C.D.E.P. Andrés Isaí Olvera García
§ Fecha de nacimiento:
§ Estado civil:
§ Licencia de conducir:
§ Pasaporte:
20 de Septiembre de 1983
Mexicano, Visa Láser
20015 – 2016
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
CDMX. México
Estudios de Alta Especialidad de Implantologia Oral Quirurgica y
2012 – 2014
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias de la Salud
2009 – 2011
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Titulo de Especialidad en Prostodóncia
2008 – 2009
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Diplomado en Estética Dental
2007 – 2008
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Diplomado en Implantología Oral
2001 - 2006
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Titulo de Cirujano Dentista
Tijuana, B.C.
Mexicali, B.C.
D.F. México
Mexicali, B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
2000 – 2001
Cetys Universidad
2002 - 2004
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
2004 - 2005
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Mexicali B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
Inglés esp-health
2006 - 1
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Mexicali, B. C.
Ene/14 – Ene/15
Baja Dental Los Algodones, B.C
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Ene/14 – Ene/15
Dentalia Tijuana B.C. / CDMX
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Ene/12 – Ene/13
American Biodental Tijuana B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Jun/09 – a la fecha
Clínica Dental Integral Mexicali, B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Jul/11 – Dic/11
Alamo Dental Clinic Los Algodones B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Nov/08 – May/09
Dr. José Luis Ozawa Meida Cd. De México D.F.
Asistente Dental
Jul 08/ - May/09
Dr. Enrique Villafranco Cd. De México D.F.
Técnico dental
Asistente Dental
Abr/08 – may/08
Clínica Dental Garate Los Algodones B.C.
Feb/07 – Mar/08 Mexicali B.C.
Instituto de Servicios de Salud Pública del Estado de B.C.
Odontólogo Pasante en Servicio Social
May/06 – Feb/07
Centro de Odontología Avanzada Mexicali, B.C.
Dr. Jesús Osorio
Prótesis Maxilofacial
Asistente Dental
Jul/03 – Ago/03
Laboratorio Dental Unión
Mexicali, B.C.
Ene/12 – Ene/15
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Profesor de tiempo completo
Profesor titular de las Materias de:
a) Odontología Restauradora
Tijuana B.C.
b) Disfunción de la Articulación Temporomandibular.
c) Materiales Dentales
d) Técnicas de Provisionalización
Profesor de Clínica de:
a) Odontología Restauradora
b) Prótesis Parcial Removible
c) Prostodoncia Total
Apoyo Docente:
i. Diplomado de Implantes
Periodo 2010-1 y 2010-2
Coordinador del Diplomado
“Dr. Jesús Osorio Ríos”
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
ii. Diplomado de Actualidad en Prótesis Fija
Periodo 2010
Coordinador del Diplomado
“Dr. Jesús Antonio Camacho Mondragón”
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
iii. Curso Formal de Oclusión
Profesor titular
Dr. Jesús Antonio Camacho Mondragón
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
iv. Ayudante en los laboratorios de
Prostodoncia Total en los cursos formales de
Licenciatura durante los semestres 2010-1, 2010
2 y 2011-1
Profesor titular
Dr. Raúl Sánchez Rubio Carrillo
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
v. Asistente Docente del Diplomado de
Odontología Estética Restaurativa
Periodo 2011-1 y 2011-2
Profesor titular Dr. Arturo Chip Ortega
Facultad de Odontologia Mexicali UABC
2013 – 1/ 2014-2
Coordinación Clínicas de Odontología
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Campus Valle de las Palmas
2012 – 1/ 2013-2
Coordinación de Servicio Social
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Campus Valle de las Palmas
Tijuana B.C.
Tijuana B.C.
18 de Marzo de 2013
Asunción -Paraguay
Titular: M.D. Ana Gabriela Magallanes
Titulo: Niveles de estrés en estudiantes de odontología.
Revista científica de Psicología EUREKA
Volumen 10, no.1 / 2013
ISNN 2219-0559, E-ISSN 2220-9026
Órgano Oficial de la Carrera de psicología, facultad de Filosofía y
Ciencias humanas, de la Universidad Católica “Ntra. Sra. De la
Proyecto de Investigación
Tijuana B.C.
Universidad autónoma de Baja California
Centro de Ciencias de la Salud – Valle de las Palmas
04/ Jun/2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave 15365: Técnicas de Provicionalizacion
17/ Ene /2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave 16349: Fundamentos de Estética facial y Dental
17/ Ene /2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave s/n: Seminario de Actualización Odontológica
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 12-15 de Agosto de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 16-19 de Mayo de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 21-24 de Febrero de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 24-27 de Enero de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Conferencia “Desastres: la intervención profesional detrás
de la emergencia”
16 de Octubre de 2013
Tijuana B.C.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 11-14 de Octubre de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Segundo Seminario Diagnostico De Prostodoncia Parcial
Tijuana B.C.
