Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Ozbasli is a board-certified OB-GYN and Genital Cosmetic Surgeon with over 21 years of experience. Her dedication to excellence and patient satisfaction has established the clinic as a trusted destination for women's health and aesthetic procedures in Nişantaşı, heart of Istanbul.
Dr. Ozbasli received her medical degree from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, followed by specialized training in obstetrics and gynecology at Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Women and Children Diseases Training and Research Hospital.
After working as an academician at Acıbadem University for 12 years, she became an associate professor there by exhibiting her scientific articles in many respected international scientific journals published in Pubmed. During this period, she trained many medical students and OBGYN specialist colleagues in the field of genital aesthetics surgery, urogyneacology.
Her advanced training in genital cosmetic surgery provided her with expertise in the latest techniques for enhancing and restoring female genital aesthetics and function. Dr. Ozbasli holds certifications in Genital Aesthetics and Cosmetic Gynecology (Vaginal Rejuvenation), Certificate of da Vinci System Training as a Console Surgeon (since 2013) and the ECFMG certificate for foreign medical graduates.
Additionally, she possesses advanced-level English proficiency (TOEFL score 600 in 2003), ensuring clear communication with international patients. Dr. Ozbasli completed an observership in New York University in 2005.
Specialized Services:
International Patient Services
The clinic provides a comprehensive package service for international patients that includes:
Why Choose Dr. Ozbasli's Clinic
Doctor's visit | price on request |
/PRGF ovarian rejuvenation | $4650 |
Medical Field of lnterest
Invitro , Repeated ivf failure, Recurrent miscarriage, Reproductive immunology, Labioplasty ,Vaginoplasty
• Turkish Medical Association
• Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics(TJOD)
• Society for and In (TUBID)
• European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
Courses and Training Programs Attended
1. Experimental Animal Use and Ethical Approach - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 2003
2. Early Pregnancy Ultrasound Course - Istanbul 2004
3. Neonatal Resuscitation Program -Istanbul 2004
4. Basic Statistics Training Course - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 2004
5. 3D Vienna International School of 3D Ultrasonography - Vienna 2005
6. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress- Colposcopy Course -Antalya 2009
7. Colposcopy Course- TJOD Istanbul Branch 2009
8. Health Law Certificate Program - Istanbul 2010
9. Expert Witness Training Program in Cases Arising from Medical Interventions - Istanbul 2014
10. Ovulation Induction Course- 4th Acibadem Days- Istanbul 2016
11. Emergency Obstetric Care Clinician Training - Ministry of Health - 2019
12. Aesthetic Genital Surgery Fellowship - The British Academy of CME- 2023
13. International Cosmetic and Functional Gynecology- ISAGSS- 2023
Read moreGynecology and Obstetrics
Pendik Medipol University Hospital
2011 Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics
2005 İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine
1- Tola EN, Mungan MT, Uğuz AC, Naziroğlu M. Intracellular Ca2+ and antioxidant values induced positive effect on fertilisation ratio and oocyte quality of granulosa cells in patients undergoing fertilisation. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2013;
2- Tola EN, Elezoglu B, Dellal FD. Simple vulval trichilemmal cyst. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2013 Apr;
3- Bilen E, Tola EN, Oral B, Doguç DK, Günyeli I, Köse SA, Ilhan I. Do follicular fluid gelatinase levels affect rates and oocyte quality? Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014 Dec;
4- Tola EN, Karatopuk DU, Koroglu N, Ergin M, Oral HB. Follicular ADAMTS-1 and aggrecan levels in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Jun;
5- Tola EN, Yalcin SE, Dugan N. The predictive effect of inflammatory markers and lipid accumulation product index on clinical symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome in nonobese adolescents and younger aged women. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 Jul;
6- Tola EN, Koroglu ND, Yalcin SE, Oral HB. The role of serum ADAMTS-1 and aggrecan on polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents and younger-aged females. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Feb;
7- Koroglu N, Tola E, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Turhan U, Topcu G, Dag I. Maternal serum AMP-activated protein kinase levels in mild and severe preeclampsia. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Mar
8- Tola EN. The association between outcome and the inflammatory markers of complete blood count among nonobese unexplained infertile couples. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2018 Apr;
9- Asci H, Erol O, Ellidag HY, Tola EN, Savran M, Ozmen O. Pathological effects of cigarettes on the ctive system and the protective effects of alpha-lipoic acid in female rats. Toxicol Ind Health. 2018 Jun;
10- Tola EN, Köroğlu N, Ergin M, Oral HB, Turgut A, Erel Ö. The Role of Follicular Fluid Thiol/Disulphide Homeostasis in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Balkan Med J. 2018 Jul 24;
11- Tola EN, Koroglu N, Yıldırım GY, Koca HB. The role of ADAMTS-2, collagen type-1, TIMP-3 and papilin levels of uterosacral and cardinal ligaments in the etiopathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse among women without stress urinary incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018 Oct
12- Yildirim Bas F, Tola EN, Sak S, Cankaya BA The role of complete blood inflammation markers in the prediction of spontaneous abortion. Pak J Med Sci. 2018 Nov-Dec;
13- Tola EN, Aslan Koşar P, Ulusoy Karatopuk D, Sancer O, Oral HB. The effect of DNA damage of cumulus oophorus cells and lymphocytes analyzed by alkaline comet assay on oocyte quality and ICSI success among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2019 Mar;
14- Koroglu N, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Nur Tola E, Fitnat Topbas N, Turhan, U, Yetkin Yildirim G. Increased pancreatic-derived factor (PANDER) levels in gestational diabetes mellitus. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019 Apr
15- Koroglu N, Tayyar A, Tola EN, Yetkin Yildirim G, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Dag I, Acar DK. Increased levels of the novel hepatokine fetuin B in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 May;
16- Köroğlu N, Aydogan Mathyk B, Tola EN, Aslan Çetin B, Yüksel Temel I, Dağ I, Yildirim Yetkin G. Gremlin-1 and Gremlin-2 levels in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and their clinical correlations. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019 Jul;
17- Tola EN, Oral HB. The role of paternal obesity on the success of intra cytoplasmic sperm injection cycle in a tertiary center in Turkey. J Pak Med Assoc. 2019;
18- Tola EN. The effect of anesthetic agents for oocyte pick-up on outcome: A retrospective study in a tertiary center. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep;
19- Bakar Z, Koroglu N, Turkgeldi L, Tola EN, Aslan Cetin B, Gedikbasi A. Maternal serum procalcitonin levels in prediction of chorioamnionitis in women with preterm premature rupture of membranes. Archives of Medical Science (DOI: Online publish date: 2019/07/
20- Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Köroglu N, Oral B. The association of Type D personality and depression with in in women. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Feb
21- Cebe FS, Tola EN, Koşar Aslan P, Oral B. DNA methylation profiles of genes associated with angiogenesis in the samples of placenta in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Oct
22- Tola EN. First trimester spontaneous uterine rupture in a young woman with uterine anomaly. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2014;
Tola EN, Erdemoglu E, Erdemoglu E. Uterine sparing surgical methods in pelvic organ prolapse. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Sep;
23- Kose SA, Akkurt MO, Yavuz A, Eris S, Tola EN, Ozkaya MO, Sezik M. Conventional 22- and 20-gauge needle for second trimester amniocentesis: A comparison of short term outcomes. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Mar;
24- Tola EN, Erdemoglu E, Yalçın Y, Alkaya Solmaz F, Erdemoglu E. A 27-kg mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary presenting with deep vein thrombosis. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Mar;
Aydin C, Eris Yalcin S, Yalcin Y, Uysal D, Akkurt MO, Yavuz A, Sen Selim H, Tola EN. Risk factors of placenta previa: a population based study and the review of the literature. Medicine Science 2016;
25- Koroglu N, Tayyar A, Tola EN, Aslan Cetin B, Okmen Ozkan B, Yalcın Bahat P, Yetkin Yildirim G, Bagci Cakmak K, Temel Yuksel I. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, mean platelet volume and plateletcrit in isolated intrauterine growth restriction and prediction of being born small for gestational age. Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2017;
26- Yetkin Yildirim G, Koroglu N, Tayyar A, Demirezen G, Tola EN. Preliminary Results of a Controlled Randomized Study on Double-Balloon Catheter vs. Dinoprostone Vaginal Insert for Induction of Labor With an Unfavorable Cervix. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2018 Apr;
27- Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Koroglu N, Oral HB. Adolesan ve genç yaş kadınlarda poliskitik over sendromu etyopatogenezinde ADAMTS-1 ve agrekanın rolu. 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology & 15th Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17- 21 May 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
28- Tola EN, Eris Yalcin S, Koroglu Dugan N. Nonobez adolesanlarda LAP indeks ve inflamatuar belirteclerin PCOS etyopatogenezinde ve PCOS’la ilişkili klinik durumların oluşmasındaki etkisi. 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology & 15th Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17- 21 May 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
29- Tola EN, Karatopuk DU, Köroğlu N, Ergin M, Oral HB. Follicular ADAMTS-1 and aggrecan levels in polycystic ovary syndrome. 33th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, 2- 5 July 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.
30- Tola EN, Bilen E, Oral HB, Doguç DK, Günyeli İ, İlhan İ. Folikuler sıvı gelatinaz düzeyinin oosit kalitesi ve fertilizasyona etkisi. 19th World Congress on in Conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, 4- 8 October 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye..
31- Tola EN, Akkuş F. Oosit toplama işlemi sırasında kullanılan anestezik ajanların fertilizasyon sonucuna etkisi. 19th World Congress on in Conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, 4- 8 October, 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye.
32- Koroglu N, Tola EN, Temel Yuksel I, Aslan Cetin B, Turhan U, Topcu G, Dag I. Maternal serum AMP-activated protein kinase levels in mild and severe preeclampsia. 26th European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 8-10 March 2018, Paris, France.
33- Cebe FS, Tola EN, Koşar Aslan P, Oral B. DNA methylation profiles of genes associated with anginonesis in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. 14th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, 11-14 September 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
34- Tola EN, Şentürk R. The role of systemic and local oxidant-antioxidant status on embryo quality and intracytoplasmic sperm injection- embryo transfer success in unexplained infertile women, 20-22 September 2019, Radisson Blu, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.
35- Unal S, Tola EN, Karahasanoğlu A. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle (ICSI) outcome in patients under 35 years old with diminished ovarian reserve plus severe male factor, 20-22 September 2019, Radisson Blu, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.
36- Tola EN. The role of Type D personality on outcome among women with unexplained in. 20th World Congress of i Fertilization, 24-26 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
37- Köroğlu N, Akca A, Bakar Z, Topçu G, Tola EN, Yetkin Yıldırım G, Aslan Çetin B. The factors affect patient satisfaction after transobturator teyp (TOT) operation. 25. European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology&15. Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, May, 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
38- Tola EN, Eris Yalçın S, Koroglu Dugan N, Oral HB. Tip D kişilik yapısının kadın fertilitesi üzerine etkisi. 19th world congress on in conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, October 4- 8 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye.
39- Tola EN. Açıklanamayan infertilitesi olan kadınlarda tam kan sayımındaki inflamatuar parametrelerin araştırılması. 19th World Congress on in Conjuction with 6th Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Congress, October 4- 8 2017, Regnum Carya, Antalya, Türkiye.
