Dr. Eserdag has specialized in obstetrics and gynecology for the last 25 years and is one of the pioneers of aesthetic gynecology in Europe. Based mainly in Istanbul, and also in Ankara and Izmir, Turkey.
He trained at Zekai Tahir Burak Women’s Health and Educational Hospital, the largest maternity hospital in Turkey.
Dr. Eserdag, in 2014, passed the board exam organized by the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) and the European Federation of Sexology (EFS) to become Turkey's one of first “Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine” (FECSM) gynecologists.
In 2015, he established the “HERA Vaginismus Treatment, Education and Research Association”, the first national non-governmental organization in the field of vaginismus. He trained physicians and health professionals within the scope of this association.
Dr. Eserdag has received training from many leaders in the field during his vaginismus and genital aesthetics journey that started in the early 2000s. He acquired unique training experiences from some of the world’s most renowned experts when aesthetic genital surgery was in its infancy. Prof Adam Ostrzenski (Florida / USA-2011),ECAMS (Athens / Greece-2015),and Dr. Red Alinsod (California / USA-2016) are some of the mentors and organizations that he received training from. Through his own pioneering work, artistic skill and focus, he has refined and modified several techniques in order to offer to his patients the most effective treatments and the most beautiful results.
Assoc. Prof Eserdag is the inventor of the techniques of Inverted-Y Plasty procedure in clitoral hoodoplasty operations and Vestibulo-Introital Tightening Technique (VITT) in hymenoplasty surgeries in the literature. Many national and international studies of him on vaginismus have also been published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Süleyman Eserdağ has more than 25 international articles, most of which are published in pubmed list and SCI journals.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eserdag became a senior faculty member at ECAMS (European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery) based in Ireland in 2015. Between 2015 and 2017, he gave hands-on genital aesthetics courses in Istanbul and in Vienna.
In 2017, he left this faculty and founded “ISAGSS (International Society of Aesthetic Genital Surgery and Sexology)”. In this association within the scope, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, India, Pakistan, UAE, Azerbaijan, The Philippines and Indonesia in as many countries, has provided one to one training of more than 1000 physicians from different countries. He organized two International RAGSS (Reconstructive Aesthetic Genital Surgery and Sexology) congresses in Istanbul in 2018 and 2019.
He was awarded the ‘Global Health Hero’ by MAX (International Cell Association) on April 30, 2021.
Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD is a member of the scientific committee of ‘International Association of Aesthetic Gynecology and Sexual Wellness (IAAGSW)’. He is an active member of ESSM (European Society of Sexual Medicine) and ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine). He also works as a part-time lecturer at Altinbas University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
In 2020, he published the book “Sexual Medicine and Genital Aesthetics”, which he shared the editorship with two colleagues.
In 2021, he published the book “Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery”. This book has become the first book published in Turkey specifically in the genital aesthetics field, raised to much global interest, and after two months it’s been printed in English. In 2023, second edition of this book has been published by Springer bookstore (Switzerland).
He also wrote many chapters for international and national books. The books of “Basic Principles in Gynecology”, “Obstetric and Gynecological Emergencies”, “Sexual Medicine and Genital Aesthetics”, “Urology Practical Tips”, “Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Pelvic Health, Before and After Menopause”, and “Menopause” are some of them.
Read moreDr. Eserdag has specialized in obstetrics and gynecology for the last 25 years and is one of the pioneers of aesthetic gynecology in Europe. Based mainly in Istanbul, and also in Ankara and Izmir, Turkey.
He trained at Zekai Tahir Burak Women’s Health and Educational Hospital, the largest maternity hospital in Turkey.
Dr. Eserdag, in 2014, passed the board exam organized by the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) and the European Federation of Sexology (EFS) to become Turkey's one of first “Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine” (FECSM) gynecologists.
In 2015, he established the “HERA Vaginismus Treatment, Education and Research Association”, the first national non-governmental organization in the field of vaginismus. He trained physicians and health professionals within the scope of this association.
Dr. Eserdag has received training from many leaders in the field during his vaginismus and genital aesthetics journey that started in the early 2000s. He acquired unique training experiences from some of the world’s most renowned experts when aesthetic genital surgery was in its infancy. Prof Adam Ostrzenski (Florida / USA-2011),ECAMS (Athens / Greece-2015),and Dr. Red Alinsod (California / USA-2016) are some of the mentors and organizations that he received training from. Through his own pioneering work, artistic skill and focus, he has refined and modified several techniques in order to offer to his patients the most effective treatments and the most beautiful results.
