Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.
Read moreSurgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.
Professor Burhan Mayir isespecially interested in metabolic and bariatric surgery, also. He performs single port (scarless) sleeve gastrectomy, gastric by pass procedures and revisional bariatric surgeries. He has experience about metabolic-bariatric surgery, gastro-esophagus reflux surgery, endoscopic thyroid surgery (scarless thyroidectomy), cancer surgery, hernia surgery, adrenal gland surgery, other gastrointestinal surgical procedures, liver surgery, spleen surgery, hemorrhoid surgery and anal fissure surgery. He has speeches in various congresses and meetings, over 60 articles published in national and international refereed journals, and over 100 abstracts presented at congresses.
Read moreProfessor Burhan Mayir isespecially interested in metabolic and bariatric surgery, also. He performs single port (scarless) sleeve gastrectomy, gastric by pass procedures and revisional bariatric surgeries. He has experience about metabolic-bariatric surgery, gastro-esophagus reflux surgery, endoscopic thyroid surgery (scarless thyroidectomy), cancer surgery, hernia surgery, adrenal gland surgery, other gastrointestinal surgical procedures, liver surgery, spleen surgery, hemorrhoid surgery and anal fissure surgery. He has speeches in various congresses and meetings, over 60 articles published in national and international refereed journals, and over 100 abstracts presented at congresses.
I’m Dr. Enrique Pliego Esquivel, a surgeon specializing in bariatric and metabolic surgery with over 8 years of experience transforming lives through advanced surgical solutions. I am proud to be one of the few bariatric surgeons in Mexico who is a member of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). I am also certified by the Mexican Board of Obesity Surgery and the Mexican College of General Surgery.
My primary focus is providing comprehensive care to patients dealing with obesity, obesity-related conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as managing complications from bariatric surgery. I also treat gastroesophageal reflux and reflux-related esophagitis, offering tailored solutions that significantly enhance my patients' quality of life.
Patients often highlight my professionalism, empathy, and dedication to understanding their unique needs. I take the time to listen and fully grasp their goals because I believe every case deserves a personalized approach and a clear path toward success.
My priority isn’t to see the most patients—it’s to deliver exceptional care and outstanding results for each individual. I am deeply committed to quality, staying accessible, and maintaining close communication with my patients throughout their journey.
If you’re looking for expertise, compassion, and results you can trust, I’m here to help you take the first step toward a healthier, happier life.
Read moreI’m Dr. Enrique Pliego Esquivel, a surgeon specializing in bariatric and metabolic surgery with over 8 years of experience transforming lives through advanced surgical solutions. I am proud to be one of the few bariatric surgeons in Mexico who is a member of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). I am also certified by the Mexican Board of Obesity Surgery and the Mexican College of General Surgery.
My primary focus is providing comprehensive care to patients dealing with obesity, obesity-related conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as managing complications from bariatric surgery. I also treat gastroesophageal reflux and reflux-related esophagitis, offering tailored solutions that significantly enhance my patients' quality of life.
Patients often highlight my professionalism, empathy, and dedication to understanding their unique needs. I take the time to listen and fully grasp their goals because I believe every case deserves a personalized approach and a clear path toward success.
My priority isn’t to see the most patients—it’s to deliver exceptional care and outstanding results for each individual. I am deeply committed to quality, staying accessible, and maintaining close communication with my patients throughout their journey.
If you’re looking for expertise, compassion, and results you can trust, I’m here to help you take the first step toward a healthier, happier life.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Umbilical hernia repair | $2200 - $4500 |
Courses and Certifications:
Courses and Certifications:
Prof. Dr. Samet Yardımcı
Obezite ve Metabolik Cerrahi, Gastroenteroloji Cerrahisi, Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı
İlk ve orta öğrenimini Antakya’da tamamladıktan sonra 1997 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’ne kabul edilerek Tıp eğitimine başladı. 2003 yılında Tıp fakültesinden mezun olduğu sene tıpta uzmanlık sınavını kazanarak Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Genel Cerrahi asistanlığına başladı.
2008-2009 yıllarında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Houston kentinde MD Anderson kanser merkezi’nde ve Memorial Herrman hastanelerinde kanser cerrahisi ve organ nakli konularında eğitim aldı. Türkiye’ye döndükten sonra 2009 yılında yapılan genel cerrahların katıldığı yan dal sınavında Türkiye birincisi oldu. Bu sınav başarısının peşinden 2009-2012 yılları arasında Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi’nde Gastroenteroloji Cerrahisi (sindirim sistemi cerrahisi) eğitimi aldı.
2012 yılında Türkiye’nin en genç Gastroenteroloji Cerrahı oldu ve Marmara Üniversitesi Pendik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine atandı. 2012 – 2018 yılları arasında, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğrencilerine ve genel cerrahi asistanlarına birçok ders verdi, hastalara yönelik ve cerrahlara yönelik birçok eğitim faaliyetinde rol aldı. İleri laparoskopik cerrahi, Obezite ve Metabolik cerrahi alanında çalıştı, ayrıca organ nakli ve İnflamatuar barsak hastalıkları cerrahisi ünitelerinin kurulmasında aktif olarak rol aldı. 2017 mart ayında yapılan sınavla Doçent ünvanınına layık görüldü.
Read moreProf. Dr. Samet Yardımcı
Obezite ve Metabolik Cerrahi, Gastroenteroloji Cerrahisi, Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı
İlk ve orta öğrenimini Antakya’da tamamladıktan sonra 1997 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’ne kabul edilerek Tıp eğitimine başladı. 2003 yılında Tıp fakültesinden mezun olduğu sene tıpta uzmanlık sınavını kazanarak Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Genel Cerrahi asistanlığına başladı.
2008-2009 yıllarında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Houston kentinde MD Anderson kanser merkezi’nde ve Memorial Herrman hastanelerinde kanser cerrahisi ve organ nakli konularında eğitim aldı. Türkiye’ye döndükten sonra 2009 yılında yapılan genel cerrahların katıldığı yan dal sınavında Türkiye birincisi oldu. Bu sınav başarısının peşinden 2009-2012 yılları arasında Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi’nde Gastroenteroloji Cerrahisi (sindirim sistemi cerrahisi) eğitimi aldı.
2012 yılında Türkiye’nin en genç Gastroenteroloji Cerrahı oldu ve Marmara Üniversitesi Pendik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine atandı. 2012 – 2018 yılları arasında, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğrencilerine ve genel cerrahi asistanlarına birçok ders verdi, hastalara yönelik ve cerrahlara yönelik birçok eğitim faaliyetinde rol aldı. İleri laparoskopik cerrahi, Obezite ve Metabolik cerrahi alanında çalıştı, ayrıca organ nakli ve İnflamatuar barsak hastalıkları cerrahisi ünitelerinin kurulmasında aktif olarak rol aldı. 2017 mart ayında yapılan sınavla Doçent ünvanınına layık görüldü.