2019 - Present, Istanbul/Istanbul/Turkey
General Surgeon
2012 - 2019, Diyarbakır/Diyarbakır/Turkey
General Surgeon
2011 - 2012, Van/Van/Turkey
General Surgeon
2009 - 2011, Van/Van/Turkey
General Surgeon
2004 - 2009, Van/Van/Turkey
General Surgeon
2002 - 2004, Van/Van/Turkey
General Practitioner
2018 - 2019, Diyarbakır/Turkey
Associate Professor
2015, Ohio/USA
Neck Dissection Training
2012 - 2018, Diyarbakır/Turkey
Assistant Professor
1996 - 2002, Adana/Turkey
FACULTY OF MEDICINE - Medical Doctor Education
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Brain tumor removal | $13000 - $18000 |
Trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy (adenomectomy) | $9600 |
Craniotomy | $13000 - $18000 |
Prof. Erkan Kaptanoğlu, M.D. was born in Balikesir, Turkey in 1966. After completing his primary school, secondary school and high school education in Balikesir, he graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine in 1990. He completed his internship at Peterborough District Hospital and Lincoln County Hospital in the United Kingdom. After a year of compulsory medical service, he completed his residency, which he had started in 1992, at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital in 1997 and became a Neurosurgery Specialist. After being assigned at the same hospital as Chief Resident in the same year, he studied “spinal cord injury and spinal cord regeneration” as a “research fellow” alongside Prof. Charles Tator, M.D., at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine in 1998-1999. After returning from Canada in 1999, he was tasked by the Ministry of Health to establish a Field Hospital and to work in cooperation with the Turkish Red Crescent Society at Hakkari, Şemdinli for two months. Following this assignment, he volunteered to work for the 1999 Marmara Earthquake relief effort.
He became an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in 2004. He earned the title Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) by completing a doctorate program on Advanced Neuroscience between 2000-2005, at Hacettepe University Institute of Medical Sciences. He joined the project for autologous stem cell therapy in human spinal cord injuries with the Departments of Neurosurgery and Hematology at the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2009, he was appointed as Deputy Chief to the 1st Neurosurgery Clinic at the Ankara Numune Hospital, where he had been working.
At this hospital, in which he worked until 2010, he supervised and attended complex cranial, pediatric, spinal, trauma and vascular neurosurgery operations. He continued his academic research at Ankara University, Department of Anatomy and research laboratories of Ankara University and Hacettepe University for the purpose of developing strategies for complex spinal surgery operations.
With his research on spinal cord injuries and spinal anatomy, he won many awards such as the Acibadem Hospital Medical Research Award, 1st Place in 2000, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Dr. Mahir Tevruz Scientific Research Award, Tübitak and Brain Research Society Wheyt Award in 2001, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Hamit Ziya Gokalp Young Neurosurgeons Research Award, 2nd Place in 2002, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Yildiz Yalcinlar Scientific Research Award in 2004.
In 2010, he went to Cyprus to found the Near East University Faculty of Medicine Hospital with the guidance of Hacettepe University, and was appointed as full Professor. Between 2010-2015, he served as the Founder and Head of Department at the Near East University and Founder and Deputy Chief Physician at the University Training and Research Hospital in TRNC.
In 2000-2001, he served as a member of the editorial board for Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi and Turkish Neurosurgery journal. Between the years 2001-2006, he served as an assistant editor for Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi and Turkish Neurosurgery journals. In 2002-2003, he served as the Chairman of the Young Neurosurgeons Committee under the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. He was elected to the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group Board of Directors to serve between 2003-2009. In 2013, he was again elected as a member to the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group Board of Directors. In 2015, he became the Chairman of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Group Board of Directors. In 2018, he was elected as a member to the Board of Turkish Neurosurgery Academy.