Assoc. Prof Eserdag is the inventor of the techniques of Inverted-Y Plasty procedure in clitoral hoodoplasty operations and Vestibulo-Introital Tightening Technique (VITT) in hymenoplasty surgeries in the literature. Many national and international studies of him on vaginismus have also been published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Süleyman Eserdağ has more than 25 international articles, most of which are published in pubmed list and SCI journals.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eserdag became a senior faculty member at ECAMS (European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery) based in Ireland in 2015. Between 2015 and 2017, he gave hands-on genital aesthetics courses in Istanbul and in Vienna.
In 2017, he left this faculty and founded “ISAGSS (International Society of Aesthetic Genital Surgery and Sexology)”. In this association within the scope, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, India, Pakistan, UAE, Azerbaijan, The Philippines and Indonesia in as many countries, has provided one to one training of more than 1000 physicians from different countries. He organized two International RAGSS (Reconstructive Aesthetic Genital Surgery and Sexology) congresses in Istanbul in 2018 and 2019.
He was awarded the ‘Global Health Hero’ by MAX (International Cell Association) on April 30, 2021.
Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD is a member of the scientific committee of ‘International Association of Aesthetic Gynecology and Sexual Wellness (IAAGSW)’. He is an active member of ESSM (European Society of Sexual Medicine) and ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine). He also works as a part-time lecturer at Altinbas University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
In 2020, he published the book “Sexual Medicine and Genital Aesthetics”, which he shared the editorship with two colleagues.
In 2021, he published the book “Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery”. This book has become the first book published in Turkey specifically in the genital aesthetics field, raised to much global interest, and after two months it’s been printed in English. In 2023, second edition of this book has been published by Springer bookstore (Switzerland).
He also wrote many chapters for international and national books. The books of “Basic Principles in Gynecology”, “Obstetric and Gynecological Emergencies”, “Sexual Medicine and Genital Aesthetics”, “Urology Practical Tips”, “Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Pelvic Health, Before and After Menopause”, and “Menopause” are some of them.
CURRICULUM VITAE. José E. Batista-Miranda PhD MD Jan 2025
Correspondence (Uroclinica Center) : Via Augusta 158. Barcelona, Spain
Hospital: Centro Medico Teknon/ Grupo Quironsalud, Vilana 12. 08021 Barcelona, Spain.
Phone: 34- 687 99 54 57
Qualification: Qualfied urologist in Spain and UK (GMC specialist list)
Current position. Urodynamics Head and Consultant Urologist, CM Teknon, Barcelona, since 1996
Director, Uroclinica Team and Continentia Association ( continentia.org)
Co- director: Functional Urology program UAX University, Madridr
Previous professional Experience
2005- Senior Clinical Chief in Urodynamics. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona.
1995-2003 Consultant Urologist. Urodynamics and Oncology Units. F. Puigvert, Barcelona.
1994 Fellow in Neuro-Urology. Boston University (Drs. Krane & Siroky) and Harvard´s Children´s Hospital (Dr. Bauer) Boston, USA (La Caixa grant).
1994- Registrar. Bristol Urological Institute,U.K.(Mr. Abrams) (Research Council grant)
Current Professional Practice: experience
Head of Urodynamics: on line reporting of over 2000 studies / year at 5 different locations.
General urology and functional urology clinic.
Urological and post-graduate training.
1997- PhD Thesis, Aut. Univ. of Barcelona (“Oxybutinin in children”) (Spanish Urol. Ass. Prize)
1994- Certified Urologist (Ministries of Health & Education)
1991-Urology Dept,USC Hospital, Los Angeles, CA.(Dr.Skinner) (Research Council grant)
1989-93- Residency in Urology. Fundacio Puigvert-National MIR program. (Dr. Solé Balcells).
Medical Education
1981-87-Medical Degree, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). 1st Class Degree.
1985 & 86- Intern. Department of Surgery. Keiserin Elisabeth Spital, Viena, Austria.
1988-ECFMG Certificate (Permannent validation:February 1994)
103 papers in journals: including 25 in international Journals (see annex)
Editor of 2 books on clinical cases in Urodynamics.
Chapters in 4 books.
Co-editor "Impact Spanish Urology"
Translations for Br J Surgery, Advances in Urology, WHO/ICUD consultations .
Presentations at congresses
45, including 28 at international congresses (Eur. Ass. Urol, Am Urol Ass, ICS, SIU, see annex).
