I am a specialist in periodontics and implantology. My work focuses on the treatment, care, and maintenance of the supporting tissues around the teeth, ensuring my patients maintain optimal oral health.
I perform multiple surgical approaches, both resective and aesthetic (plastic), allowing me to offer a wide range of solutions tailored to each patient's individual needs.
I have exceptional dedication to my work and I am known for the warmth with which I treat each of my patients. In addition to my technical skills, I strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment where patients feel heard and well cared for.
• Advanced Techniques in Vertical and Horizontal Regeneration (Continuous Education)
Universidad Modelo, Consejo Mexicano de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial (Mexican Council of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
• Oral Implantology Diploma
2016: Universidad Anahuac Mayab, Faculty of Dentistry
• Specialization in Periodontics
2012: Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Faculty of Dentistry
Professional License in Mexico #7764807
• Dental Surgeon Degree
2008: Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Faculty of Dentistry
Professional License in Mexico #5577387
• Manual Dexterity
• Surgical Technique Expertise
• Advanced Oral Biology Knowledge
• Attention to Detail
• Commitment to Continuing Education
• Knowledge in New Technologies
• Member of the Mexican Society of Periodontology
• Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), Mexico Section
• Member and Founding Partner of the Sociedad Mexicana de Odontología Digital y Nuevas Tecnologías (Mexican Society of Digital Dentistry and New Technologies)
Specialist in Periodontology and Implantology
NeoDental - YeahSmile, Cancun / 2021 – Present
• Evaluations and precise diagnoses to identify patient's periodontal and implant needs.
• Implementing advanced treatments for the care and maintenance of supporting tissues, including both surgical and non-surgical procedures.
• Developing and executing comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific periodontal and implantology requirements.
• Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and techniques to ensure optimal treatment outcomes and enhance patient satisfaction.
Head Dentist/ Private Practice
Novadent, Cancun / 2012 – Present
I have dedicated over 12 years to private practice, specializing in Periodontology and Implantology. With extensive knowledge and experience in the surgical field, I can address any situation involving the management of soft and supporting tissues. I constantly update my skills through diplomas, continuing education courses, and specialized technique training. This, combined with an interdisciplinary team, allows me to provide the most innovative treatments and achieve the best results for my patients.
As the owner of Novadent, I also oversee the clinic's daily operations, ensuring that high standards of quality are maintained in all aspects of patient care. Additionally, I supervise the training and development of staff, implement new technologies and procedures, and handle strategic planning for the clinic's growth and continuous improvement.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $499 |
Dr.Noe Marquez is a graduate of the University of Guadalajara Mexico 2007,a very passionate doctor about dental work and the difference he makes in the lives of our patients. In everything he does, he has a goal of making visiting the dentist fun and comfortable for patients.
We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our care to meet the specific needs of each one. We offer a wide range of dentistry services, from cleanings and fillings to more complex procedures and veneers. No matter what your dental needs may be Dr. Noe will work with you to bring back your confidence and smile back.
Read moreWelcome to the practice of Dra Nilza Márquez D.D.S. in Los Algodones, Mexico. Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to providing advanced treatment options to help our patients achieve beautiful and healthy smiles that last a lifetime. Dr. Márquez specializes in several treatments. Just because a practice is on the cutting edge doesn't mean you can't expect a comfortable, stylish office where friendly professionals make you feel like a friend. We want to make your experience a positive turning point in your life.
Read moreDr.Cindy Bejarano is a graduate from the University of Autinoma of Baja Califronia Mexico .As specialists in the field of prosthodontics, and a combined 6 years of experience, Dr. Cindy Bejarano has a knowledge in advanced dentistry, cosmetics, and full-mouth rehabilitation. In addition, she has extensive training in prosthetics reconstruction. Even though she is trained as prosthodontists dentistry procedures to complex prosthetic reconstruction. This specialty also involves the rebuilding and replacement of teeth with partials and complete dentures as well.She utilize the latest techniques in assisting you in achieving a beautiful healthy smile.
