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Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Gapeev Oleksandr
Gapeev Oleksandr
24 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv

Gapeev Oleksandr

24 years of experience


2000 - Luhansk State Medical University.

2003 - courses at Donetsk State Medical University "Modern endoscopic methods in urology".

2006 - PAC Urology at Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

2006 - courses at Luhansk State Medical University "Ultrasound diagnostics of diseases of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs and retroperitoneal space".

2009 - courses at Donetsk State Medical University "Modern aspects of emergency urology".

2010 - courses at Donetsk State Medical University University "Current Issues of Oncourology".

2010 - courses at Luhansk State Medical University "Puncture Nephrostomy".

2011 - courses at Donetsk State Medical University "Fundamentals of Transurethral Surgery and Ureteroscopy in the Treatment and Diagnosis of Urological Diseases".

2012 - PAC Urology at Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

2012 - assigned the first qualification category in urology.

2014 - courses "Current Issues of Sexual Pathology and Andrology" at Shupyk National Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Treatment of diseases:


acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis

neoplastic diseases of the urinary and male ctive systems: prostatic hyperplasia, testicular dropsy

male in, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc.

varicocele, urinary incontinence in women and men, phimosis

stress urinary incontinence

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Volodkin Volodimir
Volodkin Volodimir
25 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv

Volodkin Volodimir

25 years of experience

Orthopedic traumatologist of the highest category

Medical experience over 26 years

In 1998, graduated from Donetsk State Medical University named after M. Gorky, specialty - treating physician

The doctor receives patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Performs arthroscopy of the knee, shoulder and wrist joints. Treats osteochondrosis, flat feet, scoliosis, kyphosis, dislocations, fractures and sprains. Uses modern methods and techniques in his work

Main specialization and areas:

Consultative admission of patients with orthopedic and traumatological profile

Conservative treatment of patients with initial stages of deforming arthrosis

Primary endoprosthetics of large joints (hip, knee, shoulder)

Revision endoprosthetics of large joints

Metal osteosynthesis of tubular bones

Operations to restore the Achilles tendon, biceps, etc.

Development of an algorithm for the rehabilitation of patients in the postoperative period

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Malkina Olexandra
Malkina Olexandra
20 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv

Malkina Olexandra

20 years of experience


1996-2003 ‒ Luhansk State Medical University, Faculty of Medical Sciences.

2003-2005 ‒ Internship in the specialty "Family Medicine".

2008 ‒ Secondary specialization "Therapy".

Specialization "Endocrinology" KMAPO named after Shupyk on the basis of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism named after V.P. Komisarenko.

2011-2014 ‒ Postgraduate studies. Department of Internal Medicine with Endocrinology, LSMU. Assistant of the Department.

2012 ‒ Good Clinical Practice Training, State Experimental Center of Ukraine. Co-researcher in conducting international clinical studies on the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

2013 ‒ TU "Modern aspects of diagnostics and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2". LDMU.

2015 ‒ TU "Arterial hypertension in endocrine diseases" KMAPO.


Participation in the seminar "Epidemiology. Prevention, diagnostics and treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus".

Member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.

Professional development course of the All-Ukrainian training program for doctors "The Art of Treatment".


Seminar "Reproductive endocrinology".

Seminar "Priority problems of endocrine surgery".

Conference with international participation "Active issues of modern diabetology".

Participation in the project "Endocrinological innovations club".

21st ESE Postgraduate Training Course on Endocrinology. Diabetes and Metabolism.

VII Ukrainian EASD Postgraduate Course.

Advanced course "Endocrinologist's School".


TU "Reproductive Endocrinology".

Advanced course "School of Endocrinologist".

2022Master Class "School of Endocrinology"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Modern Diabetology"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievements and Prospects of Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology"

Seminar "Metabolic Syndrome in an Interdisciplinary Aspect"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Endocrine Pathology in an Age-Related Aspect"


Scientific and Practical Conference "Cardiometabolic Medicine"

VI International Congress "Reproductive Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach in Continuous Professional Development of Doctors"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Comorbid Patient in Neurological Practice"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues in Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery"

Congress "Internal Medicine: Science and Practice"

Scientific and Practical Conference "In the Loop of Metabolic Risk"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Endocrinological Innovations Club"

Master Class "Women's Health 40+: From Treatment Tactics to Aesthetic Results and Active Longevity"