Post-graduate teaching ( President, “Continentia association” www.continentia.org )
23 ICS accredited courses on Urodynamics ( 5 English editions for Crotatia, Slonvenia, Hugary, Romania and Bulgaria)
9 CME international/ multi specialty study days on functional urology and urogynechology
Courses and talks at ICS and European Ass. meetings.
Pre-graduate teaching
2010- Bladder dysfunction module. Faculty of Medicine, Aut. Univ of Barcelona
1990-92 Director: Basic Medical English Course for students. Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona.
1992-93 Clinical tutor in Urology (including seminars) Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona .
Invited / elected committee membership and post graduate lecturer
WHO´s International Consultation on BPH (1995, 97, 2000)
WHO´s International Consultation on Incontinence (1999, 2001)
Member, Ethics Committee, BarcelonaMedical College.
Secretary, Institutional Review Board (Ethics Research committee. F. Puigvert)
Clinical tutor ellected by Urology residents.
Invited speaker in courses / symposiums in Spain, Mexico, Morocco and Italy.
Research projects / IRB approved trials / advisor.
1993- IPSS validation in Spanish
1994- Epristeride phase III clinical trial (Boston University)
1994- Bladder blood flow evaluation (Boston University)
1995- Cavidox (Quality of life in BPH patients, Almirall Laboratories)
1996- Tamsulosin phase IV clinical trial (Boehringer Laboratories)
1996- Vesica international surgical study (Boston scientific)
1997- European endourology panel (Boston scientific)
1997- YM 905, phase II clinical trial (Yamanouchi/ Astellas)
1998- present: Detrusor morphometry in obstruction (PhD thesis co-director)
2000- European panel on appropriate management on BPH (Erasmus University)
2001- Quality of life in radical prostatectomy vs brachytherapy. Use of FACT questionnaire.
2004- Effect of Aclidinium in Urology ( Almirall laboratories)
2008- 2015: Nocturia Study ( Astellas Europe)
2012- “Beyond” ( Astellas Multicenter study on Mirabegron) Principal Investigator
2014- Belive ( Astellas post- commercialization study)
2015- VHEA ( Hiperactive bladder in aging population, multicenter group; Principal investigator)
2019- Flow taker monitorization for nocturia ( Astellas grant)
2022- Idorsia Phase 3 nocturia study
2024- 3 researcher led studies: Ambulatory urodynamics register, Virtual reality, Tensi for overactive blader.
WHO´s International Consultation on BPH (1995, 97, 2000)
WHO´s International Consultation on incontinence (1999, 2001)
MEMBERSHIP. Spanish Urol.Ass, ICS.
Read more
CURRICULUM VITAE. José E. Batista-Miranda PhD MD Jan 2025
Correspondence (Uroclinica Center) : Via Augusta 158. Barcelona, Spain
Hospital: Centro Medico Teknon/ Grupo Quironsalud, Vilana 12. 08021 Barcelona, Spain.
Phone: 34- 687 99 54 57
Qualification: Qualfied urologist in Spain and UK (GMC specialist list)
Current position. Urodynamics Head and Consultant Urologist, CM Teknon, Barcelona, since 1996
Director, Uroclinica Team and Continentia Association ( continentia.org)
Co- director: Functional Urology program UAX University, Madridr
Previous professional Experience
2005- Senior Clinical Chief in Urodynamics. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona.
1995-2003 Consultant Urologist. Urodynamics and Oncology Units. F. Puigvert, Barcelona.
1994 Fellow in Neuro-Urology. Boston University (Drs. Krane & Siroky) and Harvard´s Children´s Hospital (Dr. Bauer) Boston, USA (La Caixa grant).
1994- Registrar. Bristol Urological Institute,U.K.(Mr. Abrams) (Research Council grant)
Current Professional Practice: experience
Head of Urodynamics: on line reporting of over 2000 studies / year at 5 different locations.
General urology and functional urology clinic.
Urological and post-graduate training.
1997- PhD Thesis, Aut. Univ. of Barcelona (“Oxybutinin in children”) (Spanish Urol. Ass. Prize)
1994- Certified Urologist (Ministries of Health & Education)
1991-Urology Dept,USC Hospital, Los Angeles, CA.(Dr.Skinner) (Research Council grant)
1989-93- Residency in Urology. Fundacio Puigvert-National MIR program. (Dr. Solé Balcells).
Medical Education
1981-87-Medical Degree, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). 1st Class Degree.
1985 & 86- Intern. Department of Surgery. Keiserin Elisabeth Spital, Viena, Austria.