40- Sancer O, Aslan Kosar P, Safi Oz Z, Tola EN, Togay AV, Ciris IM. Micronucleus detection in cervical smear and comet tests in blood sample of ctive and menopausal periods for DNA damage evaluation. 6th International Congress of Molecular Medicine, 22- 25 May 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
41- Tola EN, Ozkaya O. Genç bir hastada total uterin prolapsus tedavisinde Carter-Thomason operasyonu: olgu sunumu. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;
42- Tola EN. Hiperemezis gravidarumda tedavi modaliteleri. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;
43- Tola EN. Oksi̇dan ve anti̇oksi̇dan si̇stemleri̇n kadın ferti̇li̇tesi̇ne etki̇leri. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;
44- Aynalı A, Cicioğlu B, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin E. Isparta Yöresindeki Kadınlarda Sitomegalovirüs Seropozitiflik Oranları. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine. 2015;
45- Aynalı A, Cicioğlu B, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin E. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’ne başvuran doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda gözlenen anti-Toxo IgM ve IgG seropozitifliği. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi. 2016;
46- Bilen E, Yüksel M, Sezik M, Köse SA, Tola EN. Gebeliğin 11-14 haftasında karyotipleme amaçlı koryon villüs biyopsisi: 42 Olgunun değerlendirilmesi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;
47- Aynalı A, Cicioğlu B, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin E. Doğurganlık Yaş Grubundaki Kadınlarda Rubella IgM ve IgG Seroprevalansı. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;
48- Tola EN, Oral HB. Erken Erişkinlik Döneminde Serum Ferritin ve C-Reaktif Protein Düzeylerinin Polikistik Over Sendromu Etyopatogenezine ve İlişkili Klinik Durumlara Etkisi. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2018;
49- Yalçın Eriş S, Yalçın Y, Tola EN, Yavuz A, Akkurt MO, Sezik M, Özkaya MO. Fetal manyetik rezonans görüntüleme endikasyonlarının incelenmesi. Perinataloji Dergisi.2018;
50- Tola EN, Güney M. Embryo ve fundal endometrial yüzey arasındaki mesafenin intra sitoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu sikluslarında sonuçlara etkisi. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. 2018;
51- Köroğlu N, Yetkin Yıldırım G, Tola EN, Aslan Çetin B, Bağcı Çakmak K, Polat I. Açıklanamayan İnfertilitede Klomifen Sitrat ile Ovulasyon İndüksiyonunda Gebeliğe Etki Eden Faktörler. İKSSTD. 2019;
52- Tola EN, Mungan T, Bayhan G, Oral B, Güney M, Özatik O. İn vitro fertilizasyon hastalarından elde edilen granuloza hücrelerindeki intraseluler kalsiyum düzeyinin ve oksidan parametrelerin oosit kalitesine ve fertilizasyon oranlarına etkisi: Prospektif klinik çalışma. 9. Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetri Kongresi, 17-22 Mayıs 2011, Kervansaray Otel Antalya, Türkiye.
53- Tola EN, Günyeli I, Soyupek S, Köse SA, Erdemoğlu E. Pelvik organ prolapsusunda lapaparaskopik sakrohisteropeksi. 5. Uludağ Minimal İnvaziv Jinekoloji Sempozyumu ve akademisi, 23-26 Ocak 2014, Crown Plaza Hotel, Bursa, Türkiye.
54- Tola EN, Köroğlu N, Ergin M, Oral HB, Erel Ö. Polikistik Over Sendromunda Folikuler Sıvı Tiol/Disulfid Homeostazı. 13. Ulusal Uludağ Kış Kongresi, 2-5 Mart 2017, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
55- Tola EN. Pelvik organ prolapsusunda kollajen tip-1 ve kollajen metabolizması düzenleyicilerinin araştırılması. For the 2nd Minimal invaziv jinekolojik cerrahi kongresi. 21-25 Şubat 2018, Wyndham Grand Levent, İstanbul, Türkiye.
56- Tola EN. Embryo fundus mesafesinin ICSI sonuçlarına etkisi. 7. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyum ve Çalıştayı & 2. Üreme endokrinolojisi ve infertilite akademisi, 8-11 Mart 2018, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
57- Tola EN. Paternal obezitenin ICSI başarısına etkisi. 7. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyum ve Çalıştayı & 2. Üreme endokrinolojisi ve infertilite akademisi, 8-11 Mart 2018, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
58- Tola EN. Serum ferritin ve C-reaktif protein seviyelerinin PCOS etyopatogenezine ve ilişkili klinik durumlara etkisi. 7. Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyum ve Çalıştayı & 2. Üreme endokrinolojisi ve infertilite akademisi, 8-11 Mart 2018, Grand Yazıcı, Uludağ, Bursa, Türkiye.
59- Şentürk R, Tola EN, Oral HB, Doğuç Kumbul D, Bozkurt M. Serum ve folikuler sıvı vitamin B12, folat, homosistein, seviyelerinin infertilite etyolojisine ve fertilizasyon sonuçlarına etkisi. 15. Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetri Kongresi, 9-13 Mayıs 2018, Titanic Deluxe, Antalya, Türkiye.
60- Tola EN, Aslan Koşar P. The association between DNA damage of granulosa cells and oocyte quality. 15. Ulusal Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Kongresi, 8-11 Kasım 2018, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
61- Tola EN, Aslan Koşar P, Ulusoy Karatopuk D, Sancer O, Oral HB. The role of DNA integrity parameters of cumulus oophorus cells and lymphocytes on ICSI success among patients with PCOS. 15. Ulusal Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Kongresi, 8-11 Kasım 2018, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
62- Köroğlu N, Aydogan Mathyk B, Tola EN, Aslan Çetin B, Yüksel Temel I, Dağ I, Yıldırım Yetkin G. Polikistik over sendromu ve ilişkili klinik durumlarda gremlin-1 and gremlin-2 seviyeleri. 15. Ulusal Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Kongresi, 8-11 Kasım 2018, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
63- Ünal S, Tola EN, KarahasAnoğlu A. İyi overyan rezervli ileri yaş vakalarda preimplantasyonel genetik tanısız (PGT) iyi kalite blastokist transferinin gebelik sonuçlarına etkisi. 7. Üreme Tıbbı ve Cerrhisi Derneği Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 2019, Kaya palazzo, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
64- Yetkin Yıldırım G, Tola EN. Serum OKL38 seviyelerinin polikistik over sendromu etyopatogenezi ve ilgili klinik durumlarla ilişkisi. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon İndüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
65- Ünal S, Tola EN, Karahasanoğlu A. Elektif tek ve çift blastokist transferiyle klinik olarak gebe kalan 35 yaş altı kadınlarda obstetrik ve perinatal sonuçların karşılaştırılması. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
66- Tola EN. Foliküler ADAMTS-1 ve versikan seviyelerinin açıklanamayan infertile ve oosit kalitesiyle olan ilişkisinin araştırılması. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
67- Tola EN. Tam kan sayımındaki inflamatuar parametrelerin polikistik over sendromu oluşumuna ve fertilizasyon sonuçlarına etkisi, 1. Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
68- Kılınçdemir Turgut Ü, Tola EN, Sezik M. Fetal anomalilerin ilk trimester bulgularına dair deneyimlerimiz. 1ST Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Günleri, Ovulasyon Indüksiyonu Sempozyumu, 19-20 Ekim 2019, Shimall otel, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
69- Tola EN, Özkaya O. Uterin anomalili genç bir hastada birinci trimester spontan skars›z uterin rüptürü: Olgu sunumu, 14. Ulusal Perinataloji Kongresi, 19-22 Eylül 2013, Sarıgerme, Muğla, Türkiye.
70- Tola EN, Oral B, Köse SA, Günyeli İ. Genç bir hastada uterin prolapsus tedavisinde Carter-Thomason operasyonu: vaka sunumu. 6. Ulusal Ürojinekoloji Kongresi, Kasım 2013, İstanbul, Türkiye.
71- Yüksel M, Köse SA, Akkuş F, Tola EN. Sezeryan skarında endometriozis: vaka sunumu. 12. Ulusal Türk Jinekoloji ve Obsteri Kongresi, 15-19 Mayıs 2014, Rixos Sungate, Antalya, Türkiye.
72- Köse SA, Yüksel M, Günyeli İ, Tola EN. Fetal membranların prolabe olduğu servikal yetmezlik vakalarında acil serklaj uygulamaları. 12. Ulusal Türk Jinekoloji ve Obsteri Kongresi, 15-19 Mayıs 2014, Rixos Sungate, Antalya, Türkiye.
73- Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin ES. Isparta bölgesinde kadınlarda Toxoplazma seroprevelansı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
74- Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin ES. Isparta yöresinde kadınlarda Rubella seroprevelansı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
75- Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC, Tola EN, Önal S, Çetin ES. Isparta yöresinde kadınlarda CMV seroprevelansı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
76- Önal S, Tola EN, Çiftçi E, Aynalı A, Arıdoğan BC. Servikal smearda human papilloma virusun insidansı ve genetic dağılımı. 36. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 12-16 Kasım 2014, Kaya Palazzo, Antalya, Türkiye.
77- Yıldırım Baş F, Tola EN, Sak S, Çankaya BA. Düşüklerde hematolojik parametrelerin tanısal değeri. 10. Aile Hekimliği Araştırma Günleri, 6- 9 Nisan 2017, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sabancı Kültür Merkezi, Kayseri, Türkiye.
78- Eriş Yalçın S, Akkurt MO, Yalçın Y, Yavuz A, Tola EN, Sezik M. distal tirzomi 15q sendromunun prenatal bulguları. 16. Ulusal perinataloji kongresi, 28 Eylül-1 Ekim 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Bodrum, Türkiye.
79- Eriş Yalçın S, Yalçın Y, Tola EN, Yavuz A, Akkurt MO, Sezik M, Özkaya MO. Tersiyer bir merkezde fetal manyetik rezonan endikasyonlarının incelenmesi. 16. Ulusal perinataloji kongresi, 28 Eylül-1 Ekim 2017, Titanic Deluxe, Bodrum, Türkiye.
80- Tola EN, Şentürk R. Açıklanamayan infertilite etyopatogenezinde sistemik ve foliküler total oksidan status (TAS), total antioksidan status (TOS) ve oksidatif stres indeksinin (OSI) rolü, 7. Üreme Tıbbı ve Cerrhisi Derneği Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 2019, Kaya palazzo, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
81- Tola EN. Gebelikte beslenme. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Şurup Dergisi Nisan 2014; 5(17): 24-27.
82- Yürütücü - Oksidatif stresle aktive edilen cho hücrelerinde resveratrolun hücre içi kalsiyum sinyali ve apoptozis üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması’, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) 4091-TU2-14 nolu proje, 2016.
83- Yürütücü -İn vitro fertilizasyona giden hastalarin serum ve folikuler sivisinda vitamin, mikroelement, makroelement düzeylerini ve oksidatif ve antioksidan parametreleri araştırmak’, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) 4913-TU2-17 nolu proje, 2018.
84- Asistan Doktor Aysun Alpaslan Çulha - ‘Oksidatif stresle aktive edilen cho hücrelerinde resveratrolun hücre içi kalsiyum sinyali ve apoptozis üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması’ ; Doktora Tezi
85- Asistan Doktor Raziye Şentürk - ‘İn vitro fertilizasyona giden hastalarin serum ve folikuler sıvısında vitamin, mikroelement, makroelement düzeylerini ve oksidatif ve antioksidan parametreleri araştirmak’ ; Doktora Tezi
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Prof. Bülent Erol, MDE
• 2017- - Title of Profesor, İstanbul Medeniyet University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences
• 2012-2017 - Associate professor, İstanbul Medeniyet University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences
• 2011-2012 - Associate professor, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences
• 2006-2010 - Assistant professor, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences
• 1997-2003 - Expertise in Medicine, İstanbul University, İstanbul Medical Faculty, Urology
• 1991-1997 - İstanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Master's Degree
• 2003 – 2006 - V.K.V Amerikan Hospital, Urology/ Centre
• 2006 – 2007 - Gülhane Military Medical Academy Urology
• 2007-2010 - Assistant professor, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences Department
• 2011-2012 - Associate Professor, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences Department
• 2012-2017 - Associate Professor, İstanbul Medeniyet University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences Department
• 2017-2019 - Title of Professor, İstanbul Medeniyet University, Medical Faculty, Surgical Medical Sciences Department
• 2019- Bahçeci Fulya Centre / İstanbul
EROL B., 25ci National Urology Congress Endourology sub-branch Best Paper Award, Turkish Urolgoy Association, October 2016
EROL B., Academic encouragement medical faculty winner, Istanbul Medeniyet University Rector, April 2016
Erol B., Patent, Türkiye 2014.