9 de Septiembre de 2013
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 12-19 de Agosto de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 19-22 de Julio de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Primer Seminario Diagnostico De Prostodoncia Parcial
Tijuana B.C.
24 de Mayo de 2013
Conferencia “ENDOPOSTES”
Tijuana B.C.
8 de Febrero de 2013
Taller de Actualización en Sistema Integral de Servicio
1 de Enero de 2013
Tijuana B.C.
Primer Coloquio de Servicio Social Profesional
30 de Octubre de 2012
Tijuana B.C.
1-2 /Octubre/2012
Ultradent Seminars
1st. Awared with a 24 hour Bond Strength of 63.20 MPa
28/Agosto /2013
Subsecretaria de Educación Superior
Dirección General de Educación Superior Universitaria
“Reconocimiento al Perfil deseable para profesores de
tiempo completo”
Periodo 16-07-2014 a 15-07-2017
19 de Septiembre 2012
1er Foro de la red Nacional de la ANUIES
(Asociacion Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior)
México, D.F.
Tema: “Cultura de higiene personal y prevención de
enfermedades en estudiantes universitarios”
19 de Octubre 2007
Jurisdicción de Servicios de Salud No.1 Mexicali
Capacitación Mensual para Odontólogos
Tema: “Odontología Preventiva”
Mexicali, B.C.
05/Agosto /2014
Estetica 100% acrilico
TEPD. Miquel Coronel Artigas
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
Mexicali B.C
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Tecate B.C
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Tecate B.C
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Capacitacion en el Sistema de Institucional de Tutorias”
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Indirect Composite Fabrication
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Sistem Waxing
Anaheim, CA.
Anaheim, CA.
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Manejo de Articulador Bioart
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Anomalías Vasculares en la Región de Cabeza y Cuello”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Estratificacion de resinas”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Aquarius la Nueva era de la Ciencia”
18 – 21 /Sep / 13
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Munich, Alemania
International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED)
8th World Congress
18 /Sep / 13
Munich, Alemania
International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED)
Workshop I: Neueste trends in der CAD/CAM – Zahnmedizin
Workshop I: Latest Trends in CAD/CAM Dentistry
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“II Seminario de Prótesis Parcial Removible”
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Ivoclar vivadent
Tecate B.C
Cd. México D.F.
XVIII Seminario Ivoclar Vivadent
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Curso a distancia en la Plataforma Blackboard”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Tecate B.C
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Biología de la Oclusión”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Taller de Actualización en Sistema Integral del Servicio Social”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj.
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Seminario de experiencias docentes”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Primer coloquio de servicio social profesional”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj.
“ Taller de Presentación del formato de examen escrito homologado para
los programas educativos de médico, cirujano dentista, psicología y
Ultradent Products Inc.
“Ultradent International Conference”
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mesa de Trabajo Ética y Responsabilidad Social
Utha. USA
Cd. México D.F.
“Cultura de Higiene Personal y Prevención de Enfermedades en
Estudiantes Universitarios”
1er Foro de la Red Nacional de Servicio Social de la ANUIES
“ Aprendizajes Orientados a Soluciones Sociales”
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California
“Capacitación Institucional de tutorías”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Taller de Actualización en sistema integral de servicio social”
Ivoclar vivadent
XVI Seminario Ivoclar Vivadent
Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.
23rd International Symposium on Ceramics
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Mexicali, A.C.
Cd. México D.F.
San Diego C.A.
Mexicali B.C.
Congreso Magno de Actualización en Implantología Protesica y Quirúrgica
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Sistema de Implantes B &W”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Implantología Oral
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Baja California A.C.
“Tratamiento Integral en Padecimientos Odontogenicos”
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Baja California A.C.
“Congreso Magno de Implantología”
Coa Internacional
“Ceromero de Premise Indirect”
Centro Logístico Vital CLV, S.A. de C.V. y VITA Zahnfabrik
Curso Master
“Un Retorno a las raíces”
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Indirect Composite Fabrication
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Advanced Esthetic Waxing
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Mexicali, A.C.
Read more
C.D.E.P. Andrés Isaí Olvera García
§ Fecha de nacimiento:
§ Estado civil:
§ Licencia de conducir:
§ Pasaporte:
20 de Septiembre de 1983
Mexicano, Visa Láser
20015 – 2016
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
CDMX. México
Estudios de Alta Especialidad de Implantologia Oral Quirurgica y
2012 – 2014
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias de la Salud
2009 – 2011
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Titulo de Especialidad en Prostodóncia
2008 – 2009
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Diplomado en Estética Dental
2007 – 2008
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Diplomado en Implantología Oral
2001 - 2006
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Titulo de Cirujano Dentista
Tijuana, B.C.
