Professor Dr. Selman Lacin graduated from the Faculty of Gulhane Military Medical Academy In 1988 and was a resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Izmir Dokuz Eylul University in between 1991 and 1996.
Prof. Dr.Selman Laçin, began as an assistant professor at the University of Celal Bayar of Manisa, has taken the degree of Associate Professor in 2002. After 8 years in academic medicine, he moved to Istanbul.
He worked for different periods in Swedish Karolinska Institute,Department of OB / GYN, Israel Tel-Aviv University, assisted ction and Center and Gulhane Military Medical Academy of Center .
There are over 80 articles published in scientific journals at home and abroad and scientific contribution to the writing of the many books.
Between 2004 - 2007, he worked at the Istanbul Memorial Hospital Center.
He established and directed the Medical Park Hospital Center during 2007 - 2008. He began working in Medicana Health Group in 2008.
Professor Laçin is the member of many professional and social organizations at home and abroad.His main areas of interest are Hormonal Disorders, In, and Gynecologic Endoscopic (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic) Surgery.
Prof. Dr. Selman Laçin is now the director of the Medicana International Hospital Center in Beylikduzu, İstanbul, Turkey
Professor Dr. Selman Lacin graduated from the Faculty of Gulhane Military Medical Academy In 1988 and was a resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Izmir Dokuz Eylul University in between 1991 and 1996.
Prof. Dr.Selman Laçin, began as an assistant professor at the University of Celal Bayar of Manisa, has taken the degree of Associate Professor in 2002. After 8 years in academic medicine, he moved to Istanbul.
He worked for different periods in Swedish Karolinska Institute,Department of OB / GYN, Israel Tel-Aviv University, assisted ction and Center and Gulhane Military Medical Academy of Center .
There are over 80 articles published in scientific journals at home and abroad and scientific contribution to the writing of the many books.
Between 2004 - 2007, he worked at the Istanbul Memorial Hospital Center.
He established and directed the Medical Park Hospital Center during 2007 - 2008. He began working in Medicana Health Group in 2008.
Professor Laçin is the member of many professional and social organizations at home and abroad.His main areas of interest are Hormonal Disorders, In, and Gynecologic Endoscopic (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic) Surgery.
Prof. Dr. Selman Laçin is now the director of the Medicana International Hospital Center in Beylikduzu, İstanbul, Turkey
Name and Surname: Eyup Yaycı
Date of Birth: November 12, 1969
Foreign language: English
Academic Degrees
Degree Department/Program Education Institution Year
Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University – Istanbul 1993
in medicine
Gynecology and Gynecology
Birth SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1998
Asst. Assoc.
Gynecology and Gynecology
Near East University Medicine
Faculty 2012
Master's Thesis Title and Thesis Advisor
Magnetic resonance imaging of myometrial invasion depth in cases with endometrial cancer
Detection by imaging method and its effects on prognosis (1998)
Thesis advisor:
Assoc. Prof. Necdet Süer
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (TJOD)
Job Title Place of Duty Year
Research Asst. SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1993-1998
Expert Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2011- 2012
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2012 -Present
1. International events
1.1. International Article Publications
1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists
1.1.1.b. Journals receiving year in SCI extended lists
1. Yayci E, Guzin K, Suer N. Evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion by magnetic
Resonance imaging in patients with endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of
Gynecological Oncology 2012; 33: 480-484.
2. Uygur D, Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Comunoglu C, Kuzey GM. Association of Speculum
Lubrication with Pain and Papanicolaou Test Accuracy. Journal of the American Board of
Family Medicine. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120021
3. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2558-1
4. Yayci F, Yayci E, Devrim S, Gul MI, Gura M. A prospective trial of epidural versus
intravenous meperidine analgesia during labor: effects on perinatal and maternal
outcome. HealthmedJournal. HealthMED. 2012; 6(10):3268-3274
5. Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in
ovarian cancer research. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology. Eur J Gynaecol
Oncol. 2013;34(2):175-8.