1988-ECFMG Certificate (Permannent validation:February 1994)
103 papers in journals: including 25 in international Journals (see annex)
Editor of 2 books on clinical cases in Urodynamics.
Chapters in 4 books.
Co-editor "Impact Spanish Urology"
Translations for Br J Surgery, Advances in Urology, WHO/ICUD consultations .
Presentations at congresses
45, including 28 at international congresses (Eur. Ass. Urol, Am Urol Ass, ICS, SIU, see annex).
Post-graduate teaching ( President, “Continentia association” www.continentia.org )
23 ICS accredited courses on Urodynamics ( 5 English editions for Crotatia, Slonvenia, Hugary, Romania and Bulgaria)
9 CME international/ multi specialty study days on functional urology and urogynechology
Courses and talks at ICS and European Ass. meetings.
Pre-graduate teaching
2010- Bladder dysfunction module. Faculty of Medicine, Aut. Univ of Barcelona
1990-92 Director: Basic Medical English Course for students. Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona.
1992-93 Clinical tutor in Urology (including seminars) Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona .
Invited / elected committee membership and post graduate lecturer
WHO´s International Consultation on BPH (1995, 97, 2000)
WHO´s International Consultation on Incontinence (1999, 2001)
Member, Ethics Committee, BarcelonaMedical College.
Secretary, Institutional Review Board (Ethics Research committee. F. Puigvert)
Clinical tutor ellected by Urology residents.
Invited speaker in courses / symposiums in Spain, Mexico, Morocco and Italy.
Research projects / IRB approved trials / advisor.
1993- IPSS validation in Spanish
1994- Epristeride phase III clinical trial (Boston University)
1994- Bladder blood flow evaluation (Boston University)
1995- Cavidox (Quality of life in BPH patients, Almirall Laboratories)
1996- Tamsulosin phase IV clinical trial (Boehringer Laboratories)
1996- Vesica international surgical study (Boston scientific)
1997- European endourology panel (Boston scientific)
1997- YM 905, phase II clinical trial (Yamanouchi/ Astellas)
1998- present: Detrusor morphometry in obstruction (PhD thesis co-director)
2000- European panel on appropriate management on BPH (Erasmus University)
2001- Quality of life in radical prostatectomy vs brachytherapy. Use of FACT questionnaire.
2004- Effect of Aclidinium in Urology ( Almirall laboratories)
2008- 2015: Nocturia Study ( Astellas Europe)
2012- “Beyond” ( Astellas Multicenter study on Mirabegron) Principal Investigator
2014- Belive ( Astellas post- commercialization study)
2015- VHEA ( Hiperactive bladder in aging population, multicenter group; Principal investigator)
2019- Flow taker monitorization for nocturia ( Astellas grant)
2022- Idorsia Phase 3 nocturia study
2024- 3 researcher led studies: Ambulatory urodynamics register, Virtual reality, Tensi for overactive blader.
WHO´s International Consultation on BPH (1995, 97, 2000)
WHO´s International Consultation on incontinence (1999, 2001)
MEMBERSHIP. Spanish Urol.Ass, ICS.
After his 1976 education at Kabataş Boys’ High School and 1982 undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Sabuncu started working as a Paediatric Specialist at Zeynep Kamil Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital in 1995 and took part in various medical congresses in Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Iran in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010.
In 2012, after completing his duty at Zeynep Kamil Hospital Paediatrics Clinic, Sabuncu received a Neonatal Rescue Certificate in 2019 and has been working at Natural Clinic since 2021.After his 1976 education at Kabataş Boys’ High School and 1982 undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Sabuncu started working as a Paediatric Specialist at Zeynep Kamil Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital in 1995 and took part in various medical congresses in Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Iran in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010.
In 2012, after completing his duty at Zeynep Kamil Hospital Paediatrics Clinic, Sabuncu received a Neonatal Rescue Certificate in 2019 and has been working at Natural Clinic since 2021.
After his 1976 education at Kabataş Boys’ High School and 1982 undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Sabuncu started working as a Paediatric Specialist at Zeynep Kamil Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital in 1995 and took part in various medical congresses in Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Iran in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010.
In 2012, after completing his duty at Zeynep Kamil Hospital Paediatrics Clinic, Sabuncu received a Neonatal Rescue Certificate in 2019 and has been working at Natural Clinic since 2021.After his 1976 education at Kabataş Boys’ High School and 1982 undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Sabuncu started working as a Paediatric Specialist at Zeynep Kamil Gynaecology and Paediatrics Hospital in 1995 and took part in various medical congresses in Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Iran in 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010.
