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Malkina Olexandra


20 years of experience



1996-2003 ‒ Luhansk State Medical University, Faculty of Medical Sciences.

2003-2005 ‒ Internship in the specialty "Family Medicine".

2008 ‒ Secondary specialization "Therapy".

Specialization "Endocrinology" KMAPO named after Shupyk on the basis of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism named after V.P. Komisarenko.

2011-2014 ‒ Postgraduate studies. Department of Internal Medicine with Endocrinology, LSMU. Assistant of the Department.

2012 ‒ Good Clinical Practice Training, State Experimental Center of Ukraine. Co-researcher in conducting international clinical studies on the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

2013 ‒ TU "Modern aspects of diagnostics and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2". LDMU.

2015 ‒ TU "Arterial hypertension in endocrine diseases" KMAPO.


Participation in the seminar "Epidemiology. Prevention, diagnostics and treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus".

Member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.

Professional development course of the All-Ukrainian training program for doctors "The Art of Treatment".


Seminar "Reproductive endocrinology".

Seminar "Priority problems of endocrine surgery".

Conference with international participation "Active issues of modern diabetology".

Participation in the project "Endocrinological innovations club".

21st ESE Postgraduate Training Course on Endocrinology. Diabetes and Metabolism.

VII Ukrainian EASD Postgraduate Course.

Advanced course "Endocrinologist's School".


TU "Reproductive Endocrinology".

Advanced course "School of Endocrinologist".

2022Master Class "School of Endocrinology"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Modern Diabetology"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievements and Prospects of Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology"

Seminar "Metabolic Syndrome in an Interdisciplinary Aspect"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Endocrine Pathology in an Age-Related Aspect"


Scientific and Practical Conference "Cardiometabolic Medicine"

VI International Congress "Reproductive Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach in Continuous Professional Development of Doctors"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Comorbid Patient in Neurological Practice"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues in Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery"

Congress "Internal Medicine: Science and Practice"

Scientific and Practical Conference "In the Loop of Metabolic Risk"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Endocrinological Innovations Club"

Master Class "Women's Health 40+: From Treatment Tactics to Aesthetic Results and Active Longevity"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Tomorrow Begins Today: Obesity and Diabetes"


Master Class "Woman of Elegant Age: A Patient at the Junction of Specialties"

Congress "M.L.F v.3.0 "The patient in the center of attention of the interdisciplinary team: interaction of levels of medical care""

Master class "Nodular goiter and subclinical thyroid dysfunctions"

Master class "Comorbid patient in the practice of a neurologist and endocrinologist"


Master class "The influence of body weight on the ovarian-menstrual cycle: the views of an endocrinologist"

Master class "Medical practicum: improving obesity management skills"

Author of scientific articles. Regularly participates in annual National congresses, scientific and practical conferences, educational schools, seminars.

Olexandra Hryhorivna is a member of three associations:

Ukrainian Thyroid Association

Ukrainian Diabetes Association

Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine

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