Scientific and Practical Conference "Tomorrow Begins Today: Obesity and Diabetes"


Master Class "Woman of Elegant Age: A Patient at the Junction of Specialties"

Congress "M.L.F v.3.0 "The patient in the center of attention of the interdisciplinary team: interaction of levels of medical care""

Master class "Nodular goiter and subclinical thyroid dysfunctions"

Master class "Comorbid patient in the practice of a neurologist and endocrinologist"


Master class "The influence of body weight on the ovarian-menstrual cycle: the views of an endocrinologist"

Master class "Medical practicum: improving obesity management skills"

Author of scientific articles. Regularly participates in annual National congresses, scientific and practical conferences, educational schools, seminars.

Olexandra Hryhorivna is a member of three associations:

Ukrainian Thyroid Association

Ukrainian Diabetes Association

Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine

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Zheltonozhskaya Julia
Zheltonozhskaya Julia
19 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv

Zheltonozhskaya Julia

19 years of experience


TU in "Endoscopy in Surgery and Gynecology" at the DNMU.


TU in "Breast Pathology" at the DNMU.

Moscow "24th International Congress with Endoscopy Course".

Odesa Master Class "Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology".Seminar "Issues of early prevention and diagnosis of breast cancer and oncogynecological pathology".


Paris, participant of "ESGE ‒ 21 annual congress".

Scientific and practical seminar "Vaginal surgery", Vinnytsia.


TU on "Cervical diseases" of the DNMU.

Participant as a speaker at the conference "ESGE ‒ 22 annual congress", Berlin.

"Patent for a utility model "Method of bloodless hysterectomy for combined benign processes of the uterus".

Participant as a speaker at the Plenum of the NGO Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine "Women's Health - Current Issues of Today".

Master class "Typical and Special Situations in Colposcopy".

Odesa, training on "Treatment of Pathology. Hysteroscopy".


Participant of the "23rd Congress of Surgeons of Ukraine".

Participant of the "Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Achievements in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Breast Cancer".

"Scientific and Practical Forum IFRM-2015".

Teleconference "Maternal and Newborn Health in Ukraine".

Practical Master Class "Cervical Pathology".

Interdisciplinary Discussion Club "Urology, Andrology for Obstetricians and Gynecologists".

Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "New Achievements in Gynecological Surgery".

Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Healthy Family - Healthy Generation".

15th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Clinical and Technological Challenges in Staged and Reconstructive Surgery. Gunshot and Domestic Wounds, Electric Welding and Connection of Living Tissues. Diabetic Foot Syndrome".

Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Pathology of mucous membranes in women. Immunological and age-related features."2016

School "Harmony of Hormones - the Basis of Health", Kyiv.

Practical Master Class "Diagnosis of Cervical Pathology. Colposcopy. Cytomorphology", Kyiv.

Conference "Service in a Medical Institution", Kyiv.

Awarded a diploma, with the title "The Best Obstetrician-Gynecologist for December 2015 according to the website".

Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Endometriosis - the Mystery of the 21st Century", Odessa.

Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Modern Aspects of Preservation and Restoration of Women's Health", Vinnytsia.


School-Seminar "Health of Women 40+".

Forum with International Participation "Cervix, Vterus".

Scientific and Practical Conference "Evolutionary Gynecology".

Scientific and practical conference "Mammary gland diseases".

Scientific and practical conference "Aspects of modern gynecological surgery"

Scientific and practical conference "Minimally invasive pelvic surgery".

Expert meeting.

Soft Fit Academy.

Seminar-discussion "Oily skin and ACNE in adolescents and women of different ages".

Seminar "Harmony of hormones - the basis of women's health".

TU "Prenatal diagnostics of congenital and hereditary fetal pathology".


VII International Medical Congress "Implementation of modern achievements of medical science into the practice of healthcare in Ukraine".