6. Guler T, Uygur D, Uncu M, Yayci E, Atacag T, Bas K, Gunay M, Yakicier C. Coexisting anal
human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection. arch
Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Sep;288(3):667-72.
Doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2821-0. Epub 2013 Mar 31.
7. Guler T, Atacag T, Yayci E, Cetin A, Cetin M. Validation of Turkish version of Premenstrual
Symptoms Impact SurveyTM (PMSISTM) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in
women of ctive age. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry.
2015; 16:205-211.
Doi: 10.5455/apd.172033
8. Atacag T, Yayci E, Guler T, Suer K, Yayci F, Deren, Cetin A, Asymptomatic bacteriuria
screened by catheterized samples at pregnancy term in women undergoing cesarean
delivery.Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2015;42(5):590-4.
9. Soytac SI, Yayci E, Atacag T, Uncu M. Is maternal Vitamin D associated with Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus. Archives of Endocrinology and
Metabolism - in review
1.1.2. El, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ Lit, and other field indexed journals
1.1.3. Articles published in peer-reviewed journals and not included in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
1. Yayci E, Guler OT, Kuzey GM, Comunoglu C, Atacag T, Cetin A, Bas KK, Nakitoğlu B.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological mass: A case report. Gynecologic
Oncology Case Reports. 107-109 pp., 2012
1.2. international conferences
1. Atacag T, Guler OT, Yayci E, Cetin. Within the A.RCOG World Congress 2013 conference
"Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery" in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet
provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential.”,
pp., Liverpool, UK, June 2013.
2. Atacag T, Özkayalar H, Yayci E, Güler OT, Cetin. BCCiP-COGI - The World Congress on
Building Consensus out of Controversies Gynecology, In and Perinatology
The Increasing Role Of in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet of the conference
Endometriosis In Abdominal Wall Nodules Related To High Ratio Of Primary Cesarean
Delivery: Two Case Reports”,pp., Istanbul - May – 2013
3. Dalkan C, Uncu M, Galip N, Yayci E, Bahceciler N, Akman I. Neonatal Others PO-0672 Cord
Blood Osteocalcine, Leptin And Tnf? Levels In Gestational Diabetic Pregnancies Arch Dis
Child 2014;99:A474 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.1313
1.3. Citations
1. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012. DOI: 10.100
Read moreName and Surname: Eyup Yaycı
Date of Birth: November 12, 1969
Foreign language: English
Academic Degrees
Degree Department/Program Education Institution Year
Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University – Istanbul 1993
in medicine
Gynecology and Gynecology
Birth SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1998
Asst. Assoc.
Gynecology and Gynecology
Near East University Medicine
Faculty 2012
Master's Thesis Title and Thesis Advisor
Magnetic resonance imaging of myometrial invasion depth in cases with endometrial cancer
Detection by imaging method and its effects on prognosis (1998)
Thesis advisor:
Assoc. Prof. Necdet Süer
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetrics Association (TJOD)
Job Title Place of Duty Year
Research Asst. SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1993-1998
Expert Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2011- 2012
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Women's
Department of Diseases and Birth
2012 -Present
1. International events
1.1. International Article Publications
1.1.1.a. Journals included in the SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists
1.1.1.b. Journals receiving year in SCI extended lists
1. Yayci E, Guzin K, Suer N. Evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion by magnetic
Resonance imaging in patients with endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of
Gynecological Oncology 2012; 33: 480-484.
2. Uygur D, Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Comunoglu C, Kuzey GM. Association of Speculum
Lubrication with Pain and Papanicolaou Test Accuracy. Journal of the American Board of
Family Medicine. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120021
3. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012.
DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2558-1
4. Yayci F, Yayci E, Devrim S, Gul MI, Gura M. A prospective trial of epidural versus
intravenous meperidine analgesia during labor: effects on perinatal and maternal
outcome. HealthmedJournal. HealthMED. 2012; 6(10):3268-3274
5. Guler T, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in
ovarian cancer research. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology. Eur J Gynaecol
Oncol. 2013;34(2):175-8.