Read moreC.D.E.P. Andrés Isaí Olvera García
§ Fecha de nacimiento:
§ Estado civil:
§ Licencia de conducir:
§ Pasaporte:
20 de Septiembre de 1983
Mexicano, Visa Láser
20015 – 2016
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
CDMX. México
Estudios de Alta Especialidad de Implantologia Oral Quirurgica y
2012 – 2014
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias de la Salud
2009 – 2011
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Titulo de Especialidad en Prostodóncia
2008 – 2009
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Diplomado en Estética Dental
2007 – 2008
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Diplomado en Implantología Oral
2001 - 2006
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Titulo de Cirujano Dentista
Tijuana, B.C.
Mexicali, B.C.
D.F. México
Mexicali, B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
2000 – 2001
Cetys Universidad
2002 - 2004
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
2004 - 2005
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Mexicali B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
Inglés esp-health
2006 - 1
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Mexicali, B. C.
Ene/14 – Ene/15
Baja Dental Los Algodones, B.C
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Ene/14 – Ene/15
Dentalia Tijuana B.C. / CDMX
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Ene/12 – Ene/13
American Biodental Tijuana B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Jun/09 – a la fecha
Clínica Dental Integral Mexicali, B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Jul/11 – Dic/11
Alamo Dental Clinic Los Algodones B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Nov/08 – May/09
Dr. José Luis Ozawa Meida Cd. De México D.F.
Asistente Dental
Jul 08/ - May/09
Dr. Enrique Villafranco Cd. De México D.F.
Técnico dental
Asistente Dental
Abr/08 – may/08
Clínica Dental Garate Los Algodones B.C.
Feb/07 – Mar/08 Mexicali B.C.
Instituto de Servicios de Salud Pública del Estado de B.C.
Odontólogo Pasante en Servicio Social
May/06 – Feb/07
Centro de Odontología Avanzada Mexicali, B.C.
Dr. Jesús Osorio
Prótesis Maxilofacial
Asistente Dental
Jul/03 – Ago/03
Laboratorio Dental Unión
Mexicali, B.C.
Ene/12 – Ene/15
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Profesor de tiempo completo
Profesor titular de las Materias de:
a) Odontología Restauradora
Tijuana B.C.
b) Disfunción de la Articulación Temporomandibular.
c) Materiales Dentales
d) Técnicas de Provisionalización
Profesor de Clínica de:
a) Odontología Restauradora
b) Prótesis Parcial Removible
c) Prostodoncia Total
Apoyo Docente:
i. Diplomado de Implantes
Periodo 2010-1 y 2010-2
Coordinador del Diplomado
“Dr. Jesús Osorio Ríos”
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
ii. Diplomado de Actualidad en Prótesis Fija
Periodo 2010
Coordinador del Diplomado
“Dr. Jesús Antonio Camacho Mondragón”
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
iii. Curso Formal de Oclusión
Profesor titular
Dr. Jesús Antonio Camacho Mondragón
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
iv. Ayudante en los laboratorios de
Prostodoncia Total en los cursos formales de
Licenciatura durante los semestres 2010-1, 2010
2 y 2011-1
Profesor titular
Dr. Raúl Sánchez Rubio Carrillo
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
v. Asistente Docente del Diplomado de
Odontología Estética Restaurativa
Periodo 2011-1 y 2011-2
Profesor titular Dr. Arturo Chip Ortega
Facultad de Odontologia Mexicali UABC
2013 – 1/ 2014-2
Coordinación Clínicas de Odontología
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Campus Valle de las Palmas
2012 – 1/ 2013-2
Coordinación de Servicio Social
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Campus Valle de las Palmas
Tijuana B.C.
Tijuana B.C.
18 de Marzo de 2013
Asunción -Paraguay
Titular: M.D. Ana Gabriela Magallanes
Titulo: Niveles de estrés en estudiantes de odontología.
Revista científica de Psicología EUREKA
Volumen 10, no.1 / 2013
ISNN 2219-0559, E-ISSN 2220-9026
Órgano Oficial de la Carrera de psicología, facultad de Filosofía y
Ciencias humanas, de la Universidad Católica “Ntra. Sra. De la
Proyecto de Investigación
Tijuana B.C.