Erol B, Patent, Avrupa 2019
Certificates, Courses and Trainings
Neururology: Sacral, Pudendal and Tibial Neuromodulation, Trigger Point Injections-Botox. Beaumont Hospital, Detroit-Michigan, USA, 2019
Female Urology, Pelvic Reconstruction & Neururology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 2011
Urological Minimally Invasive Surgery and Laparoscopy, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Glickman Urological Institute, Minimal Invasive Surgery, 2008
Urological Minimally Invasive Surgery and Laparoscopy, Charité Hospital, Berlin, Department of Urology, 2006
Male and Female Sexual Health, Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Urology, 1999-2000
Courses Given
Male In
Male Sexual Dysfunction
Female Sexual Dysfunction
Nöroüroloj of-Urodynamics
Urinary Incontinence in Male and Female
Pevic Organ Prolapse in Women
Pelvic Pain
Bladder Pain Syndrome-Interstitial Cystitis
Supported Projects
KALCIOĞLU M. T. , SAMASTI M., EROL B., KÜRÜM E., ATIŞ G., KARA M. A. , OVALI H. F. , Yükseköğretim Kurumları Destekli Proje, Medeniyet Medical Journal isimli süreli bilimsel tıp dergisinin yayınının sürdürülmesi 2, 2016 - 2019
SAMASTI M., KALCIOĞLU M. T. , AKALIN İ., IRAZ M., EROL B., POYANLI O., KÜRÜM E., Yükseköğretim Kurumları Destekli Proje, Medeniyet Medical Journal isimli süreli bilimsel tıp dergisinin yayınının sürdürülmesi, 2015 - 2016
SAMASTI M., POYANLI O. Ş. , KALCIOĞLU M. T. , IRAZ M., EROL B., AKALIN İ., Yükseköğretim Kurumları Destekli Proje, "Medeniyet Medical Journal" isimli süreli bilimsel tıp dergisinin yayınlanması, 2015 - 2015
Activities in Scientific Journals
SM Journal of Urology, Editorial Board Member, 2015 - Continues
Turkish Journal of Urology, Editorial Board Member, 2015 - Continues
International Archives of Urology and Complications, Editorial Board Member, 2015 - Continues
Journal of Nephrology Research Editorial Board Member, 2015 - Continues
MEDICAL JOURNAL Civilizations, Editorial Board Member, 2014 - Continues
The ghrelin and orexin activity in testicular tissues of patients with idiopathic non-obstructive azoospermia
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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Reşit Asoğlu M.D.
• 2017 February-2018 October: Perinatal instructor in Center for Advanced Fetal care in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at The University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
• 2016 July-2017 January: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in Acibadem Hospital Reproductive Endocrinology and In center, Istanbul, Turkey.
• 2015 January-2016 March: Clinical Research Fellowship in Department of Gynecologic Minimally Invasive surgery, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, United States of America.
• 2013 October-2014 December: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America.
• 2006 November-2011 August : Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zeynep Kamil Training and Education Hospital, Istanbul, TURKEY
• 2000 September-2006 June: Faculty of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, TURKEY
• 1997-2000: Private Mediterranean High School, Mersin, TURKEY
Work Experience
• 2017 February-2018 October: Perinatal instructor in Center for Advanced Fetal care in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at The University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
• 2015 January-2016 March: Clinical Research Fellowship in Department of Gynecologic Minimally Invasive surgery, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, United States of America.
• 2013 October-2014 December: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America.
• 2013 January-2013 September: Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Central Hospital, Istanbul, TURKEY
• 2011 September-2012 December: Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Suruc State Hospital, Sanliurfa, TURKEY
• 2006 July-2006 October: General Practitioner in Community health center, Sanliurfa, TURKEY
• 2017 - American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology (18-22 weeks fetal anatomy scan and gynecologic assessment)
• 2017 - Assisted Reproductive Technologies
• 2016 - Nuchal Translucency Measurement (the 11 – 13 weeks scan)
• 2016 - Clinical research fellowship in Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgeries
• 2015 - Intuitive Online Robotic Surgery
• 2015 - Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
• 2015 - Postdoctoral fellowship in Experimental Therapeutics
Publications (International)
• Asoglu MR, Yao R, Seger L, Turan OM, Turan S. Applicability of Standardized Early Fetal Heart Examination in the Obese Population. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Sep 24.
• Asoglu MR, Bears B, Turan S, Harman C, Turan OM. The factors associated with mode of delivery in fetuses with congenital heart defects. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep 6:1-8.
• Asoglu MR, Gabbay-Benziv R, Turan OM, Turan S. Exposure of the developing heart to diabetic environment and early cardiac assessment: A review. Echocardiography. 2018;35:244-257.
• Asoglu MR, Takmaz O, Gungor M. Patient positioning for robot-assisted laparoscopic benign gynecologic surgery: A review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018;223:8-13.
• Ayaz R, Asoglu MR, Ayas S. Clomiphene citrate alone, urinary follicle-stimulating hormone alone, or both combined sequentially in patients undergoing intrauterine insemination due to unexplained sub. September 2018.
• Turan S, Asoglu MR, Benziv RG, Doyle L, Harman C, Turan OM. Yield rate of chromosomal microarray analysis in fetuses with congenital heart defects. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018;221:172-176.
• Asoglu MR, Higgs A, Esin S, Kaplan J, Turan S. The importance of prenatal 3-dimensional sonography in a case of a segmental overgrowth syndrome with unclear chromosomal microarray results. J Clin Ultrasound. 2018;46:351-354.
• Gurbuz N, Asoglu MR, Ashour AA, Salama S, Kilic GS, Ozpolat B. A selective serotonin 5-HT1B receptor inhibition suppresses cells proliferation and induces apoptosis in human uterine leiomyoma cells. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016;206:114-119.
• Borahay M, Asolgu MR, Mas A, Sarah A, Kilic GS, Al-Hendy A, Estrogen Receptors and Signaling in Fibroids: Role in Pathobiology and Therapeutic Implications: a review article. Reprod Sci. 2017;24:1235-1244.
• Asoglu MR, Rodriguez A, Borahay M, Tan A, Kilic SG. Estimating risk for unexpected uterine leiomyosarcoma on the basis of uterine weight and age. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. January 2017.
• Asoglu MR, Achjian T, Akbilgiç O, Borahay MA, Kılıç GS. The impact of a simulation-based training lab on outcomes of hysterectomy. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2016;17:60-4.
• Kucukbas M, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Akdemir Y, Karateke A, Cam C. Validation of the Fecal Incontinence Severity Index in a Turkish Population. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2016;22:283-6.
• Selcuk S, Cam C, Asoglu MR, Kucukbas M, Arinkan A, Cikman MS, Karateke A. Effect of simple and radical hysterectomy on quality of life - analysis of all aspects of pelvic floor dysfunction. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016;198:84-8.
• Rodriguez A, Asoglu MR, Sak ME, Tan A, Borahay MA, Kilic SG, Incidence of occult leiomyosarcoma in presumed morcellation cases: a database study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2015;197:31-35.
• Demirci O, Selcuk S, Kumru P, Asoglu MR, Mahmutoglu D, Boza B, Türkyılmaz G, Butun Z, Arısoy R, Tandogan B. Maternal and fetal risk factors affecting perinatal mortality in early and late fetal growth restriction. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2015;54:700-4.
• Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Cam C, Cogendez E, Karateke A. Effects of urinary incontinence subtypes on women's quality of life (including sexual life) and psychosocial state. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014;176:187-90.
• Serhat E, Cogendez E, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Arioglu PF, Eren S. Is there a relationship between endometrial polyps and obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension? Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014;290:937-41.
• Selcuk S, Cam C, Asoglu MR, Karateke A. Left lateral position and common gynecologic examining position in anal manometry measurements for evaluation of urogynecologic patients. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2014;15:243-4.
• Selcuk S, Cam C, Asoglu MR, Karateke A. The effect of concealed concomitant anal incontinence symptoms in patients with urinary incontinence on their quality of life. Int Urogynecol J. 2012;23:1781–4.
• Cam C, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Tug N, Akdemir Y, Ay P, Karateke A. Validation of the Wexner scale in women with fecal incontinence in a Turkish population. Int Urogynecol J. 2011;22:1375-9.
• Temel O, Cogendez E, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Kaya E. β-human chorionic gonadotropin assay in vaginal washing fluid for the accurate diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes during late pregnancy. J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc. 2013;14:201-4.
• Cogendez E. Sariibrahim B, Asoglu MR, Kayatas S, Sofuoglu K, Eren S. Does Kruger’s strict criteria has prognostic value in predicting of ICSI clinical results?. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2013;40:257-60.
• Sahinoglu Z, Celayir A, Asoglu MR, Ozcan N. Type IV Sacrococcygeal Teratoma Associated with Urogenital Sinus: Difficulties in the Prenatal Differential Diagnosis. Journal of Neonatal Surgery. 2013;2:9.
• Soguktas S, Cogendez E, Kayatas SE, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Ertekin A. Comparison of saline infusion sonohysterography and hysteroscopy in diagnosis of premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012;161:66-70.
• Ayas S, Gurbuz A, Ayaz R, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Alkan A, Eren S. Efficacy of passive uterine straightening during intrauterine insemination on pregnancy rates and ease of technique. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2012;38:291-6.
• Cam C, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Aran T, Tug N, Karateke A. Does mediolateral episiotomy decrease central defects of the anterior vaginal wall? Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012;285:411-5.
• Kayatas SE, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Sargin MA. "Pregnancy in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis: a case report". Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2012;70:127-9.
• Sahinoglu Z, Celayir A, Asoglu MR, Ozcan N.Diagnostic Difficulties in a Case of Persistent Cloaca with Hydrocolpos. Journal of Neonatal Surgery. 2012;1:55.
• Karateke A, Batu P, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Cam C. Approach to concomitant rectal and uterine prolapse: case report. J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc. 2012;13:70-3.
• Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Cam C, Ayaz R, Tug N, Karateke A. Colpocleisis, patient satisfaction and quality of life. J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc. 2012;13:253-6.
• Karateke A, Cam C, Ince SB, Tug N, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Vatansever D. Effects of single vaginal incision technique on quality of life in women with stress urinary incontinence. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2011t;18:634-9.
• Karateke A, Tug N, Cam C, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR. Concomitant surgical correction of occult stress urinary incontinence by TOT in patients with pelvic organ prolapse. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011;154:105-7.
• Cam C, Karateke A, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Namazov A, Aran T, Celik C, Tug N. Possible cause of failure after McCall culdoplasty. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011;283:791-4
• Karaosmanoglu O, Cogendez E, Sozen H, Asoglu MR, Akdemir Y, Eren S. Hyaluronic acid in the treatment of postmenopausal women with atrophic vaginitis. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2011;113:156-7.
• Karateke A, Tug N, Cam C, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Cakir S. Discrepancy of pre- and postoperative grades of patients with endometrial carcinoma. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2011;32:283-5.
• Cem C, Sofuoglu K, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Abali R, Cetingoz E, Baykal B, Uludogan M. Comparison of ovulation induction and pregnancy outcomes in patients with normal ovarian reserve who underwent long protocol with recombinant-FSH and highly purified-hMG. J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc. 2011;12:15-20.
• Karateke A, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Cam C, Tug N, Ozdemir A. Experience of our surgery in iatrogenic vesicovaginal fistulas. J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc. 2010;11:137-40.
Publications (National)
• Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Kahramanoglu I, Karateke A. Pudendal uyluk flebi sonrası oluşan dar ve kıllanmış vajen için sigmoid kolon vajinoplasti: bir olgu sunumu (Sigmoid colon vaginoplasty after pudendal thigh flap, complicated with hairy and tight vagina: a case report). Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2012;22:254-6.
• Asoglu MR, Haksever M, Selcuk S, Dayıcıoglu V. Üçüncü Trimester Preeklamptik Gebelerde Uterin Arter Doppler Anormalliği ve Gebelik Sonuçları Arasındaki İlişki (Association between abnormality of uterine artery doppler and pregnancy outcomes in third-Trimester pregnant women with preeclampsia). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2011;42(3):107-13.
• Takmaz O,Asoglu MR. Tuboovaryan Apseye Neden Olan Rahim İçi Araç Migrasyonu: Nadir Bir Olgu Sunumu (Migration of an intrauterine device leading to formation of tuboovarian abscess: a rare case report). Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2013;23:64-6.