6. Guler T, Uygur D, Uncu M, Yayci E, Atacag T, Bas K, Gunay M, Yakicier C. Coexisting anal
human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection. arch
Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Sep;288(3):667-72.
Doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2821-0. Epub 2013 Mar 31.
7. Guler T, Atacag T, Yayci E, Cetin A, Cetin M. Validation of Turkish version of Premenstrual
Symptoms Impact SurveyTM (PMSISTM) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in
women of ctive age. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry.
2015; 16:205-211.
Doi: 10.5455/apd.172033
8. Atacag T, Yayci E, Guler T, Suer K, Yayci F, Deren, Cetin A, Asymptomatic bacteriuria
screened by catheterized samples at pregnancy term in women undergoing cesarean
delivery.Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2015;42(5):590-4.
9. Soytac SI, Yayci E, Atacag T, Uncu M. Is maternal Vitamin D associated with Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus. Archives of Endocrinology and
Metabolism - in review
1.1.2. El, NSF, CMCI, ISI Master, Econ Lit, and other field indexed journals
1.1.3. Articles published in peer-reviewed journals and not included in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
1. Yayci E, Guler OT, Kuzey GM, Comunoglu C, Atacag T, Cetin A, Bas KK, Nakitoğlu B.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological mass: A case report. Gynecologic
Oncology Case Reports. 107-109 pp., 2012
1.2. international conferences
1. Atacag T, Guler OT, Yayci E, Cetin. Within the A.RCOG World Congress 2013 conference
"Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery" in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet
provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential.”,
pp., Liverpool, UK, June 2013.
2. Atacag T, Özkayalar H, Yayci E, Güler OT, Cetin. BCCiP-COGI - The World Congress on
Building Consensus out of Controversies Gynecology, In and Perinatology
The Increasing Role Of in the "Poster Presentation" proceedings booklet of the conference
Endometriosis In Abdominal Wall Nodules Related To High Ratio Of Primary Cesarean
Delivery: Two Case Reports”,pp., Istanbul - May – 2013
3. Dalkan C, Uncu M, Galip N, Yayci E, Bahceciler N, Akman I. Neonatal Others PO-0672 Cord
Blood Osteocalcine, Leptin And Tnf? Levels In Gestational Diabetic Pregnancies Arch Dis
Child 2014;99:A474 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.1313
1.3. Citations
1. Guler T, Polat ZA, Yayci E, Atacag T, Cetin A. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and
unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Online 2012. DOI: 10.100
1- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Oncology Clinic (1990)
2- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1992)
3- EU Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1998)
4- FOUNDER of JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC RESEARCH, 2014; SCI application was made in 2022.
1. İzmir BUÇH EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2019)
2. Ümraniye EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020)
3. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020) (Transferred to Çam Sakura EAH)
Kansoy S. "Bone Marrow and Cell Transplantation Child Health and Diseases, 1st edition, EU Faculty of Medicine Printing House, 1999, İzmir
Kansoy S. in Thalassemia Major III. Aegean Thalassemia Days Book, 2000, Izmir
Kansoy S. Pediatric KIT Center Standards in Turkey. Childhood Acute Leukemias, Antalya 2000: 73-5
Kansoy S. Late Side Effects in Children. Special issue of Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal of Turkish Clinics. 2003
Kansoy S. Cell Applications in Bone Marrow and Cell Transplantation. Pediatric Oncology Nursing Course Book, İzmir, 2005
Kansoy S. Cord Blood as a Cell Source. Cell Special Issue. Turkey Clinics, 2008
Kansoy S. Cell Transplantation in Lymphomas. General Pediatrics Book, Ed. Prof.Dr.Enver Hasanoglu, 2009
Kansoy S, Aksoylar S. Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
Kansoy S. Rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
Kansoy S. Approach to the child with cancer according to clinical findings. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
11. Çetingül N, S.Kansoy, M.Kantar. Oncological Diseases. Pediatrics (Ed. A. Cura), 641-672, Ege University Print house, İzmir, 1999. (1.05 points)
Kansoy S, M.Kantar. Head, Face and Eye Examination. Pediatric Prosthetic Physical Examination and Symptom Information (Ed. A.Cura)
Kantar M. Metabolic Emergency Problems in Oncology. Oncologic Emergencies and Supportive Care in Childhood (Ed. N. Çetingül, S. Kansoy), 15-24, Meta Basım, İzmir, 2003.
