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Treatment in Nicosia (Northern Cyprus )

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Cem Cerkez Md
13 years of experience
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia

Cem Cerkez Md

13 years of experience
Breast augmentation

Sensitive content


Breast lift

Sensitive content


Breast augmentation

Sensitive content


Breast augmentation

Sensitive content


Blepharoplasty (Eyelid correction)
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Doctor's visit price on request
Tummy tuck $4151.32 - $6745.89
Liposuction $2075.66 - $6745.89
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid correction) $2075.66 - $4670.23
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Murat Onal
15 years of experience
1 review
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Gynolife Center

Murat Onal

15 years of experience


American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Murat Onal is a medical professional specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is skilled in the field of in, with expertise in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnostics (PGD) and sex selection/family balancing. His research spans across ctive health, particularly focusing on , polycystic ovary syndrome, and the impact of various medical conditions on ctive outcomes.Read more
1 review
Doctor's visit price on request
I Fertilization $3113.49
with Gender Selection $6226.97 - $9340.46
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Murude Dagdelen
25 years of experience
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
IVOX Hospital & Cyprus centre

Murude Dagdelen

25 years of experience
Dr. Murude Dagdelen is a distinguished gynecologist and obstetrician, specializing in various procedures such as Myomectomy, Hysterectomy, and Uterine Artery Embolization, among others. She is recognized for her work in in-vitro treatments, with a high success rate in different -related procedures. Dr. Dagdelen has also made significant contributions to scientific research in her field and is an active member of several professional associations including the Turkish Gynaecology and Obstetrics Association and the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology.Read more
Doctor's visit price on request
with Gender Selection $6226.97 - $7264.8
I Fertilization $2594.57 - $3632.4
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Savas Ozyigit
4 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
North Cyprus Centre
Head of the Center, SpecialistRead more
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Yan Matsiivskiy
Head of Medical Coordinator Team
Antonis Glykeriou
34 years of experience

Antonis Glykeriou

34 years of experience
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Burcu Özbakır
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital
3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Meltem Nalca Andrieu
75 years of experience
3 reviews

Meltem Nalca Andrieu

75 years of experience
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital
3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Hayat Izel
32 years of experience
1 review
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Gynolife Center

Hayat Izel

32 years of experience

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist

He was born in 1964 in Binatlı - Güzelyurt / Cyprus.
Dr. Hayat İzel completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Cyprus and graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 1988.
He completed his gynecology and obstetrics specialization at Süleymaniye Gynecology and Obstetrics Training and Research Hospital between 1989-1993. He worked as a Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist at Ömür Hospital (Medicana), Anatolian and Balkan Hospitals in Istanbul.
He has been working as a Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist at Cyprus Cyprus Life Hospital, which he ha founded, since 2005.

He is the founder of Gyno Life center.

Member Associations:

Reproductive Health and In Association (TSRM) Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Association (UTD) Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics ( TJOD )

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1 review
Doctor's visit price on request
I Fertilization $3113.49
with Gender Selection $6226.97 - $9340.46
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Fevzi Kortay
15 years of experience

Fevzi Kortay

15 years of experience
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
FUEHUB Cyprus - Hair Transplantation and Restoration Clinic
Zeynep Yasavur Hurkal
13 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Zeynep Yasavur Hurkal

13 years of experience



Ankara Melikşah PrimarySchool                                        1993-2002

Ankara Süleyman Demirel Anatolian High School            2002-2006

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine      2006- 2012

Ankara University Faculty of Medicine,Department of Plastic,Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery      2012- 2017

English / Turkish





Gülhane Training and Research Hospital(GATA)               2018-2021

Ankara Abdurrahman YurtaslanOncology Hospital i           2019 – 3 months Private Practice                                                          2021- August22

Vanity Aesthetic SurgeryClinic                                           August 2022 - March 2023



Turkish Plastic,Reconstructive and AestheticSurgery Association (TPRCD)Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association (EPCD)

Istanbul Medical Chamber


Breast Aesthetics and Body ShapingOperations




1.          Serel S, Tuzlalı ZY, Akkaya Z, Uzun Ç, Kaya B, Bayar S. Physical Effectsof Unilateral Mastectomy on Spine Deformity. Clin Breast Acncer. 2016 Oct pii: S1526-8209(16)30368-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2016.10.004.


  1. Tuzlali Z, Demir E, Serel S. Wound Care and Nursing Approach.Message Nurse Bulletin,Ankara University Facultyof Medicine, 2016; 18; 27-32.
  2. Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Gultan SM. Pilomatricoma in the Arm After Vaccination: A Case Report.Turk J Plast Surg 2017; 25(3): 150-3


  1. Experimental Animals Use Certification Training. Ankara University, 3-12 November 2014, Ankara.
  2. Occupational Health and Safety TrainingProgram. Ankara University, 15-16 November 2014,Ankara.
  3. Turkish Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association WinterSymposium 2015, 12 – 15 March 2015, Kars.
  4. 4th EURAPSResearch Council Meeting,May 27-28, 2015.Edinburgh-United Kingdom
  5. 26th EURAPS AnnualMeeting, May 28-30,2015. Edinburgh-United Kingdom
  6. Turkish Societyof Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery37. National Convention. 4 – 7 November 2015, Ankara.
  7. 13th Congress of the EuropeanFederation of Soceitiesfor Microsurgery, April 21-24, 2016. Antalya-Turkey.





  1. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery2. Facial Aesthetics Course 5-7 May 2016, Ankara.
  2. “Microsurgery Courseon Vascular Anastomoses, COURSE HELD BY FRAU ROSMARIEFRICK Supported by Department of

Neurosurgery Policlinico di Monza, AnimalFacility – Pavia University Botta 2 BuildingVia Ferrata, 9 , 17-20 May 2016,Pavia- Italy.

  1. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery38th National Convention. 27 – 30 October 2016, Antalya.
  2. Turkish Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association X.Plastic Surgery Assistant School.1-5 April 2017,Antalya.
  3. 9th Congress of World Societyfor Reconstructive Microsurgery (WSRM 2017).14-17 June, 2017,Seoul – South Korea.
  4. International ObserverTraining Programme. Asan Medical Center ,Plastic Surgery , 19 June -17 July , Seoul – SouthKorea.
  5. Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum. July 2, 2017, Seoul – South Korea.
  6. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryNon-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Course .14 – 17 December2017, Istanbul.
  7. Aesthetics, PlasticSurgery Association, 24. National Congress,10-11 January 2020,Istanbul.
  8. All in One Rhinoplasty Congress, 14-15 May 2022, Istanbul.
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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Ozgur Hurkal
15 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Ozgur Hurkal

15 years of experience





Date of Birth: 18.08.1984

Birthplace: Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY

Nationality:Cyprus (EuropeanCitizen), Turkish

Profession: MedicalDoctor

Field of Specialty: Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery

SpokenLanguages: Turkish (mother-tongue)

English ( advanced)




2009- 2010 GeneralPractitioner; AnıtkayaHealth Center, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY

2017-2018 Plastic Surgeon; Kastamonu State Hospital, Kastamonu, TURKEY

2018-2019 Plastic Surgeon; Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, TURKEY




2011 – 2017 Residency in Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgery , GaziUniversityMedical

School Hospital, Ankara | TURKEY

2010 – 2011Residency in Anestesia andReanimation, Ankara UniversityMedical School Hospital;

Ankara | TURKEY

2003 - 2009 SelçukUniversityShool of Medicine, Konya | TURKEY

1999 - 2002 Süleyman Demirel Science High School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY

1995 - 1999 KocatepeAnatolian High School, Middle School, Afyonkarahisar | TURKEY



1. 21th Basic MicrosurgeyEducation, Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY



1.Bulam H, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S, Sanlier N, SEZGİN B, Hurkal O, Gulsen A. Theeffect of

individualizeddietaryprograms on postoperative body compositionandnutritionalstatus of

theorthognaticsurgerypatients. Gazi Med J. 2014; 25: 103-106.

