bifida Symposium, 23-24 September 2022, Istanbul. 

2. Urological Problems In Spina Bifida and Postnatal Urological Results of Fetal Repair. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, Intrauterine NTD Surgery Panel. 14 May 2015, Antalya 


International Publications: 

1. Investigating the frequency of spinal anomalies and deformities in the children aged 0-18 months, who underwent primary repair due to meningomyelocele. Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. 2014. 

2. Investigating the relationship between lower extremity, muscle strength and mobility and functional walking level and quality of life in the patients with Lumbosacral Spina Bifida. Istanbul Medipol University Health Sciences Institute. 2017. 

3. Treating polyostotic monosystemic cranial and spinal Langerhans cell histiocytosis with surgery and chemotherapy. Karagöz, F.G., Baş, N.S., Emel, E., Alataş, İ., Rejin Kabudi Pediatric Neurosurgery 38:2006-211 (2003) 

4. Spinal osteoid associated with magnetic resonance imaging. Karagöz, F.G., Seyithanoğlu, M.H., Sencer, A., Emel, E., Alataş, İ., İzgi, A.N., Journal of Neurosurgery (Pediatric) 100:532-536, (2004) 

5. Migration of subduroperitoneal shunt into the subdural space: an unusual complication. Erhan Emel, Karagöz, F.G., Baş, N.S., Alataş, İ., Sel, B., Fadıllıoğlu, S., Pediatric Neurosurgery 41:201-205 (2005) 

6. Thoracic and lumbar tuberculous spondylitis treated by posterior debridement, graft placement, and instrumentation: a retrospective analysis in 19 cases J Neurosurg Spine 3:450-458 (2005) Karagöz F.G., Emel E. M.D., Baş N.S. M.D., Hacısalihoğlu S. M.D., Seyithanoğlu M.H. M.D., Karaçor S.E. M.D., Özkan N. M.D., Alataş İ. M.D., Sel B. M.D. 

7. Accuracy of pedicle screw placement for upper and middle thoracic pathologies in the cases without spinal deformity using conventional methods. Karagöz F.G., Emel E., MD, Seyıthanoğlu M.H., MD, Baş N.S., MD, Özkan, N., MD, Sel B. MD, Aycan A., MD, Alataş İ.,MD 

8. Non-contiguous multifocal spinal tuberculosis involving cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral segments: a case report. Eur Spine J (2006) 15:1019-1024 DOI 10.1007/s00586-586-005-0989-0 Emel E., Karagöz F.G., Güzey D., Baş N.S., Sel B., Alataş İ., MD 

9. Emel E, Karagöz, F.G., Emel, Alataş, İ., Delayed infection 6 years after spinal instrumentation: a case report Turk Neurosurg.17:116-20, (2007) 

10. Clear cell ependymoma of the temporal lobe in a child: a case report. Pediatric neurosurgery, 44:79- 84,(2008) Seyithanoğlu, M.H., Karagöz, F.G., Emel, E., Alataş, İ., Acarbaş, A.,Özkan, N., 

11. Can recurrence of chronic subdural hematoma be predicted? A retrospective analysis of 292 cases Tugcu, B., Tanrıverdı, O., Baydın, Hergunsel, S.B., Gunaldı, O., Ofluoğlu, E., Alataş, İ., Demirgil, B., Emel, E.,(2013) 

12. Publication rate of oral and poster presentations at the annual congress of Turkish Neurosurgery Society between 2005 and 2009. (2013) Yaman, M., Akdemır, O., Gökcedag, A., Alataş, İ., Harman, F., Canaz, H., 

13. Canaz H, Ayçiçek E, Akçetin MA, Akdemir O, Alataş I, Özdemir B. Supra- and infra-torcular double occipital encephalocele, Neurosurgery (Astur). 9 October 2014. ktb: S1130-1473(14)00120-1. doı: 10.1016/j.neucir.2014.09.002. 

14. Alataş I, Gündağ M, Canaz H, Emel E. Three level spinal dysraphism: multiple composite Type 1 and Type 2 split cord malformation. Roman Neurosurgery (2014) XXI 4: 477 – 479 

15. Gökhan CANAZ, Hüseyin CANAZ, İbrahim ALATAŞ, Osman AKDEMİR. Dizygotic twins with Myelomeningocele: A Case Report. Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery. 2015, Volume: 25, Number: 3, 352-354 

16. I. Alataş, H. Demirci, Hüseyin Canaz, O. Akdemir, S. Baydin, K. Özel. 'The role of urodynamic studies in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with spina bifida', Asia Neurosurgery Journal 2015, Volume 10, Number 2, 83-86. 

