Dr. Ofer Merimsly is the best sarcoma, lymphoma, and lung cancer doctor within Israel and in the world. Also specializes in Whipple surgery treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer. Head of the National Center for sarcomas of bone and soft tissues of the Tel Aviv Medical Center Sourasky (Ichilov).
Education and specialization:
Dr. Auala Hubert is a board-certified Medical Oncologist & Radiotherapist with 33 years of experience, speaking both English and Hebrew. She is a member of several medical and social service committees and holds qualifications in Oncology and Radiotherapy.
Read moreHead of Neurooncology Clinic of Ichilov
Read moreEducation
Faculty of Medicine: Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
Institute of Oncology, Davydov Center, Beilinson Hospital
Recognized experience
Medical Oncology and Radiation Therapy
Additional education
Department of Radiation Therapy, Duke University Medical Center, USA
Clinical experience
Attending conferences
About 15 professional publications
Trade union membership
Areas of special interest and activities
Cerebral metastases and primary brain tumors, head and neck tumors, radiation therapy and radiosurgery
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