2. Hurkal O, Sibar S, Cenetoglu S, Tuncer S, Elmas C, Seymen C M. Arterial Occlusion After

Hyaluronic Acid Injection: Treatment With Hyaluronidase and Streptokinase. Annals of Plastic

Surgery PMID: 34334667




1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY



1. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31

October-4 November 2012, Antalya | TURKEY

2. 5th Rhinoplasty Course 10-12 May 2012, Ankara | TURKEY

3. 8th Prof. Dr Rıdvan Ege HandSurgey Course 27-28 September 2013, Ankara | TURKEY

4. 21th Microsurgery Course 16-20 September 2014 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY

5. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29

October-1 November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY

6. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 04

November -07 November 2015, Ankara | TURKEY


7. 9th PlasticSurgeryResident School 15-19 April 2016, Antalya | TURKEY

8. 2th FacialAesthetic Course 5-7 May 2016 Hacettepe University, Ankara | TURKEY

9. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons,

27-31 October 2016, Antalya| TURKEY

10. 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 11-14

October 2017


11. Eurasian 2019. 20-23 June Istanbul

12. 24 th Congress of the Turkish Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 10-11 January 2022

13. All in One Rhinoplasty Congress 14-15 May 2022 Istanbul




1. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)

‘’Defectbased algorithm in lowerextremityreconstruction.Hurkal O.*,Tuncer S.,Şibar S., Manav


2. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY ;

(oral presentation)MR Angiographicperforator topography of DIEP flaps: a retrospectivereview of 130

cases. Manav S., Tuncer S., Ayhan S., Hurkal O.

3. 13th EuropeanMicrosurgeryCongress (EFSM) 21-24 April, Antalya | TURKEY;(poster

presentation)‘’ArteryonlyEarReplantation’’Sibar S, Hurkal O, Polat O, Manav S

4. 48th Congress of theEuropeanSocietyforSurgicalResearch, 29 May-1 June 2013, Istanbul,

TURKEY (Oral presentation: OP-121 Changes

in society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in

ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)



1. 38th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 27-31 October

2016, Antalya | TURKEY (oral presentation)Flapchoise in lowerextremityreconstruction

Hurkal O., Tekin A., Tuncer S., Sibar S.

2. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November

2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation)Liposuctionassistedbrachioplasty in teimourianstage 2B-

3 cases. Hurkal O.,Sibar Ş., Tuncer S., Erdal A., Sadioglu A.

3. 37th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons 4-7 November

2015, Ankara | TURKEY (oral presentation) . A

rareandfrighteningcomplicationafterdiagnosticandreconstructivebreastsurgery: pyodermagangrenosum

.Polat O, Hurkal O, Sibar S, Tuncer S, Ayhan S

4. 36th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 29 October-1

November 2014, Istanbul | TURKEY (oral presentation) . Maxillofacialfractureexperience: 265 case,

447 fracture. Tatar S, Hurkal O, Erdal A, Findikcioglu K

5. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (poster presentation). Application of groinflap in tissuedefects of

handandforearm. Polat O, Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S

6. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation). Importance of polar


renalarteryencounteredduringkidneytransplantation: Case Report . Ozel B, Hurkal O, Tuncer S,

Findikcioglu K


7. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentaion ). Repair of omfaloseldefects in

newbornwithalloplasticmaterialorrotationflaps. Sibar S, Sezgin B, Hurkal O, Tatar S, Tuncer S

8. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey(poster presentation) .


injection. Bulam H, Hürkal O, Polat O, Findikcioglu K, Ozmen S


9.34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Changes in

society'sperspectivetowardsfacetransplantationaftertheproceduresthatwerecarriedout in

ourcountry.Guney K, SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Findicioglu K, Ozmen S)


10. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Oral presentation: Theprefferedappearanceof

theplasticsurgeon.Hurkal O.,Bulam H, Tatar S, SEZGIN B, Fındıkçıoğlu K)


11. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Nonadhesivedressingtechniques in

EpidermolizisBullosapatients. SEZGIN B, Barut I, Hurkal O, Sarybaeva A, Tuncer S, Latifoglu O)


12. 34th Congress of theTurkishSociety of Plastic, ReconstructiveandAestheticSurgeons, 31 October-4

November 2012, Antalya, Turkey (Poster presentation: Renaltoxicityduetocolistinadministration in

plasticsurgerypatients.Hurkal O, Bulam H, SEZGIN B, Polat O, Ozmen S)



1. Second prize award in experimental research in 39 th Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic,

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.




PROFESSIONAL: Rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction and breast aesthetic surgery, body countouring.



Yoga instructor in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga (200 hoursInternational Yoga Alliance certified Yoga


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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Ahmet Soykurt
11 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Ahmet Soykurt

11 years of experience























Read more
3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Mustafa Taseli
32 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Mustafa Taseli

32 years of experience

Mustafa TASELI, MD

Medical Education and Specialty:

1990-1993 Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Traınıng and Research Hospıtal, Istanbul, Ophthalmology

1983-1989 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkiye

1980-1983 Turkish Lycee, Nicosia, Cyprus

Professional Career

1993 – 2000 Prıvate Hospitals, Istanbul, Turkey

2000 – Dr Taseli Eye Clinic, Nicosia, Cyprus

2017 – Near East University Hospital, Ophthalmology Department, Nicosia, Cyprus

Professional Experience/Performance Details

Mustafa TASELI, MD; He gained fame by operations in the field of; Pediatric Ophthalmology, and Adult

Strabismus, Contact Lens, Retinal Diseases, Eye Blood Pressure (Glaucoma), Refractive Surgery (Excimer

Laser), Macular Diseases, and Surgery, Oculuplasty, and Reconstructive Surgery, Uveitis, Cataract, and

Diabetic Retinopathy.

- More than 3.000 Laser Cataract Surgery – FAKO (Phacoemulsification)

Phacoemulsification is a modern cataract surgery in which the eye's internal lens is emulsified with

an ultrasonic handpiece, and aspirated from the eye.

- More than 1.000 LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), PRK, and Smile Laser

LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), commonly referred to as laser eye surgery or laser vision

correction, is a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) is a type of refractive surgery to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia

(farsightedness), and astigmatism. Like LASIK and other types of laser eye surgery, PRK works by reshaping the

cornea using an excimer laser, allowing light entering the eye to be properly focused onto the retina for clear


SMILE is considered the most significant advance in laser eye surgery technology in over 10 years. It combines

the safety of traditional vision correction techniques with even greater comfort and potentially greater precision.

- More than 1.000 Refractive Lens Exchange (lens replacement surgery)

Refractive lens exchange typically is for people with presbyopia or extreme farsightedness, for whom LASIK,

PRK or phakic IOL surgery generally are not suitable. Lens replacement surgery also can

correct myopia (nearsightedness), but generally it is not recommended when LASIK, PRK or phakic IOLs are


An intraocular lens (IOL) implant is an artificial replacement for the lens of your eye. It's part of the surgery to

fix cataracts.

Monofocal IOL: This is the most common. Unlike your natural lens, which can stretch or bend to help

your eye focus, this implant stays focused at one fixed distance. If yours focuses at a distance, you might be able

to see things far away but need glasses to read or see close up.


Multifocal implant: Like glasses with bifocal or progressive lenses, this lens has areas that help you see things at

different distances. It could take several months for your brain to adapt so your vision seems natural.

Accommodating IOL: This flexible option acts more like your natural lens and focuses at more than one

distance. It makes you less likely to need reading glasses.

- More than 200 Vitrectomy Surgery

Vitrectomy is a type of eye surgery used to treat problems of the eye’s retina and vitreous. In this surgery, an

ophthalmologist may:

 remove blood or other substance keeping light from focusing properly on the retina

 remove scar tissue that is wrinkling or tearing the retina and causing poor vision

 help repair a retina that has detached (pulled away) from the eye wall

 remove a foreign object stuck inside the eye from an injury

- More than 200 Strabismus surgery

Strabismus surgery (also: extraocular muscle surgery, eye muscle surgery, or eye alignment surgery) is surgery on

the extraocular muscles to correct strabismus, the misalignment of the eyes.

- More than 200 Glaucoma surgery

Glaucoma is a group of diseases affecting the optic nerve that results in vision loss and is frequently characterized

by raised intraocular pressure (IOP). There are many glaucoma surgeries, and variations or combinations of those

surgeries, that facilitate the escape of excess aqueous humor from the eye to lower intraocular pressure, and a few

that lower IOP by decreasing the production of aqueous.

- More than 200 Pterygium surgery

A pterygium is a pinkish, triangular tissue growth on the cornea of the eye. It typically starts on the cornea near

the nose. It may slowly grow but rarely grows so large that the pupil is covered. Often both eyes are involved.