In 2015, he was appointed to the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery and was elected as the Head of Department. During the same period, he also served as the Director of the Institute of Neuroscience. In 2018, he completed his tenure as the Head of Department. Reaching the end of this tenure in 2019, he retired from his duties as the Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and as a Member of the Faculty of Medicine. During his tenure at Marmara University, he supervised and accompanied surgical operations for complex cases from cranial patients to brain tumors (gliomas, meningiomas and hypophysis adenomas in particular), cerebral hemorrhages, Parkinson’s disease, trauma and vascular neurosurgery. He performed complex spinal surgery operations such as surgeries for spinal deformities (e.g. scoliosis and kyphosis), thoracoscopic spinal surgeries and sacral tumor surgeries. He conducted research and experimental studies on stem cell therapy and regeneration in spinal cord injuries. Between 2019-2020, currently He continues his clinical practice and surgeries along with his local and international academic studies, from his private clinic and Istanbul Brain and Spine Center.
He has attended numerous national and international courses and meetings as an instructor and speaker, was a guest speaker in over 100 events and conferences. He has published 65 international, 35 national scientific articles, edited 7 books, written 52 book chapters. He has served in the organizational committee 5 times in international meetings and 22 times in national meetings.
He is a member of the Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Cypriot Medical Association, Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Turkish Spine Society, EUROSPINE, AO Spine, Turkish Neurosurgery Academy.
Read moreMedical Specialization
Hacettepe University 2017 - 2007
Medical Specialization (Minor)
Ufuk University 2011 - 2009
Ankara University 2021 - 2000
Ankara University 2006
Research Assistant
Biotechnology Department, Biotechnology Institute, Ankara University
September 01, 2009 - October 08, 2021
Research Assistant
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University
February 27, 2014 - February 28, 2017
Research Assistant
Dr. Ridvan Ege Health Research and Application Center, Ufuk University
November 27, 2007 - December 09, 2011
Read more
KTU Faculty of Medicine 2005-2011
Izmir Ege University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery
2011-2017 Erzincan BY University Faculty of Medicine
2017-2023 Izmir University of Economics Medicalpark Hospital
Spine Surgery
Lumbar hernias, (fully closed herniated disc surgery, microsurgery herniated disc surgery)
Cervical hernias (fully closed cervical disc herniation surgery, microsurgery cervical disc herniation surgery)
Spinal Fracture Treatment (open surgery and fully closed surgery = kyphoplasty vertebroplasty)
Scoliosis (Spine Curvatures)
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Hunchback)
Spine Tumors
Nerve Compression
Endoscopic (Closed Method) Brain Tumor Surgeries
Brain tumor surgery with neuronavigation
Brain Hemorrhages
Pain Intervention Procedures (Radiofrequency, Laser)
Hydrocephalus (accumulation of water in the brain)
Congenital Anomalies
Minimally Invasive Procedures and Head Traumas.
Read moreScientific degree, name, surname: Specialist. Dr. Teyub Hasanov
Medical Division: Neurosurgery
Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey - September 2002 - June 2009
Marmara University Faculty of Medicine – Department of Brain and Neurosurgery, Turkey June 2010 – June 2015
Work experience:
Fatih University Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery (Teacher) - 2015-2016
Bahcheshehir University Medical Park Goztepe and VM Medical Park Pendik Hospital Brain and Neurosurgery (Associate Professor's Assistant) - 2016-2021
Bona Dea Hospital - 2021-2023
Special Educational Programs in Neurosurgery:
Cranial Base Surgery Cadaver Course: September 20-21, 2013, Marmara University Institute of Neurological Sciences; ISTANBUL
Course Director: Associate Professor Ashkin Sheker
The VI Evidence-Based Multidisciplinary Neuro-Oncology Symposium - November 01-02, 2013, Point Barbaros Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey
Chairman of Neuro-Oncology Society: Prof. Dr. M. Ibrahim ZIYAL
Turkish Neurosurgery Society Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Cadaver Course: November 15-16, 2013, Marmara University Institute of Neurological Sciences; ISTANBUL
World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Cranial Base Surgery Cadaver Course: June 2011, Istanbul
Turkish Neurosurgery Society the 26th Scientific Congress: April 20-24, 2012, Belek, Antalya
Turkish Neurosurgery Society the 27th Scientific Congress: April 12-16, 2013, Belek, Antalya
Courses in Fundamentals of Neurosurgery:
Period 4, Course 1, March 10-20, 2016, Cheshme, Izmir
Period 4, Course 2, February 15-19, 2017, Cheshme, Izmir
Period 4, Course 3, March 14-18, 2018, Cheshme, Izmir
Period 4, Course 4, March 20-23, 2019, Belek, Antalya
Scientific Works:
A. Presentations and Articles at International Scientific Meetings
Ozoner B., Gungor A., Hasanov T., Toktas Z.O., & Kilij T. (2020).
