Doctor's visit | price on request |
Gastric polyps removal | $2800 |
Vertebral plastic | $5250 - $9700 |
Colectomy (large bowel resection) | $3900 - $6400 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Brain tumor removal | $20000 - $40000 |
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery | $27000 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Brain tumor removal | $20000 - $40000 |
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery | $27000 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Brain tumor removal | $20000 - $40000 |
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery | $27000 |
Assoc. Prof. Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz graduated from Hacettepe University in 2000 as a Medical Doctor. She completed her specialty training in the Department of Neurology at Ankara University in 2006.
She started her compulsory service in Mardin Nusaybin State Hospital in 2007. Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz continued her duty in Gaziantep 27 December State Hospital in 2008. She worked as a neurologist at Biophysis Nilüfer Medical Center and Ali Osman Sönmez Oncology Hospital in Bursa between 2010-2011, and at Istanbul Universal Aksaray Hospital between 2011-2012. From October 2012, she started to work as a Doctor Lecturer in Istanbul Medipol University Neurology Department. Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz received the title of associate professor in 2021. In 2015, she worked as an Honorary Observer in Parkinson's Disease and Deep Brain Stimulation (Neuromodulation) at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology in London. She took part in many training programs on Deep Brain Stimulation (Neuromodulation) in Turkey and abroad between 2013-2022.
Regarding her speciality in Parkinson's disease and movement disorders, she has 5 Tubitak projects, a 2-chapter book , 30 clinical researches and 80 reports presented in domestic and abroad. Assoc. Prof. Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz, who is still working within the staff of Medipol University, managed the Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Unit of the Department of Neurology during her working time and plans Deep Brain Stimulation therapy applications with the neurosurgical team.
Since September 2018, she has been working as a coordinator for student education in the 5th semester of Neurology. As of December 2022, she has developed treatment plans for patients at Medipol University Istanbul Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center (PARMER) and provides the most appropriate personal medical follow-up and treatment support for each patient.
1-Yilmaz N, Yigit A, Akbostanci MC. Clozapine induced epilepsy. Revue Neurologique 2004, Nov;160/11:1093.
2-Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz, Nursel Aydın. Sıcak Su Epilepsili Bir Olgu. Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroloji Dergisi 2004/Cilt2/Sayı 2.
3-Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz, Nursel Aydın. Refleks Epilepsiler. Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroloji Dergisi 2004/Cilt2/Sayı 2.
4-Mine Hayriye Sorgun, Bilge Koçer, Funda Kaplan, Nesrin Yılmaz, Nezih Yücemen, Canan Yücesan. Multipl Sklerozda Kraniyal Nöropati. Turk Norol Derg 2011;17:137-142.
5-Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz, Gökçen Duymaz, Mehmet Akif Yaşar. Parkinson Hastalığı Olan Bir Olguda Malign Sendrom. Turk Norol Derg 2012:18;123-125.
6-Yilmaz NH, Akbostanci MC, Oto A, Aykac O. Prevalence of restless legs syndrome in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of diagnostic criteria and awareness. Acta Neurol Belg 2012 Oct 31. [Epub ahead of print].
7-Yılmaz NH, Bingol AP. Sensitivity and specificity of Ankara University Cerebral Dominance Inventory in comparison with the Wada test. Acta Neurol Belg 2013 Jun 6 [Epub ahead of print].
8-Sema Demirci, Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz, Efsun Şenocak, Fatih Han Bölükbaşı. Pons Kavernomu: Kranial Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme Bulguları. Turk Norol Derg 2012:19:72.
9-Nesrin Helvacı Yılmaz, Sinem Atik Güngör, Taflan Sahlepçi. Küçük hücreli akciğer kanseri tedavisinde cisplatin kullanımı sırasında gelişen akut iskemik inme: olgu sunumu. J Kartal TR. Baskıdaki Makaleler: KEAH-26937.
-Serebral venöz tromboz ve bruselloz Birlikteliği; Olgu Sunumu (42. Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi-Antalya 2006)
-Waldenström makroglobulinemisine eşlik eden epileptik nöbetler ve nonkonvülsif status epileptikus (42. Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi-Antalya 2006)
-Prevalence of Restless Legs Syndrome in Ankara, Turkey (16. Uluslararası Parkinson ve Hareket Bozuklukları Kongresi-Dublin 2012).
-Konjenital Miyastenik Sendrom (29. Ulusal Nörofizyoloji EEG-EMG Kongresi- Antalya 2013).
-Beşinci haftada duyusal iletimleri normal olan bir enjeksiyon nöropatisi olgusu (29. Ulusal Nörofizyoloji EEG-EMG Kongresi- Antalya 2013).
-Olgu sunumu: Mononöritis mültipleks ve lepra (29. Ulusal Nörofizyoloji EEG-EMG Kongresi- Antalya 2013).
-İdyopatik Parkinson Hastalığı’nda hızlanmış unutma ve uyku kalitesi (10. Ulusal Parkinson ve Hareket Bozuklukları Kongresi-Antalya 2013).