Mexicali, B.C.
D.F. México
Mexicali, B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
2000 – 2001
Cetys Universidad
2002 - 2004
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
2004 - 2005
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Mexicali B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
Mexicali, B. C.
Inglés esp-health
2006 - 1
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Mexicali, B. C.
Ene/14 – Ene/15
Baja Dental Los Algodones, B.C
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Ene/14 – Ene/15
Dentalia Tijuana B.C. / CDMX
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Ene/12 – Ene/13
American Biodental Tijuana B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Jun/09 – a la fecha
Clínica Dental Integral Mexicali, B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Jul/11 – Dic/11
Alamo Dental Clinic Los Algodones B.C.
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Nov/08 – May/09
Dr. José Luis Ozawa Meida Cd. De México D.F.
Asistente Dental
Jul 08/ - May/09
Dr. Enrique Villafranco Cd. De México D.F.
Técnico dental
Asistente Dental
Abr/08 – may/08
Clínica Dental Garate Los Algodones B.C.
Feb/07 – Mar/08 Mexicali B.C.
Instituto de Servicios de Salud Pública del Estado de B.C.
Odontólogo Pasante en Servicio Social
May/06 – Feb/07
Centro de Odontología Avanzada Mexicali, B.C.
Dr. Jesús Osorio
Prótesis Maxilofacial
Asistente Dental
Jul/03 – Ago/03
Laboratorio Dental Unión
Mexicali, B.C.
Ene/12 – Ene/15
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Especialista en Prostodoncia
Profesor de tiempo completo
Profesor titular de las Materias de:
a) Odontología Restauradora
Tijuana B.C.
b) Disfunción de la Articulación Temporomandibular.
c) Materiales Dentales
d) Técnicas de Provisionalización
Profesor de Clínica de:
a) Odontología Restauradora
b) Prótesis Parcial Removible
c) Prostodoncia Total
Apoyo Docente:
i. Diplomado de Implantes
Periodo 2010-1 y 2010-2
Coordinador del Diplomado
“Dr. Jesús Osorio Ríos”
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
ii. Diplomado de Actualidad en Prótesis Fija
Periodo 2010
Coordinador del Diplomado
“Dr. Jesús Antonio Camacho Mondragón”
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
iii. Curso Formal de Oclusión
Profesor titular
Dr. Jesús Antonio Camacho Mondragón
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
iv. Ayudante en los laboratorios de
Prostodoncia Total en los cursos formales de
Licenciatura durante los semestres 2010-1, 2010
2 y 2011-1
Profesor titular
Dr. Raúl Sánchez Rubio Carrillo
Facultad de Odontología Mexicali UABC
v. Asistente Docente del Diplomado de
Odontología Estética Restaurativa
Periodo 2011-1 y 2011-2
Profesor titular Dr. Arturo Chip Ortega
Facultad de Odontologia Mexicali UABC
2013 – 1/ 2014-2
Coordinación Clínicas de Odontología
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Campus Valle de las Palmas
2012 – 1/ 2013-2
Coordinación de Servicio Social
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Campus Valle de las Palmas
Tijuana B.C.
Tijuana B.C.
18 de Marzo de 2013
Asunción -Paraguay
Titular: M.D. Ana Gabriela Magallanes
Titulo: Niveles de estrés en estudiantes de odontología.
Revista científica de Psicología EUREKA
Volumen 10, no.1 / 2013
ISNN 2219-0559, E-ISSN 2220-9026
Órgano Oficial de la Carrera de psicología, facultad de Filosofía y
Ciencias humanas, de la Universidad Católica “Ntra. Sra. De la
Proyecto de Investigación
Tijuana B.C.
Universidad autónoma de Baja California
Centro de Ciencias de la Salud – Valle de las Palmas
04/ Jun/2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave 15365: Técnicas de Provicionalizacion
17/ Ene /2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave 16349: Fundamentos de Estética facial y Dental
17/ Ene /2013
Tijuana B.C.
Registro de programas de unidad de Aprendizaje (PUA)
Clave s/n: Seminario de Actualización Odontológica
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 12-15 de Agosto de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 16-19 de Mayo de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 21-24 de Febrero de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 24-27 de Enero de 2014
Duración 40 hrs.