Scientific Events/Certificates

- 2001 | XIII Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Turkey

- 2016 | 16th European Society of Retina Specialists Congress (EURETINA), Denmark

- 2011 | 11th EURETINA Congress London, UK

- 2005 | International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant & Refractive Surgery

- 2009 | American Academy of Ophthalmology, California

- 2007 | Certificate of Attendance the European Society of Cataract Refractive Surgery, Sweeden

- 2005 | Certificate of Attendance the European Society of Cataract Refractive Surgery, Portugal



2019.....Cyprus Turkish Ophthalmology Association, President

2000.....Cyprus Medical Association.

2000......ESCRS AND EURETINA member

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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Ali Aydin
30 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Ali Aydin

30 years of experience

Over 60 articles published in International and National Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals

Over 50 papers-posters presented in International and National Meetings-Congresses

Articles published in international peer reviewed journals (SCI & SCI exp.):

  1. Aydin A,Wollstein G, Price LL, Fujimoto JG, Schuman JS. Optical coherence tomography assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes after glaucoma surgery. Ophthalmology. 2003:110(8);1506-1511.
  2. Aydin A, Wollstein G, Price LL, Schuman JS. Evaluating pulsatile ocular blood flow analysis in normal and treated glaucomatous eyes. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003;136(3):448-453.
  3. Schuman JS, Wollstein G, Farra T, Hertzmark E, Aydin A,Fujimoto JG, Paunescu LA. Comparison of optic nerve head measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Am J Ophthalmol  2003:135;504-512.
  4. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin  A,Beaton BA, Stark PC, Fujimoto JG, Ishikawa H. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and automated visual fields.  Am J Ophthalmol. 2004;138(2):218-225.
  5. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A,Stark PC, Hertzmark E, Lai E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Fujimoto JG, Paunescu LA. Optical coherence tomography longitudinal evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2005;123:464-470.
  6. Ersanli D, Unal M, Aydin A,Gulecek O, Kalemoglu M. Results of pars plana vitrectomy in closed-globe injuries. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2005;36:182-186 .
  7. Aydin A,Akin T, Bilge AH. Management of persistent glaucoma secondary to depot methylprednisolone. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2007;38:399-401.
  8. Ersanli D, Top C, Oncul O, Aydin A,Terekeci H. Relationship between serum soluble E-selectin levels and development of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2007 ;67 :474-479.
  9. Akin T, Aykan U, Karadayı K, Aydin A, Yildiz TF, Bilge AH. Capsulorhexis in white cataract using a green-light endoillumination probe. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2007 ;38 :520-522.
  10. Unal M, Aydin A,Sonmez M, Ayata A, Ersanli D. Validation of the ocular trauma score for intraocular foreign bodies in deadly weapon-related open-globe injuries. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2008 ;39:121-124.
  11. Aydin A,Karadayi K, Aykan U, Can G, Colakoglu K, Bilge AH. [Effectiveness of topical ciclosporin A treatment after excision of primary pterygium and limbal conjunctival autograft.]  J Fr Ophtalmol 2008;31 :699-704.
  12. Dogru S, Gungor A, Kucukodaci Z, Aydin A,Senol MG, Karabudak O, Cincik H, Gunes M, Salihoglu M. Lipoid proteinosis-report of three cases and brief review of the literature. The American Journal of Case Report, 2008;9:346-350.
  13. Aydin A,Ayata A, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. [Poland-Möbius syndrome associated with lacrimal punctal and canalicular agenesis.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2010;33:119.e1-e5.
  14. Aydin A,Velioglu M, Ersanli D. [Orbital varix presenting with enophthalmos. A case report ]. J Fr Ophtalmol 2010;33: 344.e1-344.e5.
  15. Aydin A, Cakir A, Ersanli D. Isolated extraocular muscle involvement as the ophthalmic manifestation of leukemia- another explanation. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2010;38(6):651.
  16. Aydin A,Cakir A, Sayan O, Haholu A, Velioglu M, Ersanli D. Intraocular pressure elevation in isolated extraocular muscle infiltration by leukaemia. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2011 Apr;39(3):283-5.
  17. Aydin A, Aksoy Y, Unal MH, Ersanli D. [Necrotizing scleritis after pterygium surgery using mitomycyn C.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2012;Jan;35(1):74-75.
  18. Aydin A,Sabahyildizi M, Bilge AH. [Management of extruded haptic of an anterior chamber lens.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2012 Apr;35(4):315.
  19. Aydin A,Cakir A, Unal MH, Ersanli D. Central serous retinal detachment following glaucoma filtration surgery. J Fr Ophtalmol 2012;35:529.e1-529.e5.
  20. Aydin A, Sabahyildizi, Kocak I. Auto-refractometer may assist in discovering asymptomatic iridociliary cysts. J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(5);e.71-e.72.
  21. 21Kocak I, Aydin A, Kaya F, Koc H.Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(5): 371-376
  22. Kocak I, Kocak F, Teker B, Aydin A, Kaya F, Baybora H. Evaluation of bacterial contamination rate of the anterior chamber during phacoemulsification surgery using an automated microbial detection system. Int J Ophthalmol 2014;7(4):686-688
  23. Cakir A, Duzgun E, Demir S, Aydin A. Jerky see-saw nystagmus with internuclear ophthalmoplegia as the presenting finding in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(10):e157-159.
  24. A4. Kocak I, Aydin A, Sahbaz I, Kaya F, Baybora H. The management of corneal melt occurring after collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015;38(1):e11-13.
  25. Aydin A,Kocak I, Aykan U, Can G, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. The influence of the learning effect on automated perimetry in Turkish people. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015;38(7):628-632.
  26. Kaya F, Kocak I, Aydin A, Baybora H, Karabela Y. Comparison of different formulas for intraocular lens power calculation using a new optical biometer. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015; Jul 20. pii: S0181-5512(15)00223-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2015.03.006.
  27. Kocak I, Aydin A, Kaya F, Baybora H, Bozkurt S.Efficacy of radial keratotomy in the optical rehabilitation of mild to moderate keratoconus cases. Int Eye Scı 2015;15:572-576
  28. Porter LF, Galli GG, Williamson S, Selley J, Knight D, Elcioglu N, Aydin A, Elcioglu M, Venselaar H, Lund AH, Bonshek R, Black GC, Manson FD.  A role for repressive complexes and H3K9 di-methylation in PRDM5-associated brittle cornea syndrome. Hum Mol Genet 2015;24(23):6565-6579.
  29. Kaya F, Kocak I, Aydin A, Baybora H, Koc H, Karabela Y. Effect of aflibercept on persistent macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2018 Nov;41(9):809-813.
  30. Balci O, Tanriverdi C, Aydin A, Ozsutcu M, Gulkilik G, Kocabora MS. Evaluation of changes in retinal and choroidal thickness using spectral domain optical coherence tomography in unilateral non granulomatous acute anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2019 Feb;42(2):138-145.
  31. Cakir A, Erden B, Bolukbasi S, Aydin A, Yurttaser Ocak S, Maden G, Elcioglu MN. Comparison of the effect of ranibizumab and dexamethasone implant in diabetic macular edema with concurrent epiretinal membrane. J Fr Ophtalmol.2019 Sep;42(7):683-689.