Neurosurgical practice during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. World Neurosurgery, 140, 198-207.
Mikayilli M., Hasanov T., Otluoglu G.D., Najitarhan D.E., Toktas Z.O., & Cholak A. (2020). Congenital lateral encephalocele - case report. Child Nervous System, 36 (12), 3119-3122.
Mikayilli M., Hasanov T., Otluoglu G.D, Najitarhan D.E., Erdogan, R.B.A, Demir N, ... & Cholak A. (2019). Spontaneous idiopathic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.
Otluoglu G. D., Hasanov T., Mert B., Toktas Z.O., Konya D., & Demir M.K. (2019). Missed microcatheter breakage and cauda equina migration after endovascular neurointervention for dural arteriovenous fistula as a rare cause of tethered spinal cord: a case report. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 32(4), 607-610.
Yilmaz B., SHENER S., TEYYUB H., AKAKIN A., YAPIJIER O., & Demir M.K. (2018). Visual qualitative assessment of apparent diffusion coefficient quantification and Ki-67 proliferation index of diffusion-weighted imaging to predict atypia in surgical meningiomas. Marmara Medical Journal, 31(2), 68-75.
DEMIR Mustafa Kemal, YAPIJIER Ozlem, HASANOV Teyyub, KILICH Deniz, KILICH Türker. Rapidly expanding calvarial Langerhans cell histiocytosis with low Ki-67 in adults: a difficult diagnosis on magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Neuroradiology, 2018, 31.4: 390-394.
DEMIR Mustafa Kemal, YAPICIER Ozlem, HASANOV Teyyub, YILMAZ Baran, KILICH Turker. Hydatid disease: MR image of calvarium and superior sagittal sinus spread. Journal of Neuroradiology, 2018, 31.3: 320-323.
DEMIR Mustafa Kemal, YAPIJIER Ozlem, HASANOV Teyyub, GUNDUZ Mehmet Alp, KILICH Turker. Systemic large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a massive hemorrhagic intracerebral mass. Diagnostic and invasive imaging, 2017, 98.10: 737.
UNAL E, ANTAR V, HASANOV T, GUZEL A, KILICH K. P16. 32 Primary brain lymphomas. Case report and literature review. Neurooncology, 2017, 19. Supplement 3: iii. 115.
Demirchi G, Hasanov T, Bayri Y, Konya D "Occipitocervical Fusion in Craniovertebral Junction Pathologies" Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
B. Articles Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Hasanov T, Cholak A. Orbital tumors in childhood. Bagdatoglu C, editor. Overview of Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors From Diagnosis to Treatment. 1st Edition. Ankara: Turkey Clinics; 2021. pp. 85-7.
Teyyub Hasanov; AKAKIN Akin; Kilij Turker. Management of Treatment in Arteriovenous Malformations. Turkish Clinics Neurosurgery – Special Topics, 2019, 9.1: 20-26.
Murat Shakir Ekshi, Teyyub HASANOV, Yashar BAYRI, Mustafa İbrahim ZIYAL, Ashkin Sheker, "Jasper Stone-Like Skull: Massive Cranial Metastasis with Leptomeningeal Flow - A Rare Case Report", Journal of Neurological Sciences (in Turkish), 2013, Volume 30, Issue 4, p. 776-779.
