Doctor's visit | price on request |
High intensity focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) | $17416.86 - $19593.97 |
Vaporization (with GreenLight Laser) | $10885.54 |
Nephrectomy | $18505.42 - $21771.08 |
Clinical experience
Residency in Urology Bellvitge University Hospital (2007/2012)
Urologist Bellvitge University Hospital. (May 2012/November 2021)
Head of Andrology Department, Bellvitge University Hospital. (February 2015/November 2021)
Head of Andrology Department Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (December 2021 present)
Director of the Institute of Andrology and Sexology. Quironsalud Group. (October 2015 January 2018).
Head of Andrology Department Teknon Medical Centre (November 2017 present)
Editor of the International Journal of Andrology (July 2016 present)
Clinical practice in the field of Reproductive Medicine and Sexology Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. New York City (USA) (March 2016 May 2016)
Doctor of Medicine (Universitat de Barcelona) degree with honors, 2006
Specialization in Urology Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, 2006 2012
Associate Professor of Clinical Andrology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), 2014
Participant of the European Board of Urology (Bruselas UEMS), 2012
Member of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (Estambul UEMS), 2014
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
High intensity focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) | $17416.86 - $19593.97 |
Vaporization (with GreenLight Laser) | $10885.54 |
Nephrectomy | $18505.42 - $21771.08 |
He graduated in Medicine at the Malaga University and specialised in Urology at the Carlos Haya Hospital in the same province.
He travelled to the United States in 2012 for a study stay at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York. Specifically, at the Oncology Unit leaded by Dr Karim Touijer.
Years later, he consolidated his training with specialist courses in lower urinary tract surgery, advanced renal surgery, urinary incontinence and pelvic floor surgery, male urology surgery at the Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia and a Master in the Update of Urologic Surgery at the Cardenal Herrera University.
Professional Experience
• Urology Consultant at the Poniente Hospital 2016.
• Urology Consultant in Área Sanitaria Norte 2016-2017
• Urology Consultant. Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga 2017-2020.
• Member of the Renal Transplant Unit of the Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga 2017-2020.
• Co-founder of the Urologic Surgery Institute of Malaga 2019
• Head of the Urology Unit at the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital 2019- currently
Scientific/ research activities
• Clinical Mentor of medical students of the Faculty of Medicine of Malaga. 2016-2020
• Author of multiple articles for national and international journals, contributions and editor of the “Manual of Basic Urologic Pathologies in Primary Care and A&E”.
The Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital Urology Unit deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the conditions affecting the urinary system, the suprarenal glands and the retroperitoneum of both male and female patients, as well as the male ctive system.
The team of experts and the nursing team in this Unit have vast expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of the various pathologies treated by this speciality.
We cover all the medical, preventative and surgical aspects in order to offer early detection, an adequate diagnosis and an accurate treatment. Our main objective is to offer the highest quality in humane treatment and scientific knowledge with a clear and decisive vocation of patient service.
The Urology Unit performs its activities at the A&E Unit (helping with any urologic emergency 24 hours a day and 365 days a year) and at the Outpatient Consultations Unit (helping patients with an appointment from Monday to Friday, morning and afternoon)
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CURRICULUM VITAE. José E. Batista-Miranda PhD MD Jan 2025
Correspondence (Uroclinica Center) : Via Augusta 158. Barcelona, Spain
Hospital: Centro Medico Teknon/ Grupo Quironsalud, Vilana 12. 08021 Barcelona, Spain.
Phone: 34- 687 99 54 57
Qualification: Qualfied urologist in Spain and UK (GMC specialist list)
Current position. Urodynamics Head and Consultant Urologist, CM Teknon, Barcelona, since 1996
Director, Uroclinica Team and Continentia Association (
Co- director: Functional Urology program UAX University, Madridr
Previous professional Experience
2005- Senior Clinical Chief in Urodynamics. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona.
1995-2003 Consultant Urologist. Urodynamics and Oncology Units. F. Puigvert, Barcelona.