• Cam C, Vatansever D, Tug N, Sozen H, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S. İzole Tubal Torsiyon: bir olgu sunumu (Isolated tubal torsion: a case report). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2010;41(3):149-51.
• Cakar E, Ayas S, Selcuk S, Asoğlu MR, Ozkan A, Ertekin A. Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Uzmanlarının Adli Olgulara Yaklaşımı: Deneyimlerimiz (The Approach of obstetrics and gynecology specialists to forensic cases: our experiences). Turkiye Klinikleri J Foren Med 2011;8(1):23-7.
• Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Aksoy B, Tugrul S, Sofuoglu K. Yapisik ikizlerin birinci trimesterde ultrasonografik tanisi: bir olgu sunumu (The first trimester ultrasonographic diagnosis of conjoined twins: case report). Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2012;22(3):175-7.
• Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Namazov A, Kahramanoglu I, Karateke A. Postmenopozal Kanamalı Kadınlarda Endometriyal Patolojilerin Servikal Smearle Öngörülmesi (Prediction of endometrial pathologies in women with postmenopausal bleeding on cervical smear). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2011;42(3):115-9.
• Pekin O, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Gurbuz A, Tugrul S. Bozulmuş Glukoz Toleransı Olan Bir Gebede İntrauterin Fetal Ölüm: Olgu Sunumu (Intrauterine fetal death in a pregnancy with impaired glucose tolerance: a case report). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2010;41(2):95-8.
• Karateke A, Güzelgül M, Selcuk S, Asoğlu MR, Cam Ç. Overin Granüloza Hücreli Tümörlerinde Klinik Deneyimlerimiz (Our clinical experience in granulosa cell tumors of the ovary). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2012; 43:1-6.
• Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Celik C, Tug N, Cam C, Karateke A. Postmenopozal Vajinal Kanamalı Hastalarda Endometrial Kalınlıkla Histopatoloji Sonuçları Arasındaki İlişki (The relationship between endometrial thickness and histopahological results in patients with postmenopausal bleeding). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2011;42(1):7-12.
• Kayatas SE, Asoglu MR, Sariibrahim B, Baysal B, Selcuk S. Overin Dev Primer Leiomyomu: Olgu Sunumu (Huge primary ovarian leiomyoma: case report). Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni 2011;42(3):129-32.
• Asoglu MR, Kahramanoglu I, Selcuk S, Karateke A. Postmenopozal bir kadında vajinal yabancı cisim kaynaklı vezikovajinal fistül (Vesicovaginal fistula resulting from a foreign body in a postmenopausal woman: a case report). Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2012;22:250-3.
Book Chapter
• Comprehensive Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Genital fistulas (in Turkish, 3rd edition, 2014)
Posters (International)
• Turan S. Yao R, Asoglu MR, Seger L, Turan OM, Applicability of standardized fetal heart examination in obese population at first trimester
• Asoglu MR, Zeybek B, Rodriguez A, Borahay M, Alanbay I, Kilic G (2015). Occult leiomyosarcoma in patients with leiomyoma and uterine weight less than 250g. 7th ANNUAL SERGS MEETING.
• Asoglu MR, Zeybek B, Achjian T, Tapisiz O, Borahay M, Kilic G (2015). Impact of implementing a simulation training laboratory in a teaching institution on outcomes of hysterectomy. 7th ANNUAL SERGS MEETING.
• Zeybek B, Rodriguez A, Asoglu MR, Borahay M, Kilic G (2015). Estimating incidence of occult leiomyosarcoma after laparoscopic surgery. 44th AAGL Global Congress of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 22(6), 37, Doi: 10.1016 /j.jmig.2015.08.103.
• Karateke A, Tug N, Cam C, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR. Colpocleisis with or without concomitant TOT: Impact on urodynamics and Quality of life. 36th Annual IUGA Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 28 June – 2 July, 2011.
• Cam C, Tug N, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Sakalli M, Aran T, Karateke A. Does mediolateral episiotomy decrease central defects of the anterior vaginal wall?. 36th Annual IUGA Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 28 June – 2 July, 2011.
• Karateke A. Cam C, Tug N, Ince SB, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S. Early results of Contrasure Needleless® system - a minimal invasive single vaginal incision technique in the treatment of female stres incontinence. 36th Annual IUGA Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 28 June – 2 July, 2011.
• Cam C, Selcuk S, Asoglu MR, Tug N, Karateke A. The effect of concealed concomitant anal incontinence symptoms in patients with urinary incontinence on their quality of life. 36th Annual IUGA Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 28 June – 2 July, 2011.
• Cam C, Asoglu MR, Selcuk S, Tug N, Karateke A. Gynecologic examining position in anal manometry measurements. 36th Annual IUGA Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 28 June – 2 July, 2011.
Posters (National)
• Kapudere B, Sargın MA, Asoğlu MR, Deniz E, Dırman Ş, Ertekin AA. Ağır preeklampside Agresif ve Beklentisel Yaklaşımın Neonatal Nörolojik Gelişime Etkisi. 29. Zeynep Kamil Jinpatoloji kongresi 2011.
• Pekin O, Tuğrul AS, Asoğlu MR, Selçuk S, Ayaz R. Dogum sekli ve vucut kitle indeksi arasindaki iliski. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
• Çelik C, Asoğlu MR, Selçuk S, Abalı R, Sofuoğlu K. fertilizasyon protokolunde kullanilan recombinant FSH ve yuksek derecede saflastirilmis HMG karsilastirilmasinda yuksek fertilizasyon sayisi fakat ayni sayida embriyo olusumu. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
• Çelik C, Selçuk S, Asoğlu MR, Abalı R, Sofuoğlu K. Rekombinant FSH ve yuksek derecede saflastirilmis HMG kullaniminin hastalarinda kullanilan gonadotropin dozu ve suresi uzerindeki etkileri. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
• Asoğlu MR, Selçuk S, Namazov A, Tuğ N, Çam C, Karateke A. Endometrium kanserli olgularda preop-postop grade karsilastirilmasi. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
• Asoğlu MR, Selçuk S, Tuğ N, Çam C, Karateke A. Postmenapozal kanamali hastalarin yas gruplari arasinda endometrium kanseri orani. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
• Tuğ N, Çam C, Selçuk S, Asoğlu MR, Karateke A. Le fort operasyonu ile birlikte uygulanan minimal invaziv anti-inkontinans prosedurleri. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
• Çetin I, Asoğlu MR, Selçuk S, Vatansever D, Kabaca C, Dayıcıoğlu V. Hipotiroidi ve plasenta dekolmani. Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Kongresi, 2010.
Memberships in Scientific Societies
• American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
• European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
• Reproductive Health and In Society (TSRM)
• Turkish Gynecology Obstetrics Association (TJOD)
Attendance at Conferences and Workhops
• 5th SEERSS 1st GynOncoMIS and Robotic Surgery Congress-2016
• Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery-2015
• Turkish-German Gynecology Congress-2011
• The first Balkan pelvic floor dysfunction symposium-2011
• 12th Gynecologic oncology congress-2010
• 28thZeynepKamil Hospital Congress-2011
• 8st Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress of Turkish-2010
• Controversial issues in urogynecology symposium-2010
• İnternational Symposium on Reproductive Medicine-2010
• Colposcopy Course in The Harbiye Military Museum-2009
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Occupational Experience
Professional Courses, Certificates and Exams
Articles Published In International Peer-Reviewed Journals Indexed By Science-Citation Index
Articles Published In International Peer-Reviewed Journals Indexed Other Than By Science-Citation Index
Oral Presentations Presented In The International Congresses
Books & Book Chapters
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Professional Experience
International Publications
National Publications
Professional Associations
Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
A.1. Arslan EO, Cengiz L, Arslan M. “Thyroid function in hyperemesis gravidarum and correlation with serum leptin levels”. Int J Gynaecol Obstet., 83,187-188 (2003).
A.2. Arslan M, Yazici G, Erdem A, Erdem M, Arslan EO, Himmetoglu O. “Endothelin 1 and leptin in the pathophysiology of intrauterine growth restriction”. Int Journ. of Gyn. Obstet., 84, 120-126 (2004).
A.3. Cengiz B, Söylemez F, Ozturk E, Cavdar AO. “Serum zinc, selenium, copper, and lead levels in women with second-trimester induced abortion resulting from neural tube defects: a preliminary study”. Biol Trace Elem Res., 97, 225-235 (2004).
A.4. Arslan M, Morshedi M, Arslan EO, Taylor S, Kanık A, Duran HE, Oehninger S. “Predictive value of the hemizona assay for pregnancy outcome in patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with intrauterine insemination” Fertil. Steril., 85, 1697-1707 (2006).
A.5. Arslan M, Bocca S, Arslan EO, Duran HE, Stadtmauer L, Oehninger S. “Cumulative exposure to high estradiol levels during the follicular phase of cycles negatively affects implantation” Journ. of Assist. Reprod. Genet., 24, 111-117 (2007).
A.6. Ozturk E, Ugur MG, Kalayci H, Balat O. “Uterine myoma in pregnancy: report of 19 patients” Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol., 36, 182-183 (2009).
A.7. Ozturk E, Ugur MG, Cebesoy FB, Aydin A, Sever T, Balat O. “Good prognosis for primary ovarian pure nongestational choriocarcinoma using the EMA/CO regime” Eur. Journ. of Gynaecol. Oncol., 31, 123-125 (2010).
A.8. Ozturk E, Ugur MG, Aydın A, Balat O, Kalaycı H. “Intraluminal Tubal Endometriosis Mimicking Hydrosalpinx: Report of an Unusual Case” IMJ, 9, 43-45 (2009).
A.9. Ozturk E, Ugur MG, Balat O, Kutlar I, Dikensoy E, Cebesoy B. “An analysis of hysteroscopy experience over a seven-year period” Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 37, 150-151 (2010).
A.10. Acılmıs YG, Dikensoy E, Kutlar AI, Balat O, Cebesoy FB, Ozturk E, Cicek H, Pence S. “Homocysteine, folic acid and vitamin B12 levels in maternal and umbilical cord and homocysteine levels in placenta in pregnant women with pre-eclampsia” Journal of Obstet. Gynaecol. Res., 37, 45-50 (2011)
A.11. Sahikanat T, Ozturk E, Ozkan Y, Coskun A, Ekerbicer H. “The relationship between serum testosterone levels and bladder storage symptoms in a female population with polycystic ovary syndrome” Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 284, 879-84 (2011).
A.12. Ozturk E, Balat O, Dikensoy E, Ugur MG, Ozcan C, Aydin A, Erel O, Kul S. “No association between serum paraoxonase, arylesterase activities, and hydatidiform mole” Int Journ. Gynecol. Cancer., 21, 149-52 (2011).
A.13. Ozturk E, Balat O, Acılmıs YG, Ozcan C, Pence S, Erel O. “Measurement of the placental total antioxidant status in preeclamptic women using a novel automated method” Journ. of Obstet. Gynaecol. Res., 37, 337-42 (2011)
A.14. Ozturk E, Balat O, Pehlivan S, Ugur MG, Ozcan C, Sever T, Kul S. “Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in preeclampsia with or without eclampsia in a Turkish population” Journ. of Obstet. Gynaecol. Res., 37, 1778-83 (2011).
A.15. Ozturk E, Balat O, Ugur MG, Yazıcıoglu C, Pence S, Erel O, Kul S. “Effect of Ramadan fasting on maternal oxidative stress during the second trimester: A preliminary study” Journ. of Obstet. Gynaecol. Res., 37, 729-33 (2011).
A.16. Ozturk E, Balat O, Pehlivan S, Ugur MG, Sever T. “Genetic Variation of Myeloperoxidase Gene Contributes to Preeclampsia: A Preliminary Association Study in Turkish Population” Hypertens. Pregnancy., 30, 377-83 (2011).
A.17. Bayram A, Erkılıç S, Balat O, Ekşi F, Uğur MG, Oztürk E, Kaya G. “Prevalence and genotype distribution of human papillomavirus in non-neoplastic cervical tissue lesion: Cervical erosion” J Med Virol., 83,1997-2003 (2011).