-Hiperglisemiye bağlı hemikore ve bazal gangliyon hiperintensitesi: Olgu sunumu (10. Ulusal Parkinson ve Hareket Bozuklukları Kongresi-Antalya 2013).
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) | $20000 |
High intensity focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) | $20000 |
Removal of spinal cord tumor | $1500 - $2000 |
Op.Dr. Özgür AKŞAN
Dr Akşan has completed his residency on 2007 at Neurosurgery Department of 9 Eylul University Medical Faculty. Following that, he got assigned to Muş State Hospital to complete his compulsory medical service, where he served as deputy chief physician, managed intensive care units and performed a wide range of operations including microsurgical discectomy for both spinal disc herniation and cervical disc herniation as well as laser nucleoplasty discectomy for spinal disc herniation.After completing his compulsory service, he worked at Eskişehir Air Force Hospital's Neurosurgery Department for another year. Dr Özgür also worked at Izmir Tınaztepe Hospital between 2010-2016. He currently works at his own clinic in Alsancak/Izmir.
Articles Published at International Journals:
1. Postoperative lumbosacral instability: Proposal of a new classification based on etiology. Sait Naderi, Ozgür AKSAN, Süleyman Men, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, M. Nuri Arda. World Spine Journal 2: 16-21, 2007
2. Difference between generic and Multiple Sclerosis-specific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy.Ozakbas S, Akdede BB, Kösehasanogullari C, AKSAN O, Idiman E. Journal Of The Neurological Science 5/2007; 256/1 -2/30-34/2007
Articles Published at National Journals:
1. Odontoid fractures: Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Feridun Acar, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda: Turkish Neurosurgery 16: 81-84, 2006
2. Pediatrik Kafa Travmalan, Ozkara E, Yuceer N, AKSAN O, Arda MN, Inarucl MA., Adli Bilimler Dergisi Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences, 9 (1): 7-12 (2010).
Papers Presented at International Congresses:
1. 1. Difference betweengeneric and MS- spesific quality of life instruments regarding the assessment of treatment efficacy. Özakba9 S, Akdede B, AKSAN Q Karahasanogullarl C, Uzunel F, idiman E. 20th Congress Of European Commitee for Treatment and Research in Multipl Sclerosis. October 6-10, 2004. Austria 2. Postlaminectomy lumbosacral instability. Sait Naderi, Özgür AKSAN, Levent Firat, Tansu Mertol, Nuri Arda.7th International Congress on Spine. April 14-17, 2005, Hotel Pine beach City, Belek, Antalya
3. Pediatric Cranial Traumas. Erdem Özkara, Nurullah Yüceer, Özgür AKSAN, Mehmet Nuri Arda, M Akif inanici. Fifth Congress Of The Balkan Academy Of Forensic Sciences. 3-7 June 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
4. A rare cause of Sl radiculopathy: perineural (Tarlov) cyst: Ozgür AKSAN, Nail Ozdemir, Hakan Sinan Yllmaz. 14th European Congress of Neurosurgery (EANS 2011) Rome, Italy. October 9 — 14, 2011.
Hernia Discectomy
Lomber Narrow Canal (Spinal Stenosis) Treatment
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Treatment
■ Cerebral Hemorrhage Treatment
Brain Tumour Treatment
Cervical Stenosis Treatment
Chiari Malformation Treatment
Hydrochepalia Treatment
■ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
■Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Spinal Fracture Treatment
Psuedotumour Cerebri Treatment
Spine and Spinal Cord Tumour Treatments
Read moreEducation and Expertise
Selcuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine - Medical Education
Dr.Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Anakara Oncology Training and Research Hospital Medical Oncology Specialization
Malatya State Hospital Internal Diseases Clinic
Ankara Oncology Hospital Medical Oncology Clinic
Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital Medical Oncology Clinic
Lung cancer
esophageal cancer
Gastric cancer
breast cancer
Gastrointestinal surgery
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Gamma Knife | $8500 |
Laminectomy | |
Knee Arthroscopy | $6500 |
Education and Expertise
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine - 2010
İstanbul Metin Sabancı Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital – Orthopedics and Traumatology – 2016
Work experiences
Private Family Hospital
Private Atakoy Hospital
Sancaktepe Health Center
Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital
Diyarbakir Selahaddin Eyyubi State Hospital
Subjects He Is Competent And Interested In:
Knee Calcification
Knee pain
Meniscus Tear
Knee Ligament Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neck pain
Orthopedic Diseases
Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Dislocation
Shoulder pain
Recurrent Shoulder Dislocations
Hip and Knee Prosthesis
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Gamma Knife | $8500 |
Laminectomy | |
Knee Arthroscopy | $6500 |
Read more
University of Wisconsin Clinic of Neurosurgery (2017, Madison/USA)
Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital (2014, Istanbul/Turkey)
Mersin University Faculty of Medicine (2007, Mersin/Turkey)
Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital (2014-2021, Istanbul/Turkey)
Istanbul Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital (2008-2014, Istanbul/Turkey)
Çorlu State Hospital (2007-2008, Çorlu/Turkey)
Turkish Neurosurgical Society
Turkish Spine Society
Turkish Medical Association
Read more
Undergraduate: Medicine, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 2004-2010
Ph: Orthopedics and Traumatology, Bezmialem Vakif University Faculty of Medicine, 2011-2016
Hakkari Yüksekova State Hospital (2016 - 2017, State Service Yüas Deputy Chief Physician)
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine (2017 - present)
Head of Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine (2018 - present)
General Practitioner, Muş Merkez Azize Hersat Health Center (DHY), 2010-2010