In 2012, after completing his duty at Zeynep Kamil Hospital Paediatrics Clinic, Sabuncu received a Neonatal Rescue Certificate in 2019 and has been working at Natural Clinic since 2021.
Dr Ozates was born in 1966 in Birecik district of Sanliurfa in Turkey. He completed his primary and secondary education in my hometown, Birecik. He got into Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1983. After 6 years of successful education, he started Radiology education at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine by passing the Medical Specialization Examination (TUS) in the same year I graduated in 1989.
Between 1993 and 1995, he worked as a Radiology Specialist in various hospitals in Gaziantep. He passed the Assistant Professorship exam and started to work as a faculty member at Dicle University in 1995.
Post-Specialization Trainings:
2003, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Ankara
2003, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
2001-2004, ESNR European Course of Neuroradiology (3 Semesters)
1997, Johns Hopkins University, Neuroradiology, Baltimore, USA
1997, Cornell University, Neuroradiology, New York, USA
1996, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
1994, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, İzmir
1993, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Bursa
1993, UCLA Medical Center (as visitor), Los Angles, USA
1992-1993, Maçka EMAR, Dr. Murat Dinçer, Istanbul
His Academic Studies:
International Publications: 23
International Papers: 27
National Publications: 45
National Papers: 48
Conferences: 11
Citations: 210 Scientific Publications (Average Citations per Item: 10.50, h-index: 9), USA edition 1 Book, Various Conferences
Scientific Organizations he is a member of:
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
Turkish Radiology Association (TRD)
Magnetic Resonance Association
Istanbul Medical Chamber (ITO)
Turkish Neuroradiology Association
In 2003, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor with the examination held at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2005-2013, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Radiology Clinic Chief, Training and Administrative Officer.
In 2013, he started to work as a professor at Nişantaşı University. On March 15, 2013, he was appointed as the Inter-University Board Representative for 1 year. He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of Ayvansaray University. He is a sub – specialist in “Pediatric Radiology”
His articles have been published in many magazines in Turkey and abroad. He presented written and oral presentations and gave conferences at congresses in various cities and countries.
As the Radiology Clinic Chief of Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital, he is the first professor who performed Coronary CT Angiography in a state hospital in Istanbul.
He is one of Turkey’s first Children’s Radiology Specialist Minor. He did his military service between March and April 2000 at the 200-bed Malatya Military Hospital.
Read moreDr Ozates was born in 1966 in Birecik district of Sanliurfa in Turkey. He completed his primary and secondary education in my hometown, Birecik. He got into Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1983. After 6 years of successful education, he started Radiology education at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine by passing the Medical Specialization Examination (TUS) in the same year I graduated in 1989.
Between 1993 and 1995, he worked as a Radiology Specialist in various hospitals in Gaziantep. He passed the Assistant Professorship exam and started to work as a faculty member at Dicle University in 1995.
Post-Specialization Trainings:
2003, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Ankara
2003, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
2001-2004, ESNR European Course of Neuroradiology (3 Semesters)
1997, Johns Hopkins University, Neuroradiology, Baltimore, USA
1997, Cornell University, Neuroradiology, New York, USA
1996, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Istanbul
1994, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, İzmir
1993, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, MRI Department, Bursa
1993, UCLA Medical Center (as visitor), Los Angles, USA
1992-1993, Maçka EMAR, Dr. Murat Dinçer, Istanbul
His Academic Studies:
International Publications: 23
International Papers: 27
National Publications: 45
National Papers: 48
Conferences: 11
Citations: 210 Scientific Publications (Average Citations per Item: 10.50, h-index: 9), USA edition 1 Book, Various Conferences
Scientific Organizations he is a member of:
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
Turkish Radiology Association (TRD)
Magnetic Resonance Association
Istanbul Medical Chamber (ITO)
Turkish Neuroradiology Association
In 2003, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor with the examination held at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine. In 2005-2013, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Radiology Clinic Chief, Training and Administrative Officer.
In 2013, he started to work as a professor at Nişantaşı University. On March 15, 2013, he was appointed as the Inter-University Board Representative for 1 year. He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of Ayvansaray University. He is a sub – specialist in “Pediatric Radiology”
His articles have been published in many magazines in Turkey and abroad. He presented written and oral presentations and gave conferences at congresses in various cities and countries.
