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Treatment in Kyiv (Ukraine)

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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Stetsyura Victoria Olehovna
Stetsyura Victoria Olehovna
8 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Stetsyura Victoria Olehovna

8 years of experience

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


National University named after A.A. Bogomolets, "Medical Affairs" (2018)

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L.Shupik, specialty "Psychiatry" (2020)


Advanced training courses for qualification at NMAPO named after Shupik, "Palliative care for adults and children" (2021)

Advanced training courses at the O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University, "Principles of Substitution Therapy" (2021)

Scientific and practical conference “Psychosmatic medicine” (2021)

School "Pharmacological treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia" (2021)

Scientific and practical symposium "Personalized approaches to neurological, psychiatric and drug addiction care" (2021)

Participation in associations

APU – Association of Psychiatrists of Ukraine

Procedures performed

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of mental disorders

Psychopharmacotherapy of mental disorders

Psychotherapy of mental disorders

Consultation reception

Family counseling

Treatment of diseases:

Various fears, anxiety, obsessive actions and thoughts

Behavioral Disorders

Aggression, conflict, antisocial behavior

Headaches of various origins

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Persecution mania

Mental disorders

Horror during sleep

Chronic fatigue

Uncontrolled aggression

Apathy and lethargy

Personality change

Panic disorders

Anxiety state

Sleep disturbance

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Zaika Alina Vladimirovna
Zaika Alina Vladimirovna
6 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Zaika Alina Vladimirovna

6 years of experience

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


Kyiv Medical University, General Medicine 2015-2020

Kyiv Medical University, specialty "Psychiatry" 2020-2022 (internship).


Webinar "Distressful Consequences of War. From Sleep Disorders to Depression" August 30, 2022

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online symposium "Personalized approaches to neurological, psychiatric and drug addiction care" October 7-8, 2021;

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference with international participation "Psychosomatic medicine: science and practice"

"Psychosomatic Medicine: Science and Practice" master class on "medical and psychological aspects of complicated childbirth"

"Psychosomatic Medicine: Science and Practice" Master Class: "Why Somatic Diseases So Often Become Chronic: A View from the Point of View of Psychosomatic Medicine"

"Psychosomatic Medicine: Science and Practice" master class: "How to refer a patient with psychosomatic disorders to a mental health professional? Communication strategy for appointments" November 5-6, 2021.

Participation in associations

APU – Association of Psychiatrists of Ukraine;

NGO "Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine".

Procedures performed


differential diagnostics

pharmacotherapy of mental disorders

consultation reception

What diseases does he treat:

Various fears, anxiety, obsessive actions and thoughts;

Behavioral disorders;

Aggression, conflict, antisocial behavior;

Headaches of various origins;

Chronic fatigue syndrome;

Persecution mania;

Mental disorders;

Horror during sleep;

Chronic fatigue;

Uncontrolled aggression;

Apathy and lethargy;

Personality change;

Panic disorders;


Sleep disturbance;

Organic disorders of various etiologies;

Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal disorder, chronic delusional disorder;

Acute and transient psychotic disorders;

Mood disorders, manic episode, bipolar disorder, depressive episode;

Neurotic disorders, somatoform disorders, chronic pain disorders, hypochondriacal disorders;

Anxiety disorders, sleep disorders;

Acute stress reaction and adjustment disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Chentsova Alina Aleksandrovna
Chentsova Alina Aleksandrovna
6 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Chentsova Alina Aleksandrovna

6 years of experience

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656

The doctor treats the following diseases and pathological conditions:

Anxiety states

Fears, phobias, obsessive actions and thoughts

Behavioral Disorders

Uncontrolled aggression, conflict

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Mental disorders

Apathy and lethargy

Personality change

Panic disorders

Sleep disturbance

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Addictive behavior

Depressive states


Sumy State University Medical Institute, specialty "General Medicine", 2014-2020.

National University of Healthcare of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupyk, specialty "Psychiatry", 2020-2022 (internship)

National University of Healthcare of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupyk, specialty "Narcology", 2022 (specialization)


X International Medical Congress Implementation of modern achievements of medical science in the practice of healthcare in Ukraine

Scientific and practical on-line symposium "Personalized approaches to neurological, psychiatric and drug addiction care"

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference. Postgraduate course of professional development

IV Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Psychosomatic medicine: science and practice".