General Practitioner, Muş Varto State Hospital Emergency Department (DHY), 2010-2010
General Practitioner, Muş State Hospital Emergency Department (DHY), 2010-2011
Assistant Physician, Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine, 2011-2016
Specialist Physician (Op. Dr.), Hakkari Yüksekova State Hospital (DHY), 2016-2017
Dr. Assoc. Member, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, 2017 (currently)
Read more
Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology, Cardiology Residency, 2010, Istanbul/Turkey
Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, 2005, Bursa/Turkey
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Cardiology Institute, 2012-2021, Istanbul/Turkey
Adıyaman 82. Yıl State Hospital, 2010-2012, Adıyaman/Turkey
He graduated from Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine in 2005. In the year he graduated, he started his specialization in Istanbul University Cardiology Institute Cardiology Department and successfully completed his specialty training in 2010. After his specialty training, he completed his compulsory service in Adıyaman State Hospital for 2 years. After the compulsory service was over, he started working at the university hospital where he received his specialization. In 2017, he received the title of Associate Professor. During his specialization, he performed many operations in the field of cardiovascular diseases and peripheral arterial diseases. In 2018, he completed the Academia - peripheral arterial disease intervention training in Italy. He received the title of Professor in 2022.
He has carried out joint studies with many experts who are considered experts in their fields in Turkey, especially on heart angiography and leg angiography.
He regularly follows the congresses, seminars and courses related to the Cardiology branch organized at home and abroad every year. He has more than 100 domestic and international publications in his field.
Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Association for Percutaneous Intervention
European Society of Cardiology
SCAI Association
Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions
European Society of Cardiology
GATA Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine Education, 1984, Ankara/Istanbul
GATA Faculty of Medicine, Neurology Residency, 1992, Ankara/Istanbul
GATA Neurology Department Specialization Student (1987-1992, Ankara/Turkey)
GATA Neurology Department Assistant Professor (1992-1995, Ankara/Turkey)
KüTahya Air Hospital Neurology Specialist and Chief Physician (1995-2003, Kütahya/Turkey)
Şişli Memorial Hospital Neurology Specialist (2004-2021, Istanbul/Turkey)
I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Konya, my hometown, and my medical school and medical specialty education in Ankara GATA. I received flight medicine training and worked as a flight physician in the military and civilian sectors. I received beginner and advanced photography training and opened 4 photography exhibitions. I have made photography studies in 56 countries in Turkey and in 56 countries that I had the opportunity to visit.
Turkish Medical Association
DGCA Health Board Membership
Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology Residency, 2011, Istanbul/Turkey
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, 2006, Istanbul/Turkey
Assistant Doctor, Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, 2006-2011
Specialist Doctor, Şanlıurfa Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital, 2011-2013
Dr. Faculty Member, Yeni Yüzyıl University Faculty of Medicine, 2013-2019
Dr. Faculty Member, Biruni University Faculty of Medicine, 2019-
After completing his primary and high school education in Karabük, he was entitled to enter Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2000.
After 6 years of medical education, he entered the Cardiology Department of Bilim University Faculty of Medicine in the TUS exam.
4He received his 5-year residency training at Florence Nightingale Hospital, which is considered as a reference hospital in the field of Cardiology, and in 2011 he received the title of Specialist Dr.
He specialized in the field of interventional cardiology and reached thousands of case experience, especially in radial (through the arm) angiography, challenging coronary and peripheral procedures.
2019 He has been serving his patients at Biruni University Faculty of Medicine since the year.
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Society of Cardiology
Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Residency, 2011, Eskişehir/Turkey
Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine Residency, 2000, Eskişehir/Turkey.
Biruni University Hospital, 2021, Istanbul/Turkey
Kilis State Hospital, 2017-2019, Kilis/Turkey
Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Hospital (Intensive Care Subspecialty Training), 2014-2017, Antalya/Turkey
Afyon State Hospital, 2013-2014, Afyon/Turkey
Ağrı State Hospital, 2011-2013, Ağrı/Turkey
Istanbul Medical Chamber
Turkish Intensive Care Association
TARD (Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation)
ESICM (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine)
SCCM (Society of Critical Care Medicine)
Dr. Nail Özdemir was born in Akhisar/Manisa on March 6, 1971. He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 1994. He received his specialization in Neurosurgery from the Neurosurgery Department of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 2002. From 2003 to 2010, he worked as a specialist at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Izmir Atatürk Education and Research Hospital, and from 2010 to 2019, he worked as a chief resident, associate professor, and lecturer at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital. In 2013, while working at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, he became an associate professor. Since March 2019, he has been working as a freelance physician at his own private practice.
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