Cord Blood Transplants in Turkey. HEMATOLOGIST, 2016
Kansoy S. Central Nervous System Tumors in Children Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
Acute myeloblastic leukemia in children and its treatment. Pediatric Oncology Textbook, Poplack's Turkish, 2020
National pediatric stem cell transplant activity, 2020
Childhood stem cell transplantation indications, Turkey Clinics - International book 2020
In addition to the studies and papers in international journals published in large numbers, he is involved in international multicenter studies in some journals with high impact value.
Read more1- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Oncology Clinic (1990)
2- SSI Tepecik Hospital Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1992)
3- EU Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (1998)
4- FOUNDER of JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC RESEARCH, 2014; SCI application was made in 2022.
1. İzmir BUÇH EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2019)
2. Ümraniye EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020)
3. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman EAH Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit (2020) (Transferred to Çam Sakura EAH)
Kansoy S. "Bone Marrow and Cell Transplantation Child Health and Diseases, 1st edition, EU Faculty of Medicine Printing House, 1999, İzmir
Kansoy S. in Thalassemia Major III. Aegean Thalassemia Days Book, 2000, Izmir
Kansoy S. Pediatric KIT Center Standards in Turkey. Childhood Acute Leukemias, Antalya 2000: 73-5
Kansoy S. Late Side Effects in Children. Special issue of Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal of Turkish Clinics. 2003
Kansoy S. Cell Applications in Bone Marrow and Cell Transplantation. Pediatric Oncology Nursing Course Book, İzmir, 2005
Kansoy S. Cord Blood as a Cell Source. Cell Special Issue. Turkey Clinics, 2008
Kansoy S. Cell Transplantation in Lymphomas. General Pediatrics Book, Ed. Prof.Dr.Enver Hasanoglu, 2009
Kansoy S, Aksoylar S. Bone Marrow Transplantation in Children. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
Kansoy S. Rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
Kansoy S. Approach to the child with cancer according to clinical findings. Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
11. Çetingül N, S.Kansoy, M.Kantar. Oncological Diseases. Pediatrics (Ed. A. Cura), 641-672, Ege University Print house, İzmir, 1999. (1.05 points)
Kansoy S, M.Kantar. Head, Face and Eye Examination. Pediatric Prosthetic Physical Examination and Symptom Information (Ed. A.Cura)
Kantar M. Metabolic Emergency Problems in Oncology. Oncologic Emergencies and Supportive Care in Childhood (Ed. N. Çetingül, S. Kansoy), 15-24, Meta Basım, İzmir, 2003.
Cord Blood Transplants in Turkey. HEMATOLOGIST, 2016
Kansoy S. Central Nervous System Tumors in Children Pediatrics, 2014 and 2017
Acute myeloblastic leukemia in children and its treatment. Pediatric Oncology Textbook, Poplack's Turkish, 2020
National pediatric stem cell transplant activity, 2020
Childhood stem cell transplantation indications, Turkey Clinics - International book 2020
In addition to the studies and papers in international journals published in large numbers, he is involved in international multicenter studies in some journals with high impact value.
Dr. Daniel Guerrero is hands down one of the best medical doctors in Mexico.
He is a rehabilitation and physical therapy medical doctor with a specialty in musculoskeletal ultrasound guided interventionism (for diagnosis and treatments).
