Dr. X is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in the treatment of ankles, feet, knees, and shoulders. He utilizes to help treat joint damage and has been practicing since 1993. He has completed internships in several countries and was awarded the EFORT Traveling Fellowship in 2000. He has been living and practicing in Spain since 2006.
Read moreOrthopedist-Traumatologist, Specialist in the knee, tendons and ligaments treatment
Read moreI am a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University in Warsaw. Since 2015, I have been a senior assistant at the Orthopedics and RheumoOrthopedics Clinic of the CMKP Hospital named after Prof. A. Gruca in Otwock, and since 2018 – a research assistant at the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw. I gained professional experience in domestic and foreign centers. I did internships and participated in numerous courses in Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Great Britain. I speak Polish and English.
Main areas of my interest include mainly knee and hip replacements, complications after endoprostheses, periprosthetic infections, reconstructive procedures within the knee joint, including arthroscopic procedures and corrective osteotomies of the tibia (e.g. HTO, tibial tuberosity osteotomies), as well as surgical treatment of neuropathies: carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve syndrome. I am the author and co-author of numerous publications.
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