Ozgur Chelik, Teyyub HASANOV, Suheyla Uyar BOZKURT, Yashar BAYRI, Mustafa Ibrahim ZİYAL, "Granulocytic Sarcoma of the Cavernous Sinus Presenting with Trigeminal Neuralgia", Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 2013, Volume: 23, Number: 3, p. 327-330.
Murat Shakir Ekshi, Teyyub Hasanov, Baran Yilmaz, Akin Akakin, Yashar Bayri, Suheyla Uyar Bozkurt, Turker Kilij, "Isolated breast cancer metastasis to the pituitary gland" Indian Journal of Neurology 2014, Volume 62, pp70-71.
Murat Shakir Ekshi, Teyyub Hasanov, Suheyla Uyar Bozkurt, Yashar Bayri, M. Ibrahim Ziyal, "Two Different Primary Tumors in the Same Brain - Case Report and Literature Review", Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2014, Volume 31, Issue 3, p. 635-640. 6 p.
Bahattin TANRIKULU, Teyyub HASANOV, Suheyla UYAR BOZKURT, Ashkin Sheker, "Schwannoma Similar to Sacral Pure Spinal Epidural Cavernoma: A Case Report", Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2015, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp. 412-417
Articles presented at international scientific meetings and published in collections of scientific works:
Ekshi M.S, Demirji G, Hasanov T, Chelik O, Bayri Y "Familial Chiari Malformation", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 26th Annual Scientific Congress, April 20-24, 2012, Belek, Antalya
Atik A.F, Hasanov T, Chelik O, Bayri Y, Konya D, "Posttraumatic Epidural Hematoma and Retroorbital Abscesses: Case Report", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 26th Annual Scientific Congress, April 20-24, 2012, Belek, Antalya
Doğrul R, Ekshi M.S, Hasanov T, Bayri Y, Konya D, "Migration of Instrumental Material into the Abdomen in a Surgically Treated Spondylolisthesis Patient", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 27th Annual Scientific Congress, April 12-16, 2013, Belek, Antalya
Hasanov T, Ekshi M.S, Chelik O, Bayri Y, Bozkurt S.U, Ziyal I, "Isolated Cavernous Sinus Myeloid Sarcoma Presenting with Trigeminal Neuralgia", Turkish Neurosurgery Society 27th Annual Scientific Congress, April 12-16, 2013, Belek, Antalya
Yilmaz B. Toktas Z. Konya D. Hasanov T. Intracranial Complications of Lumbar Spinal Surgery.
D. Book Section
Akin A, Hasanov T. Fundamentals of Surgical Treatment in Parkinson's Disease. Bijeroglu H, Tonge M, Sechkin M, Adiguzel E, Gurvit H, Hanji M, editors. Movement Disorders Surgery: 2019.
Hasanov T, Toktas Z. Spinal Injuries. Furunjuoglu Y. Emergency Medical Manual. Gunesh Medical Bookstores: 2020
Read more
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Pituitary tumor surgery | $11000 - $18000 |
Surgical removal of the brain cyst | $6000 - $11000 |
Brain tumor removal | $7000 - $17000 |
Plastic Surgery: We offer plastic surgery services with our experienced surgeons using up-to-date techniques. We aim to achieve natural and aesthetic results by producing solutions specific to each individual's needs.
Hair, Beard and Eyebrow Transplantation: We offer special solutions to those struggling with hair loss, sparse beard or eyebrow problems. Our expert team aims to achieve natural results that suit the person's facial features.
Filling Applications: We safely perform filling applications used for facial rejuvenation and contouring with our expert aesthetic surgeons. With our approach that prioritizes naturalness, we help our customers achieve the look they want.
Read moreHead of Teaching at the Puerto Vallarta Regional Hospital
Medical records manager at the Regional Hospital of Puerto Vallarta 2 months 2020
General practitioner in private medical office
Doctor in charge of weight control clinic
Medical assistant in dermatology clinic
Medical Assistant in Dermatological procedures.
