Dr. Ofer Merimsly is the best sarcoma, lymphoma, and lung cancer doctor within Israel and in the world. Also specializes in Whipple surgery treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer. Head of the National Center for sarcomas of bone and soft tissues of the Tel Aviv Medical Center Sourasky (Ichilov).
Education and specialization:
Dr. Auala Hubert is a board-certified Medical Oncologist & Radiotherapist with 33 years of experience, speaking both English and Hebrew. She is a member of several medical and social service committees and holds qualifications in Oncology and Radiotherapy.
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Dr. Tatyana Rabin's research interests include:
Methods of destruction of malignant neoplasms by heating with the help of ultrasonic waves, research into the use of brachytherapy in the treatment of oncogynecological diseases,
study of the mechanisms of response at the molecular level of prostate tumor cells to radiotherapy;
clinical studies of oncomammology, oncopulmonology, ocular lymphoma.
Dr. Rabin is investigating the molecular mechanisms by which prostate cancer cells respond to radiation therapy. This research is being conducted in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute of Science.
In addition, Dr. Rabin has been involved in clinical research in the areas of breast cancer, lung cancer, and ocular lymphoma.
Dr. Rabin is currently coordinating a new and unique study at Sheba Hospital that is investigating a method of treating cancerous tumors using MRI-guided ultrasound waves. This method involves raising the tumor's temperature to a certain level and then destroying it.
Dr. Tatyana Rabin was recognized as the best hospital employee for 2007.
Experience and participation in scientific research:
Membership in medical societies :
Head of the Onco-Gynecology Department and Lung Cancer Treatment Subdivision, Chief Physician, specializes in Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy in Gynecology.
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