A.18. Ozturk E, Dikensoy E, Balat O, Ugur MG, Aydin A. “Intraoperative Frozen Section Is Essential for Assessment of Myometrial Invasion but Not For Histologic Grade Confirmation in Endometrial Cancer: A Ten-Year Experience” Arch Gynecol. Obstet., 285:1415-9 (2012).
A.19. Ugur MG, Balat O, Ozturk E, Bekerecioglu M, Dikensoy E. “Pitfalls in diagnosis and management of distal vaginal agenesis:10-year experience at a single centre”. Eur Journ. of Obstet. Gynaecol. Reprod Biol.,163,85-90 (2012).
A.20. Ugur MG, Ozturk E, Balat O, Dikensoy E, Teke S, Aydin A. “Do high levels of CA 19-9 in women with mature cystic teratomas of the ovary warrant further evaluation?”. Eur Journ. Gynaecol .Oncol.,33,207-10 (2012).
Papers presented in international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings:
B.1. Cengiz L, Berker B, Ozturk Arslan E, Cengiz B. “Approach to a case of amenorrhea, imperforate hymen and pelvic mass”. 3d Turkish-German Gynecology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 19-23 May 1999.
B.2. Arslan M, Morshedi M, Ozturk Arslan E, Taylor S, Duran HE, Oehninger S. “Predictive value of sperm-zona pellucida binding capacity under hemizona assay (HZA) conditions for intrauterine insemination outcome”. 13th World Congress on I Fertilization Assisted Reproduction & Genetics, İstanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005. (Oral Presentation)
B.3. Arslan M, Bocca S, Ozturk Arslan E, Mayer J, Stadtmauer L, Oehninger S. “The Effect of coasting on the implantation potential of embryos transferred after cryopreservation and thawing”. 13th World Congress on I Fertilization Assisted Reproduction & Genetics, İstanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005.
B.4. Arslan M, Ozturk Arslan E, Bocca S, Stadtmauer L, Duran HE, Oehninger S. “Cumulative exposure to oestradiol (E2) during the follicular phase of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) Cycles: Effect on outcome”. Conjoint Annual Meeting ASRM&CFAS, Montreal, Quebec, October 15-19, 2005.
B.5. Cankus G, Ogur G, Ozturk E, Kilicarslan C, Balat O, Pehlivan S. “Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome within a large Turkish family from Southeast of Anatolia”. European Human Genetics Conference, Barcelona, Spain, May 31-June 3, 2008.
B.6. Gül O, Cebesoy FB, Balat O, Kurtul N, Pence S, Ozturk E. “The value of serum sialic acid and sialic acid gene variation as a predictive marker of preeclampsia”, 8th Turkish-German Gynaecology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, April 29–May 3 2009. (Oral Presentation)
B.7. Ozturk E, Balat O, Acilmiş YG, Caglayan O, Pence S, Erel O. “Measurement of the total antioxidant status in the placenta of preeclamptic women using a novel automated method”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.8. Acılmış YG, Dikensoy E, Kutlar I, Balat O, Cebesoy FB, Ozturk E, Cicek H, Pence S. “Homocysteine, folic acid and vitamin B12 levels in maternal and umbilical cord and homocysteine levels in placenta in preeclampsia”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.9. Ozturk E, Balat O, Ugur MG, Yazicioglu C, Pence S, Erel O. “Effect of intermittent fasting during Ramadan on maternal oxidative stress”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.10. Hakan K, Ugur MG, Ozturk E, Balat O, Erel O. “Total oxidant levels, total antioxidant capacity, and oxidative stress in preterm labour: A Prospective Controlled Clinical Study”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.11. MG Ugur, Ozturk E, Dikensoy E, Balat O. “Three-layer closure technique at caesarean section: Long term outcomes”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.12. Ozturk E, Balat O, Pehlivan S, Ozcan C. “The Protective role of endothelial nitric oxide gene polymorphism against preeclampsia appearance and complications in the Turkish populations”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.13. Ozturk E, Ugur MG, Pehlivan S, Sever T, Balat O. “Genetic variation of myeloperoxidase gene contributes to preeclampsia: A preliminary association study in a Turkish population”. XXII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
B.14. Ozturk E, Balat O, Pehlivan S, Ugur MG, Ozkan Y, Sever Y, Namiduru ES, Kul S. “Nitric oxide levels and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in Turkish women with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage”. IX. Turkish-German Gynaecology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, May 4-8, 2011. (Oral Presentation)
B.15. Ugur MG, Ozturk E, Balat O, Kaya T. “Microsurgical tubal reanastomosis: Preliminary report of 5 cases”. IX. Turkish-German Gynaecology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, May 4-8, 2011.
B.16. Ugur MG, Balat O, Ozturk E, Dikensoy E, Bekereci M, Dokuzoglu Y. “Pitfalls in diagnosis and management of distal vaginal agenesis: Ten years’ experience”. IX. Turkish-German Gynaecology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, May 4-8, 2011.
B.17. Ozturk E, Balat O, Aydin A, Pehlivan M. “Haematopoiesis in leiomyoma uteri”. IX. Turkish-German Gynaecology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, May 4-8, 2011.
B.18. Dilbaz S, Ozturk E, Ozdegirmenci O, Demir B, Isikoglu S, Kul S, Dilbaz B, Cınar O, Goktolga U. “The importance of paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in poor and high responder patients”. 28th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1-4, 2012.
Publications in national books or book chapters (translations):
C1. Öztürk E, Balat O, “Breast diseases: from a Gynaecological Point of View”, Bases of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, ed. NF Hacker, JG Moore, JC Gambone, çeviri ed. Üstün C, Koçak İ Vol. 30, 364-371, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2009.
C2. Öztürk E, Özkan Y, “Postpartum Follow-Up and Breastfeeding”, Johns Hopkins Gynaecology and Obstetrics Booklet, 4th edition, ed. KJ Hurt, MW Guile, JL Blenstock, HE Fox, EE Wallack, translation ed. Oral E Vol. 20, 257-264, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2012.
C3. Öztürk E, Sucu S, “Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery”, Johns Hopkins Gynaecology and Obstetrics Manual Fourth Edition, ed. KJ Hurt, MW Guile, JL Blenstock, HE Fox, EE Wallack, translation ed. Oral E Vol. 28, 365-381, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2012.
Articles published in national refereed journals:
D.1. Yakin K, Öztürk E, Aytaç R, Ortaç F, Ünlü C. “Termination of pregnancy by misoprostol; Benefits and risks”, Gynaecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine, 4, 129-133 (1998).
D.2. Öztürk Arslan E, Dökmeci F. “Recent views in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome”, Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, 52, 237-241 (1999).
D.3. Berker B, Öztürk Arslan E, Kabukcu C, Cengiz B, Cengiz L. “The role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis aof patients with primary amenorrhea and pelvic mass: a case report”, Journal of Turkish Clinics of OB-GYN, 10, 278-282 (2000).
D.4. Cebesoy FB, Dikensoy E, Yazicioglu C, Kutlar I, Ozturk E. “Twin pregnancy consisting of complete mole and normal foetus: Presentation of two cases”, Düzce Medical Journal, 12, 58-60 (2010).
D.5. Dikensoy E, Cebesoy FB, Ozturk E, Ugur MG, Balat O, Kutlar I, Baltacı V.” The first chorionic villus biopsy results of Gaziantep University: One-year analysis”, Journal of Turkish OB-GYN Association, 7, 267-72 (2010).
D.6. Öztürk E, Dikensoy E, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Oğuzkan Balcı S, Aydın A, Kazancı Ü, Pehlivan S. “Association of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphisms with Endometrial Carcinoma: A Preliminary Study” Journal of the Turkish-German Gynaecological Association, 12, 229-33 (2011).
D.7. Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Pehlivan S, Uğur MG, Özkan Y, Sever T, Namıduru E, Kul S. “Nitric Oxide Levels and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Polymorphisms in Turkish Women with Idiopathic Recurrent Miscarriage” Journal of the Turkish-German Gynaecological Association, 12, 234-8 (2011).
D.8. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Balat Ö, Aydın A, Pehlivan M. “Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in Leiomyoma Uteri” Journal of the Turkish-German Gynaecological Association, 13, 61-3 (2012).
D.9. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Gürçay Açılmış Y, Erel Ö, Balat Ö. “Malondialdehyde values in placental, maternal and foetal compartments in preeclamptic pregnancies” OB-GYN and Neonatology Medical Journal, 8, 2080-3 (2011).
D.10. Öztürk E, Mishra RK. “Which endoscopic way is true to predict tubal patency for infertile patient: Transabdominal or transvaginal.” OB-GYN and Neonatology Medical Journal, 8, 2084-8 (2011).
D.11. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö. “Fertility-preserving approach in endometrial cancer: Two case reports and literature review”, OB-GYN and Neonatology Medical Journal, 8, 1294-8 (2011).
D.12. Aydın N, Öztürk E, Çelik A, Akpınar K, Kutlar İ, Balat Ö, Uğur MG “Results of pre-marital beta thalassemia screenings in Gaziantep province before 2010”, OB-GYN and Neonatology Medical Journal, 8, 1274-7 (2011).
D.13. Çelik Ç, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Kutlar İ, Balat Ö, Erel Ö. “Total oxidant level - total antioxidant capacity in benign ovarian tumours”, OB-GYN and Neonatology Medical Journal, 8, 1325-8 (2011).
D.14. Öztürk E, Kutlar İ, Uğur MG, Sarı Demir S, “Bilateral labial hitching of a patient on her own for reduction of labial size: A rare cause of labial oedema,“ Journal of Turkish Clinics of OB-GYN, Approved (2011)
D.15. MG Uğur, Öztürk E, Güler M, Tutar E, Balat Ö. “Synchronous tumour of the cervix and colon: a rare case”, Turkish Gynaecological Oncology Journal, 14, 33-6 (2011).
D.16. M.G.Uğur, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Dikensoy E, Aydin A “Ovarian wolffian tumour mimicking intraligamentary fibroids: A rare case of solid adnexal tumour”, Turkish Gynaecological Oncology Journal, 14, 86-9 (2011).
D.17. Öztürk E, Pirbudak Çöçeli L, Uğur MG, Kul S, Erbağcı AB, Erdaloğlu P, Sari Demir S, Balat Ö. “A Quantitative Analysis of Pressure Pain Threshold and Pain Tolerance in Different Trimesters of Pregnancy and Relation with Ovarian Sex Hormones”, Gynaecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine, 17, 137-141 (2011).
D.18. Kalaycı H, Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Erel Ö, “Association Between Maternal Serum Total Oxidant Status Total Antioxidant Status and Preterm Labour: A Prospective – Controlled Clinical Study”, Gynaecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine, 17, 132-6 (2011).
D.19. Öztürk E, Türkmen A, Uğur MG, Özsaraç C, Sarı Demir S, Balat Ö, “Vulvar cancer in adolescence associated with Fanconi anaemia: a case report”, İnönü University, Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, 19, 46-9 (2012).
D.20. Yiğenoğlu Ö, Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Erel Ö, “The role of oxidative stress in the etiopathogenesis of recurrent pregnancy losses”, İnönü University, Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, 18, 236-9 (2011).
D.21. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Özkan Y, Aydın A, Balat Ö. “The youngest stage of advanced grade III endometrial carcinoma: a case report”, İnönü University, Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, 18, 269-71 (2011).
D.22. Öztürk E, Kutlar İ, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Cebesoy FB, Dikensoy E. “Analysis of patients with secondary anal sphincter repair due to fecal incontinence”, Journal of Turkish OB-GYN Association, 9, 55-58 (2012).
D.23. Özkan Y, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Erel Ö. “Paroxanase-Arylesterase Enzyme Activities in Pregnant Women with Intrauterine Development Restriction: Pilot Study “, Journal of Turkish OB-GYN Association, 9, 32-6 (2012).
D.24. Gül Ö, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Cebesoy FB, Kurtul N, Pençe S, Pehlivan A, Balat Ö. “Serum Total Sialic Acid Levels and Sialic Acid Esterase Gene Variation in Preeclamptic Pregnancies”, Journal of Turkish OB-GYN Association, 9, 99-105 (2012).