IV International Ukrainian Breast Conference.


symposium with international participation "Women's Health 40+ from Treatment Tactics to Aesthetic Outcome and Active Longevity"


seminar "Ultrasound in Pediatric Gynecology"

seminar "Partnered Childbirth"

school-seminar with international participation "Minimally Invasive Technologies in Modern Surgery"

seminar "Innovative Approaches in the Treatment of Genital Prolapse"


master class "The ABC of Menopause"

master class "Ventral Hernia and Diastasis. Where is the Place for Laparoscopy?"

master class "The main thing is hidden in the details: ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology"

master class "PAP test, pitfalls of diagnostics"

scientific and practical conference "Ukrainian gyn club gathers friends. Endoscopic gynecology. Modern experience. Development prospects"

master class "Laparoscopic hernioplasty. TAPP technique"

master class "The main thing is hidden in the details: general ultrasound"

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Kichidzu Natalia
Kichidzu Natalia
27 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv

Kichidzu Natalia

27 years of experience

Member of the Association of Cardiologists and Arrhythmologists of Ukraine

Education and participation in specialized events:

1997 - Donetsk Medical University (specialty - medical practice).

1998 - internship in the specialization of therapy.

1999 - advanced training course in therapy at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Donetsk Medical University.

2000 - emergency cardiology on the basis of Kharkiv Medical University.

2003, 2005, 2007 - courses in gastroenterology, pulmonology, general therapy.

2007 - 2nd category in cardiology.

2009 - internship on the basis of the Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and obtaining a certificate of a specialist in cardiology.

2009 - pre-certification cycle and obtaining the first category.

2010-2012 - topical issues of cardiology and therapy on the basis of Donetsk Medical University.

2013 - doctor of the highest category.


-thematic improvement - emergency cardiology and topical issues of clinical arrhythmology on the basis of the Strazhesk Institute.

-thematic improvement "24-hour ECG monitoring" at the Kyiv Heart Institute.

-functional diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases on the basis of the Heart Institute.

-participation in the scientific and practical conference "Days of Arrhythmology in Kyiv".

-participation in the work of the V Scientific and Practical Conference of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.

-scientific and practical conference "Cardiomyopathies and heart failure".

-master class on implanted devices in clinical cardiology. Indications, principle of operation, procedure for control testing of ECs.

-participation in the work of the XVI National Congress of Cardiologists of Ukraine.-interregional scientific and practical conference "Aspects of modern cardiology, comorbidity in cardiology".

-participation in a master class on modern diagnostic capabilities and algorithms for the treatment of various allergic conditions.

-scientific and practical conference with the participation of leading European specialists in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

-took a course within the framework of the European Gastroenterological School "New tasks - new solutions to problems in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract".

-participated in the Scientific Symposium with international participation "Results of evidence-based medicine in the clinical practice of a gastroenterologist".

-participation in a master class on gastroenterology "From dysplasia to cancer".


-participation in the VI Scientific and Practical Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Heart Failure Specialists "Chronic Heart Failure in Ukraine: Priority Ways to Solve the Problem".

-VI Scientific and Practical Conference of the Association of Arrhythmologists of Ukraine.

-Interactive session with the participation of the leading cardiologist, arrhythmologist of Great Britain John Kamm "Modern approaches to antithrombotic therapy".

-seminar on functional diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases.

-participation in the work of the XVII National School of Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists of Ukraine.

-passing the international postgraduate course EAGEN "New horizons in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis and liver diseases".

-obtaining a certificate of completion of the primary cycle of training in Echodopplerography of the heart and major vessels.

2017-2018.– regular participation in meetings of the society of cardiologists, gastroenterologists and therapists:

-training in cycles and master classes with Echo CG (Lviv, Kyiv).

-participation in the annual congress of arrhythmologists.

-participation in the international congress of cardiologists.

-participation in the annual international week of gastroenterology, hepatology, pancreatology.

-participation in the conference on inflammatory bowel diseases.

-active participant in the school of arrhythmologists on the problems of atrial fibrillation.

-obtaining a certificate of participation in the school of functional diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases.


specialty "Psychiatry"

master class "Problematic issues of modern internal medicine in an interdisciplinary perspective

scientific and practical conference "Arterial hypertension - comorbidity and concomitant diseases"

workshop "CBT in action 2: working with trauma and its consequences

master class "Current issues of emergency cardiology" within the framework of the XXV National Congress of Cardiologists of Ukraine

master class "Echocardiography for a practical cardiologist"

workshop "Soft skills, mad skills and hard skills"

master class "New trends and recommendations in lipidology. How to treat in 2024"

master class "Patient with cardiac and psychiatric pathology"

master class "Patients with cardiac and phychiatric pathology"

master class "ECG. Diagnosis of arrhythmias. From theory to practice"


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