Medical Assistant in minimally invasive surgical procedures
Operation of fractional laser machine - IPIXEL-ER and
facial rejuvenation with IPL.
Experience in laser hair removal with Intense Pulsed Light and
Experience with ultrasonic cavitation
Experience with ultraviolet (UV) light phototherapy machine for the
treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo.
Experience assisting in Botox and Fillers procedures.
Biomagnet certified by the Higher Institute of Biomagnetism
Experience in clinical records
Training in continuing education and professional development of teachers
Read moreEduardo Fernandez, MD
Medical Doctor & Cell Expert
Dr. Eduardo Fernandez is a distinguished medical professional specializing in stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine. He is a certified member of the Mexican College of Cells and Regenerative Medicine, as well as the Mexican Council of Cells for Therapeutic and Research Purposes. Dr. Fernandez’s certifications are the result of a rigorous 8-hour examination process, reserved for a select group of doctors who possess advanced knowledge and experience in these cutting-edge treatments. With only 50 certified doctors in Mexico, Dr. Fernandez’s expertise is highly sought after and respected.
In addition to his national recognition, Dr. Fernandez is awaiting international certification from the renowned International Society for Cell Research (ISSCR). Membership in this prestigious organization signifies Dr. Fernandez’s extensive experience and expertise in stem cell treatments. The ISSCR includes prominent scientists from renowned universities such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and other esteemed institutions worldwide. Being a part of this elite society represents the pinnacle of honor and prestige in the field of stem cell therapies.
Furthermore, Dr. Fernandez is also seeking membership and international certification from the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), the largest community of extracellular vesicle researchers globally. With only two thousand members worldwide, ISEV’s select nature underscores Dr. Fernandez’s exceptional dedication to advancing scientific knowledge in the study of exosomes and cellular messengers. By pursuing membership in ISEV, Dr. Fernandez continues to demonstrate his commitment to staying at the forefront of research and innovation in the field of regenerative medicine.
Read moreDr. Lechanoine is a highly accomplished neurosurgeon with extensive international experience, currently serving as a senior consultant at Maria Cecilia Hospital in Italy. With over 2,500 surgeries performed, including 1,600 as the lead surgeon, Dr. Lechanoine has built a distinguished career specializing in complex brain and spine surgeries. His areas of expertise include brainstem conditions, intraventricular neuroendoscopy for hydrocephalus and tumors, transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas, and minimally invasive spine procedures such as UBE (Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy).
His medical journey has taken him across Europe and beyond, with positions at prestigious institutions such as CHU de Grenoble Alpes and CHRU de Tours in France, and Ospedale Santobono in Naples, Italy. In addition, his dedication to pediatric neurosurgery has led to international collaborations, including at the General Peltier Hospital in Djibouti and the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Florence.
Dr. Lechanoine’s education is equally impressive. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Caen, France, in 2012 and specialized in neurosurgery at the University of Tours under the guidance of renowned professors Stéphane Velut and Patrick François. His specialization focused on innovative endoscopic treatments for intracranial arachnoid cysts in children. Throughout his career, Dr. Lechanoine has pursued numerous advanced training courses, earning prestigious certifications, including the Diploma of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and the European Diploma of Spine Surgery (Eurospine).
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Lechanoine has contributed significantly to the field of neurosurgery through research and education. He has authored numerous scientific publications in leading international journals, with a total impact factor of 71.46. He is also a dedicated educator, serving as a tutor at international workshops on brain and spine endoscopy, and he recently founded a UBE surgical training center at Maria Cecilia Hospital.
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Assoc. Prof. Ozdogan, M.D., Ph.D., completed his education at Yeditepe University Health Sciences Institute in the Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program under Prof. Dr. Turgay İsbir, and he also studied at Saint Louis University in Arkansas, USA, with Prof. Dr. M. Gazi Yasargil. He pursued a Clinical Fellowship in Brain and Nerve Surgery at Yeditepe University Hospital, guided by Prof. Dr. Yasargil and Prof. Dr. Uğur Türe. Additionally, he underwent specialization training at Ufuk University Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine at Gazi University, and completed his secondary education at İçel Anatolian High School.