D.25. Acet M, Altuntas L, Ovali S, Yelke T, Yorgunlar B, Aktun Tamer H, Ozturk E. “Successful pregnancy in a patient with unusual ovarian localization and mullerian duct anomalies: A case report” , OB-GYN and Neonatology Medical Journal, Special Case Report Issue (2016).
Papers presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
E.1. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Dikensoy E, Cebesoy FB, Balat Ö, Kutlar I. ”Gaziantep University Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2002-2008 Hysteroscopy Data”, 3rd National Reproductive Endocrinology and In Congress (TSRM 2008) 16-19 October 2008, Antalya.
E.2. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Dikensoy E, Cebesoy FB, Balat Ö, Kutlar I. Kayıp Rahim İçi Araçlar: Gaziantep Üniversitesi Deneyimi. 3rd National Reproductive Endocrinology and In Congress (TSRM 2008) 16-19 October 2008, Antalya.
E.3. Pirbudak Çöçelli L, Bilgi M, Dikensoy E, Öztürk E, Yendi F.” Pain management in pregnant patients with malignant mesenchymal tissue tumour” Journal of Turkish Society of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Sept.-Oct. 2009. Vol:37, Supp:1, page 349. 43rd National Congress of the Turkish Society of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation (TARD,2009), Antalya.
E.4. Gürçay Y, Dikensoy E, Kutlar I, Balat Ö, Cebesoy FB, Ozturk E, Çiçek H, Pençe S. ” The relationship between maternal and foetal intravenous homocysteine, folic acid, vitamin B12 and placental tissue homocysteine levels with preeclampsia severity”, 12th National Congress of Perinatology 23-26 April 2009, Antalya.
E.5. Dikensoy E, Cebesoy FB, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Balat Ö, Kutlar I, Baltacı V. ” The first chorionic villus biopsy results of Gaziantep University: One-year analysis”, 12th National Congress of Perinatology 23-26 April 2009, Antalya.
E.6. Öztürk E, Pirbudak Çöçelli L, Kul S, Erdaloğlu P, Sarı Demir S, Balat Ö. ” The relationship between pain threshold and pain tolerance during pregnancy, trimesters, and pregnancy hormones”, 11th National Congress of Ağrı 20-23 May 2010, İstanbul.
E.7. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Özkan Y, Aydın A, Balat Ö. ” The youngest advanced endometrial carcinoma: a case report”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.8. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Türkmen A, Özsaraç MC, Sarı Demir S, Balat Ö. “Vulvar cancer in adolescence associated with Fanconi anemia: a case report”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.9. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Güler M, Tutar E, Balat O. “Synchronous tumours of the cervix and the colon: a case report”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.10. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Dikensoy E, Aydın A. “CA 19-9 and CA 15-3 levels in dermoid cysts and evaluation of their clinical importance”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.11. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Bayram A, Erkılıç S. “The relationship between local invasive cervix adenocarcinoma and HPV in virgin patients”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.12. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Dikensoy E, Aydın A. “Borderline ovarian tumours: 10 years' experience of Gaziantep University”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.13. Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Dikensoy E, Aydın A. ” Wolffian tumor: a rare case of solid adnexal tumour”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya.
E.14. Özcan Ç, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Dikensoy E, Cebesoy FB, Erbağcı B, Kutlar I, Balat Ö. “Sialic acid levels in patients with hydatidiform mole”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya. (Oral Presentation)
E.15. Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Dikensoy E, Uğur MG, Özcan Ç, Aydın A, Erel Ö, Kul S. ” The relationship between hydatidiform mole and serum paroxanase-1 activity and phenotype”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya. (Oral Presentation)
E.16. Balat Ö, Dikensoy E, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Aydın A. ” Investigation of the relationship between uterine histopathological changes, ultrasonography and frozen findings in endometrial cancer: 10 years' experience”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya. (Oral Presentation)
E.17. Çelik Ç, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Kutlar I, Balat Ö, Erel Ö. “Total oxidant level, total antioxidant capacity and oxidative stress in benign ovarian tumours”, 12th Gynaecological Oncology Congress 25-29 September 2010, Antalya. (Oral Presentation)
E.18. Öztürk E, Kutlar İ, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Cebesoy FB, Dikensoy E. “Analysis of patients who underwent secondary anal sphincter repair due to faecal incontinence at Gaziantep University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, 7th National Congress of Reproductive Health and Family Planning 22-25 April 2011, Ankara. (Oral Presentation)
E.19. Aydın N, Öztürk E, Çelik A, Akpınar K, Kutlat I, Balat Ö, Uğur MG. “Results of a 1-year pre-marital hemoglobinopathy screening in Gaziantep province”, 7th National Congress of Reproductive Health and Family Planning 22-25 April 2011, Ankara.
E.20. Uğur B, Uğur MG, Pirbudak Çöçeli L, Öztürk E, Balat Ö. “The effect of spinal and general anaesthesia on total antioxidant-antioxidant levels in gynaecologic laparoscopic surgeries and investigation of the superiority of both anaesthetic methods: A prospective-controlled clinical trial.”, 3rd Congress of Reproductive Medicine, 5-9 October 2011, Antalya.
E.21. Can G, Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Balat Ö. “Serum CA 125, CA 19-9, total sialic acid and free sialic acid levels in the diagnosis of endometriosis.”, 3rd Congress of Reproductive Medicine, 5-9 October 2011, Antalya.
E.22. Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Oğuzkan Balcı S, Uğur MG, Özkan Y, Pehlivan S. “Paroxanase-arylesterase activity and paroxanase 1 gene polymorphism in the etiopathogenesis of recurrent miscarriages.”, 3rd Congress of Reproductive Medicine, 5-9 October 2011, Antalya.
E.23. Uğur MG, Balat Ö, Öztürk E, Dikensoy E, Bekereci B. “Application of a full-thickness skin graft with fibrin glue for the treatment of distal vaginal agenesis: a new technique.”, 3rd Congress of Reproductive Medicine, 5-9 October 2011, Antalya.
E.24. Öztürk E, Pehlivan P, Oğuzkan Balcı S, Uğur MG, Özkan Y, Balat Ö. “Analysis of TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-6, IL-10 and TGF-b1 genes in Turkish women with recurrent miscarriages.”, 3rd Congress of Reproductive Medicine, 5-9 October 2011, Antalya.
E.25. Özkan Y, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Erel Ö. “Paroxanase-arylesterase enzyme activities in pregnant women with intrauterine growth retardation: Pilot study.”, 3rd Congress of Reproductive Medicine, 5-9 October 2011, Antalya.
E.26. Öztürk E, Kutlar İ, Uğur MG, Aydın A. “Giant vulvar lymphangiectasia developing in the background of congenital lymphedema: a case report”, 11th Traditional Zekai Tahir Burak Days, 27-31 October 2011, Antakya.
E.27. Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Karçin E, Taysı S, Kutlar İ, Balat Ö “Serum adenosine deaminase activity and nitric oxide levels in preeclamptic pregnant women”, 11th Traditional Zekai Tahir Burak Days, 27-31 October 2011, Antakya.
E.28. Karçin E, Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Erel Ö, Kutlar İ, Balat Ö., Within the scope of the 11th Traditional Zekai Tahir Burak Days Conference, in the “11th Traditional Zekai Tahir Burak Days” booklet, “Intravenous paraoxonase and arylesterase enzyme activities in preeclamptic pregnant women: A prospective clinical study”, 11th Traditional Zekai Tahir Burak Days, 27-31 October 2011, Antakya.
E.29. Bayram A, Balat O, Erkılıç S, Ekşi F, Uğur MG, Öztürk E. “Investigation of HPV and determination of genotypes in women with signs of cervical erosion.” XXXIVth Congress of Turkish Microbiology, 7-11 November 2010, Kyrenia –TRNC. (Oral Presentation)
E.30. Cengiz MT, Koruk S, Demiryürek T, Göksu S, Gül R, Öztürk E. “Investigation of Vasoconstrictive Mechanism of Bupivacaine and Levobupivacaine in Isolated Human Umbilical Artery and Vein”, 45th National Turkish Anaesthesiology and Radiology Congress (TARK2011) 26-30 October 2011, Antalya.
E.31. Albayrak T, Bayram A, Ozturk E, Yılmaz F, Karaca MS, Balat O. “Investigation of Chlamydia Trachomatis Antibodies in Infertile Women undergoing Hysterosalpingography”. XXXV. Turkish Microbiology Congress, 3-7 November 2012, Aydın.
E.32. E. Öztürk, Balat, Ö., Pehlivan, S., Uğur, M.G., Erkılıç, E., Özkan, Y., Sever, T. “The role of DNA repair gene (XPD, XRCC4 and XRCC1) polymorphism in the etiopathogenesis of endometrial hyperplasia: pilot study”. 10th National Gynaecology and Obstetrics Congress, 9-13 May 2012, Antalya. (Oral Presentation)
E.33. Akıncı S, Özcan HÇ, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Taysı S, Tarakçıoğlu M. “Evaluation of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels in patients with preeclampsia: a prospective study”, 13th National Gynaecological and Obstetrics Congress, 11 – 15 May 2015, Antalya.
E.34. Özcan HÇ, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Öztürk E, Bozdağ Z, Kul S, Sucu S, Keklikçioğlu “Management of premenopausal adnexal masses: Single-centred 10 years' experience”, 13th National Gynaecological and Obstetrics Congress, 11 – 15 May 2015, Antalya.
E.35. Sarı Demir S, Özcan HÇ, Balat Ö, Öztürk E, Uğur MG, Gündüz R, Taysı S, “Evaluation of total sialic acid levels in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum: prospective study”, 13th National Gynaecological and Obstetrics Congress, 11 – 15 May 2015, Antalya.
E.36. Sucu S, Özcan HÇ, Öztürk E, Balat Ö, Uğur MG, Örkmez M, “Evaluation of oxidative stress markers in tubal ectopic pregnancy: prospective study”, 13th National Gynaecological and Obstetrics Congress, 11 – 15 May 2015, Antalya.
E.37. Yorgunlar B, Öztürk E, Aktün LH, Acet M, Ülfer G, “Evaluation of sialic acid level in missed abortus cases” 13th National Gynaecological and Obstetrics Congress, 11 – 15 May 2015, Antalya.
E.38. Yorgunlar B, Aktün LH, Acet M, Özdemir S, B, Öztürk E, “Placental site trophoblastic tumour: a rare case” 13th National Gynaecological and Obstetrics Congress 11 – 15 May 2015, Antalya.
Read moreAssoc. Prof. Onder Sakin MD
Work Experience
Certificates, Courses and Trainings
Activites İn Scientific Journals
Clinical certification of minor cytological abnormalities: atypical squamous cells of undetermined certification (ASCUS) 8 years experience - Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia – The Journal of Kartal Training and Research Hospital – 2016
Book / Book chapter
'Obstetrics and Gynecological Emergencies' published in 2019.
Work Experience
Professional Interests
International Publications
National publications
Book chapter
International oral presentations
National oral presentations
Poster presentations
Dr. Fernandez Oliva graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, specializing in Medicine and Surgery.
Completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital de la Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona.
The doctor combines clinical practice with continuous education and scientific work.
Lecturer at the CTO Medical Academy.
Participant of courses and congresses:
- Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE), 2015
- Course in Medical Genetics and Fetal Medicine, Catalan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Barcelona 2015
- Course in robotic and laparoscopic surgery, Hospital Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona 2016
- Congress of the Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia (SEGO), 2017.
Current areas of scientific research:
- Prevention of preeclampsia in early pregnancy
- Immunological interaction between the mother and the fetus
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
/PRGF ovarian rejuvenation | $2024 - $3282 |
An expert in the comprehensive care of women, she specialised in medical care projects focusing on the Humanised Childbirth Program and the development and promotion of low-intervention obstetric care.
She is currently the Head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital. She has promoted the implementation of a specific protocol for Humanised C-section in this hospital to ensure the active participation of women in the arrival of their babies and a childbirth plan that is similar to natural childbirth.
Dr Blanco Herráez has also promoted the implementation of the current Multidisciplinary Breast Unit, the objective of which is the management of breast cancer, both from the preventative and the early detection points of view, as well as the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and functional and psychological recovery of patients.