17. Alataş I, Canaz H, Akkoyun N, Er A, Demirhan O, Kızılay D, Emel E. 'Neural Tube Defects in Jarcho-Levin Syndrome: Study of Twenty-Eight Cases’, Pediatric Neurosurgery 2015, DOI: 10.1159/0 

18. Özdemir B, Batçık E, Ayçiçek E, Canaz G, Akdemir O, Alataş I, Canaz H. Investigation of dose-dependent neuroprotective effect of human recombinant erythropoietin in acute spinal cord injury induced rats. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(3):6385-6393 

19. Canaz H, Canaz G, Uçar BY, Alataş İ. Hemimetameric shift in spina bifida: three case reports. Child Nervous System (2016). DOI:10.1007/s00381-016- 3292- y 

20. Secrets of Anesthesia in Fetoscopic Surgery. (October 2015 Trials in Anesthesia and Critical Care) A. Saraçoğlu , T.Saraçoğlu, İ.Alataş ,H Kafalıoğlu 

21. Pituitary adenoma in monozigotic twins with Cri du Chat syndome: a rare case report (November 2016 Romania Neurosurgery) G.Canaz, H.Canaz, İ.Alataş 

22. Foramina parietalia permagna: familial and radiological evaluation of two cases and review of literature (December 2016 Child Nervous System) L.Gabor,H. Canaz, G.Canaz,I Alataş 

23. İbrahim Alataş, Hüseyin Canaz, Ayten Saraçoğlu, Haluk Kafalı, Gökhan Canaz, Mehmet Tokmak Statistical analysis of associated vertebrae and costal anomalies in Spina Bifida patients (June 2016 Roman Neurosurgery) 

24. Using functional mobility scale for assessing and studying association of lesion and ambulation level with kidney malposition in Spina Bifida. (January 2016 ) Z.İyigün T.Duymaz, L.Özgönenel, İ.Alataş 

25. Gabor L, Canaz H, Canaz G, Kara N, Alataş I, Bozkuş H. Russell–Silver Syndrome Associated with Low Conus Medullaris J Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2016 October-December; 11 (4):361-363. DOI: 10.4103/1817 1745.199482 

26. Alataş I, Canaz H, Özel K, Gedikbaşı A, Kohl T. Repair of spina bifida aperta with percutaneous minimal invasive fetoscopic method: first two cases in Turkey. Perinatal Journal 2016; 24 (1):54-60 

27. Alataş I, Canaz H, Özel K. Cord Release After Fetal Surgery. Child Nervous System Number: 10.1007/s00381- 017-3416- z 

28. Birgül A, Canaz G, Uğur M, Tokmak M, Kasap M, Alataş I, Canaz H. Effects of individual or combined use of alpha-lipoic acid and methylprednisolone on malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, and catalase levels in acute spinal cord injury in rats. JH Science. DOI: 10.17532/jhscı.2016.409 

29. İbrahim Alataş, Hüseyin Canaz, Ayten Saraçoğlu, Haluk Kafalı, Gökhan Canaz, Mehmet Tokmak. Statistical Analysis of Associated Vertebrae and Costal Anomalies in Spina Bifida Patients. Roman Neurosurgery (2016) XXX 2:258-266 İbrahim Alataş, Hüseyin Canaz, Ayten Saraçoğlu, Haluk Kafalı, Gökhan Canaz, Mehmet Tokmak Istanbul, Turkey, Statistical analysis of associated vertebrae and costal anomalies in Spina Bifida patients. Roman Neurosurgery | Volume XXX / Number 2 | 2016 / April-June 

30. Canaz H, Canaz G, Doğan I, Alataş I. Health-related quality of life in non-paraplegic (ambulatory) children with myelomeningocele. Child Nervous System. 27 June 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00381-017-3494- Y. 

31. Alataş I, Canaz G, Kayran NA, Kara N, Canaz H. Shunt revision rates in myelomeningocele patients in the first year of life: a retrospective study of 52 patients. Child Nervous System. 2017 November 20. DOI: 10.1007/s00381-017-3663- Z. 

32. Canaz H, Alataş I, Canaz G, Gümüşsuyu G, Cacan MA, Saraçoğlu A, Uçar BY. Surgical treatment of patients with myelomeningocele-related spine deformities: Study of 26 cases. Child Nervous System. 25 Ocak 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00381-018-3731- Z. 

33. Canaz H, Canaz G, Doğan I, Alataş I. Health-related quality of life in non-paraplegic (ambulatory) children with myelomeningocele. Child Nervous System. 2017 November; 33 (11): 1997-2002. DOI: 10.1007/s00381-017- 3494- y. Epub 2017 June 27. PMID: 28656385. 