Master classes: "How to refer a patient with psychosomatic disorders to a mental health professional? Communication strategy and techniques", "Why somatic diseases often become chronic: a view from the point of view of psychosomatic medicine", "Diagnostics and therapy of depression. When is it time to see a psychiatrist?" within the framework of the IV scientific and practical conference with international participation "Psychosomatic medicine: science and practice". 2022

Seminar: "Practical Psychosomatics: Overcoming the Stress of War"

TU cycle: "Modern standards of emergency care in the practice of a doctor"

Scientific and practical conference: "War and people: how to maintain mental health"

Master classes: "Working with intrusive memories and flashbacks", "What does a doctor need to know about psychological trauma?", "Diagnostics and therapy of PTSD", "Distressful consequences of war. From sleep disorders to depression"

VI National Congress of Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Narcologists of Ukraine "Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology in the Modern World: Global Challenges and Development Paths"

Participation in associations

NGO "Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine"

NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Psychosomatic Medicine"

Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine

NGO "Ukrainian Association of Outpatient Medicine Physicians"

Procedures performed

Consultation reception


Differential diagnostics

Selection of comprehensive effective treatment

Online consultation (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram, Skype, ZOOM)

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Chernyak Anastasia Valerievna
Chernyak Anastasia Valerievna
9 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Chernyak Anastasia Valerievna

9 years of experience


  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with educational qualification, Master of Psychology (2019)
  • Chicago Adler University, PhD degree


  • Two years of work in the psychiatric hospital KNP KOR "OPNMO"
  • Certificate "Psifactor 2017" from work with children
  • Certificate "Basic cognitive and metacognitive techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy" (2020)
  • International Neuropsychological Society Meeting- originally taking place 2020 in Vienna, Austria
  • Family Therapist, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Training program “Cognitive behavioral therapy”
  • "Certificate for the right to conduct trainings", Interregional Center for Social and Psychological Adaptation "Genesis"
  • Participant of the 31st International Congress of Psychology (2020)
  • "Family Constellation Method, Understanding Hidden Powers in Partnerships", practical seminar by Bert Hellinger, Germany
  • 10th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy 2020 in Rome, Italy

Participation in associations

  • Member of the Independent Guild of Psychotherapists

Procedures performed

  • Consultation with a psychologist
  • Establishing a diagnosis
  • Psychodiagnostics
  • Family therapy
  • Online consultations
  • Psychotherapy
  • Psychological support
  • Selection of comprehensive effective treatment
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Dymko Tatiana Olegovna
Dymko Tatiana Olegovna
14 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Dymko Tatiana Olegovna

14 years of experience

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


International Scientific and Technical University named after Academician Yuri Bugay, teacher-rehabilitation specialist (2016)


Family Therapist, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy

Training program “Cognitive behavioral therapy”

"Certificate for the right to conduct trainings", Interregional Center for Social and Psychological Adaptation "Genesis"

"Family Constellation Method, Understanding Hidden Powers in Partnerships", practical seminar by Bert Hellinger, Germany


Procedures performed

Group therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Working with codependents and various types of addictions (author's program "Personality Development")

Psychological counseling (psychotherapy) for anxiety, depression, various phobias, panic attacks, psychosomatic disorders

Inferiority complex

Life's problems and shocks (divorce, death of a loved one)

Conflicts with family and friends, misunderstanding

Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem

Loss of meaning in life

Problems in communication (including with the opposite sex)

Psychological trauma

Emotional problems

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Saglaeva Tatiana Sergeevna
Saglaeva Tatiana Sergeevna
9 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Saglaeva Tatiana Sergeevna

9 years of experience

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov, teacher of history and law, 2003-2008

Kyiv Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy (KISPP), clinical psychologist, 2014-2017


Kiev Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy (KISPP), 2018-2021, "Sexology".

Ukrainian Higher Medical School, 2022, Course PTSD: from fundamental mechanisms to treatment.

Practitioner and manager of TRIM (Trauma Risk Management) – a method of assistance after a traumatic event/incident. I teach this method to psychologists, military psychologists.

Procedures performed

Conflicts in the family or in relationships with a partner (of any sexual orientation). Crises in relationships.

Emotional dependence, codependent relationships.

Living through a breakup.

Feelings of fear, anxiety, grief, guilt, shame, resentment, etc.

Loneliness, Socialization, Communication Problems.

Lack of goals, lack of energy (vitality).

Self-esteem, Insecurity, Self-acceptance, Identity issues.

Age-related crises, existential crises (questions about the meaning of life).

Discovery and development of sexuality, Problems in the sexual sphere with a partner in a relationship.

