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Doctor's visit | price on request |
Medication treatment for Parkinson"s disease | $200 - $250 |
Born in 1957 in Kyiv. Ukrainian.
Since 1978, scientific and practical activity in the field of orthopedic pathology (pathophysiology of scoliosis and scoliotic deformations of the spine and chest, vertebrology). The first scientific publication on vertebrology in 1980.
1980 – graduation from the medical faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute.
1981 to 1984 Anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Scientific and practical work in the field of treatment of pain syndromes and vegetology, use of stimulation of nerve trunks and reflexogenic zones, acupuncture, manual medicine, non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, physical rehabilitation.
Since 1984 and up to the present moment, he has been professionally engaged exclusively in practical and scientific problems of diseases of the spine and joints, vertebroneurology, neurology, traumatology-orthopedics, rheumatology.
1984 – employee of the laboratory of problems of osteochondrosis of the spinal column of the university research laboratory center* (Academician A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University). Scientific and practical activity in the field of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of pathology of the musculoskeletal system (spine, joints, muscles) and nervous system.
1990 - defense of a candidate's dissertation on neurological disorders in spinal pathology " Early segmental neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine " (specialty - neurology)
1994 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the mechanisms of formation of neurological pathology in spinal pathology (vertebroneurology) “ Mechanisms of formation of vertebral neurological pathology in the case of functional blockage of the spinal rox segments ” (2 specialties: neurology and traumatology-orthopedics)
Since 1995 – Professor of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine of the National Medical University named after Academician A.A. Bogomolets.
1995 Founded the first clinic of Vertebroneurology in Ukraine, head of the department of vertebroneurology at the Central City Clinical Hospital of Kiev - the clinical base of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine of the National Medical University.
2004 Established the diagnostic department of the Vertebroneurology Clinic.
2011 Established the Ukrainian Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine and Neurology based on the Meddiagnostika Center.
Sphere of scientific and practical interests
More than 80 scientific papers , 12 inventions in the field of pathology of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.
Key research:
Neurologist, vertebroneurologist, specialist in musculoskeletal medicine.
Diagnoses the causes of pain in the spine, limbs, neuropathies, tunnel syndromes, headaches, dizziness, vertigo and more. Specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of vertebrogenic neurological and pain pathology: neurological syndromes in herniated discs, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, spinal instability, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the spine, spinal deformities, biomechanical disorders of the spine. pain, vertebrogenic pain in the limbs. Treats muscle pain, myofascial syndrome, pain in lesions of the synovial membranes, tendons, ligaments (joint pain). Treats venous outflow disorders, compensates for arterial blood circulation in the brain, dizziness, headaches, diencephalic syndromes.
Proficient in modern diagnostics of cerebral circulatory insufficiency using X-ray diagnostics, MRI, ultrasound Dopplerography and other modern diagnostic methods.
In addition to traditional drug therapy, he uses paravertebral and paraarticular blockades, laser and pharma puncture, kinesio taping, correction of biomechanical deviations in the spine and joints, osteopathic treatment methods, manual therapy and conventional drug treatment.
Read moreTreatment methods and techniques: reflexology, therapy, pharma puncture, pain blockades, trigger point blockades, drug therapy, treatment of various vascular pathologies of the brain and spinal cord, treatment of panic attacks. Interpretations of examination methods: magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, electroencephalography, ultrasound Dopplerography, densitometry, spiral computed tomography, electroneuromyography.
Advantages. attentiveness, comprehensive approach to treatment and diagnosis of diseases. Drug treatment only after diagnosis.
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