His field of expertise is within regenerative medicine and he is able to offer a wide range of treatments for pain management.
Read moreDr. Daniel Guerrero is hands down one of the best medical doctors in Mexico.
He is a rehabilitation and physical therapy medical doctor with a specialty in musculoskeletal ultrasound guided interventionism (for diagnosis and treatments).
His field of expertise is within regenerative medicine and he is able to offer a wide range of treatments for pain management.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Cell Therapy | $11000 - $12000 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Surgical treatment of radiculopathy | $4000 - $5000 |
Surgery for syringomyelia | $2000 - $2500 |
Herniated disc surgery | $13128 - $16410 |
Prizes, awards and recognition
International experience
Prizes, awards and recognition
International experience
Dr. Jelena is a Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist with over 25 years of experience in her field. She began her medical studies in 1986 at the University of Belgrade Medical School, Belgrade. She completed her primary Medical Degree in 1992 and continued with her internship the following year at the Clinical Centre of Serbia while working as a General Practitioner.
Dr. Jelena has worked at the Gynecology & Obstetrics Clinic Narodni front (Belgrade, Serbia), Special Gynecology Hospital Genesis Medical (Belgrade, Serbia) and General Hospital ST MEDICA (Belgrade, Serbia).
She also worked for two years as a Professor in Gynaecology & Obstetrics for students of the High Medical School, Belgrade, Serbia. She held a post as a Consultant in Gynaecology & Obstetrics for several private clinics in Belgrade.
In April 2016, she moved to Dubai where she started to work as Gynaecology & Obstetrics Specialist.
She specialises in Gynaecological and Obstetrical Ultrasound (4D ultrasound), Gynaecology Endocrinology, Lower Genital Tract Pathology, Hysteroscopy, Prenatal and Post-natal care, Antiaging Treatment, Laser Treatment for Stress Urinary Inconsistency and Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome, Laser Vaginal Tightening, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation/Vaginal Atrophy Laser Treatment, Invasive and Non-Invasive Gynaecological Diagnosis (HSSG, SIS, HSG) & Aesthetic Gynaecology.
Read moreDr. Jelena is a Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist with over 25 years of experience in her field. She began her medical studies in 1986 at the University of Belgrade Medical School, Belgrade. She completed her primary Medical Degree in 1992 and continued with her internship the following year at the Clinical Centre of Serbia while working as a General Practitioner.
Dr. Jelena has worked at the Gynecology & Obstetrics Clinic Narodni front (Belgrade, Serbia), Special Gynecology Hospital Genesis Medical (Belgrade, Serbia) and General Hospital ST MEDICA (Belgrade, Serbia).
She also worked for two years as a Professor in Gynaecology & Obstetrics for students of the High Medical School, Belgrade, Serbia. She held a post as a Consultant in Gynaecology & Obstetrics for several private clinics in Belgrade.
In April 2016, she moved to Dubai where she started to work as Gynaecology & Obstetrics Specialist.
She specialises in Gynaecological and Obstetrical Ultrasound (4D ultrasound), Gynaecology Endocrinology, Lower Genital Tract Pathology, Hysteroscopy, Prenatal and Post-natal care, Antiaging Treatment, Laser Treatment for Stress Urinary Inconsistency and Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome, Laser Vaginal Tightening, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation/Vaginal Atrophy Laser Treatment, Invasive and Non-Invasive Gynaecological Diagnosis (HSSG, SIS, HSG) & Aesthetic Gynaecology.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) | $15000 |
Born in Trabzon in 1972, Dr. İzzettin Kahraman began his medical studies at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine in 1989 and earned his Medical Doctor degree in 1995. Following two years as a general practitioner, he embarked on his specialization training in 1997. He completed his residency at Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, becoming a General Surgery Specialist in 2002.