As the Radiology Clinic Chief of Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital, he is the first professor who performed Coronary CT Angiography in a state hospital in Istanbul.
He is one of Turkey’s first Children’s Radiology Specialist Minor. He did his military service between March and April 2000 at the 200-bed Malatya Military Hospital.
Name and Surname: Eyup Yaycı
Date of Birth: November 12, 1969
Foreign language: English
Academic Degrees
Degree Department/Program Education Institution Year
Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University – Istanbul 1993
in medicine
Gynecology and Gynecology
Birth SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1998
Asst. Assoc.
Gynecology and Gynecology
Near East University Medicine
Faculty 2012
Master's Thesis Title and Thesis Advisor
Magnetic resonance imaging of myometrial invasion depth in cases with endometrial cancer
Detection by imaging method and its effects on prognosis (1998)
Thesis advisor:
Assoc. Prof. Necdet Süer
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (TJOD)
Job Title Place of Duty Year
Research Asst. SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1993-1998
Expert Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2011- 2012
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2012 -Present
1. International events
1.1. International Article Publications
1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists
1.1.1.b. Journals receiving year in SCI extended lists
1. Yayci E, Guzin K, Suer N. Evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion by magnetic
Resonance imaging in patients with endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of
Gynecological Oncology 2012; 33: 480-484.
2. Uygur D, Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Comunoglu C, Kuzey GM. Association of Speculum
Lubrication with Pain and Papanicolaou Test Accuracy. Journal of the American Board of
Family Medicine. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120021
3. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2558-1
4. Yayci F, Yayci E, Devrim S, Gul MI, Gura M. A prospective trial of epidural versus
intravenous meperidine analgesia during labor: effects on perinatal and maternal
outcome. HealthmedJournal. HealthMED. 2012; 6(10):3268-3274
5. Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in
ovarian cancer research. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology. Eur J Gynaecol
Oncol. 2013;34(2):175-8.
6. Guler T, Uygur D, Uncu M, Yayci E, Atacag T, Bas K, Gunay M, Yakicier C. Coexisting anal
human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection. arch
Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Sep;288(3):667-72.
Doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2821-0. Epub 2013 Mar 31.
7. Guler T, Atacag T, Yayci E, Cetin A, Cetin M. Validation of Turkish version of Premenstrual
Symptoms Impact SurveyTM (PMSISTM) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in
women of ctive age. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry.
2015; 16:205-211.
Doi: 10.5455/apd.172033
8. Atacag T, Yayci E, Guler T, Suer K, Yayci F, Deren, Cetin A, Asymptomatic bacteriuria
screened by catheterized samples at pregnancy term in women undergoing cesarean
delivery.Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2015;42(5):590-4.
9. Soytac SI, Yayci E, Atacag T, Uncu M. Is maternal Vitamin D associated with Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus. Archives of Endocrinology and
Metabolism - in review
1.1.2. El, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ Lit, and other field indexed journals
1.1.3. Articles published in peer-reviewed journals and not included in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
1. Yayci E, Guler OT, Kuzey GM, Comunoglu C, Atacag T, Cetin A, Bas KK, Nakitoğlu B.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological mass: A case report. Gynecologic
Oncology Case Reports. 107-109 pp., 2012
1.2. international conferences
1. Atacag T, Guler OT, Yayci E, Cetin. Within the A.RCOG World Congress 2013 conference
"Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery" in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet
provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential.”,
pp., Liverpool, UK, June 2013.
2. Atacag T, Özkayalar H, Yayci E, Güler OT, Cetin. BCCiP-COGI - The World Congress on
Building Consensus out of Controversies Gynecology, In and Perinatology
The Increasing Role Of in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet of the conference
Endometriosis In Abdominal Wall Nodules Related To High Ratio Of Primary Cesarean
Delivery: Two Case Reports”,pp., Istanbul - May – 2013
3. Dalkan C, Uncu M, Galip N, Yayci E, Bahceciler N, Akman I. Neonatal Others PO-0672 Cord
Blood Osteocalcine, Leptin And Tnf? Levels In Gestational Diabetic Pregnancies Arch Dis
Child 2014;99:A474 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.1313
1.3. Citations
1. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012. DOI: 10.100
Read moreName and Surname: Eyup Yaycı
Date of Birth: November 12, 1969
Foreign language: English
Academic Degrees
Degree Department/Program Education Institution Year
Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University – Istanbul 1993
in medicine
Gynecology and Gynecology
Birth SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1998
Asst. Assoc.