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

  1. Schuman JS, Wollstein G, Paunescu AL, Ishikawa H, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Fujimoto JG, Mattox C. Optical Coherence Tomography longitudinal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness assessment. Presented at the International Congress of Eye Research (ISER), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2002.
  2. Aydin A, Wollstein G, Price LL, Schuman JS. Optical coherence tomography assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes after glaucoma surgery.  Poster presentation at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2002.
  3. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Fujimoto JG, Paunescu AL. Evaluating longitudinal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes with Optical Coherence Tomography. Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting, Orlando, USA, Oct. 2002.
  4. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Hertzmark E, Aydin A. Optical Coherence Tomography findings predicting future visual field progression.  Presented at the American Glaucoma Society (AGS) annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 2003.
  5. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Paunescu AL, Fujimoto JG. Longitudinal Optical Coherence Tomography evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma patients. Presented at the 4thInternational Glaucoma Symposium (IGS), March 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
  6. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Paunescu LA, Stark PC, Fujimoto JG, Ishikawa H. Relationship between optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary measurements and automated visual fields. Submitted for presentation at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting, May 7, 2003.
  7. Aydin A, Karadayi K, Can G, Colakoglu K, Bilge AH. Efficacité du traitement topique de ciclosporine A après l’excision du ptérygion primaire et l’autogreffe conjonctivo-limbique. Communication Orale, 114eCongrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie (SFO 2008) ,Du 10 mai au 14 mai 2008 Palais des Congrès,JFO Résumés page :1s38 Paris, France.
  8. Aydin A, Aykan U, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. The influence of the learning effect on automated perimetry in Turkish people. World Glaucoma Congress 2009, 8-11 July 2009, Boston, MA USA.
  9. Tanyuksel M, Aydin A, Unal MH, Ersanli D, Ozyurt M, Koru O, Araz E, Kilbas ZG. Acanthamoeba keratitis in a pregnant contact lens wearer in Turkey. Poster presentation, 58thAnnual Meeting of ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) November  18-22, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA.
  10. Salcan I, Akyan U, Colakoglu K, Aydin A, Ersanli D. The correlation of angle opening distance, angle recess area and trabecular-irisangle in the quantitative evaluation of the anterior chamber angle by ultrasound biomicroscopy. 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.
  11. Aykan U, Sabahyildizi M, Salcan I, Aydin A, Ersanli D. The outcome of combined laser iridotomy and selective laser trabeculoplasty in a case with bilateral ocular hypertension secondary to pigment dispersion caused by extensive irido-ciliary cysts. 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.
  12. Aydın A, Aykan U, Çakır A, Ersanlı D. “Ocular hypertension in isolated extraocular muscle infiltration by leukemia’’ 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress, 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.

Turkish Books Section

Aydin A. Glokomda Yeni ilaçlar ve Modern İlaç Uygulama Yöntemleri. In: Glokom, Temel Kavramlar ve Yenilikler. Ocakoğlu Ö, Bayer A, Elgin U Eds. Anadolu Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara 2021 1st ed. Bölüm 36 p:375-381. ISBN:978-605-80205-3-5.


  • Ayata A, Aydın A, Duman C, Bilge AH. “Rapunzel” (fotoğraf sunumu) Türk Oftalmoloji Derneği 40. Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kongresi, 405, Antalya, 28 Ekim-01 Kasım 2006. Best medical photograph third award.
  • Aydın A. “Akut myeloid lösemili bir hastada gelişen proptozis ve oküler hipertansiyon’’ TOD Glokom Birimi VI. Olgularla Glokom Sempozyumu, 29 Mayıs 2010, Antalya. Best presentation third award.
  • Aydın A. ‘Travmatik glokomlu bir hastada trabekülektomi sonrası gelişen akut görme kaybı’’ TOD Glokom Birimi VII. Olgularla Glokom Sempozyumu, 28 Mayıs 2011, Girne. Best Presentation second award.
  • Salcan İ, Aykan Ü, Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Erşanlı D. “ Sağlıklı, genç, erkek popülasyonda ultrason biyomikroskopi ile saptanan ön kamara açısına ait nicel değerler” 45. TOD Ulusal Kongresi 5-9 Ekim 2011, Girne. Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi Best article award (second).
  • Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Kar T, Ayata A, Aykan Ü, Ünal M, Haholu A, Erşanlı D.Trabekülektomi uygulanan tavşanlarda bevacizumab’ın konjonktival yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkisi. Glokom-Katarakt Dergisi 2014;9(3):167-172. Glokom -Katarakt Dergisi 2014 best research 1st award.

Total citations: 896 (as of May 2021)

he top 10 publications with the most citations

  1. Optical Coherence Tomography Longitudinal Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Glaucoma
    May 2005 · Archives of Ophthalmology
    289 Citations
  2. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and automated visual fields
    Sep 2004 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
    186 Citations
  3. Comparison of optic nerve head measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
    May 2003 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
       153 Citations
  4. Optical Coherence Tomography Assessment of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Changes after Glaucoma Surgery
    Aug 2003 · Ophthalmology
    77 Citations
  5. Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus
    May 2014 · Journal francais d'ophtalmologie
    41 Citations
  6. Validation of the Ocular Trauma Score for Intraocular Foreign Bodies in Deadly Weapon-Related Open-Globe Injuries
    Mar 2008 · Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging
    29 Citations
  7. Evaluating pulsatile ocular blood flow analysis in normal and treated glaucomatous eyes
    Oct 2003 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
    19 Citations
  8. A role for repressive complexes and H3K9 di-methylation in PRDM5-associated brittle cornea syndrome. September 2015 Human Molecular Genetics
    11 Citations
  9. [Effectiveness of topical ciclosporin A treatment after excision of primary pterygium and limbal conjunctival autograft] October 2008 Journal Francais d'ophtalmologie
    10  Citations
  10. [Orbital varix presenting with enophthalmos. A case report].
    May 2010 · Journal francais d'ophtalmologie
    10 Citations






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Ferhat Erisir
43 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Ferhat Erisir

43 years of experience

Medical Education and Specialty

  • 1972-1979; School of Medicine, Cerrahpaşa Medicine University,
  • 1982-1995; Chief Asistant, Cerrahpaşa Medicine University,
  • 1995-2002; Associate Professor, Cerrahpaşa Medicine University,
  • 2002-2018; Professor, Cerrahpaşa Medicine University,
  • 2018- ... ; Professor and Chief of ENT Departmant, Near East Univesity Hospital

Professional experience/Performance Details
In 1982, he started to work as an assistant in Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty ENT Department. He became Associate Professor in 1995 and Professor in 2002. Beside ENT department, he also gained fame by operations in the field of facial aesthetic surgery and he is one of the first founders of Turkey Facial Aesthetic Surgery Association.

  • More than 500 face and neck lift,
  • More than 700 eyelid aesthetics,
  • More than 5.000 rhinoplasty, septoplasty,
  • More than 5.000 tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
  • More than 1.000 head and neck cancer surgery,
  • More than 1.000 salivary gland surgery,
  • More than 1.000 ear microsurgery,
  • More than 1.000 sleep apnea surgery.

Scientific Events/Certificates

  • İşitme Cihazları Sempozyumu (Uludağ /January 1984)
  • Otolerengolojide Kanama, Ağrı, Ve Stomatolojik Sendromlar Sempozyumu (İstanbul /October 1986)
  • Uluslar Arası Nöro-Otolojik Cerrahi Sempozyumu (İstanbul/May 1988)
  • Uluslar Arası Otolarengolojide Ve Sanat Dallarında Disfoniler Sempozyumu (İstanbul/October 1990)
  • XV Word Congrees Of Otorhınolaryngology Head Neck Surgery (İstanbul / June 1993)
  • Septorinoplasti Fonksiyonel ve Rekonstrüktif  Burun Cerrahisi Sempozyumu (Ankara/May 1996)
  • II. Fonksiyonel Ve Rekonstrüktif  Burun Cerrahisi Sempozyumu (Ankara / October 1998)
  • American Academi Of Facial Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery “Rhinoplasty Meeting Live Surgery Course” (Chicago / June 2001)
  • Fonksiyonel Ve Plastik Burun Cerrahisi  “Kbb’de Uluslar Arası Konferanslar Dizisi – III” (İzmir / November 2000)
  • II. Palandöken Kbb Sempozyumu ‘’ Rinoloji’de Yenilikler”  (Erzurum / March 2001)
  • İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Oditoryumu  “Kbb’de Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları” (İstanbul/ October 2002)
  • University Of California & San Francisco Otology And Neurotology Update (San Francisco/ November 2002)
  • 2nd International “Milano Masterclass” “Consensus And Controversies Rhinoplasti And Pearls Of Facial Plastic Surgery” (Milano / March 2003)
  • International Istanbul Otorhınolaryngology Meeting (İstanbul / May 2003)
  • The Intenational Federation Of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies The European Academi Of Facial Plastic Surgery (England / May 2004)
  • II. American Society For Dermatologic Surgery “The Annual Sumposium On The Latest Advences İn Facial Plastic Surgery” (Colorado, USA / February 2005)
  • International Conference Series İn Otolarengology –VI Recent Advances İn Rhinoplasty And Facial Plastic Surgery (İzmir / November 2005)
  • 28. Otorinolarengoloji Ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi (Antalya / May 2005)
  • XVIII Ifos World Congress ( International Federation Of Oto-Rhino-Larengological Societies  (Rome  / June 2005)
  • 2005 Eafps Annual Conferance  “Long – Term Results In Nasal And Facial Plastic Surcery”  (Florence / October 2005)
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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Eyup Yayci
32 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Eyup Yayci

32 years of experience

Name and Surname: Eyup Yaycı

Date of Birth: November 12, 1969

Foreign language: English

Academic Degrees


Degree Department/Program Education Institution Year

Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University – Istanbul 1993

in medicine



Gynecology and Gynecology

Birth SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1998


Asst. Assoc.