Dr. Kahraman worked as a General Surgery Specialist in public hospitals, including Trabzon Numune Hospital and Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, for 13 years. From 2016 to 2018, he served as a Lecturer at University of Health Sciences. In 2019, he transitioned to the private sector, continuing his career in private hospitals.
Throughout his career, Dr. Kahraman has engaged in a wide range of training programs both in Turkey and abroad. In 2007, he earned a Surgical Endoscopy Certificate and furthered his expertise in laparoscopic hernia treatments in Hamburg, Germany, in 2008. He also completed a course on Nutrition Practices and Training at Ondokuz Mayis University and a specialized course in laparoscopic hernia repair in Istanbul in 2010.
In 2011, after completing the "Emergency Surgery" course in Istanbul organized by the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES), Dr. Kahraman received training in SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery) Cholecystectomy at Gazi University in Ankara. Since then, he has specialized in advanced laparoscopic techniques, with a particular focus on endoscopy, gastric diseases, obesity, and metabolic surgery.
In 2021, Dr. Kahraman obtained certificates in Ozone Therapy and Mesotherapy from Medipol University.
Since 2023, he has been serving at Estexper Clinic, Istanbul.
Read moreBorn in Trabzon in 1972, Dr. İzzettin Kahraman began his medical studies at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine in 1989 and earned his Medical Doctor degree in 1995. Following two years as a general practitioner, he embarked on his specialization training in 1997. He completed his residency at Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, becoming a General Surgery Specialist in 2002.
Dr. Kahraman worked as a General Surgery Specialist in public hospitals, including Trabzon Numune Hospital and Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, for 13 years. From 2016 to 2018, he served as a Lecturer at University of Health Sciences. In 2019, he transitioned to the private sector, continuing his career in private hospitals.
Throughout his career, Dr. Kahraman has engaged in a wide range of training programs both in Turkey and abroad. In 2007, he earned a Surgical Endoscopy Certificate and furthered his expertise in laparoscopic hernia treatments in Hamburg, Germany, in 2008. He also completed a course on Nutrition Practices and Training at Ondokuz Mayis University and a specialized course in laparoscopic hernia repair in Istanbul in 2010.
In 2011, after completing the "Emergency Surgery" course in Istanbul organized by the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES), Dr. Kahraman received training in SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery) Cholecystectomy at Gazi University in Ankara. Since then, he has specialized in advanced laparoscopic techniques, with a particular focus on endoscopy, gastric diseases, obesity, and metabolic surgery.
In 2021, Dr. Kahraman obtained certificates in Ozone Therapy and Mesotherapy from Medipol University.
Since 2023, he has been serving at Estexper Clinic, Istanbul.
Personal information
Title: Professor Doctor
Branch: Pulmonary Diseases
Work History:
1 Ilıca Health Center \ Health Center Physician (Compulsory Service)
2 Florence Nightingale Hospital
3 Onze Lieve Vrouw Clinic (OLV) Aalst Belgium
4 Istanbul Bilim University (Assistant Professor)
5 Florence Nightingale Hospital (Associate Professor)
6 Istanbul Bilim University (Professor)
Medical Specialties and Subspecialties:
1 Minimally invasive heart surgery
2 Aortic surgery
3 Cover Repairs
4 Arrhythmia Surgery
Special advanced health technologies:
1 Robotic heart surgery (Da Vinci Robotic System)
2 Port Access Surgery
1991 - Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine
1998 - Istanbul University Cardiology Institute (Specialization)
Read morePersonal information
Title: Professor Doctor
Branch: Pulmonary Diseases
Work History:
1 Ilıca Health Center \ Health Center Physician (Compulsory Service)
2 Florence Nightingale Hospital
3 Onze Lieve Vrouw Clinic (OLV) Aalst Belgium
4 Istanbul Bilim University (Assistant Professor)
5 Florence Nightingale Hospital (Associate Professor)
6 Istanbul Bilim University (Professor)
Medical Specialties and Subspecialties:
1 Minimally invasive heart surgery
2 Aortic surgery
3 Cover Repairs
4 Arrhythmia Surgery
Special advanced health technologies:
1 Robotic heart surgery (Da Vinci Robotic System)
2 Port Access Surgery
1991 - Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine
1998 - Istanbul University Cardiology Institute (Specialization)
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Surgical treatment of radiculopathy | $4000 - $5000 |
Surgery for syringomyelia | $2000 - $2500 |
Herniated disc surgery | $13128 - $16410 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) | $2709.13 - $3792.79 |
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) | $2500 - $3000 |
Hysteroscopic myomectomy | $1200 |
1991 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine.
