Dr. is a highly qualified surgeon with a Doctor of Medical Sciences degree and 2nd degree specialization in general surgery. He has extensive experience in various hospital departments, including General and Oncological Surgery, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and Emergency Medicine. He is a member of various medical associations and is the founder of the Silesian Foundation for the Support and Development of Laparoscopic, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. He is the author and co-author of 20 domestic and foreign publications and over 50 conference reports.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Gastric sleeve surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) | $2500 |
Gastric balloon | $1200 - $2400 |
Dr. Nail Ersoz is a highly skilled surgeon with credentials from two major universities and experience from two hospitals. He achieved 1st place in the Turkish Surgery Association Board Exam and has published many scientific publications. He has expertise in a wide range of surgical procedures.
Read moreHe completed his medical education at Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine between 1990 and 1996, and his residency in General Surgery at Izmir Training and Research Hospital between 2004 and 2008. In 2008, he received the Turkish Surgical Association's Qualification Exam (Board) certificate of success. He is a member of Turkish Surgical Association, Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Association, National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Association, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Association. He worked as a lecturer at Istanbul Rumeli University between 2017 and 2020. He currently performs Laparoscopic Oncosurgery and Obesity Surgeries. He has many national and international studies and these studies have received many citations. Having a good command of English, Opr. Dr. Özgür Kavak is married and has two children.
Read moreProfessor Riccardo Rosati is the Head of the Gastrointestinal Surgery (GI) Department at the San Raffaele Research Hospital in Milan, Italy. He is a highly experienced surgeon with over 30 years of experience, having completed medical degrees in general medicine and general surgery, as well as specialization in thoracic surgery. He is a member of multiple surgical associations, and has written over 300 publications. His department treats approximately 2,000 surgical cases per year.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Gastric bypass | $9757.21 |
Gastroectomy | $34692.3 |
Murat Şendur
2009 - Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi – Medical Faculty
2015 - Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi – Specialist as a Genral Surgeon
2015 - 2015 - Erzurum Hınıs Şehit Yavuz Yürekseven State hospital
2015 - 2020 - Bahçelievler State hospital
After completing his medical education in 2009, he has 12 years of general surgery experience and is an expert in Laparoscopic surgeries. Many surgeries can be performed with the Laparoscopic system, which is popularly known as the closed system. He has the most experience in Bariatric and Metabolic surgery.. In the field of obesity and diabetes, which can now be treated with surgery, such as Sleeve Gastrektomi(Tube stomach), Gastric By-Pass, Mini Gastric By-Pass(Diabetes surgery) , he performs successfully. Endoscopic Botox treatment and gastric balloon are applied in patients who are not suitable for surgery..
Courses and Certificates
1) Cerrahpaşa surgical meetings: Current surgical treatments in inflammatory bowel diseases
9-10 Ocak 2010 - İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
3) Laparoscopic training program
7-13 Nisan 2010 İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
4) Turkish Surgical Society - Satplers and its use course
22 Eylül 2012 İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
5)14. Ulusal Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi kongresi
15-19 Mayıs 2013 Antalya
6) Turkish Society of Surgery - Current approaches to difficult wound management and applications course
25 Mayıs 2013 İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
7)19. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi
16-20 Nisan 2014 Antalya
8)15. Turkish-German Endoscopy days - Endosonography applications
9 Haziran 2014 İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
9) Turkish Society of Surgery - Vascular and other Interventional procedures course
29 Kasım 2014 İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
10) Cerrahpaşa surgery meetings - Minimally invasive Colorectal cancer surgery
6-7 Aralık 2014
11)27. Turkish-German Gastroenterology-Hepatology Congress
4 Haziran 2015 İst. Cerrahpaşa Tıp. Fak.
12) 16. Turkish-German Endoscopy days - Endoscopic Mucosal Resection and Submucosal Dissection applications
5 Haziran 2015 Marmara üniversitesi Pendik E.A.H
13) Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair techniques and innovations course
6 Haziran 2015 Acıbadem İst.
14) 34. National Gastroenterology Week
1-6 Aralık 2017 Antalya
15) European Resuscitation Council- Basit Life Support (BLS) certificate
02.12.2017 ( ERC-253-627337)
16) Turkish Surgical Association Board school participation
24-25 Şubat 2018 ve 3-4 Mart 2018
17) 21. National surgery congress
11-15 Nisan 2018 Antalya
18) Turkish Surgical Association Qualification Certificate
05.05.2018 Ankara
19)14. Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery congress &MMESa Spring meeting
19-22 Nisan 2019 Kıbrıs
20)6th National and 5th Mediterranean Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Diseases Congress
17-20 Ekim 2019 Antalya
21) 15.National &2. İnternational Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery congress
28-30 Ekim Antalya
Mesleki Üyelikler
1. Türk Cerrahi Derneği (2018 den günümüze)
2.Endoskpik ,Laparoskopik cerrahi derneği(2020 den günümüze)
Araştırma ve Yayınlar
1) Evaluation of systemic steroid response via Digital İnfrared Termal Imaging (DITI) in patients with Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis.
M Sendur, E Hatipoglu, V Celik
Medical journal of Bakırköy 16(3), 2020/9/1
2)Laparoscopik kasık fıtığı onarımında TEP ve TAPP sonuçlarımızın karşılaştırılması, Sözlü bildiri
Hüseyin Akyol1 , Murat Şendur2
15.National &2. İnternational Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery congress
Read more
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Gastric sleeve surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) | $3800 - $4500 |
Gastric band | $4500 - $5000 |
Gastric bypass | $4500 - $5000 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Stomach stapling | $3100 |
Gastric sleeve surgery (Sleeve gastrectomy) | |
Gastric band | $3000 |