Gynecology and Gynecology



Near East University Medicine

Faculty 2012


Master's Thesis Title and Thesis Advisor

Magnetic resonance imaging of myometrial invasion depth in cases with endometrial cancer

Detection by imaging method and its effects on prognosis (1998)

Thesis advisor:

Assoc. Prof. Necdet Süer

Memberships to Scientific Organizations

Turkish Medical Association

Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (TJOD)


Job Title Place of Duty Year

Research Asst. SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1993-1998

Expert Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's


Department of Diseases and Birth


2011- 2012


Asst. Assoc. Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's


Department of Diseases and Birth


2012 -Present



1. International events

1.1. International Article Publications

1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists


1.1.1.b. Journals receiving year in SCI extended lists

1. Yayci E, Guzin K, Suer N. Evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion by magnetic

Resonance imaging in patients with endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of

Gynecological Oncology 2012; 33: 480-484.

2. Uygur D, Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Comunoglu C, Kuzey GM. Association of Speculum

Lubrication with Pain and Papanicolaou Test Accuracy. Journal of the American Board of

Family Medicine. Online 2012.

DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120021

3. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and

unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of

Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012.

DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2558-1

4. Yayci F, Yayci E, Devrim S, Gul MI, Gura M. A prospective trial of epidural versus

intravenous meperidine analgesia during labor: effects on perinatal and maternal

outcome. HealthmedJournal. HealthMED. 2012; 6(10):3268-3274

5. Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in

ovarian cancer research. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology. Eur J Gynaecol

Oncol. 2013;34(2):175-8.

6. Guler T, Uygur D, Uncu M, Yayci E, Atacag T, Bas K, Gunay M, Yakicier C. Coexisting anal

human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection. arch

Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Sep;288(3):667-72.

Doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2821-0. Epub 2013 Mar 31.

7. Guler T, Atacag T, Yayci E, Cetin A, Cetin M. Validation of Turkish version of Premenstrual

Symptoms Impact SurveyTM (PMSISTM) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in

women of ctive age. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry.

2015; 16:205-211.

Doi: 10.5455/apd.172033

8. Atacag T, Yayci E, Guler T, Suer K, Yayci F, Deren, Cetin A, Asymptomatic bacteriuria

screened by catheterized samples at pregnancy term in women undergoing cesarean

delivery.Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2015;42(5):590-4.

9. Soytac SI, Yayci E, Atacag T, Uncu M. Is maternal Vitamin D associated with Gestational

Diabetes Mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus. Archives of Endocrinology and

Metabolism - in review

1.1.2. El, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ Lit, and other field indexed journals



1.1.3. Articles published in peer-reviewed journals and not included in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

1. Yayci E, Guler OT, Kuzey GM, Comunoglu C, Atacag T, Cetin A, Bas KK, Nakitoğlu B.

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological mass: A case report. Gynecologic

Oncology Case Reports. 107-109 pp., 2012

1.2. international conferences

1. Atacag T, Guler OT, Yayci E, Cetin. Within the A.RCOG World Congress 2013 conference

"Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery" in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet

provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential.”,

pp., Liverpool, UK, June 2013.

2. Atacag T, Özkayalar H, Yayci E, Güler OT, Cetin. BCCiP-COGI - The World Congress on

Building Consensus out of Controversies Gynecology, In and Perinatology

The Increasing Role Of in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet of the conference

Endometriosis In Abdominal Wall Nodules Related To High Ratio Of Primary Cesarean

Delivery: Two Case Reports”,pp., Istanbul - May – 2013

3. Dalkan C, Uncu M, Galip N, Yayci E, Bahceciler N, Akman I. Neonatal Others PO-0672 Cord

Blood Osteocalcine, Leptin And Tnf? Levels In Gestational Diabetic Pregnancies Arch Dis

Child 2014;99:A474 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.1313

1.3. Citations

1. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and

unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of

Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012. DOI: 10.100

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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Askin Ali Korkmaz
34 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Askin Ali Korkmaz

34 years of experience

Born in Kahramanmaraş in 1967, after graduating from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1991, Prof. Dr. Aşkın Ali Korkmaz completed his training at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery between 1993-1998. Between 1998 and 2006, he worked as a specialist in both pediatric and adult Cardiovascular Surgery at Florence Nightingale Hospital. One of the top specialists of coronary bypass surgery, who performed the bypass with bilateral thoracic artery (ITA – internal thoracic artery) for the first time, Prof. Dr. Korkmaz worked with Prof. Dr. Cihat Bakay for many years, and Prof. Dr. Aşkın Ali Korkmaz’s articles were published in the world’s leading journals on full artery bypass surgeries using different bilateral variations of ITA (sequential ITA, left-sided bilateral ITA, T graft, Coronary-coronary bypass etc.) without using a leg vein. Meanwhile, he worked as a specialist in Belgium OLV Hospital between 2000 and 2001, increasing his knowledge and experience especially in minimally invasive (small incision) heart surgery, robotic surgery and mitral valve repair. He was promoted to the rank of associate professor in 2013 and contributed to the training of many local and foreign cardiovascular surgeons on minimally invasive cardiac surgery, mitral valve repair and radiofrequency ablation technique in rhythm disorders. Working as a consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon at Azerbaijan Ganja International Hospital in 2016 and re-activating cardiac surgery there, Prof. Dr. Aşkın Ali Korkmaz established the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at Okan University, where he started to work as the Head of the Department in August 2016, and continued to work there until 2017. In 2017, he started to work as the Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Near East University Hospital. In 2018, he established the Cardiovascular Surgery clinic at the newly established Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital and became the clinic chief. Here he performed successful operations in congenital and adult cardiac surgery. At the same time, he continued his duty as a consultant physician in Cardiovascular Surgery at the Near East University Hospital.

Fluent in English, Prof. Dr. Aşkın Ali Korkmaz is the father of a daughter.

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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
More treatments
Barcin Ozcem
20 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Barcin Ozcem

20 years of experience
  • 1999-2005; Trakya University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2006-2012; Specialization, Izmir Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Cardiovascular Surgery
  • 2012; Near East University Faculty of Medicine Hospital
  • 2013-2016; Assistant Professorship
  • July 2016; Associate professor title
  • March 2021; Prof. title

Doctorate, specialization in medicine, proficiency in art (University, thesis title and year)
İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, Comparison of post-operative drainage and hemodynamic parameters of patients who used acetylsalicylic acid before coronary artery surgery and those who did not. 2012. Thesis Advisor:Assoc.Prof.Dr.Ufuk YETKİN

1.1.International Article Publications
1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists 

Farisoğlu, Ü., Balcıoğlu, Ö., Özcem, B. , ...Nasırcılar Ülker, S., Koçer, G. Parabiosis Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in Aged Female Mice Journal of Surgical Research , 2022, 278, pp. 119–131

The effect of bovine serum albumin-glutaraldehyde and polyethylene glycol polymer on local tissue reaction and inflammation in rabbit carotid artery anastomosis. Besir Y, Karaagac E, Kurus M, Keselik E, Iscan S, Gokalp O, Eygi B, Iner H, Yesilkaya N, Ozcem B , Yılık L, Gurbuz A. Vascular. 2022 Feb 28:17085381221075484. doi: 10.1177/17085381221075484. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35225097

The rational use of thromboprophylaxis therapy in hospitalized patients and the perspectives of health care providers in Northern Cyprus

Shah, SS, Abdi, A., Özcem, B., Basgut, B. PLoS ONE , 2020, 15(7 July), e0235495

Mitral annular calcification and SYNTAX ScoreCerit L ,Günsel A ,cerit Z, Ozcem B ,Kemal H,Taşel B ,Duygu H Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche Volume 177, Issue 6, Pages 260 - 265June 2018

Preventive effect of preoperative vitamin supplementation on postoperative atrial fibrillation Cerit, L., Özcem, B., Cerit, Z., Duygu, H. Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery , 2018, 33(4), pp. 347–352

Introducing clinical pharmacy services to cardiovascular clinics at a university hospital in Northern Cyprus Al-Baghdadi, H., Koca Al-Baghdadi, Ç., Abdi, A., ...Özcem, B., Başgut, B. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy , 2017, 39(6), pp. 1185–1193

Relationship between Vitamin D and the development of atrial fibrillation after on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Cerit L, Kemal H, Gulsen K, Ozcem B , Cerit Z, Duygu H. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2017 Mar/Apr 23;28(2):104-107. doi: 10.5830/CVJA-2016-064. Epub 2016 Aug 2. PMID: 27701486

Ascending Aorta and Aortic Root Replacement With the Bentall Procedure in a Patient With Dextrocardia and Situs Inversus Totalis Özlem Balcıoğlu, Barçın Özcem , Aşkın Ali Korkmaz DOI: 10.4274/cjms.2021.2021-64 Cyprus J Med Sci 2022;7(2)276-278

Spider-like coronary anatomy; the true spider! | Anatomia coronariana em posição spider: A verdadeira aranha!