Conferencia “Desastres: la intervención profesional detrás
de la emergencia”
16 de Octubre de 2013
Tijuana B.C.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 11-14 de Octubre de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Segundo Seminario Diagnostico De Prostodoncia Parcial
Tijuana B.C.
9 de Septiembre de 2013
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 12-19 de Agosto de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Curso Teórico Practico: “Live Surgical Dental Implant
Tijuana B.C.
Del 19-22 de Julio de 2013
Duración 40 hrs.
Primer Seminario Diagnostico De Prostodoncia Parcial
Tijuana B.C.
24 de Mayo de 2013
Conferencia “ENDOPOSTES”
Tijuana B.C.
8 de Febrero de 2013
Taller de Actualización en Sistema Integral de Servicio
1 de Enero de 2013
Tijuana B.C.
Primer Coloquio de Servicio Social Profesional
30 de Octubre de 2012
Tijuana B.C.
1-2 /Octubre/2012
Ultradent Seminars
1st. Awared with a 24 hour Bond Strength of 63.20 MPa
28/Agosto /2013
Subsecretaria de Educación Superior
Dirección General de Educación Superior Universitaria
“Reconocimiento al Perfil deseable para profesores de
tiempo completo”
Periodo 16-07-2014 a 15-07-2017
19 de Septiembre 2012
1er Foro de la red Nacional de la ANUIES
(Asociacion Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior)
México, D.F.
Tema: “Cultura de higiene personal y prevención de
enfermedades en estudiantes universitarios”
19 de Octubre 2007
Jurisdicción de Servicios de Salud No.1 Mexicali
Capacitación Mensual para Odontólogos
Tema: “Odontología Preventiva”
Mexicali, B.C.
05/Agosto /2014
Estetica 100% acrilico
TEPD. Miquel Coronel Artigas
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
Mexicali B.C
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Tecate B.C
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Tecate B.C
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Capacitacion en el Sistema de Institucional de Tutorias”
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Indirect Composite Fabrication
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Sistem Waxing
Anaheim, CA.
Anaheim, CA.
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Manejo de Articulador Bioart
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Anomalías Vasculares en la Región de Cabeza y Cuello”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Estratificacion de resinas”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Aquarius la Nueva era de la Ciencia”
18 – 21 /Sep / 13
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Munich, Alemania
International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED)
8th World Congress
18 /Sep / 13
Munich, Alemania
International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED)
Workshop I: Neueste trends in der CAD/CAM – Zahnmedizin
Workshop I: Latest Trends in CAD/CAM Dentistry
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“II Seminario de Prótesis Parcial Removible”
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Ivoclar vivadent
Tecate B.C
Cd. México D.F.
XVIII Seminario Ivoclar Vivadent
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Curso a distancia en la Plataforma Blackboard”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
International Academy of Dental Implant
Dr. Samuel Lee
Tecate B.C
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Biología de la Oclusión”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México
“Taller de Actualización en Sistema Integral del Servicio Social”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj.
“Capacitación en el Sistema Institucional de tutorías”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Seminario de experiencias docentes”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Primer coloquio de servicio social profesional”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj.
“ Taller de Presentación del formato de examen escrito homologado para
los programas educativos de médico, cirujano dentista, psicología y
Ultradent Products Inc.
“Ultradent International Conference”
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mesa de Trabajo Ética y Responsabilidad Social
Utha. USA
Cd. México D.F.
“Cultura de Higiene Personal y Prevención de Enfermedades en
Estudiantes Universitarios”
1er Foro de la Red Nacional de Servicio Social de la ANUIES
“ Aprendizajes Orientados a Soluciones Sociales”
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California
“Capacitación Institucional de tutorías”
Autónoma de Baja California
Valle de las Palmas Tj. México Universidad
“Taller de Actualización en sistema integral de servicio social”
Ivoclar vivadent
XVI Seminario Ivoclar Vivadent
Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.
23rd International Symposium on Ceramics
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Mexicali, A.C.
Cd. México D.F.
San Diego C.A.
Mexicali B.C.
Congreso Magno de Actualización en Implantología Protesica y Quirúrgica
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
“Sistema de Implantes B &W”
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Implantología Oral
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Baja California A.C.
“Tratamiento Integral en Padecimientos Odontogenicos”
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Baja California A.C.
“Congreso Magno de Implantología”
Coa Internacional
“Ceromero de Premise Indirect”
Centro Logístico Vital CLV, S.A. de C.V. y VITA Zahnfabrik
Curso Master
“Un Retorno a las raíces”
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Indirect Composite Fabrication
KERR Sybron Dental Specialties
Advanced Esthetic Waxing
Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Mexicali, A.C.