1994 Fellow in Neuro-Urology. Boston University (Drs. Krane & Siroky) and Harvard´s Children´s Hospital (Dr. Bauer) Boston, USA (La Caixa grant).
1994- Registrar. Bristol Urological Institute,U.K.(Mr. Abrams) (Research Council grant)
Current Professional Practice: experience
Head of Urodynamics: on line reporting of over 2000 studies / year at 5 different locations.
General urology and functional urology clinic.
Urological and post-graduate training.
1997- PhD Thesis, Aut. Univ. of Barcelona (“Oxybutinin in children”) (Spanish Urol. Ass. Prize)
1994- Certified Urologist (Ministries of Health & Education)
1991-Urology Dept,USC Hospital, Los Angeles, CA.(Dr.Skinner) (Research Council grant)
1989-93- Residency in Urology. Fundacio Puigvert-National MIR program. (Dr. Solé Balcells).
Medical Education
1981-87-Medical Degree, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). 1st Class Degree.
1985 & 86- Intern. Department of Surgery. Keiserin Elisabeth Spital, Viena, Austria.
1988-ECFMG Certificate (Permannent validation:February 1994)
103 papers in journals: including 25 in international Journals (see annex)
Editor of 2 books on clinical cases in Urodynamics.
Chapters in 4 books.
Co-editor "Impact Spanish Urology"
Translations for Br J Surgery, Advances in Urology, WHO/ICUD consultations .
Presentations at congresses
45, including 28 at international congresses (Eur. Ass. Urol, Am Urol Ass, ICS, SIU, see annex).
Post-graduate teaching ( President, “Continentia association” )
23 ICS accredited courses on Urodynamics ( 5 English editions for Crotatia, Slonvenia, Hugary, Romania and Bulgaria)
9 CME international/ multi specialty study days on functional urology and urogynechology
Courses and talks at ICS and European Ass. meetings.
Pre-graduate teaching
2010- Bladder dysfunction module. Faculty of Medicine, Aut. Univ of Barcelona
1990-92 Director: Basic Medical English Course for students. Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona.
1992-93 Clinical tutor in Urology (including seminars) Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona .
Invited / elected committee membership and post graduate lecturer
WHO´s International Consultation on BPH (1995, 97, 2000)
WHO´s International Consultation on Incontinence (1999, 2001)
Member, Ethics Committee, BarcelonaMedical College.
Secretary, Institutional Review Board (Ethics Research committee. F. Puigvert)
Clinical tutor ellected by Urology residents.
Invited speaker in courses / symposiums in Spain, Mexico, Morocco and Italy.
Research projects / IRB approved trials / advisor.
1993- IPSS validation in Spanish
1994- Epristeride phase III clinical trial (Boston University)
1994- Bladder blood flow evaluation (Boston University)
1995- Cavidox (Quality of life in BPH patients, Almirall Laboratories)
1996- Tamsulosin phase IV clinical trial (Boehringer Laboratories)
1996- Vesica international surgical study (Boston scientific)
1997- European endourology panel (Boston scientific)
1997- YM 905, phase II clinical trial (Yamanouchi/ Astellas)
1998- present: Detrusor morphometry in obstruction (PhD thesis co-director)
2000- European panel on appropriate management on BPH (Erasmus University)
2001- Quality of life in radical prostatectomy vs brachytherapy. Use of FACT questionnaire.
2004- Effect of Aclidinium in Urology ( Almirall laboratories)
2008- 2015: Nocturia Study ( Astellas Europe)
2012- “Beyond” ( Astellas Multicenter study on Mirabegron) Principal Investigator
2014- Belive ( Astellas post- commercialization study)
2015- VHEA ( Hiperactive bladder in aging population, multicenter group; Principal investigator)
2019- Flow taker monitorization for nocturia ( Astellas grant)
2022- Idorsia Phase 3 nocturia study
2024- 3 researcher led studies: Ambulatory urodynamics register, Virtual reality, Tensi for overactive blader.
WHO´s International Consultation on BPH (1995, 97, 2000)
WHO´s International Consultation on incontinence (1999, 2001)
MEMBERSHIP. Spanish Urol.Ass, ICS.
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