Cerit, L., Duygu, H., Gülşen, K., Kemal, H., Ozcem, B. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia , 2017, 109(4), pp. 376–377

Successful resection and reconstruction of primary cardiac lymphoma.

Özcem B , Soner Kemal H, Balcıoğlu Ö, Özkayalar H, Sanisoğlu İ. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2017 Dec;45(8):755-757. doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.65745. PMID: 29226899

Ozpak BIlhan GOzcem BKara H. Our Short-Term Results with Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy for Treatment of Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.  2015 Jun 19

Gülşen KDuygu HCerit LÖzcem BBabalık E An extremely rare complication due to percutaneous coronary intervention: Aortic perforation. Int J Cardiol.  2015 Nov 1;198:34-6.

DuyguHCeritLGulsenKOzcemB . Looking beyond lumen: Optical coherence tomography. Int J Cardiol.  2015 Oct 15;197:326.

Yurekli I, Cakir H,  Ozcem B , Besir Y. Effect of preoperative renal function on long-term survival after cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Jan;147(1):539-40.

Bayrak S, Yurekli I, Gokalp O, Kiray M, Bademci MS, Ozcem B , Besir Y, Yilik L, Kestelli M, Gurbuz A. Evaluation of protective effects of methylprednisolone and pheniramine maleate on reperfusion injury in kidney after distant organ ischemia: a rat model. Ann Vasc Surg. 2012 May;26(4):559-65.

Gokalp O, Yurekli I, Gur S, Bademci M, Ozcem B , Gurbuz A. Femorofemoral bypass in addition to femoropopliteal bypass. Ann Vasc Surg. 2012 Aug;26(6):885.

Gokalp O, Karakas N, Besir Y,  Ozcem B , Gurbuz A. Factors affecting the development of renal failure after abdominal vascular surgery. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2012 May;43(5):612-3

Kestelli M, Yurekli I, Akyuz M, Ozcem B. Are all antegrade cerebral perfusion techniques equal? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012 Jun;41(6):1406

Kestelli M, Yurekli I, Ozcem B , Gurbuz. What else could be done besides aortic repair? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Dec;38(6):815

1.1.1.b. Journals included in SCI extended lists

Cerit L, Kemal H, Gulsen K, Ozcem B, Cerit Z, Duygu H.Relation Between Vitamin D and Development of atrail fibrillation after On-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery


Cerit L, Duygu H, Gulsen K, Kemal H,  Ozcem B , Balcioglu O, Gunsel A, Tosun O Emren v. Is SYNTAX Score Predictive of Atrial Fibrillation After On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery? Korean Circ J. 2016;46:e103.

Akyuz M, Gokalp O, Ozcem B, Ozcan S, Besir Y, Gurbuz A. Surgical management of axillosubclavian vascular injuries. Pak J Med Sci. 2015;31(3):552-5

Yazıman S, Yurekli İ, Yılık L, Yetkin U, İner H, Gunes T, Ozcem B , Gurbuz A OUR MID-TERM RESULTS IN THE ENDOVASCULAR REPAIR OF ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM TGKDC-2016-E12320 (accepted)

Gülşen K, Cerit L, Özcem B , Akpınar O. Predictors of poor coronary collateral development in patients with stable coronary artery disease: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelets. Anatol J Cardiol. 2015 Nov;15(11):960-1.

Özçem B, Cerit L, Şahin T, Akyüz M, Duygu H. Preoperative oral pentoxifylline in case of coronary artery bypass grafting with left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction equal to/less than 30%). Anatol J Cardiol. 2015 Sep;15(9):773-4.

Cerit L, Duygu H, Gülşen K, Özcem B. Achilles' heel of coil occlusion procedure: Anticoagulant therapy. Anatol J Cardiol. 2015 Sep;15(9):765-6.

Ozcem B , Gulsen K, Cerit L, Conkbayir C Long-term patency of autogenous saphenous veins etc. PTFE interposition graft for prosthetic hemodialysis access .Anatol J Cardiol 2015; 15:263-264

Ozcem B , Sahin T, Balcıoglu O. Nonthyroidal illness syndrome in offpump coronary artery bypass surgery doi:  10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2015.6787

Ozcem B , Akyuz M, Ozpak B , Sanisoglu İ Recurrent varicose veins after surgery: an analysis of 247 patients Turk Gogus Kalp Damar 2016;24(1):190-191

Ozcem B , Gulsen K, Akyuz M, Sanisoglu İ The impact of body mass index on mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing isolated valve surgery Turk Gogus Kalp Damar 2015;23(4):802-803.

Yasa H, Akyuz M, Yakut N, Aslan O, Akyuz D,  Ozcem B , Tulukoğlu E, Gurbuz A. Comparison of two surgical techniques for carotid endarterectomy: conventional and eversion. Neurochirurgie. 2014 Feb-Apr;60(1-2):33-7.

Ozcem B , et al. Propofol-related infusion syndrome in a geriatric patient following the use of propofol in low doses and short duration, during and after cardiac surgery: A case report. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 17: 108-111, No. 1, 2014.

Ozcem B A case of radial arteriovenous fistula during coronary angiography. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 Mar;14(2):210

Özcem B , Gülşen K, Cerit L An excellent collateralization between left internal mammary artery to left external iliac artery. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 May 19;14(3):E7-8.

Gülşen K, Cerit L, Özcem B , Conkbayır C, Ökçün B. Multivessel disease in a patient taken to the catheter laboratory with acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock. Start revascularization with the distal LAD via LIMA. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2014 Dec;14(8):752, 756


Russ J Cardiol 2014, 1 (105), Engl.: 52-53 (The journal was SCI-e when it was accepted)

Yürekli I, Yazıman S, Cakır H,  Ozcem B. About contrast-induced nephropathy. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2013 Nov;13(7):719-20.

Gökalp O, Yazıman S, Özcem B , Gürbüz A. Effect of systemic inflammation in the cardiac surgery performed on elderly. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2013 Jun;13(4):401.

Bozok S, Kestelli M, Ilhan G, Gokalp O, Ozpak B, Akyuz M, Ozcem B , Kestelli P. Tips and pearls for "true" dextroposition of the aorta in tetralogy of Fallot. Cardiol Young 2012 Sep 14:1-4.

Gunes T, Bozok S, Kestelli M, Yurekli I, Ilhan G, Ozpak B, Bademci M, Ozcem B , Sahin A. α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid in early postoperative period of cardiopulmonary bypass. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2012 Nov;13(11):691-9

T Güneş, L Yılık, U Yetkin, İ Yürekli, B Özcem,Yazman S,Gokalp O,Gurbuz A. Comparison of open conventional and endovascular surgical treatment in abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2012.099

Gökalp O, Yürekli I, Güneş T, Kestelli M, Yılık L, Lafçı B,  Ozcem B , Gürbüz A. Sternal wire reaction with wire's skin exposure and its treatment in a patient who underwent coronary bypass surgery. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2011 Mar 7;11(2):E9-E10.

Tetik O,  Ozcem B , Calli AO, Gurbuz A. True brachial artery aneurysm. Tex Heart Inst J. 2010;37(5):618-9.

Gürbüz A, Yetkin U, Lafçi B, Postaci N,  Ozcem B , Yürekli I. Perforation of the mitral valve due to Brucella endocarditis as a late complication diagnosed perioperatively. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2009 Oct;9(5):430.