- Son Espases Mallorca Hospital, Palma de Mallorca | 05/2007 - 05/2011 Resident Doctor in the Gynaecology speciality.
- Madrid Complutense University, Madrid 09/2000 - 06/2006. Medicine
Working Experience
- Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital- Head of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit | 04/2022 – Currently
- Fundación Jimenez Díaz University Hospital- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultant | 06/2011 - 04/2022
- Fundación Jimenez Díaz University Hospital -Teaching Obstetrics and Gynaecology Residents 06/2012- 06/2014.
- Fundación Jimenez Díaz University Hospital - Cooperating Teacher 06/2016- 06/2022
- Member of the Madrid Professional Medical Association since June 2011.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology since October 2008.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy since 2011.
The primary objective of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital is to provide a high-quality comprehensive care service to women and their health issues at any of their life stages. Specially, issues deriving from pregnancy, childbirth and the post childbirth stage, as well as any matters relating to the female organs and ctive functions.
A highly-qualified multidisciplinary team that positions each patient at the core in order to ensure the provision of a professional and personalised service adapted to the health needs and expectations of women. Besides, an early diagnosis and treatment customised to each personal circumstance, the promotion of health and the prevention of disease are at the core of the work of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit.
Efficiency, innovation, the use of new technologies and digitalisation are differential factors of the care service provided by the over 30 health professionals (doctors, nurses, assistant nurses and midwives) who make up the team of this speciality.
Read moreProfessional experience
2007. Director of the Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Quironsalud University Hospital of Madrid since its opening.
2004-06 Private consultation on assisted ction in Madrid.
1994-96. Deputy Physician. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid.
Membership in scientific societies
-He is a member of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO).
-Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF);
-European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE)
-American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
Research and Teaching
In recent years, he has conducted over 30 conferences, 20 presentations and 15 talks at courses and conferences in his specialty. He has written 5 book chapters and coordinated 4 monographs.
2010 Associate Professor. European University of Madrid.
2004-07 Professor of Master in Human Reproduction. Spanish Fertility Society and Complutense University.
1990-98 Professor, PhD student. Training Center for Medical Specialists (CTO)
Read morePart I: General Information
Date Prepared: 30/09/2016
Name: M. Remzi Erdem
Office address: Department of Urology
Haydarpaşa Numune Research and Training Hospital
Tıbbiye Cad., Selimiye, Üsküdar, Istanbul, Turkey, 34668
Home address: Fevzi Çakmak Mh. Fırıncı Sk. No: 12/4 D:6
Pendik, Istanbul / TURKEY
Telephone: Home: +90 216-396-97-90
Mobile: +90 505-798-11-99
Office: +90 216-542-32-32- 1647
Date and Birth: July 12, 1981
Languages: Turkish, English (fluent)
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Training:
2006 M.D., Marmara University, Medical School
2007- 2012 Residency in Urology, Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey
16/01/2016 Urology Stuff in Haydarpasa Numune Research and Training Hospital
5/2009 Certificate of attandance of peripheral vascular surgery rotation, Dept. of
Cardiovascular Surgery, Vakif Gureba Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
4-7/ 2010 Endourology Observer in University of Michigan, Dept. of Urology, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, USA( Dr. Stuart Wolf).
10/2015 Educational Mentor for Urology Residents, HNH Urology Department,
Licensure and Certification:
11/2005 Certificate of Immunization services
7/2006 Medical School Diploma, Marmara University Medical School
9/2007 Specialization in Medicine Exam
10/2007 Interuniversity Language Exam (UDS) 80/100, 65 point is enough to
become a professor at any university in Turkey)
2/2009 Certificate of Practical Laboratory Animals Course
7/2010 United State Medical Licensing Examination Step 1: Passed
10/2014 EBU written exam passed
Memberships in Professional Societies:
2007 Junior ESRU member of the European Association of Urology
2009 Turkish Medical Association
2009 Clinical representative of Turkiye ESRU
2011 General Secretary of Turkiye ESRU
2012 Member of EAU
2013 Member of Urologic Surgery Association
Awards and Honors:
5/2003 MasCo: “Marmara Medical School Student Congress” (16 May 2003-İstanbul).
The relationship between CRP and blood glucose levels in Type II Diabetic
patients (The best oral presentation prize)
5/2012 Turkish National Urology Congress in Cyprus: ‘Retroperitoneal
Ureteroureterostomy in Retrocaval Ureter’ (The best video presentation
Part I : Published original articles and case reports
1. An unusual retroperitoneal sero-negative hydatid cyst presenting with lower urinary tract
symptoms. Erdem MR, Akbaş A, Onol FF, Tanidir Y, Onol SY. Turkiye Parazitol Derg.
2. Lich-Gregoir ureteral reimplantation with fixation of ureter during detrusorraphy as a
reliable outpatient anti-reflux procedure. Onol FF, Akbas A, Erdem MR, Onol SY. Eur J
Pediatr Surg. 2009 Oct;19(5):320-4. doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1233496. Epub 2009 Sep 10.
3. Female urethral malignant melanoma with vesical invasion: a case report. Akbas A,
Akman T, Erdem MR, Antar B, Kilicarslan I, Onol SY. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2010
4. Techniques and results of urethroplasty for female urethral strictures: our experience with
17 patients. Önol FF, Antar B, Köse O, Erdem MR, Önol ŞY. Urology. 2011
Jun;77(6):1318-24. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2011.01.017. Epub 2011 Apr 3.
5. Rectovesical fistula related to transurethral resection of a bladder lesion. Topaktaş R,
Tepeler A, Kurt O, Erdem MR, Armağan A, Onol SY. Case Rep Med.
2011;2011:801290. doi: 10.1155/2011/801290. Epub 2011 Sep 29.
6. A rare renal epithelial tumor: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma case report and review of the
literature. Tepeler A, Erdem MR, Kurt O, Topaktas R, Kilicaslan I, Armağan A, Onol
SY. Case Rep Med. 2011;2011:686283. doi: 10.1155/2011/686283. Epub 2011 Oct 29.
7. Impact of percutaneous renal access technique on outcomes of percutaneous
nephrolithotomy. Tepeler A, Armağan A, Akman T, Polat EC, Ersöz C, Topaktaş
R, Erdem MR, Onol SY. J Endourol. 2012 Jul;26(7):828-33. doi:
10.1089/end.2011.0563. Epub 2012 Mar 14.
8. Reconstruction of distal urethral strictures confined to the glans with circular buccal
mucosa graft. Onol SY, Onol FF, Gümüş E, Topaktaş R, Erdem MR. Urology. 2012
May;79(5):1158-62. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.01.046. Epub 2012 Mar 24.
9. Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty with dorsal inlay graft prevents meatal/neourethral
stenosis: a single surgeon's experience. Silay MS, Armagan A, Kilincaslan H, Erdem
MR, Akcay M. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Jul;47(7):1480; author reply 1482. doi:
10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2012.02.026. No abstract available.
10. Is fluoroscopic imaging mandatory for endoscopic treatment of ureteral stones? Tepeler
A, Armagan A, Akman T, Sılay MS, Akçay M, Başıbüyük I, Erdem MR, Önol ŞY.
Urology. 2012 Nov;80(5):1002-6. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.02.082. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
11. The role of microperc in the treatment of symptomatic lower pole renal calculi. Tepeler
A, Armagan A, Sancaktutar AA, Silay MS, Penbegul N, Akman T, Hatipoglu NK, Ersoz
C,Erdem MR, Akcay M. J Endourol. 2013 Jan;27(1):13-8. doi: 10.1089/end.2012.0422.
Epub 2012 Oct 25.
12. Micropercutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of moderate-size renal calculi.
Armagan A, Tepeler A, Silay MS, Ersoz C, Akcay M, Akman T, Erdem MR, Onol SY. J
Endourol. 2013 Feb;27(2):177-81. doi: 10.1089/end.2012.0517. Epub 2012 Oct 26.
13. Comparison of flexible and rigid cystoscopy-assisted ureteral catheter insertion before
percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a prospective randomized trial. Tepeler A, Silay MS,
Akman T, Akcay M, Ersoz C, Kardas S, Erdem MR, Armagan A, Onol SY. J Endourol.
2013 Jun;27(6):722-6. doi: 10.1089/end.2013.0018. Epub 2013 May 10.
14. The all-seeing needle instead of the Veress needle in pediatric urologic laparoscopy. Silay
MS, Tepeler A, Sancaktutar AA, Kilincaslan H, Altay B, Erdem MR, Hatipoglu NK,
Akcay M, Akman T, Armagan A. J Endourol. 2013 Nov;27(11):1376-80. doi:
10.1089/end.2013.0054. Epub 2013 Jun 20.
15. Henoch-Schönlein purpura without systemic involvement beginning with acute scrotum
and mimicking torsion of testis. Verim L, Cebeci F, Erdem MR, Somay A. Arch Ital
Urol Androl. 2013 Apr 19;85(1):50-2. doi: 10.4081/aiua.2013.1.50.
16. Extraordinary cause of complete colonic obstruction in children: urinary retention.
Kilincaslan H, Silay MS, Erdem MR, Donmez T, Bilici M, Erenberk U. Pediatr Int. 2014
Jun;56(3):419-22. doi: 10.1111/ped.12273.
17. Laparoscopic decortication of hilar renal cysts using LigaSure. Erdem MR, Tepeler A,
Gunes M, Sılay MS, Akman T, Akcay M, Armagan A, Onol SY. JSLS. 2014 Apr-
Jun;18(2):301-7. doi: 10.4293/108680813X13753907291558.
18. Endoscopic guided additional access for staghorn calculi. Ziypak T, Adanur S, Tepeler
A, Erdem MR, Akcay M, Armagan A, Ozbey I, Polat O. J Endourol. 2014
Oct;28(10):1192-6. doi: 10.1089/end.2014.0189. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
19. Our experience in chordee without hypospadias: results of 102 cases. Polat EC, Erdem
MR, Topaktas R, Ersoz C, Onol SY. Urol J. 2014 Sep 6;11(4):1783-7.
20. Minimum 1-year results of mesh spiral-sling procedure in managing refractory and
primary disabling stress urinary incontinence. Önol SY, Sevket O, Önol FF, Erdem MR,
Tepeler A. Int Urogynecol J. 2014 Oct;25(10):1399-404. doi: 10.1007/s00192-013-2224-
6. Epub 2014 Aug 19.
21. Stone gum: to prevent the stone migration and provide stone clearance during
percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Tepeler A , Erdem M R, Gunes M , Akman T , Akçay M .
Med Hypotheses. 2012 Dec;79(6):896-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2012.08.020. Epub 2012
Sep 23.
Part II: Oral and Poster Presentations
9/2006 Outcome of Unresectable Locally Advanced and/or Metastatic Colorectal
Cancer Patients Recieving Systemic Chemotherapy. F. Dane, P.F. Yumuk,
M. Gumus, M.S. Iyikesici, A. Tufan, G. Basaran, D. Cabuk, A. Ozturk,
M.R. Erdem, M. Teomete, N.S. Turhal; 6th Congress Balkan Union of
Oncology13-16 September 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria- International.
9/2008 A Minimally Invasive Pyeloplasty in Children: Dorsal Mini-Lumbotomy
Incision.Fikret Faih Önol, Şinasi Yavuz Önol, Yılören Tanıdır, Fatih Mete,
M.R. Erdem( Oral presentation- Fetal Hydronephrosis pre&postnatal
assessment &clinical approach, 2008 Annual course of European Society
for Paediatric Urology(ESPU), September 10-12, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey-
11/2008 Sixteen Dots Technique and Multiple Parallel Plication in Penil Curvature
Surgery. S.Y. Onol, Y.O. Ilbey, F.F. Onol, Yıloren Tanıdır, Baran Antar,
Emin Ozbek, Alpaslan Akbas, M.R. Erdem (Poster presentation – 20th
National Urology Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey –
11/2008 Comparison of Transverse versus Vertical Fasciacutaneaous Island Flap in
Recurrent Strictures of Meatus and Fossa Navicularis. S.Y. Onol, F.F.