Professionally, he has held various positions, including Faculty Member in the Department of Neurosurgery at Haliç University, and Associate Professor at Private Adatip Istanbul Hospital and Biruni University Hospital. He has also served as an Associate Professor at S.B.U. Kartal, Sancaktepe, and Istanbul Training and Research Hospitals, and worked as a Chief Assistant at S.B.U. Gaziosmanpaşa Taksim and Kartal Training and Research Hospitals. His earlier roles include Specialist Doctor at S.B.U. Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Hospital and Mus State Hospital, as well as Clinical Fellow at Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospital.
Assoc. Prof. Özdoğan is a member of several professional associations, including the Turkish Neurosurgery Association, Turkish Spine Association, and the Turkish Neurosurgery Society’s Neuroanatomy, Neurovascular, and Neurooncology Groups. He is also affiliated with the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies.
Read moreProfessor Dr. Gökmen
General Surgeon
Dr Reema Arora has been a national and international trainer in ® and Fillers for the past 18 years. She has worked with Allergan India Pvt Ltd. as Medical Head- Facial Aesthetics and has the credit of training over 1500 Dermatologist and Plastic surgeons in the art of facial rejuvenation with injectables.
Dr. Arora has single handedly revolutionized the use of Botox and dermal fillers in India with new innovations and focus on Indian faces. She has perfected the art of using Botox, Juvederm, and Voluma amongst other injectables to rejuvenate, enhance and treat the whole face including -facial asymmetries, defining various facial features like the nose, jaw, lips and resolving excessive sweating.
Dr Reema Arora has been a national and international trainer in ® and Fillers for the past 18 years. She has worked with Allergan India Pvt Ltd. as Medical Head- Facial Aesthetics and has the credit of training over 1500 Dermatologist and Plastic surgeons in the art of facial rejuvenation with injectables.
Dr. Arora has single handedly revolutionized the use of Botox and dermal fillers in India with new innovations and focus on Indian faces. She has perfected the art of using Botox, Juvederm, and Voluma amongst other injectables to rejuvenate, enhance and treat the whole face including -facial asymmetries, defining various facial features like the nose, jaw, lips and resolving excessive sweating.
Dr. Arora made the switch to cosmetic medicine in 2006 following her passion for Aesthetics. She has been trained in Australia, Korea and Singapore with acclaimed dermatologist and plastic surgeons. Dr. Reema Arora is a medical graduate from St John’s Medical College Hospital and a postgraduate in Paediatrics.She went on to do her Masters in Aesthetic Medicine from London in 2018 and has gone on to become a brand in herself in Facial Aesthetics, continuously perfecting her well honed skills. Being India’s leading Rejuvenation expert for over 8 years, Dr. Reema Arora has always been a pioneer in Injectables. She constantly updates her techniques and extensive knowledge of the subject by attending training workshops and seminars.
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Este Home Health Tourism is a prestigious organization at the forefront of Turkey’s health tourism sector, offering internationally recognized, high-standard services. The company specializes in health tourism and is managed by a team of experienced professionals, each highly regarded in their respective fields. Este Home is led by two prominent experts specializing in critical areas such as aesthetic surgery and hair transplantation: Dr. Murat İmalı and Hair Transplant Specialist Fatih Taşalan.
Dr. Murat İmalı
Dr. Murat İmalı is a distinguished expert in the field of aesthetics, renowned for his extensive knowledge and numerous successful procedures. He completed his medical education at one of Turkey’s leading universities and specializes in aesthetic surgery, particularly facial aesthetics, medical device applications, fillers, and botox. Dr. İmalı’s vision is to provide the best outcomes tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Hair Transplant Specialist Fatih Taşalan
Fatih Taşalan is a globally recognized expert in hair transplantation and restoration. He has significantly contributed to Turkey becoming a global hub for hair transplantation. Using innovative techniques such as FUE, DHI, and Sapphire FUE, Taşalan delivers natural and long-lasting results. Under his leadership, Este Home provides reliable and professional hair transplant services to hundreds of patients from around the world each year.
