Dr. Ofer Merimsly is the best sarcoma, lymphoma, and lung cancer doctor within Israel and in the world. Also specializes in Whipple surgery treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer. Head of the National Center for sarcomas of bone and soft tissues of the Tel Aviv Medical Center Sourasky (Ichilov).
Education and specialization:
Coping with gastrointestinal and lung cancer without chemotherapy. Specialists at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Clinic (Ichilov) use an ultra-modern innovative method to combat neuroendocrine tumors. It is based on radionuclide therapy with the radioisotope Lutetium 177 (Lutetium-177). This innovation is a real breakthrough in oncotherapy, because in recent decades the number of cases of this type of cancer has been rapidly growing.
This method is completely new in the world. Today it exists only in Israel, Germany and Sweden.
Its essence is in the use of a new radiopharmaceutical - Lutetium 177 PRRT. The drug is administered intravenously at intervals of 7-8 weeks. With the help of Lutetium, cancer cells are destroyed selectively, without affecting healthy tissues of the body. That is, this method of treatment can literally be called "local radiation therapy". In addition, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the and kidneys, destroying the tumor from the inside.
In addition, the use of this method allows patients to avoid severe side effects of chemotherapy, such as vomiting, nausea, pain, alopecia, weakness. It is also important that the treatment is carried out by a special group of medical specialists. Among them: leading doctors, nurses and medical physicists!
All of them work under the supervision of Dr. Inna Ospovat, a leading specialist in the nuclear therapy department at the Ichilov Clinic.
2000-1994 Faculty of Medicine in Vitebsk, Belarus.
2003 - 2011 - specialization in oncology and radiation therapy at the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem.
Recognized experience
Oncology and radiation therapy
Additional education
2015 - PMH University Hospital (Totonto) Childhood irradiation and head and neck tumors
Attending conferences
About 10 presentations at medical conferences
Trade union membership
Today, Professor Rifaat Safadi is an outstanding specialist in the field of liver disease treatment, a member of the committee for the development of the somatic cell transplant center and the head of the liver disease unit at Hadassah Medical Center. The professor is a member of several international associations for the study of the liver and is the author of numerous articles in his specialty. Professor Safadi is a member of the editorial board of the scientific medical journal Clinical Science.
Rifaat Safadi is a laureate of many scientific awards. In particular, he has been repeatedly awarded the Hadassah Prize for studying the process of immune modulation of liver fibrosis using mRNA. For achievements in the same field, the professor received the Sharon Donsky and the Israeli Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology awards.
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