Universidad autónoma de Baja California
Centro de Ciencias de la Salud – Valle de las Palmas
04/ Jun/2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave 15365: Técnicas de Provicionalizacion
17/ Ene /2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave 16349: Fundamentos de Estética facial y Dental
17/ Ene /2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave s/n: Seminario de Actualización Odontológica
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 12-15 de Agosto de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 16-19 de Mayo de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 21-24 de Febrero de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 24-27 de Enero de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Conferencia “Desastres: la intervención profesional detrás
de la emergencia”
16 de Octubre de 2013
Tijuana B.C.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 11-14 de Octubre de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Segundo Seminario Diagnostico De Prostodoncia Parcial
Tijuana B.C.
9 de Septiembre de 2013
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 12-19 de Agosto de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 19-22 de Julio de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Primer Seminario Diagnostico De Prostodoncia Parcial
Tijuana B.C.
24 de Mayo de 2013
Conferencia “ENDOPOSTES”
Tijuana B.C.
8 de Febrero de 2013
Taller de Actualización en Sistema Integral de Servicio
1 de Enero de 2013
Tijuana B.C.
Primer Coloquio de Servicio Social Profesional
30 de Octubre de 2012
Tijuana B.C.
1-2 /Octubre/2012
Ultradent Seminars
1st. Awared with a 24 hour Bond Strength of 63.20 MPa
28/Agosto /2013
Subsecretaria de Educación Superior
Dirección General de Educación Superior Universitaria
“Reconocimiento al Perfil deseable para profesores de
tiempo completo”
Periodo 16-07-2014 a 15-07-2017
19 de Septiembre 2012
1er Foro de la red Nacional de la ANUIES
(Asociacion Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior)
México, D.F.
Tema: “Cultura de higiene personal y prevención de
enfermedades en estudiantes universitarios”
19 de Octubre 2007
Jurisdicción de Servicios de Salud No.1 Mexicali
Capacitación Mensual para Odontólogos
Tema: “Odontología Preventiva”
Mexicali, B.C.
05/Agosto /2014
Estetica 100% acrilico
TEPD. Miquel Coronel Artigas
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
Mexicali B.C
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Tecate B.C
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Tecate B.C
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Capacitacion en el Sistema de Institucional de Tutorias”
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Indirect Composite Fabrication
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Sistem Waxing
Anaheim, CA.
Anaheim, CA.
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Manejo de Articulador Bioart
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Anomalías Vasculares en la Región de Cabeza y Cuello”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Estratificacion de resinas”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Aquarius la Nueva era de la Ciencia”
18 – 21 /Sep / 13
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Munich, Alemania
International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED)
8th World Congress
18 /Sep / 13
Munich, Alemania
International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED)
Workshop I: Neueste trends in der CAD/CAM – Zahnmedizin
Workshop I: Latest Trends in CAD/CAM Dentistry
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“II Seminario de Prótesis Parcial Removible”
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Ivoclar vivadent
Tecate B.C
Cd. México D.F.
XVIII Seminario Ivoclar Vivadent
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Curso a distancia en la Plataforma Blackboard”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Tecate B.C
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Biología de la Oclusión”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Taller de Actualización en Sistema Integral del Servicio Social”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj.
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Seminario de experiencias docentes”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Primer coloquio de servicio social profesional”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj.
“ Taller de Presentación del formato de examen escrito homologado para
los programas educativos de médico, cirujano dentista, psicología y
Ultradent Products Inc.
“Ultradent International Conference”
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mesa de Trabajo Ética y Responsabilidad Social
Utha. USA
Cd. México D.F.
“Cultura de Higiene Personal y Prevención de Enfermedades en
Estudiantes Universitarios”
1er Foro de la Red Nacional de Servicio Social de la ANUIES
“ Aprendizajes Orientados a Soluciones Sociales”
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California
“Capacitación Institucional de tutorías”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Taller de Actualización en sistema integral de servicio social”
Ivoclar vivadent
XVI Seminario Ivoclar Vivadent
Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.
23rd International Symposium on Ceramics
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Mexicali, A.C.
Cd. México D.F.
San Diego C.A.
Mexicali B.C.
Congreso Magno de Actualización en Implantología Protesica y Quirúrgica
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Sistema de Implantes B &W”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Implantología Oral
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Baja California A.C.
“Tratamiento Integral en Padecimientos Odontogenicos”
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Baja California A.C.
“Congreso Magno de Implantología”
Coa Internacional
“Ceromero de Premise Indirect”
Centro Logístico Vital CLV, S.A. de C.V. y VITA Zahnfabrik
Curso Master
“Un Retorno a las raíces”
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Indirect Composite Fabrication
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Advanced Esthetic Waxing
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Mexicali, A.C.