Onol, Haluk Inal, Y.O.Ilbey, Alpaslan Akbas, Osman Kose, M.R. Erdem
(Poster presentation – 20th National Urology Conference – 1-6 November
2008 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
11/2008 The Efficacy of Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy in The Treatment of Advanced
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP). F.F. Onol, Osman Kose, Alpaslan Akbas,
Baran Antar, M.R. Erdem, S. Y. Onol. (Poster presentation – 20th
National Urology Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey –
11/2008 A Major Complication of Ureteroscopic Surgery: Reconstructive Repair of
Ureteral Avulsions.F.F. Onol, Yiloren Tanidir, S.Y. Onol, Alpaslan Akbas,
Baran Antar, M.R. Erdem. (Poster presentation – 20th National Urology
Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
11/2008 Severe Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans; All Anterior Urethral
Involvment.S.Y. Onol, F.F. Onol, Emin Ozbek, Y.O. Ilbey, Serhat Onur,
Alpaslan Akbas, M.R. Erdem, M.O. Ipek. (Poster presentation – 20th
National Urology Conference – 1-6 November 2008 – Antalya/Turkey –
11/2008 Comparison of Spiral and Classic Transobturator Tape (TOT) Procedures
in Male Stress Urinary Incontinance: A Multicenteric Study. S.Y. Onol,
F.F. Onol, Yiloren Tanidir, Y.O. Ilbey, Alpaslan Akbas, M.R. Erdem.
(Poster presentation – 20th National Urology Conference – 1-6 November
2008 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
3/2009 New Method for Surgical Treatment of Filarial Hydrocele: Nijer Experiences.
M.R. Erdem, Alpaslan Akbas, Turan Aslan, Serhat Onur, Haluk Inal, S.Y.
Onol. (Poster presentation – 14 th National Microbiology and Infectious
Disease Conference – 25-29 March 2009 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
3/2009 Without Surgical Approach, Unsuccesful Result of Only Antibiotherapy in The
Treatment of Fournier Disease. M.R. Erdem, Baran Antar, Osman Kose,
Alpaslan Akbas, Turan Aslan, S.Y. Onol (Poster presentation – 14 th
National Microbiology and Infectious Disease Conference – 25-29 March
2009 – Antalya/Turkey – National)
10/2009 The impact of rhabdosphincter inclusion in the vesicourethral anastomotic
sutures on continence after radical prostatectomy. Sinasi Yavuz
Onol,Fikret Fatih Onol, Ramazan Topaktas, Burak Aslan, Mehmet Remzi
Erdem. (Poster presentation – 9 th International Prostate Forum 2009 –
10/2009 Radical Prostatectomy (RP) monotherapy in cases of locally advanced non-
bone metastatic prostate cancer (LANMPC). Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Ramazan
Topaktas, Fikret Fatih Onol, Mehmet Remzi Erdem, Baran Antar. (Poster
presentation – 9 th International Prostate Forum 2009 – Izmir/Turkey-
09/2010 Update in first line treatment of female urethral stricture: Vaginal Inlay
urethroplasty, Onol SY; Onol FF; Kurt O; Erdem MR. J Sex Med; Vol 7
Supp 6; 2010, 403-64.
09/2010 Our experience in cordi without hypospadias, Onol SY; Kurt O; Polat EC;
Topaktas R; Erdem MR. J Sex Med; Vol 7 Supp 6; 2010, 403-64.
10/2010 The importance of reconstructive surgery in female urethral strcitures. FF
Onol, B Antar, EC Polat, O Kose, MR Erdem, SY Onol. 21 st National
Urology Congress, 2010.
10/2010 Our Experience with Posterior Urethroplasty in Children. SY Onol, R
Topaktas, MR Erdem, C Ersoz, O Fikri. 21 st National Urology Congress,
10/2010 Synchronized Artificial Urinary Sphincter and Penile Prosthesis
Implantation: Video Presentation. O Kurt, O Fikri, MR Erdem, B Antar,
SY Onol. 21 st National Urology Congress, 2010.
10/2010 Is Fowler- Stephens Orchiopexy Mandatory for Intraabdominal Testis? O
Kurt, EC Polat, MR Erdem, I Basibuyuk. SY Onol. 21 st National Urology
Congress, 2010.
10/2010 Extravesical Isolation of Giant Bladder Diverticulae. SY Onol, MR
Erdem, FF Onol. 21 st National Urology Congress, 2010.
03/2011 Is Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy Justified in Central Renal Masses
Herniating into the Hilum? Our technique and Results with Open Nephron-
Sparing Surgery. Onol SY, Onol FF, Erdem MR, Topaktas R. Ersoz C.
Eur Urol Supp 2011; 10 (2):355.
03/2011 Versatility of Circular Buccal Mucosa Graft Urethroplasty in Balanitis
Xerotica Obliterans Related Distal Urethral Strictures. Onol SY, Onol FF,
Simsek A, Topaktas R, Erdem MR. Eur Urol Supp 2011; 10 (2):355.
08/2011 Spiral Sling Procedure for Postoperative Incontinence. Onol SY, Onol FF,
Armagan A, Tepeler A, Antar B, Erdem MR. 41 st Annual Meeting of the
ınternational Continence Society.
10/2011 Step by step: Female Cystectomy and Extended Lymphadenectomy. Ersoz
C, Erdem MR, Topaktas R, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Armagan A,
Tepeler A, Akman T, Onol SY. 10 th Urooncology Meeting.
10/2011 Our Experience about Extended Lymphadenectomy in Prostate and
Bladder Cancer. Erdem MR, Ersoz C, Topaktas R, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I,
Elbir F, Tepeler A, Akman T, Armagan A, Onol SY. 10 th Urooncology
10/2011 Extended Lymphadenectomy in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer. Polat
EC, Topaktas R, Erdem MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyk I, Elbir F, Tepeler A,
Akman T, Armagan A, Onol SY. 10 th Urooncology Meeting.
10/2011 Comparison of two access technique: Eye of needle and triangulation
methods; prospective randomized trial. Tepeler A, Ersoz C, Erdem MR,
Polat EC, Topaktas R, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Akman T, Armagan A, Onol
SY. 9 th National Endourology Congress, Ankara.
10/2011 Short term result of diode lazer prostate vaporization. Tepeler A, Erdem
MR, Topaktas R, Ersoz C, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Akman T,
Armagan A, Onol SY. 9 th National Endourology Congress, Ankara.
12/2011 Repairment of Vesicovaginal Fistula without Removal of Fistula Tract.
Onol SY, Armagan A, Tepeler A, Akman T, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Erdem
MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F. 2 nd National Female and Functional
Urology Congress. Antalya.
12/2011 Urethroplasty should be the initial treatment for female urethral stricture.
Onol SY, Armagan A, Tepeler A, Akman T, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Erdem
MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyuk I. 2 nd National Female and Functional Urology
Congress. Antalya.
12/2011 Our mid-term results with ‘ extraperitoneal sacrocolpopexy (expert) in the
management of advanced uterine / vaginal vault prolapse. Onol SY, Onol
FF, Ersoz C, Erdem MR, Tepeler A, Armagan A. 2 nd National Female and
Functional Urology Congress. Antalya.
12/2011 Liberation of bladder neck and urethra for treatment of fixed female
urethra. Armagan A, Tepeler A, Akman T, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Erdem
MR, Ersoz C, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F. 2 nd National Female and Functional
Urology Congress. Antalya.
05/2012 Open partial nephrectomy in the central hilar renal masses: technical
refinements that facilitate the process. Onol SY, Ersoz C, Erdem MR,
Tepeler A, Topaktas R, Polat EC, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Armagan A,
Akman T. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA.
05/2012 Radical nephrectomy and vena cava thrombectomy: thoracoabdominal
extraperitoneal extrapleural method. Onol SY, Ersoz C, Erdem MR,
Tepeler A, Polat EC, Topaktas R, Basibuyuk I, Elbir F, Armagan A,
Akman T. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA.
05/2012 Impact of percutaneous renal access technique on outcomes of
percutaneous nephrolitotomy. Tepeler A, Armagan A, Polat EC, Ersoz C,
Erdem MR, Topaktas R, Onol SY. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta
05/2012 Double Buccal Mucosa Greft- Augmented Urethroplasty in Tight Bulbar
Urethral Stricture. Onol SY, Onol FF, Erdem MR, Ersoz C, Akman T.
Armagan A. 2012 AUA Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA.
05/2012 Timely management of severe urethral injuries with ureteral by-pass
surgery. Onol SY, Onol FF, Erdem MR, Topkatas R, Akman T, Armagan
A. AUA-Eurasian Urology Platform Joint Meeting Program 2012 Atlanta
Book Chapter: Malign Melanoma in genitor-Urinary Tract, Abdulkadir Tepeler, Mehmet
Remzi Erdem, Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Abdullah Armagan, Alpaslan Akbas.
Nationally Publised Articles
6/2011 F. Fatih Onol, Hasan Sağlam, M. Remzi Erdem, Osman Kose, S. Yavuz
Onol, Diagnostic and theuropetic problems of patients with testicular
torsion: Importance of preoperative intermittent testicular pain.
9/2011 Abdulkadir Tepeler, Cevper Ersoz, Mehmet Remzi Erdem, Tolga
Akman, Abdullah Armagan, Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Evaluation of information
about urologic disorders on the Internet: a pilot study of varicocele,
Turkish Journal of Urology 2011; 37(4):321-5.
03/2012 Ramazan Topaktas, Cevper Ersoz, Mehmet Remzi Erdem, Abdulkadir
Tepeler, Abdullah Armagan, Sinasi Yavuz Onol, Brucellar
Epididymoorchitis: A case report, Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Attendant Conferences
2/2008 3 rd ZTB-ETLIK Urogynocology / Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery
Days (Ankara/Turkey – National)
7/2008 Eurasian Andrology Summit ( Istanbul/Turkey – International )
12/2008 13 th Hypospadias day (Istanbul/Turkey – National)
09/2008 Fetal Hydronephrosis pre&postnatal assessment &clinical approach, 2008
Annual course of European Society for Paediatric Urology(ESPU),
September 10-12, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey-International)
04/2009 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (Chicago/USA)
10/2009 9 th International Prostate Forum October 2009 – Izmir/Turkey - International)
11/2009 8 th National Endourology Congress and European Urotechnology Association
2009 Meeting, Antalya, Turkey
11/ 2009 Minimally invasive treatment in early stage renal tumors: ESUT Course,
Antalya, Turkey
01/2010 International Summit: Residency and Young Specialist in Urology,
Istanbul, Turkey
05/2010 1 st World Congress of Pediatric Urology, San Francisco, Califronia, USA
05/2010 AUA 2010 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
09/2010 Laparoscopy Days in Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
03/2011 26 th Annual EAU Congress, Vienna, Austria
03/2011 1 st National Robotic Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
10/2011 21 st Turkish National Urology Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
10/2011 9 th National Endourology Congress, Ankara, Turkey
03/2012 Pediatric Urolithiasis Course, Diyarbakır, Turkey
05/2012 22 nd National Urology Congress, Girne/ North Cyprus
05/2012 AUA 2012 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
05/2015 AUA Annual Meeting 2015, New Orleans, USA
Read moreAreas of interest
Infertile Couple Assessment, Reproductive Difficulties, Functional Medicine, Polycystic Ovarian Disease, Endometriosis, I Fertilization, In, Treatments, urinary incontinence, sexual therapy, sexual dysfunction, genital aesthetics, laparoscopic surgery
Education and Expertise
Diyarbakır Ziya Gökalp Süper High School 1995-1999 Diyarbakir Dicle University Faculty of Medicine - Medical Education 1999-2005 Diyarbakir Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- Specialization Training 2005-2007 Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Teaching and Research Hospital Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Specialization Training 2007-2012
University of Health Sciences Bakirköy Dr Sadi Konuk Teaching and Research Hospital, - Research Assistant 2012-2017Istanbul Aydin University Tıp Fakültesi, department of Obstetric and Gynecology Assistant Professor 2017-2019 İstanbul Aydın University Faculty of Medicine Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Associate Professor 2019- Assisted Reproductive Therapy Certification 2019
Training and Experience IAÜ VM-Medical Park Florya Center, responsible physician Currently
Professional Memberships
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association
Read more