-Eyüboğlu High School
-Yeditepe University Dentist (Honor Degree)
-Acıbadem Hospital
-Superdent Dental Clinic
-Luna Dente Clinic
Professional Organization Memberships
- ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) ,
- TDB (Turkish Dentists Association)
- EDAD (Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association)
- Rotary Instrument Root Canal Shaping Systems,
- Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthetic Restorations,
- Dental Photography,
- Botox-Dermal Filler--Mesotherapy,
- Anterior Region Aesthetic Composite Restorations,
- Laminate Veneer Porcelains,
- Basic Implantology,
- Double Immediate Implant Loading in Total Edentulousness,
- Soft Tissue Surgery,
- Hard Tissue Formation
Read moreEducation
-Eyüboğlu High School
-Yeditepe University Dentist (Honor Degree)
-Acıbadem Hospital
-Superdent Dental Clinic
-Luna Dente Clinic
Professional Organization Memberships
- ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) ,
- TDB (Turkish Dentists Association)
- EDAD (Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association)
- Rotary Instrument Root Canal Shaping Systems,
- Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthetic Restorations,
- Dental Photography,
- Botox-Dermal Filler--Mesotherapy,
- Anterior Region Aesthetic Composite Restorations,
- Laminate Veneer Porcelains,
- Basic Implantology,
- Double Immediate Implant Loading in Total Edentulousness,
- Soft Tissue Surgery,
- Hard Tissue Formation
Dental Surgeon, Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM. Specialty in Oral Prosthetics and Implantology, Department of Postgraduate Studies and Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico Diploma in Digital Implantology, Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM Diploma in Administration and Management of Dental Clinics, Universidad Anáhuac
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August 2012 – Present Private Practice, Dental Office.
Sept 2017 – Nov. 2018 Medical Director, Dental Clinic
March 2013 – May 2016 Private Practice, Maxillofacial Surgery and Specialized Dentistry Clinic.
Feb 2012 – June 2012 Dental Assistant with Sp. César Cortés Servín, Prosthetist. Prosthetist.
Jan 2011 – May 2011 Dental Assistant with Sp. Roberto Lima Mendoza, Prosthetist.
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• Active Member, Academy of Osseointegration • Active Member, International Team for Implantology ITI Mexico • United Association for Prosthodontics A.C. Mexico
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2020-2024 Mexican Council of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation A.C..
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Dental Surgeon, Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM. Specialty in Oral Prosthetics and Implantology, Department of Postgraduate Studies and Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico Diploma in Digital Implantology, Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM Diploma in Administration and Management of Dental Clinics, Universidad Anáhuac
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August 2012 – Present Private Practice, Dental Office.
Sept 2017 – Nov. 2018 Medical Director, Dental Clinic
March 2013 – May 2016 Private Practice, Maxillofacial Surgery and Specialized Dentistry Clinic.
Feb 2012 – June 2012 Dental Assistant with Sp. César Cortés Servín, Prosthetist. Prosthetist.
Jan 2011 – May 2011 Dental Assistant with Sp. Roberto Lima Mendoza, Prosthetist.
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• Active Member, Academy of Osseointegration • Active Member, International Team for Implantology ITI Mexico • United Association for Prosthodontics A.C. Mexico
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2020-2024 Mexican Council of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation A.C..
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Doctor's visit | price on request |
Installation of PFM crown | $430 |
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Dedicated dentist with 28+ years of experience providing professional dental services and compassionate patient care. Proficient in doing extractions .Implants,All on 4 and hollywood smiles. Prominent achievements include increasing patient retention rates by implementing new scanning technology. Seeking to bring my expertise and expand my prosthodontist skills.As a dentist, I have the unique ability to improve the oral health of my patients. I can relieve their pain, restore their smiles, and positively impact their overall well-being. Seeing the transformation in my patients’ lives is incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s alleviating toothaches, treating gum diseases, or performing complex dental procedures, I know that my work is making a real difference..
Read moreDedicated dentist with 28+ years of experience providing professional dental services and compassionate patient care. Proficient in doing extractions .Implants,All on 4 and hollywood smiles. Prominent achievements include increasing patient retention rates by implementing new scanning technology. Seeking to bring my expertise and expand my prosthodontist skills.As a dentist, I have the unique ability to improve the oral health of my patients. I can relieve their pain, restore their smiles, and positively impact their overall well-being. Seeing the transformation in my patients’ lives is incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s alleviating toothaches, treating gum diseases, or performing complex dental procedures, I know that my work is making a real difference..