Read more
Welcome to Varto Oral Surgery, where we specialize in affordable and top-quality Oral Surgery and Implants in Los Algodones, México.
Dental Implants
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $400 - $500 |
High school - Las Vegas High school 2007-2011
University - Universidad de Los Mochis 2016-2020
Dental Assistant - 2011-2016
Dr. Luis Amador has 14+ year plus of working in the medical field, started in the year 2010 as a dental assistant. His passion for dentistry inspired him to continue his education and pursue his dream of becoming a dentist. Dr Luis primary mission is examining, diagnosing, treating and preventing oral disease. Dr Luis Amador joined VARTO in 2024 and can help you achieve the smile of your dreams, always providing great quality care and using top quality products.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $400 - $500 |
Dental Surgeon, Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM. Specialty in Oral Prosthetics and Implantology, Department of Postgraduate Studies and Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico Diploma in Digital Implantology, Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM Diploma in Administration and Management of Dental Clinics, Universidad Anáhuac
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August 2012 – Present Private Practice, Dental Office.
Sept 2017 – Nov. 2018 Medical Director, Dental Clinic
March 2013 – May 2016 Private Practice, Maxillofacial Surgery and Specialized Dentistry Clinic.
Feb 2012 – June 2012 Dental Assistant with Sp. César Cortés Servín, Prosthetist. Prosthetist.
Jan 2011 – May 2011 Dental Assistant with Sp. Roberto Lima Mendoza, Prosthetist.
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• Active Member, Academy of Osseointegration • Active Member, International Team for Implantology ITI Mexico • United Association for Prosthodontics A.C. Mexico
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2020-2024 Mexican Council of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation A.C..
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Doctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $450 - $970 |
A great smile offers you confidence and choosing a quality dental practice is an important choice.Our comprehensive dental care includes everything from general preventive dentistry to restorative care and cosmetic treatments provided by a dedicated team of highly qualified dental professionals.Pricing that is affordable, fair, and competitive allows you to fulfill your dental needs with ease. Treatment plans vary based upon needs, complexity of procedures and desired outcomes.
Dedicated dentist with 28+ years of experience providing professional dental services and compassionate patient care. Proficient in doing extractions .Implants,All on 4 and hollywood smiles. Prominent achievements include increasing patient retention rates by implementing new scanning technology. Seeking to bring my expertise and expand my prosthodontist skills.As a dentist, I have the unique ability to improve the oral health of my patients. I can relieve their pain, restore their smiles, and positively impact their overall well-being. Seeing the transformation in my patients’ lives is incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s alleviating toothaches, treating gum diseases, or performing complex dental procedures, I know that my work is making a real difference..
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $350 |
My passion for dentistry goes beyond fixing teeth—it’s about helping people who are scared or have had tough experiences. I specialize in creating a positive dental experience, especially for those with dental anxiety due to past traumas or negative experiences. I take pride in being super gentle, kind, and patient, giving my full attention to each person. It’s not just about fixing smiles; it’s about rebuilding confidence.Seeing someone relax and trust the dentist again is incredibly fulfilling for me. I love being in a position where people can feel safe and gradually overcome their fears. It’s not just a job; it’s a personal mission to make dentistry a positive and comfortable experience for everyone.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $350 |
Los Algodones, Mexico, is known for its dental services. But we knew this could be done better.
Listening to patient experiences, we’re sad to know that quite a lot of them weremistreated: instead of going through a human-centered, empathetic, and devotedexperience, they lived what they defined as a “dental factory”.
By then, a vision was traced. Something needed to be done, and it had to be done quickly.
With an entrepreneurial spirit, years of experience amassed, and a crazy dream to offer something extraordinary in a land dominated by well-known “get it done quick”dentists, Rose Dental Studio was born.
Now, we bring you this effort that promises exceptional patient service — one you’ll have a hard time not bragging about to your friends and family.
This dental clinic was named as a tribute to Rosa, Dr. Fernanda’s mother.