1991 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Ovarian Cyst Removal | $4000 - $5000 |
Dr Anshika Lekhi is an in and specialist with 13 + years of experience. She has performed more than 1500 cycles till now. She has a great experience of working with patients with low AMH, own egg and repeated failure patients. Her in work journey hails through various hospitals like Max hospital, W Pratiksha, Milann Fertility and Wings in the past. She has done her diploma in ctive medicine and embryology from Germany. She has also done her fellowship in ctive medicine and embryology from Kerala. More to her academic credits she has multiple fellowship and diploma in laparoscopy from hospital like PSRI and world laparoscopy Center. Her graduation and post graduation is from Dehradun. As feather in her cap she has many awards like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Health award 2023 by Zee news, Gem of Delhi Medical Association 2023 and Iconic Healthcare Leader Award of gynaecologist and specialist 2021. She has also been listed in the innovatory Gynaecologist of India by Economic times 2022. She was also honoured with the medical Services excellence Award 2015 and corona warrior award 2021 by Indian medical association. She has 20 articles and publications to her credit. She is highly committed towards her patients and their treatment.
Read moreDr Anshika Lekhi is an in and specialist with 13 + years of experience. She has performed more than 1500 cycles till now. She has a great experience of working with patients with low AMH, own egg and repeated failure patients. Her in work journey hails through various hospitals like Max hospital, W Pratiksha, Milann Fertility and Wings in the past. She has done her diploma in ctive medicine and embryology from Germany. She has also done her fellowship in ctive medicine and embryology from Kerala. More to her academic credits she has multiple fellowship and diploma in laparoscopy from hospital like PSRI and world laparoscopy Center. Her graduation and post graduation is from Dehradun. As feather in her cap she has many awards like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Health award 2023 by Zee news, Gem of Delhi Medical Association 2023 and Iconic Healthcare Leader Award of gynaecologist and specialist 2021. She has also been listed in the innovatory Gynaecologist of India by Economic times 2022. She was also honoured with the medical Services excellence Award 2015 and corona warrior award 2021 by Indian medical association. She has 20 articles and publications to her credit. She is highly committed towards her patients and their treatment.
Specialized Education and Experience:
Academic Career:
Specialized Education and Experience:
Academic Career:
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Ovarian Cyst Removal | $4000 - $5000 |
Read more
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Ovarian Cyst Removal | $4000 - $5000 |
Dr. Tatsiana Kisialeuskaya is an experienced specialist in the field of Gynecology who has graduated from the Grodno State Medical University in 1996. Dr Tatsiana Kisialeuskaya offers comprehensive care for women's health, covering a wide range of health problems, from regular health care, through the diagnosis and prevention of diseases to providing counseling on family planning.. Dr Tatsiana Kisialeuskaya experience and knowledge help patients to prevent the diseases during the procedure of a health check-up in the Clinic.
Read moreDr. Tatsiana Kisialeuskaya is an experienced specialist in the field of Gynecology who has graduated from the Grodno State Medical University in 1996. Dr Tatsiana Kisialeuskaya offers comprehensive care for women's health, covering a wide range of health problems, from regular health care, through the diagnosis and prevention of diseases to providing counseling on family planning.. Dr Tatsiana Kisialeuskaya experience and knowledge help patients to prevent the diseases during the procedure of a health check-up in the Clinic.