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Installation of PFM crown | $100 - $200 |
My passion for dentistry goes beyond fixing teeth—it’s about helping people who are scared or have had tough experiences. I specialize in creating a positive dental experience, especially for those with dental anxiety due to past traumas or negative experiences. I take pride in being super gentle, kind, and patient, giving my full attention to each person. It’s not just about fixing smiles; it’s about rebuilding confidence.Seeing someone relax and trust the dentist again is incredibly fulfilling for me. I love being in a position where people can feel safe and gradually overcome their fears. It’s not just a job; it’s a personal mission to make dentistry a positive and comfortable experience for everyone.
Read moreMy passion for dentistry goes beyond fixing teeth—it’s about helping people who are scared or have had tough experiences. I specialize in creating a positive dental experience, especially for those with dental anxiety due to past traumas or negative experiences. I take pride in being super gentle, kind, and patient, giving my full attention to each person. It’s not just about fixing smiles; it’s about rebuilding confidence.Seeing someone relax and trust the dentist again is incredibly fulfilling for me. I love being in a position where people can feel safe and gradually overcome their fears. It’s not just a job; it’s a personal mission to make dentistry a positive and comfortable experience for everyone.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Installation of PFM crown | $100 - $200 |
Gökmen Kaya/ Head Dentist
Date of Birth: 1979
Place of Birth: Giresun, Turkey
· High School: Namık Kemal High School, Samsun
· University: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry
· Graduation Year: 2004
· Private Dental Practice
· Operated a private dental practice, delivering comprehensive dental care services.
· Private Hospital
· Provided dental care and treatments in a private hospital setting.
· Smiles Turkey
· Joined the Smiles Turkey family in late 2023, contributing to advanced dental
treatments and patient care.
· Prosthodontist
· Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and maintenance of oral function,
comfort, appearance, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with
missing or deficient teeth and/or oral and maxillofacial tissues.
· Crowns and Veneers: Skilled in restoring and enhancing the appearance and function
of teeth using crowns and veneers.
· Composite Bonding: Proficient in cosmetic dental procedures to improve the
appearance of teeth using composite materials.
· Root Canal Treatment: Experienced in performing endodontic therapy to treat
infected tooth pulp.
· Fillings: Expert in restoring damaged teeth with dental fillings.
· Periodontal Gum Treatment: Specializes in treating gum diseases to maintain oral
Read moreGökmen Kaya/ Head Dentist
Date of Birth: 1979
Place of Birth: Giresun, Turkey
· High School: Namık Kemal High School, Samsun
· University: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry
· Graduation Year: 2004
· Private Dental Practice
· Operated a private dental practice, delivering comprehensive dental care services.
· Private Hospital
· Provided dental care and treatments in a private hospital setting.
· Smiles Turkey
· Joined the Smiles Turkey family in late 2023, contributing to advanced dental
treatments and patient care.
· Prosthodontist
· Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and maintenance of oral function,
comfort, appearance, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with
missing or deficient teeth and/or oral and maxillofacial tissues.
· Crowns and Veneers: Skilled in restoring and enhancing the appearance and function
of teeth using crowns and veneers.
· Composite Bonding: Proficient in cosmetic dental procedures to improve the
appearance of teeth using composite materials.
· Root Canal Treatment: Experienced in performing endodontic therapy to treat
infected tooth pulp.
· Fillings: Expert in restoring damaged teeth with dental fillings.
· Periodontal Gum Treatment: Specializes in treating gum diseases to maintain oral
Dr. Direnç Ulaşan
I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.
Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.
I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.
I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.
In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.
Read moreDr. Direnç Ulaşan
I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.
Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.
I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.
I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.
In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.
Endodontic dentist
Graduated (M.D. From)
Doctor of Dental Surgery, Chulalongkorn University, 2nd class honors
Master of Science (Endodontics), Chulalongkorn University
Dental specialist focuses on complex tooth problems that primarily affect tooth pulp. the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues deep inside each tooth.
Diplomate, Thai board of Endodontics
Current Positions
Endodontist at Intrarat Hospita
Read more
Endodontic dentist
Graduated (M.D. From)
Doctor of Dental Surgery, Chulalongkorn University, 2nd class honors
Master of Science (Endodontics), Chulalongkorn University
Dental specialist focuses on complex tooth problems that primarily affect tooth pulp. the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues deep inside each tooth.
Diplomate, Thai board of Endodontics
Current Positions
Endodontist at Intrarat Hospita
Name: Dr. Samed Reshlani
Contact Information:
Website: ibsdental.com
Nationality: Albanian
Languages: Albanian (native), English, Italian
Professional Summary
Dr. Samed Reshlani is a skilled and compassionate oral surgeon with a specialization in oral surgery from Albania University, where he graduated in 2021. In just three years of practice, he has successfully treated over 2,000 patients, building a reputation for precision, professionalism, and a patient-first approach. Known for using the latest dental technologies and techniques, Dr. Samed Reshlani ensures each patient receives advanced, comfortable, and personalized care, making him a trusted expert in oral surgery.