Hence, she built this place on values that have defined her family: charisma, authenticity, and kindness. We aspire to excel on those every day.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $400 |
I am a dental surgeon with over five years of experience providing comprehensive and aesthetic dental care. I specialize in oral rehabilitation and general dentistry, focusing on minimally invasive and highly aesthetic techniques. My practice is centered on patient comfort, satisfaction, and achieving long-term oral health outcomes. I am a dedicated professional committed to delivering high-quality, personalized treatments.
• Bachelor’s in Dental Surgery
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
• Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics
• Participation in Dental Congresses: Over 10 annual editions of Amic Dental
• General Dentistry: Comprehensive evaluations and preventive and restorative treatments aimed at holistic oral health.
• Oral Rehabilitation: Utilizing minimally invasive and highly aesthetic techniques to restore dental functionality and appearance.
• Preventive Dentistry: Development of programs promoting oral hygiene education and topical applications to reduce the incidence of dental diseases.
• Teeth Whitening and Stain Correction: Procedures to remove stains caused by conditions like fluorosis, ensuring optimal aesthetic results.
• Implant Rehabilitation: Restoring dental implants to achieve functional and aesthetic integration within the patient’s dental arch.
• Dental Extractions: Performing simple and surgical extractions based on case complexity and patient needs.
• Root Canal Treatments: Conducting endodontic procedures to preserve teeth affected by infections or pulp injuries.
• Dental and Periodontal Infection Control: Implementing strict protocols to treat infections in dental and periodontal tissues.
• Participated in two symposiums and a clinical case competition at Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, focusing on the topic of 'Oral Health in Mexican University Students Based on Hygiene Habits and Dental Consultations.'
• Presented on 'Dental Tourism' at the 'Contemporary Dentistry' symposium, exploring the intersections of dentistry and tourism and their implications for modern dental care.
• Over 5 years in dentistry: Began as a dental assistant performing basic procedures like cleanings and whitening. After earning my dental surgeon degree, I started a private practice offering a broad range of general dentistry treatments with a focus on minimally invasive and aesthetic oral rehabilitation.
• Volunteer Work: Collaborated with the Mexican Dental Association Foundation for five years, participating in brigades providing preventive and rehabilitative treatments for children and adults in various communities across central Mexico.
• Current Role: Working at a high-standard dental clinic specializing in aesthetic and rehabilitative dentistry, designing personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.
• Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics (IAOP)
• Training in Dental Research and Scientific Investigation
• Training in Systemic Disease Prevention and Oral Health Education
• Training in Proper Brushing Techniques and Fluoride Application
• Advanced Modules in Dental Care During Pregnancy, Local Anesthesia, Internal Medicine, and Pharmacology for Infection Management.
• Active member and volunteer at the Mexican Dental Association
• Comprehensive care for patients of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults.
• Expertise in managing patients with dental anxiety, focusing on aesthetic rehabilitation and promoting healthy oral habits.
• Specialization in minimally invasive aesthetic dental rehabilitation, including veneers and crowns, tailored to individual needs.
• Advanced knowledge of dental technology, such as digital X-rays and 3D scanners, enabling precise diagnostics and efficient treatments.
• Digital X-rays: High-quality imaging with reduced radiation exposure.
• 3D Scanners: Accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment planning.
• Dental Lasers: Effective teeth whitening and patient comfort enhancement.
• Volunteered with the Mexican Dental Association Foundation, promoting oral health through preventive treatments and education in underserved communities.
• First place in a poster competition at the International Dentistry Congress in Boca del Río with the topic ‘Biopsy Procedures for Systemically Compromised Patients.’
I actively participate in dental congresses and courses to stay updated with the latest advancements in dentistry. My dedication to lifelong learning ensures the highest quality care for my patients, combining cutting-edge techniques, treatments, and technologies with personalized attention to meet their needs.
• Spanish
• English
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Veneers | $499 |
Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry with over nine years of experience in the field, specializing in pediatric dentistry and maxillofacial orthopedics. Proven expertise in the management and operation of a dental clinic, ensuring high standards of patient care and clinic efficiency. Skilled in administrative functions, including budgeting, resource allocation, and compliance with healthcare regulations. Strong ability to drive sales closure, optimize patient retention, and enhance service offerings. Experienced in personnel management, recruitment, and staff training to foster a high-performing team. Passionate about delivering exceptional dental care while ensuring the seamless operation of the clinic.
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