Assoc Prof Sema KOC has the most prestigious international-national accreditation and has been working Otolaryngolog and Head-Neck Surgeon with more than 18 years of surgical experience. Dr Koc graduated from Gazi University Medical Faculty-Ankara, one of the wellestablished medical schools of Turkey. Apart from performing nine thousands of ear nose throat and head-neck surgery operations, she was accepted to Wurzburg University, Department of Ear Nose Throat and Head-Neck Surgery in Germany, and had the chance to improve his surgical skills, experience and international communication abilities. She has extensive and successful studies in the fields of nosejob, close rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, ear reconstruction, hearing loss, ear surgery, ear drum surgery, stapedectomy (otosclerosis surgeon), sinus surgery, surgical treatment of snoring and sleep apnea, surgery for head and neck cancers, She has been invited to more than 30 congresses as a speaker and faculty. Besides he has over than 50 International Scientific Publication. Dr Koc is a rare Turkish member of the prestigous ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), European Head & Neck Society, The European Head and Neck Cancer Community, AHNS - American Head and Neck Society, Canedey Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology and regularly lends his expertise and opinions on television, radio and in the print media.
Popular Treatments
- Open Rhinoplasty,
- Closed Rhinoplasty
- Cosmetic Nose Surgery
- Nasal Tip Surgery
- Alarplasty
- Septoplasty
FESS - Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Snoring-Sleep Apnea Surgery - Expansion Sphincter Pharyngoplasty
- Expansion Sphincter Pharyngoplasty
-Lateral Pharyngoplasty
-Expansion Pharyngoplasty
-Tongue-Base Suspension
-Robotic Tongue-Base Resection
Ear Surgery - Otoplasty
- Otoplasty
-Tympanoplasty Surgery
-Mastoidectomy Surgery
-Facial Nevre Decompression Surgery
-Cochlear İmplantation
Head and Neck Cancer Surgery-Larynx Cancer
-Tongue Cancer
-Thyroid Cancer
-Lip Cancer
-Oral Cavity Cancer
-Radical and Functional Neck Dissection
-Skin Cancer
Vertigo -VNG (videonystagmography) test
-VHIT -Vestibular Rehabilitation
Read moreI. Publications in International Journals
A. Experimental Studies
Doner F, Delibas N, Dogru H, Sari I, Yorgancigil B. Malondialdehyde Levels and Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Experimental Maxillary Sinusitis. Auris Nasus Larynx. 1999; 26(3): 287-91.
Döner F, Delibaş N, Dogru H, Yarıktaş M, Demirci M. The Role of Free Oxygen Radicals in Experimental Otitis Media. J Basis Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2002; 13: 33-40.
Tuz M, Eroglu E, Dogru H, Delibas N, Tunc B, Uygur K. The Effect of Replacement Fluids and Normovolemic Hemodilution on the Survival of Dorsal Skin Flaps in Rats. Clin Otolaryngol. 2004; 29(1): 80-83.
Yarıktas M, Doner F, Ozguner F, Gokalp O, Dogru H, Delibas N. Nitric Oxide Level in the Nasal and Sinus Mucosa After Exposure to Electromagnetic Field. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2004.
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