Albania University
Specialization: Oral Surgery
Graduation Year: 2021
Professional Experience
IBS | Dental Clinic
Position: Oral Surgeon
Years of Practice: 2021 - Present
Treated over 2,000 patients, performing complex oral surgery and advanced dental procedures with high success rates.
Specializes in patient-centered care, prioritizing comfort and precision to provide the best possible treatment experience.
Uses state-of-the-art dental technology to offer cutting-edge care, ensuring patients benefit from the latest in dental advancements.
Involved in dental tourism, providing all-inclusive treatment packages for patients traveling to IBS | Dental Clinic.
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Advanced dental procedures and implantology
Patient-centered care
Modern diagnostic tools and dental technology
Multilingual communication (Albanian, English, Italian)
Additional Information
Dental Tourism: Offers comprehensive treatment packages for patients traveling from abroad, with an all-inclusive approach.
Professional Development: Committed to continuous learning and maintaining expertise in the latest dental techniques.
Read moreName: Dr. Samed Reshlani
Contact Information:
Website: ibsdental.com
Nationality: Albanian
Languages: Albanian (native), English, Italian
Professional Summary
Dr. Samed Reshlani is a skilled and compassionate oral surgeon with a specialization in oral surgery from Albania University, where he graduated in 2021. In just three years of practice, he has successfully treated over 2,000 patients, building a reputation for precision, professionalism, and a patient-first approach. Known for using the latest dental technologies and techniques, Dr. Samed Reshlani ensures each patient receives advanced, comfortable, and personalized care, making him a trusted expert in oral surgery.
Albania University
Specialization: Oral Surgery
Graduation Year: 2021
Professional Experience
IBS | Dental Clinic
Position: Oral Surgeon
Years of Practice: 2021 - Present
Treated over 2,000 patients, performing complex oral surgery and advanced dental procedures with high success rates.
Specializes in patient-centered care, prioritizing comfort and precision to provide the best possible treatment experience.
Uses state-of-the-art dental technology to offer cutting-edge care, ensuring patients benefit from the latest in dental advancements.
Involved in dental tourism, providing all-inclusive treatment packages for patients traveling to IBS | Dental Clinic.
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Advanced dental procedures and implantology
Patient-centered care
Modern diagnostic tools and dental technology
Multilingual communication (Albanian, English, Italian)
Additional Information
Dental Tourism: Offers comprehensive treatment packages for patients traveling from abroad, with an all-inclusive approach.
Professional Development: Committed to continuous learning and maintaining expertise in the latest dental techniques.
Queen's Medical Center caters to individuals in search of exceptional medical tourism experiences and the perfect healing environment for optimal wellness and satisfaction. Queens aims to be a leading provider in the medical tourism industry by offering affordable, high-quality healthcare services including dental implantation, hair transplantation, cosmetic procedures, in-home senior care and disability support, wellness programs, and unparalleled vacation packages. Our team of skilled doctors from the UK and Germany deliver world-class treatments at competitive prices. We strive to exceed expectations by providing medical tourists with a premium experience through an impressive network of highly-rated, certified medical clinics and hospitals. With a focus on affordability, comprehensive services from renowned European physicians, and unforgettable destinations, Queen's Medical Center is the ultimate choice for those seeking to combine cost-effective dental implants, hair restoration, and other medical treatments with a rejuvenating getaway.
Read moreQueen's Medical Center caters to individuals in search of exceptional medical tourism experiences and the perfect healing environment for optimal wellness and satisfaction. Queens aims to be a leading provider in the medical tourism industry by offering affordable, high-quality healthcare services including dental implantation, hair transplantation, cosmetic procedures, in-home senior care and disability support, wellness programs, and unparalleled vacation packages. Our team of skilled doctors from the UK and Germany deliver world-class treatments at competitive prices. We strive to exceed expectations by providing medical tourists with a premium experience through an impressive network of highly-rated, certified medical clinics and hospitals. With a focus on affordability, comprehensive services from renowned European physicians, and unforgettable destinations, Queen's Medical Center is the ultimate choice for those seeking to combine cost-effective dental implants, hair restoration, and other medical treatments with a rejuvenating getaway.
Dr. Samir Göyüşov
Accessory Mental/Buccal Foramina: Case Report and Review of Literature
Goyushov S, Tözüm MD, Tözüm TF.