Kestelli M, Yürekli I, Ozelçi AB, Gökalp O, Güneş T, Ozcem B , Gürbüz A. [The role of inflammation in atrial fibrillation/The comparison between the efficiency of different anti-arrhythmic agents in preventing postoperative atrial fibrillation after open-heart surgery]. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2008 Oct;8(5):394

Tetik O, Yetkin U, Rezanko T,  Ozcem B , Gurbuz A. Cavernous hemangioma atypically located at the left brachial region. Tex Heart Inst J. 2008;35(2):218-9.

Bayrak S, Güneş T, Özcem B , Gökalp O, Yürekli İ, Yazıman S, Gürbüz A. Port catheter implantation under scopy in hybrid operation rooms. Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012 April;20(2):275-280

Bayrak S, Yetkin U, Yürekli İ, Gökalp O, Bademci MŞ, Yaşa H, Özcem B , Gürbüz A. Chronic venous insufficiency cases in the practice of external banding. Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012 October;20(4):788-793

1.1.2. EI, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ.Lit., and other field indexed journals

Ozcem B , Yasa H, Akyuz M, Işık O Intraoperative Left Mamarian Artery Flow Measurement in Elderly Patients 2015 DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.3889

Yasa H, Aslan O,  Ozcem B , Akyuz M, Gurbuz A, Akhan G. An alternative surgical procedure for a patient with critically restenosed and kinked carotid artery: graft interposition. Case Rep Surg. 2011;2011:572454.

Yillik Y,Gokalp O,Yurekli İ,Bayrak S,Gunes T, Ozcem B ,Bademci M,Gurbuz A. Direct Thrombolytic Theraphy with Catheter Ultrasonographic in the Treatment of Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism: First Applications in Turkey Damar Cer Derg 2012;21( 1):47-50

1.1.3. Published in peer-reviewed journals and 1.1.1. and1.1.2. articles not included

Gurbuz A, Yetkin U, Ozcem B , Postaci N, Yurekli İ Giant left ventricular saccular true aneurysm at posterobasal localization. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2009 Volume 13 Number 2

Özbek C, Yetkin U, Özcem B , Bademci M, Yürekli İ, Postacı N, Gürbüz A. Combined mitral and aortic valve repair in a patient with end-stage renal disease. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2009 Volume 13 Number 2

Gürbüz A, Yetkin U, Lafçı B, Bayrak S, Göktoğan T, Özcem B. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,Vol 12(2),(2008).

Yetkin U, Özbek C, Göktoğan T, Karahan N, Özcem B , Akyüz M, Gürbüz A. Our Infective Endocarditis Cases That Diagnosed Splenic Infarctus The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,Vol 12(2),(2008).

Gürbüz A, Yetkin U, Apaydın M, Özcem B, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Associated With Renal Carcinoma The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol 11(2),(2008).

Özbek C, Yetkin U, Özcem B , Özpak B, Yürekli İ, Gürbüz A. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery In An Elephantiasis Patient: The First Case In Literature The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol 10(2),(2007) .

International Conferences
Poster Presentations

1. Yazıman SYürekli İYetkin UYılık LDönmez Kİner HGüneş TÖzcem BGürbüz A. Relationship between endoleak development and aneurysm diameter in patients with abdominal aorta aneurysm treated with endovascular repair. J Cardiothorac Surg.  2015 Dec 16;10 Suppl 1:A224.

2.Yazman S, Yürekli İ, Yılık L, Yetkin U, Dönmez K, İner H, Güneş T, Özcem B, Gürbüz A. Pre and postoperative value of contrast computerized tomography scan for patients with abdominal aorta aneurysm treated with endovascular repair study. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Dec 16;10 Suppl 1:A231.

3.Yazman S, Yürekli İ, Yetkin U, Yılık L, Dönmez K, İner H, Güneş T, Özcem B, Gürbüz A. Mortality properties of our case series of abdominal aorta aneurysm patients treated with endovascular repair. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Dec 16;10 Suppl 1:A226.

4.Ozcem B, Yetkin U, Bademci M, Akyuz M, Yazıman S, Celik E, Karakas N, Yurekli I, GurbuzA.  Comparison of amount of postoperative use of blood and blood products between patients receiving and not receiving salicylate before coronary surgery Journal ofCardiothoracicSurgery2013,8(Suppl1):P80   23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split, Croatia.12-15 2013

5.B Ozcem, U Yetkin, M Bademci, M Akyuz, S Yazıman, E Celik, N Karakas, I Yurekli and A Gurbuz .Comparison of patients receiving salicylate before coronary artery surgery with patients not receiving in terms of postoperative mortality rate Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P108 P80   23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split, Croatia.12-15 September 2013

6.M Akyuz, B Lafci, U Yetkin, M Bademci, B Ozpak, I Akyildiz, B Ozcem, A Gurbuz. Short and mid-term follow-up of patients with low ejection fraction who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery: comparison of preoperative and postoperative anginal complaint and functional capacity Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P101 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split, Croatia.12-15 September 2013

7.M Akyuz, B Lafci, U Yetkin, M Bademci, B Ozpak, I Akyildiz, B Ozcem, A Gurbuz. Evaluation of pre-, per- and postoperative data for comparison of short and midterm results of high-risk coronary arterial bypass surgery in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P100 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

8.M Akyuz, B Lafci, U Yetkin, M Bademci, B Ozpak, I Akyildiz, B Ozcem, A Gurbuz Coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with low ejection fraction: short and mid term outcomes according to the associated risk factors Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P99 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

9.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Our incision types of choice for surgical treatment of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P49 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

10.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Our graft choice for surgical treatment of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013 , 8(Suppl 1):P48 P100 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013

11.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Diagnosis of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries and our principles of surgical approach Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P46 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split , Croatia.12-15 September 2013

12.O Gokalp, I Yurekli, L Yilik, U Yetkin, T Gunes, M Akyuz, B Ozcem, O Tetik, G Ilhan, A Gurbuz Characteristics of postoperative early and late period for surgical treatment of true aneurysms of subclavian and axillary arteries Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery  2013, 8(Suppl 1):P45 23rd World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons split ,Croatia.12-15 September 2013Papers Presented at International Congresses

  1. Ozbek C, Yetkin U, Bayrak S, O Tetik, Ozcem B , T Gunes, Gurbuz Sklerotheraphy of lower Extremity Varices: Relieving The Symptoms And Optimal Cosmetic Results.The 15th Annual Meeting of Asian Society For Cardio-Vascular Surgery-ASCVS,Abstract Book,S127-128/PU-007,Partnerships in Progressing Cardi-Thoracic Surgery,May 17-20,2007,Beijing,China
  2. Yetkin U,O Tetik, Ozcem B , Ozpak B, Ozbek C,Gurbuz Planning The Operation In Occlusive Lower Extremity Arterial Disease With MR Angiograpy.The 15th Annual Meeting of Asian Society For Cardio-Vascular Surgery-ASCVS,Abstract Book,S131 / PU-016/474, Partnerships in Progressing Cardi-Thoracic Surgery,May 17-20,2007,Beijing,China
  3. Ergunes K, Yasa H, Özsoyler I, Lafci B, Ozcem B , Akyuz M, Aksun M, Gürbüz A. Neurologic Manifestation Of Cardıac Myxoma The European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery 56th International Congress, Venice, Italy, May 17-20,2007


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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Ozlem Balcioglu
20 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Ozlem Balcioglu

20 years of experience
  • 2008 - 2015; Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
  • 2015; Specialization - Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Cardiovascular Surgery
  • 2005; Trakya University Faculty of Medicine



Date of Birth: 08.05.1981

Foreing Language: English, German

Educational Background:


Level Department/Programme University Year

Undergraduate / Postgraduate Medical Doctor University of Trakya

Faculty of Medicine,






in Medicine Cardiovascular Surgery


Ege University

Faculty of Medicine,





Doctorate Thesis/Work of Proficiency/Dissertation of Speciality Title (abstract attached)

and Advisor(s):

“Sürekli Akım Sağlayan Ventrikül Destek Cihazı Uygulanan Son Dönem Kalp Yetmezliği

Hastalarında Ortaya Çıkan Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanamalarının Risk faktörlerinin

Retrospektif Olarak Belirlenmesi”

Thesis Consultant: Prof. Dr Tahir Yağdı


Duty Title Place of Duty Year




Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of

Cardiovascular Surgery




Assist. Prof.



Near East University Cardiovascular Surgery 2015-


Education Abroad:

1. St Thomas Hospital. King’s Collegeof London. (England) – November 2004- January

2005 Gynecology And Labor Intern Rotation

2. Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems – workshop. Deutsches Herzzentrum,Berlin.