A+ Treatments and Services
Este Home offers a wide range of A+ treatments and services, extending beyond aesthetic surgery and hair transplantation, including:
Why Choose Este Home?
Under the leadership of Dr. Murat İmalı and Fatih Taşalan, Este Home continues to be a symbol of quality and trust in health tourism, both in Turkey and on the global stage. Entrust your health to the expert care of Este Home!
Read more
-Benign brain tumors: meningiomas and neuromas:
-Cerebral vascular malformations:
-Obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment operations:
-Operations to combat nervous anorexia:
2023 | Stereotactic radiosurgery for Kuss grade IV vestibular schwannoma in patients ≥ 65 years: a multi-institutional retrospective study Acta Neurochirurgica 165: 211–220,
2022 | Stereotactic radiosurgery for Kues grade IV vestibular schwannoma in young patients: a multi-institutional study Journal of Neuro-Oncology 160: 201–208.
2022 | Stereotactic radiosurgery versus active surveillance for asymptomatic, parafalcine, and parasagittal meningiomas: a matched cohort analysis from the IMPASSE Neurosurgery 90:750–757
2022| Active surveillance versus stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of patients with incident frontobasal meningioma - A subanalysis of the IMPASSE Cancers (Basel) trial. Mar 3;14(5):1300.
2022| Gamma Knife Outcomes and Recommendations and Complications: Patai fond Kuala Lumpur
2022| Radiosurgery for Mental Disorders LGKA Marsella
2022| The Role of SRS in Anorexia Nervosa ISRS Milan
2022| Expanding the indications for gamma knife radiosurgery Neuroonc and Rs Symp Malasia
2022 | Pituitary Adenoma: Conservative in Surgical Abortion Simp CUF Lisbo
Awards and certificates
2019|National Medical Prize XXI in the field of neurosurgery.
2018 | Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology
2015 | Factory Award torn away from the International Society of Stereotactic and Radiosurgery
2012 | Correspondent of the Real Medical Academy of Asturias.
Specialist in Neurosurgery
- “Visiting Physician”, University of Southern California, Department of Neurosurgery (1998)
- “Microsurgery Training”, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara Training and Research Hospital (2003)
- GATA Haydarpaşa Training Research Hospital (2002–2003)
- Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training Research Hospital (2003–2005)
- Özel Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital (2005–2012)
- Özel 29 Mayıs Hospital (2012–2013)
- Maltepe State Hospital (2013–2018)
- Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital (2018–2020)
- Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2022)
- Hisar Intercontinental Hospital (2022–2024)
- Özel Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital (2024-present)
- Board Member of the Society of Neurosurgeons (2006–2009)
- Emergency Service Responsibility at Maltepe State Hospital (2014–2016)
- Assistant Chief Physician at Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2021)
- Member of the Advisory Board at Beykent University Faculty of Medicine (2018–2024)
- Faculty Member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences (2022–2024)
- Director of the Continuous Education Center at Galata University (2022–2024)
- Guculu B, Deniz L, Yuce Y, Adilay U, Aytar H, Turkoglu M, Tiryaki M, Ozdek R, Boran BO: Transformational epidural steroid injection in the treatment of pain in foraminal and parameidan lumbar disc herniations. Turkish Neurosurgery 30: 394-399, 2020.
- Boran P, Tokuc G, Boran BO, Oktem S: Intracerebral hematoma as a complication of intrathecal methotrexate administration. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 50:152-154, 2008.
- Boran BO, Boran P, Barut N, Akgun C, Celikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Evaluation of mild head trauma in pediatric population. Pediatric Neurosurgery 42:203-207, 2006.
- Tokuc G, Boran P, Boran BO: Cleidocranial dysplasia in a mother and her daughter within the scope of neurosurgery. Journal of Neurosurgery (4 Suppl Pediatrics) 104:290-292, 2006.