Journal: Implant Dentistry
Date: October 2017
Transplantation of Autogenous Bone Block with an Osseointegrated Implant: Seedling Technique
[Additional details can be included here if available]
The 2nd Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2019: Summary and Consensus Statements: Group 1-Biological Aspects of Tooth Extraction, Socket Healing and Indications for Socket Preservation
Gintaras Juodzbalys, Povilas Daugela, Onurcem Duruel, Maria Helena Fernandes, Pedro de Sousa Gomes, Samir Goyushov, Lorena Mariano, Lukas Poskevicius, Arturas Stumbras, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019
Morphological Classification of Extraction Sockets and Clinical Decision Tree for Socket Preservation/Augmentation after Tooth Extraction: a Systematic Review
Gintaras Juodzhalys, Arturas Stumbras, Samir Goyushov, Onurcem Duruel, Tolga Fikret Tanim.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019
Mandibular Cortical Indices and Their Relation to Gender and Age in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: Dentomaxillofac Radiol
Date: March 2020
An Alternative Treatment for Hopeless Implants: Coronal Resection
H Burak Kutlu, Samir Goyushov, Tolga F. Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Biol Craniofac Res
Date: Apr-Jun 2020
Elevated Interleukin-17A Expression in Amlodipine-Induced Gingival Overgrowth
Siddika Selva Sume, Ezel Berker, Yagmur Ilarslan, Ozlem Ozer Yucel, Cagman Tan, Samir Goyushov, Sibel E Gultekin, Ilhan Tezcan.
Journal: J Periodontal Res
Date: October 2020
Three-Dimensional Calculation of Sinus Augmentation Volume after Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Kaan Orhan, Tolga Tözüm.
Journal: Dent J
Date: May 2021
Dr. Samir Göyüşov
Accessory Mental/Buccal Foramina: Case Report and Review of Literature
Goyushov S, Tözüm MD, Tözüm TF.
Journal: Implant Dentistry
Date: October 2017
Transplantation of Autogenous Bone Block with an Osseointegrated Implant: Seedling Technique
[Additional details can be included here if available]
The 2nd Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2019: Summary and Consensus Statements: Group 1-Biological Aspects of Tooth Extraction, Socket Healing and Indications for Socket Preservation
Gintaras Juodzbalys, Povilas Daugela, Onurcem Duruel, Maria Helena Fernandes, Pedro de Sousa Gomes, Samir Goyushov, Lorena Mariano, Lukas Poskevicius, Arturas Stumbras, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019
Morphological Classification of Extraction Sockets and Clinical Decision Tree for Socket Preservation/Augmentation after Tooth Extraction: a Systematic Review
Gintaras Juodzhalys, Arturas Stumbras, Samir Goyushov, Onurcem Duruel, Tolga Fikret Tanim.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019
Mandibular Cortical Indices and Their Relation to Gender and Age in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: Dentomaxillofac Radiol
Date: March 2020
An Alternative Treatment for Hopeless Implants: Coronal Resection
H Burak Kutlu, Samir Goyushov, Tolga F. Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Biol Craniofac Res
Date: Apr-Jun 2020
Elevated Interleukin-17A Expression in Amlodipine-Induced Gingival Overgrowth
Siddika Selva Sume, Ezel Berker, Yagmur Ilarslan, Ozlem Ozer Yucel, Cagman Tan, Samir Goyushov, Sibel E Gultekin, Ilhan Tezcan.
Journal: J Periodontal Res
Date: October 2020
Three-Dimensional Calculation of Sinus Augmentation Volume after Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Kaan Orhan, Tolga Tözüm.
Journal: Dent J
Date: May 2021
Dentist Gamze Güldüz | Zirve Dental Marmaris
Dentist Gamze Güldüz is a dedicated professional specializing in aesthetic dentistry and implant treatments at Zirve Dental Marmaris. In her modern, state-of-the-art clinic, she offers personalized solutions to help her patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. With a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction, Dr. Güldüz takes the time to understand individual needs and expectations, ensuring exceptional results. Serving both local and international patients, she provides the perfect opportunity to combine high-quality dental care with an unforgettable holiday experience in Marmaris. Her expertise and passion make her a trusted name for creating redeyt smiles that last a lifetime.
Dentist Gamze Güldüz | Zirve Dental Marmaris
Dentist Gamze Güldüz is a dedicated professional specializing in aesthetic dentistry and implant treatments at Zirve Dental Marmaris. In her modern, state-of-the-art clinic, she offers personalized solutions to help her patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. With a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction, Dr. Güldüz takes the time to understand individual needs and expectations, ensuring exceptional results. Serving both local and international patients, she provides the perfect opportunity to combine high-quality dental care with an unforgettable holiday experience in Marmaris. Her expertise and passion make her a trusted name for creating redeyt smiles that last a lifetime.