Doctor's visit | price on request |
Kidney transplant | $16000 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Kidney transplant | $16000 |
He is a medical doctor who graduated from Istanbul University in 2011 and has become a highly successful hair surgeon in the past 11 years. He is a member of the European Association of Hair Surgery (ESHRS) and the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). He has performed numerous successful operations, given training in hair surgery, and organized conferences on hair loss and its treatment.
Read moreEducation and Expertise
1996-2002 – Ankara University Faculty of Medicine – Medical Education
2003-2009 – Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery – Specialization Training
2009-2011 – Yüksekova State Hospital, Compulsory Service
2011-2012 – Van/Özalp, 6th Border Regiment, Military Service
2012-2018 – Baskent University Istanbul Health Application and Research Center Hospital
2018-2022 – Istanbul Aydın University Istanbul Health Practice and Research Center Hospital
Courses and Certificates
Selim Anorectal Diseases Course, Turkish Colon and Rectal Surgery Association, Istanbul, 17.12.2016 (National)
Training Program on Istanbul Protocol, Practitioner Training, Van, 06.11.2009-07.11.2009 (International)
Burn Course, Ankara Surgery Association, Başkent University, Ankara, 11.04.2009 (National)
Gazi Hernia Days, Hernia Course, Gazi University, Ankara, 18.10.2008-19.10.2008 (National)
Innovations in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Ankara Breast Diseases Association, Ankara, 22.03.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Liver transplant | $44000 - $48000 |
Corneal transplant | $8500 |
Kidney transplant | $17000 - $18500 |
Including those I had transplanted during my fellowship at RUSH University in Chicago (n=86), I have performed a total of 705 liver transplants (%94 adult) both from living (%75) and cadaveric (%25) donors. And, additionally 340 kidney transplants which were mostly from living donors, too. Of these, 12 were combined liver and kidney transplantations either from cadaveric or living donors. Currently, I am the Director of Organ Transplant Program at GUVEN Hospital in Ankara. As of March 2018, here in GUVEN Hospital, we have performed 145 liver transplants (118 from living donors) with 1, 3 and 5 years patient survival of 91.2%, 86%and 83%, consecutively(ELTR data analysis). Since 1997, besides organ transplantation, I have also been operating on complicated hepato-pancreato-biliary patients
Read moreCurrent Workplaces:
1 Izmir-Buca SSK Hospital
2 Ankara Training and Research Hospital
3 Başkent University
4 Uludağ University
5 Acıbadem University
6 Florence Nightingale Hospital (current workplace)
1989 Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine
1984 Ankara Training and Research Hospital General Surgery Residency Training
International Articles:
1. Uslu A. Bozkurt Y, Koç O, EmiroğluR. Çorumlu B. “Preoperative risk factors in patients with biliary obstruction”, Proc. 2 nd European Congress of Surgery. P179, Brussels,1992. 2. Emiroğlu R. Karakayah H, Haberal M. “Does the renal arterial anastomosis place affect the renal transplant patient outcome”, Proc. 25 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. P625,Chicago,1999 3. Karakayalı H, Moray G, Emiroğlu R. Akkoç R Köseoğlu F, Bilgin N, Haberal M “The results of interspousal kidney transplantation”, Proc.25 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. P625, Chicago, 1999 4.Emiroğlu R. Karakayalı H. Sevmiş Ş, Turan M. Bilgin N. Haberal M “Clinical identifıcation oftransplant antigens”, Proc. 36 th Congress of the ERA¬EDTA. P290, 1999. 5. Güz G, Emiroğlu R. Karakayalı H, Özdemir FN. Boy vat F. Haberal M. “An alternative method for native nefrectomy in patients with uncontrolled hypertension and/or proteinüria before transplantation”, Proc.36 th Congress of the ERA¬EDTA.P316, 1999 Prof. Remzi Emiroğlu, M.D. 6.Emiroğlu R. Köseoğlu F, Karakayalı H, Bilgin N. Haberal M. “Burn induced immunosuppression and ıt’s effects on graft survival, infection rates and apoptosis rates of “T” lymphocytes in rat model” Proc.Congress of Middle East and Fire Disaster Society, P52, Ankara, 2000. 7. Haberal M. Emiroğlu R.Mahmutoğlu M. Karakayalı H. Turan M, Erdal R. “Alport ‘s syndrome and renal transplantation” Proc.VII th Congress of Middle East Society for organ transplantation. P124, Beirut, 2000. 8. Gençoğlu EA, Aktaş A, Karakayalı H, Emiroğlu R. Niron EA, Haberal M. “Scintigraphic evaluation of graft and native liver fımction after heterotopic liver transplantation”, Proc. 7 th International Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. P141, Beirut, 2000 9. Haberal M, Karakayalı H, Emiroğlu R. Boyacıoğlu S, Arslan G, Bilgin N. “Heterotopic liver transplantation in adolescence” Proc. 7 th International Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. P138, Beirut, 2000 10. Haberal M, Emiroğlu R. Karakayalı H, Arslan G. Turan M. Bilgin N. “Living-donor transplants: Part of the answer to organ shortage”, Proc. 7 th International Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. P74, Beirut, 200011.Haberal M, Karakayalı H. Emiroğlu R. Köseoelu F, Akkoç H, Bilgin N. “Liver transplantation in an adolescent with allagille syndrome” Proc. 7 th International Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. P133, Beirut, 2000
Read more2017 - 2018
University of Health Sciences, Tepecik Health Practice Research Hospital
2015 - 2018
University of Health Sciences, Tepecik Health Practice Research Hospital
2013 - 2018
University of Health Sciences, Tepecik Health Practice Research Hospital
Articles Published in 28 International Refereed Journals
Papers and Posters Presented at 17 International Scientific Meetings
Articles Published in 55 National Refereed Journals
56 Papers and Posters Presented at National Scientific Meetings
14 Referenced Publications in National and International Refereed Journals
35 Domestic Panel Conference Moderators Live Surgery
10 Domestic Courses Attended
8 International Conferences Attended
32 Meetings with Domestic Participants
6 International Meetings
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