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Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets, Medical Psychology (2018)

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L.Shupik, specialty medical psychology (2019)


Scientific and practical conference "Psychoneurology and somatic medicine" (2021)

Scientific and practical conference "Psychiatry, narcology, clinical psychology and general medical practice: interdisciplinary issues of our time" (2021)

Scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists: "Medical Psychology 15.0: aspects of practical activity" (2021)

Professional school: "A modern view of socializing therapy for schizophrenia" (2021)

Participation in associations

NPA – National Psychological Association

ANPNU – Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

Procedures performed

pathopsychological diagnostics

differential diagnosis of mental disorders

individual psychotherapy

consultation appointment

Treatment of diseases:



panic attacks

obsessive thoughts

feeling of loneliness

acute stress reaction

depressive manifestations

chronic fatigue syndrome

personality and behavioral disorders

psychosomatic disorders

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Minko Tamara Andreevna
Minko Tamara Andreevna
16 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
5.0 1614 відгуків Багатопрофільний комплекс психіатрії та наркології "РЕНЕСАНС - КИЇВ"

Minko Tamara Andreevna

16 years of experience

CONTACTS 095 462 2657. 099 036 49 78. 095 462 2656


Specialty: Clinical Psychology.


TU "Communication skills of a doctor"


"Psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders"

Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of ADHD (2020)

Advanced training: "Art therapy: theory and practice"

Advanced training: "Modern counseling and psychotherapeutic technologies for working with trauma and post-traumatic stress disorders"

Advanced training: "Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction"

Advanced training: "Ericksonian approach to consulting"

Methodological training seminar for a practical psychologist on the topic: "Art-therapeutic work on a screen with backlighting using the basics of Jungian sand therapy"

Advanced training: "Coaching for professional growth"

Seminar-training: “Serial killer: behavioral pathology or heredity?”

Participation in associations

USP – Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists

Procedures performed

diagnostics and differential diagnostics of mental disorders;

psychotherapy of mental disorders;

advisory reception;

cognitive behavioral therapy;

provocative therapy;

rational therapy;

psychodiagnostics and neurodiagnostics;

family and individual psychotherapy;

art therapy.

Treatment of diseases

alcohol problems;

various fears, anxiety, obsessive actions and thoughts;

behavioral disorders;

aggression, conflict, antisocial behavior;

headaches of various origins;


sleep disturbance;

chronic fatigue syndrome;

persecution mania;

mental disorders;


chronic fatigue;

personality and behavioral disorders;

schizoaffective disorder;


acute psychotic states;

depressive episode;

depressive disorder;

depressive reaction;

postpartum depression;'

drug addiction.

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Kateryna Test
Kateryna Test
34 years of experience

Kateryna Test

34 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Kateryna Test
Mykhailo Lysenko
Mykhailo Lysenko
25 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Instytut Zoru

Mykhailo Lysenko

25 years of experience
Dr. Mykhailo Lysenko is a highly skilled ophthalmic surgeon with over 20 years of experience in ophthalmology. He holds the highest medical category in this field and is proficient in the diagnosis of ocular pathology and surgical treatment of corneal diseases, cataract, and glaucoma. He has also demonstrated expertise in femtosecond laser eye surgery.Read more
Serhiev Serhiy Serhiyovych
Serhiev Serhiy Serhiyovych
9 years of experience

Serhiev Serhiy Serhiyovych

9 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
An Hanna
An Hanna
15 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Pink Bright Studio

An Hanna

15 years of experience
Dr. An Hanna is a board-certified periodontist with over 38 years of experience and a Clinical Associate Professor of Periodontics at the University of Texas. She has a major in chemistry and psychology from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. She is a member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry.Read more
Doctor's visit price on request
All-on-6 Dental Implants $3500 - $6000
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Mastakov Oleg
Mastakov Oleg
15 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Pink Bright Studio

Mastakov Oleg

15 years of experience
Dr. Mastakov Oleg is an experienced oral surgeon, implantologist, orthopedic dentist, and specialist in aesthetic and reconstructive oral surgery with over 20 years in the field. He has treated over 6,230 patients and performed 3,230 operations, including numerous procedures using the MegaGen AnyRidge 4.0 - 10 system. He is proficient in advanced imaging and diagnostics, soft tissue management, and restorative procedures.Read more
Doctor's visit price on request
All-on-6 Dental Implants $3500 - $6000
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Yuliya Hanga
Yuliya Hanga
25 years of experience
2 reviews

Yuliya Hanga

25 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
VerMax Dental Clinic
2 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Mini dental implant $217.15 - $410.17
Porcelain Veneer $193.02
Lumineer $323.31
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Fedash-kirsanov Alexander Alexandrovich
Fedash-kirsanov Alexander Alexandrovich
15 years of experience
3 reviews
Ukraine, Kyiv
Impuls Medical Center
Director Ruslan Yurievich
Director Ruslan Yurievich
18 years of experience
3 reviews

Director Ruslan Yurievich

18 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Impuls Medical Center
Tsios Yuri Anatolievich
Tsios Yuri Anatolievich
21 years of experience
3 reviews

Tsios Yuri Anatolievich

21 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Impuls Medical Center
Dyrda Alexander Olegovich
Dyrda Alexander Olegovich
21 years of experience
3 reviews

Dyrda Alexander Olegovich

21 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Impuls Medical Center
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