Gynecology and Gynecology
Near East University Medicine
Faculty 2012
Master's Thesis Title and Thesis Advisor
Magnetic resonance imaging of myometrial invasion depth in cases with endometrial cancer
Detection by imaging method and its effects on prognosis (1998)
Thesis advisor:
Assoc. Prof. Necdet Süer
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (TJOD)
Job Title Place of Duty Year
Research Asst. SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1993-1998
Expert Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2011- 2012
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2012 -Present
1. International events
1.1. International Article Publications
1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists
1.1.1.b. Journals receiving year in SCI extended lists
1. Yayci E, Guzin K, Suer N. Evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion by magnetic
Resonance imaging in patients with endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of
Gynecological Oncology 2012; 33: 480-484.
2. Uygur D, Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Comunoglu C, Kuzey GM. Association of Speculum
Lubrication with Pain and Papanicolaou Test Accuracy. Journal of the American Board of
Family Medicine. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120021
3. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2558-1
4. Yayci F, Yayci E, Devrim S, Gul MI, Gura M. A prospective trial of epidural versus
intravenous meperidine analgesia during labor: effects on perinatal and maternal
outcome. HealthmedJournal. HealthMED. 2012; 6(10):3268-3274
5. Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in
ovarian cancer research. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology. Eur J Gynaecol
Oncol. 2013;34(2):175-8.
6. Guler T, Uygur D, Uncu M, Yayci E, Atacag T, Bas K, Gunay M, Yakicier C. Coexisting anal
human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection. arch
Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Sep;288(3):667-72.
Doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2821-0. Epub 2013 Mar 31.
7. Guler T, Atacag T, Yayci E, Cetin A, Cetin M. Validation of Turkish version of Premenstrual
Symptoms Impact SurveyTM (PMSISTM) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in
women of ctive age. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry.
2015; 16:205-211.
Doi: 10.5455/apd.172033
8. Atacag T, Yayci E, Guler T, Suer K, Yayci F, Deren, Cetin A, Asymptomatic bacteriuria
screened by catheterized samples at pregnancy term in women undergoing cesarean
delivery.Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2015;42(5):590-4.
9. Soytac SI, Yayci E, Atacag T, Uncu M. Is maternal Vitamin D associated with Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus. Archives of Endocrinology and
Metabolism - in review
1.1.2. El, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ Lit, and other field indexed journals
1.1.3. Articles published in peer-reviewed journals and not included in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
1. Yayci E, Guler OT, Kuzey GM, Comunoglu C, Atacag T, Cetin A, Bas KK, Nakitoğlu B.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological mass: A case report. Gynecologic
Oncology Case Reports. 107-109 pp., 2012
1.2. international conferences
1. Atacag T, Guler OT, Yayci E, Cetin. Within the A.RCOG World Congress 2013 conference
"Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery" in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet
provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential.”,
pp., Liverpool, UK, June 2013.
2. Atacag T, Özkayalar H, Yayci E, Güler OT, Cetin. BCCiP-COGI - The World Congress on
Building Consensus out of Controversies Gynecology, In and Perinatology
The Increasing Role Of in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet of the conference
Endometriosis In Abdominal Wall Nodules Related To High Ratio Of Primary Cesarean
Delivery: Two Case Reports”,pp., Istanbul - May – 2013
3. Dalkan C, Uncu M, Galip N, Yayci E, Bahceciler N, Akman I. Neonatal Others PO-0672 Cord
Blood Osteocalcine, Leptin And Tnf? Levels In Gestational Diabetic Pregnancies Arch Dis
Child 2014;99:A474 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.1313
1.3. Citations
1. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012. DOI: 10.100
Dr Anshika Lekhi is an in and specialist with 13 + years of experience. She has performed more than 1500 cycles till now. She has a great experience of working with patients with low AMH, own egg and repeated failure patients. Her in work journey hails through various hospitals like Max hospital, W Pratiksha, Milann Fertility and Wings in the past. She has done her diploma in ctive medicine and embryology from Germany. She has also done her fellowship in ctive medicine and embryology from Kerala. More to her academic credits she has multiple fellowship and diploma in laparoscopy from hospital like PSRI and world laparoscopy Center. Her graduation and post graduation is from Dehradun. As feather in her cap she has many awards like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Health award 2023 by Zee news, Gem of Delhi Medical Association 2023 and Iconic Healthcare Leader Award of gynaecologist and specialist 2021. She has also been listed in the innovatory Gynaecologist of India by Economic times 2022. She was also honoured with the medical Services excellence Award 2015 and corona warrior award 2021 by Indian medical association. She has 20 articles and publications to her credit. She is highly committed towards her patients and their treatment.