34. Kasap M, Canaz H, Canaz G, Tokmak M, Bingül A, Alataş I. Morphometric Analysis Of Dose-Dependent Effect Of Progesterone On Experimental Vasospasm-Induced Rat Femoral Arteries. Asian J Neurosurgery. 2018 April-June; 13(2):271-276. DOI: 10.4103/1793-5482.228567. PMID: 29682020; PMCID: PMC58 

35. Alataş I, Canaz G, Arslan G, Çevik S, Kaçmaz B, Kara N, Canaz H. Analysis of Denver Neurodevelopmental Screening Test Results of Myelomeningocele, Hydrocephalus, and Microcephaly Patients. J Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2018 January-March; 13(1):28-33. doı: 10.4103/JPN.JPN_156_17. PMID: 29899768; PMCID: PMC5982489. 

36. Canaz H, Alataş I, Saraçoğlu A, Özel K, Gedikbaşı A. Open Fetal Surgery in Turkey. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2019;45(2):135-136. DOI: 10.1159/000492818. Epub 2018 October 9. PMID: 30300900. 

37. Saraçoğlu A, Saraçoğlu KT, Canaz H, Alataş I, Gedikbaşı A, Kafalı IH. Hemodynamic monitoring for fetal surgery: open versus fetoscopic repair of myelomeningocele. Anesthesia and Intensive Care. 2018;50(5):385- 386. DOI: 10.5603/AIT.a2018.0041. PMID: 30615799. 

38. Alataş, İbrahim & Özel, Seyhmus & Kara, Nursu & Canaz, Hüseyin. (2020). Urodynamic Study Findings Prior to Myelomeningocele Repair in Neonates. Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences. 15. 220. 10.4103/jpn.JPN_91_19. 

39. Özcan Ç, Polat Ö, Alataş I, Çamur S, Sağlam N, Uçar BY. Clinical and radiological results of kyphectomy and sliding growing rod surgery technique in children with myelomeningocele. J Orthop Surg Res. 2020 1 December; 15 (1):576. ytl: 10.1186/s13018-020-02099-2 . PMID: 33261632; PMCID: PMC7708111. 

40. Temizsoylu, Onur & KOÇKAR, Alev & Alataş, İbrahim & CANAZ, Hüseyin & ŞENGÜL, Elvan & YÜZBAŞIOĞLU, Erdal. (2020). Relationship between ocular and computed tomography findings in patients with spina bifida. Europe Research Journal. 10.18621/avro.534872. 

41. Canaz G, Canaz H, Erdoğan ET, Alataş I, Emel E, Matur Z. Neurological Examination in Patients Who Underwent Surgery Due to Myelomeningocele, Evaluation of SEP Results, MRG Results and Lesion Levels. J Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2020 October-December; 15 (4): 393-401. doı: 10.4103/jpn.JPN_77_19. Epub 2021 January 19. PMID: 33936304; PMCID: PMC8078630. 

42. Nazlı Korkmaz, İbrahim Alataş, Nejdet Öncü, Ali Ekiz, Alev Atis Aydın. The Evaluation of Risk Factors and Results in Pregnant Women with Intrauterine Fetal Hydrocephalus: A Single Center Experience. Ulutaş Md. J. 2022 ; 8(1); 58-63 DOI: 10.5455/emj.20211122060917 

43. Subcutaneous Reflex Revisited: How Valuable is its Determination in Children with Spina Bifida? A Descriptive Study In A Cohort of 217 Patients. Kerem Özel, Arzu Canmemiş, Nilüfer Göknar, Cengiz Candan, Orhan Alizada, İbrahim Alataş. Turkish Neurosurgery, DOI: 10.5137/1019- 5149 .JTN.36527-21.2 

44. Prevalence of Inguinoscrotal Pathologies and Risk Factors in a Cohort of 388 Children with Spina Bifida. Ş. Kerem Özel, Mustafa Alper Küçüknane, Dicle Özge Özgenel, Vuslat Özer, Hüseyin Canaz, İbrahim Alataş. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 2022; 64:542-548 

45. Effect of Probiotic Prophylaxis on Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Neural Tube Defect "Effect of Probiotic Prophylaxis on Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Neural Tube Defect" Effect of Probiotic Prophylaxis on Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Neural Tube Defect 

46. "Craniospinal MRI Findings In Spina Bifida Patients Following Fetoscopic, Open And Postnatal Repairs" Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. Orjinal Makale Gazz Med Ital - Arch Sci Med-5055 

47. Socio-Economic Profile of Families with Spina Bifida Children in Turkiye. Larissa Andrada Ay, Ibrahim ALATAS, Şeymuz Kerem ÖZEL, Orkhan ALIZADE, Nesrin AKKOYUN, EJNS-D-23-00198 Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery

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