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joseba Rebollo Liceaga

Clinical oncologist

35 years of experience


Quironsalud Torrevieja ,Alicante , Spain

Dr. Joseba Rebollo Liceaga is a seasoned medical oncologist with a comprehensive background in oncology.​

Education and Training:

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra (1985).​

Completed residency in Oncology in 1987.​

Specialist in Medical Oncology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (1991).​

Professional Experience:

Head of the Oncology Department at Clínica San Miguel de Navarra (1991–2004).​

Associate Physician at the University Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Navarra (1995–2002).​

Adjunct Physician at the Oncology Platform, Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja (2004–2014).

Head of the Oncology Department at Hospital General de Villalba (2014–2019).​

Currently practices as a Medical Oncology Specialist at Quirónsalud Alicante.​

Certifications and Training:

Completed multiple accredited courses in Multidisciplinary Oncology between 2003 and 2006.​

Research and Publications:

Authored research on electrochemotherapy and multidisciplinary treatment approaches in oncology.

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