- Celikoglu E, Boran BO, Bozbuga M: Abscess formation in Rathke’s cleft cyst. Neurology India 54(2):213–214, 2006.
- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Sahinoğlu K: Surface anatomy of the posterolateral cranium regarding the localization of the initial burr-hole for retrosigmoid approach. Neurosurgical Review 29(1):61–63, 2006.
- Boran BO: Rhombencephalosynapsis: a rare cerebellar malformation. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 23(1):46-48, 2006.
- Boran BO, Colak A, Kutlay M: Erythropoietin enhances neurological recovery after experimental spinal cord injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 23:341–345, 2005.
- Colak A, Boran BO, Kutlay M, Demircan N: A modified technique of syringosubarachnoid shunting for the treatment of syringomyelia. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 12(6):677–679, 2005.
- Bozbuga M, Celikoğlu E, Boran BO: Hydatid cyst of the craniocervical junction: case report. Neurosurgery 57(1):193, 2005.
- Boran BO, Akgün C, Bozbuga M: Calvarial remodeling for the treatment of scaphocephaly in a 4-month-old boy: a technical note. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(1):40-44, 2005.
- Boran BO, Barut N, Akgün C, Çelikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Indications for computed tomography in patients with mild head injuries. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 11(3):218–224, 2005.
- Colak A, Kutlay M, Boran BO, Demircan N: Identical twins presenting with hydrocephalus: one with triventricular, and the other tetraventricular hydrocephalus. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 34:187-189, 2004.
- Kurtkaya O, Elmacı I, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Sav A, Pamir MN: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor of the midbrain tectum: a case report. Brain Tumor Pathology 19(2):97-100, 2002.
- Elmacı I, Kurtkaya O, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Gliosarcoma associated with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report. Tumori 87:60-63, 2001.
- Boran BO, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Erdıvanlı B, Pamir N: Gamma-knife radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases. Turkish Neurosurgery 11:9-17, 2001.
- Boran BO, Colak A: Oculomotor nerve palsy due to compression by posterior cerebral artery: case report. Erciyes Medical Journal 29(2):164-167, 2007.
- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Bayindir C: Tuberculoma of the cavernous sinus. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery 2(2), 2005.
- Boran BO: Osteoid osteoma of the lumbar spine: case report. Fırat Medical Journal 13(1):71-73, 2008.
- Boran BO: Growing skull fracture: a case operated on eight years later. Inönü University Faculty of Medicine Journal 13(3):185-187, 2006.
- Boran BO: A case report of foot drop following vertebroplasty. Fırat Medical Journal 11(3):185-186, 2006.
- Boran BO, Kızılay G, Bozbuga M: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt dysfunction. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(2):148-151, 2005.
- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy role in Dandy-Walker malformation. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):11-13, 2004.
- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Repeat endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):31-32, 2004.
- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in patients under one year of age. Göztepe Medical Journal 19:83-86, 2004.
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Undergraduate Karadeniz Technical University 2001
PhD: Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Neurosurgery 2009
Konya Doğanhisar Başköy health center 2001-2002
Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital 2004-2010
Agri State Hospital (Compulsory service) 2010-2011
Arnavutkoy State Hospital 2011-2012
Bakirkoy Sadi Konuk EAH 2012-2014
Istanbul Kanuni Training and Research Hospital 2015-2020
Başakşehir çam Sakura City Hospital 2020-2024
In 2009, I completed my specialty training in Neurosurgery and Neurosurgery at Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital and worked as a specialist doctor at Istanbul Bakırköy Sadi Konuk EAH, Kanuni EAH and Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital affiliated to the University of Health Sciences. I have been working in the field of pediatric neurosurgery for 9 years. In 2024, I started to work as a Faculty Member at Biruni University Department of Neurosurgery and Neurosurgery.
Turkish Neurosurgical Society Membership
Pediatric Neurosurgery Group Membership
Turkish Medical Association
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