Read moreDr Anshika Lekhi is an in and specialist with 13 + years of experience. She has performed more than 1500 cycles till now. She has a great experience of working with patients with low AMH, own egg and repeated failure patients. Her in work journey hails through various hospitals like Max hospital, W Pratiksha, Milann Fertility and Wings in the past. She has done her diploma in ctive medicine and embryology from Germany. She has also done her fellowship in ctive medicine and embryology from Kerala. More to her academic credits she has multiple fellowship and diploma in laparoscopy from hospital like PSRI and world laparoscopy Center. Her graduation and post graduation is from Dehradun. As feather in her cap she has many awards like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Health award 2023 by Zee news, Gem of Delhi Medical Association 2023 and Iconic Healthcare Leader Award of gynaecologist and specialist 2021. She has also been listed in the innovatory Gynaecologist of India by Economic times 2022. She was also honoured with the medical Services excellence Award 2015 and corona warrior award 2021 by Indian medical association. She has 20 articles and publications to her credit. She is highly committed towards her patients and their treatment.
Oksana Poluyanova is a gynecologist with over 10 years of experience, a surgeon. A doctor of the highest category and a candidate of medical sciences.
Oksana Poluyanova specializes in operations for prolapse, prolapse, and developmental anomalies of the female ctive system. She performs about 40 surgical interventions every month. Dr. Poluyanova also performs diagnostics, surgical and non-surgical treatment:
Oksana Poluyanova is a gynecologist with over 10 years of experience, a surgeon. A doctor of the highest category and a candidate of medical sciences.
Oksana Poluyanova specializes in operations for prolapse, prolapse, and developmental anomalies of the female ctive system. She performs about 40 surgical interventions every month. Dr. Poluyanova also performs diagnostics, surgical and non-surgical treatment:
Dr. Humera Bint Raees is a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician with 23+ years of experience and extensive qualifications. She specializes in minimally invasive procedures, in workup, and high-risk obstetrics and is well-versed in Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and English. She has several international publications and presentations to her name.
Read moreDr. Humera Bint Raees is a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician with 23+ years of experience and extensive qualifications. She specializes in minimally invasive procedures, in workup, and high-risk obstetrics and is well-versed in Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and English. She has several international publications and presentations to her name.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) | $3000 - $8000 |
Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) | $2000 |
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | $3500 - $6500 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) | $3000 - $8000 |
Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) | $2000 |
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | $3500 - $6500 |
Dr. Jafaru Abu is a Consultant Gynecological Oncology Surgeon with nearly three decades of experience. He is well known for his exceptional ability to perform complex key-hole procedures and was one of the first to perform Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery. He also established a training course for other consultants and has trained and mentored other consultant colleagues and Senior Trainees.
Read moreDr. Jafaru Abu is a Consultant Gynecological Oncology Surgeon with nearly three decades of experience. He is well known for his exceptional ability to perform complex key-hole procedures and was one of the first to perform Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery. He also established a training course for other consultants and has trained and mentored other consultant colleagues and Senior Trainees.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) | $3000 - $8000 |
Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) | $2000 |
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | $3500 - $6500 |
Maxim Nimenkiy is a professor and a top-category physician who works as a gynecologist at the ICSI clinic.
The doctor specializes in endoscopic (hysteroscopy), laparoscopic and abdominal surgeries. He performs interventions on the pelvic organs and pelvic floor in cases of prolapse and prolapse of the uterus, vaginal walls, and urinary incontinence. Dr. Nimenkiy has performed over 17,000 surgeries.
Maxim Nimenkiy is a professor and a top-category physician who works as a gynecologist at the ICSI clinic.
The doctor specializes in endoscopic (hysteroscopy), laparoscopic and abdominal surgeries. He performs interventions on the pelvic organs and pelvic floor in cases of prolapse and prolapse of the uterus, vaginal walls, and urinary incontinence. Dr. Nimenkiy has performed over 17,000 surgeries.
Alexander Darius is a professor and a top-category physician. He has over 25 years of experience in ctive medicine.
Dr. Darius has performed over 20,000 cycles , resulting in over 11,000 children being born.
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Alexander Darius is a professor and a top-category physician. He has over 25 years of experience in ctive medicine.
Dr. Darius has performed over 20,000 cycles , resulting in over 11,000 children being born.
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov (St. Petersburg, Russia).