3. Texas A&M University Institute for preclinics studies. Fellowship programme.

Ventricle Support Devices and Artificial Heart Implementation Preclinic Research

(US) May - July 2012

4. Texas A&M University Healthcare Scott and White Hospital Cardiovasculer

Department. Observer programme (US) April – July 2012.

Membership of Scientific Societies:

1- Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

2- Turkish National Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery


A. Articles Published in İnternationally Reviewed Journals:

A1 Oguz E, Apaydin AZ, Ayik F, Balcioglu O, Dolapoglu A. Chylothorax after

horacoabdominal aneurysm repair: efficacy of somatostatin. Ann Vasc Surg. 2011

Feb;25(2):267.e11-3. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2010.07.026. Epub 2010 Oct 6.

A2 Ozturk C, Ayik F, Oguz E, Ozturk P, Karapolat H, Balcioglu O, Yagdi T, Engin C,

Ozbaran M. Evaluation of changes in quality of life among Turkish patients undergoing

ventricular assist device implantation. Transplant Proc. 2012 Jul-Aug;44(6):1735-7. doi:


A3 Ozbaran M, Yagdi T, Engin C, Erkul S, Balcioglu O, Baysal B, Nalbantgil S, Ertugay S.

Long-term paracorporeal ventricular support systems: a single-center experience. Transplant

Proc. 2013 Apr;45(3):1013-6. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.02.073.

A4 Engin C, Yagdi T, Balcioglu O, Erkul S, Baysal B, Oguz E, Ayik F, Ozturk P, Ozbaran

M. Left ventricular assist device implantation in heart failure patients with a left ventricular

thrombus. Transplant Proc. 2013 Apr;45(3):1017-9. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.02.071.


A5 Balcioglu O, Engin C, Yagdi T, Nalbantgil S, Baysal B, Erkul S, Engin Y, Kutlayey I,

Ozbaran M. Effect of aortic valve movements on gastrointestinal bleeding that occured in

continuous flow left ventricular assist device patients. Transplant Proc. 2013 Apr;45(3):1020-

1. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.02.072.


A6 Ozturk P, Engin AY, Nalbantgil S, Oguz E, Ayik F, Engin C, Yagdi T, Erkul S, Balcioglu

O, Ozbaran M. Comparison of continuous-flow and pulsatile-flow blood pumps on reducing

pulmonary artery pressure in patients with fixed pulmonary hypertension. Artif Organs. 2013

Sep;37(9):763-7. doi: 10.1111/aor.12164. Epub 2013 Sep 11.


A7 Is SYNTAX Score Predictive of Atrial Fibrillation after On-Pump Coronary Artery

Bypass Graft Surgery?Cerit L, Duygu H, Gulsen K, Kemal HS, Ozcem B, Balcioglu O,

Gunsel A, Tosun O, Emren V.Korean Circ J. 2016 46 6 798 -803 Epub 2016 Nov 1.

PMID: 27826338


A8 Endovascular Repair and Adjunctive Immunosuppressive Therapy of Aortic Involvement

in Behçet's Disease. Balcioglu O, Ertugay S, Bozkaya H, Parildar M, Posacioglu H.

Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2015 Nov;50(5):593-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2015.07.011. Epub

2015 Aug 28. PMID: 26321000


A9 Postoperative Outcomes of the Largest HeartMate-II Experience in Turkey.Ertugay S,

Engin C, Nalbantgil S, Kocabaş S, Balcioglu O, Engin Y, Yagdi T, Ozbaran M.

Transplant Proc. 2015 Jun;47(5):1499-502. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2015.04.046.

PMID: 26093751


A10 Successful resection and reconstruction of primary cardiac lymphoma.

Özcem B, Soner Kemal H1


, Balcıoğlu Ö, Özkayalar H, Sanisoğlu İ. Turk Kardiyol Dern


Ars. 2017 Dec;45(8):755-757. doi: 10.5543/tkda.2017.65745

A11 Risk Factors of Gastrointestinal Bleeding After Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist


Balcioglu O1


, Kemal HS2


, Ertugay S3


, Ozturk P3


, Engin Y4


, Nalbantgil S5


, Engin C3

, Yagdi




, Ozbaran M3


. ASAIO J. 2018 Jul/Aug;64(4):458-461. doi:



A12 Is SYNTAX Score Predictive of Atrial Fibrillation after On-Pump Coronary Artery

Bypass Graft Surgery?

Cerit L1

, Duygu H1


, Gulsen K1


, Kemal HS1


, Ozcem B2


, Balcioglu O2


, Gunsel A1

, Tosun




, Emren V4



B. B.Proceedings that are presented in international scientific meetings and are

published in their book of proceedings:

B1 Ertugay S, Börteçin B, Yağdı T, Balcioglu O, Turhan S, Mecidov M, Oğuz E, Ayik M.F,

Nalbantgil S, Engin Ç, Ozbaran M. Ventricular Support Systms for end stage heart failure,

Ege University experience. The 12th congress of the middle east society for organ

transplantation. 2010


B2 Ozturk P, Engin Y, nalbantgil S, Oğuz E, Ayık F, Engin C, Yagdi T, Erkul S, Balcioglu

O, Ozbaran M. Comparison of continuous-flow and pulsatile pumps systems on reducing

pulmonary artery pressure in patients with pulmonary hypertension. 20th Congress of the

International Society for Rotary blood Pumps. ISRBP – 2012


B3 Erkul S, Balcioglu O, Engin Y, Ozturk P, Engin C, Yagdi T, Ozbaran M.

Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with continuous flow LVAD. 20th Congress of the

International Society for Rotary blood Pumps. ISRBP - 2012


B4 Ozturk P, Engin Y, Erkul S, Balcioglu O, Engin C, Yagdi T, Ertugay S, Atay Y, Ulger Z,

Ozbaran M. Frequency of pump – head exchange due to thrombosis in patients underwent

pulsatile ventricular assist device implantation. 20th Congress of the International Society for

Rotary blood Pumps. ISRBP - 2012


B5 Balcioglu O, Erkul S, Engin Y, Nalbantgil S, Zoghi M, Engin C, Yagdi T, Ozbaran M.

Intraventricular thrombolytic therapy in patients with LVAD Pump thrombosis. 20th

Congress of the International Society for Rotary blood Pumps. ISRBP - 2012


B6 Ertugay S, Kahraman U, Balcioglu O, Nalbantgil S, Zoghi M, Engin C, Yagdi T,

Ozbaran M. Left Ventricular assist device implantation with tricuspit ring annuloplasty. 3rd

World Heart Failure Congress. 2012


B7 Balcioglu O, Erkul S, Ayık F, Ülger Z, Karakula S, Engin C, Atay Y, Yagdi T, Ozbaran

M. First succesful experience with the Heartware assist device in child in Turkey. 3

rd World


Heart Failure Congress. 2012


B8 Erkul S, Balcioglu O, Engin Y, daylan A, Ozturk P, Nalbantgil S, Zoghi M, Engin C,

Askar F, YagdiT, Ozbaran M. Heartware HVAD application in heart failure treatment, Ege

University experience. 3rd World Heart Failure Congress. 2012


B9 Ertugay S, Balcioglu O, Engin C, Nalbantgil S, Yagdi T, Ozbaran M. Late cause of right

heart failure in a LVAD patient: aortic root thrombus.ASAIO 59th Annual conference –

“Measuring Success” Chicago – 2013


B10 Engin Y, Yagdi T, Balcioglu O, Engin C, Ertugay S, nalbantgil S, Kultayev I,

Narymbetov N, Zoghi M, Ozbaran M. New generation left ventricular assist device for end

stage heart failure therapy: Ege University experience. 29th Turkish Cardiology Congress

with International Participation. Supplement to JACC Oct 2013

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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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Enes Sari
18 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Enes Sari

18 years of experience
  • 2017;Near East University Hospital
  • 2015 - 2017; Aksaz Military Hospital
  • 2010 - 2015; GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital Ankara
  • 2001 - 2007; GATA Medical Faculty Ankara
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3 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Facelift $5759.95
Tummy tuck $1556.74 - $2905.92
Radiotherapy $1816.2 - $4358.88
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This page may feature information relating to various medical conditions, treatments, and healthcare services available in different countries. Please be advised that the content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or guidance. Please consult with your doctor or a qualified medical professional before starting or changing medical treatment.

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