Medical Interests and Activities
Arterial Revasculaisation in Coronary Bypass Surgery
Major Artery Surgery
Congenital Heart Surgery
Education and Experience
1985 – 1991 Istanbul University, Çapa Faculty of Medicine, (Doctor of Medicine)
1990 Kinderspital Basel, Switzerland, Pediatrics.
1992 – 1997 Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Residency)
1997 – 2004 Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Cardiovascular Surgeon)
2004 – 2006 Selçuk University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Assistant Professor)
2006 – 2007 Selcuk University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Associate Professor)
2007 – 2013 Florence Nightingale Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
2015 – Liv Hospital Ulus
Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Society of Vascular Surgery
National Society of Vascular Surgery
Read moreMedical Interests and Activities
Arterial Revasculaisation in Coronary Bypass Surgery
Major Artery Surgery
Congenital Heart Surgery
Education and Experience
1985 – 1991 Istanbul University, Çapa Faculty of Medicine, (Doctor of Medicine)
1990 Kinderspital Basel, Switzerland, Pediatrics.
1992 – 1997 Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Residency)
1997 – 2004 Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Cardiovascular Surgeon)
2004 – 2006 Selçuk University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Assistant Professor)
2006 – 2007 Selcuk University, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, (Associate Professor)
2007 – 2013 Florence Nightingale Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
2015 – Liv Hospital Ulus
Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
Turkish Society of Cardiology
European Society of Vascular Surgery
National Society of Vascular Surgery
Medical Interests
Gynecological Cancers (Ovarian-Endometrial-Cervical Cancers)
Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery
Cervical Pathologies/ Colposcopy
Akdeniz University Medical Faculty 1999-2005
Zeynep Kamil Training Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-2011
İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty Gynecological Oncology 2011- 2015 Experience
İstanbul Suleymaniye Training Hospital 2015-2016
İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty 2017-2021
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul 2021 -
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetric Association
TJOD İstanbul
Turkish Gynecology Oncology Association
Minimal Invasive Gynecological Oncological Association
Minimal Invasive Gynecological Association
ESGO European Society of Gynecological Oncology
MEMAGO Middle East and Mediterranean Association of Gynecologic Oncologist
Read moreMedical Interests
Gynecological Cancers (Ovarian-Endometrial-Cervical Cancers)
Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery
Cervical Pathologies/ Colposcopy
Akdeniz University Medical Faculty 1999-2005
Zeynep Kamil Training Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-2011
İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty Gynecological Oncology 2011- 2015 Experience
İstanbul Suleymaniye Training Hospital 2015-2016
İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty 2017-2021
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul 2021 -
Turkish Gynecology and Obstetric Association
TJOD İstanbul
Turkish Gynecology Oncology Association
Minimal Invasive Gynecological Oncological Association
Minimal Invasive Gynecological Association
ESGO European Society of Gynecological Oncology
MEMAGO Middle East and Mediterranean Association of Gynecologic Oncologist
Dr. Tetiana Kutsiak is a specialist who has graduated from the Dnipro Medical State Academy in the city od Dnipro in Ukraine in 1997. Dr Tetiana Kutsiak specializes in using ultrasound technology to create images of the body's internal structures, providing critical support in diagnosing and guiding treatment plans. With expertise and precision, she ensure a safe and non-invasive approach to understanding and addressing health concerns. Dr Tetiana Kutsiak also has received the anti-aging medicine certificate.
Read moreDr. Tetiana Kutsiak is a specialist who has graduated from the Dnipro Medical State Academy in the city od Dnipro in Ukraine in 1997. Dr Tetiana Kutsiak specializes in using ultrasound technology to create images of the body's internal structures, providing critical support in diagnosing and guiding treatment plans. With expertise and precision, she ensure a safe and non-invasive approach to understanding and addressing health concerns. Dr Tetiana Kutsiak also has received the anti-aging medicine certificate.