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Best Ultrasound gastroenterologists: TOP 496 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Heeseok Kang
26 years of experience
Republic of Korea, Seoul
Seoul Miz Hospital (서울미즈병원)

Heeseok Kang

26 years of experience

HEESEOK KANGDepartment of Obstetrics

  • Education/Academic career
  • Graduated from Yonsei University College of Medicine
  • Internship, Samsung Medical Center
  • Residency and M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center
  • Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center Pocheon Hospital
  • Clinical Instructor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center
  • Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology I, Good Morning Hospital
  • Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Daerim St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Academic Affairs of Medical Department , Hismedi Hospital
  • Head of Department, Heryoujae Women’s Hospital
  • Current)Adjunct Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center
  • Current)Expert for NAVER KnowledgeiN
  • Professional memberships
  • Award for Exemplary Safety Management, Samsung Medical Center, 2002
  • Award for Excellence in QI Poster, Samsung Medical Center, 2007
  • Outstanding Thesis Award, Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy, 2008
  • [Thesis]
  • 1. Single port access laparoscopic adnexal surgery. Kim TJ, Lee YY, Kim MJ, Kim CJ, Kang H, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2009 SepOct;16(5):6125.
  • 2. The prognostic significance of the SUVmax (maximum standardized uptake value for F18 fluorodeoxyglucose) of the cervical tumor in PET imaging for early cervical cancer: preliminary results. Lee YY, Choi CH, Kim CJ, Kang H, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Lee JH, Bae DS, Kim BG. Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Oct;115(1):658. Epub 2009 Jul 15.
  • 3. Singleport access laparoscopicassisted vaginal hysterectomy: a novel method with a wound retractor and a glove. Lee YY, Kim TJ, Kim CJ, Kang H, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2009 JulAug;16(4):4503. Epub 2009 May 31.
  • 4. Topotecan combined with carboplatin in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer: results of a singleinstitutional phase II study. Kang H, Kim TJ, Lee YY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Bae DS, Kim BG. Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Aug;114(2):2104. Epub 2009 May 14.
  • 5. MR Imaging in Endometrial Carcinoma as a Diagnostic Tool for the Prediction of Myometrial Invasion and Lymph Node Metastasis. Ryoo UN, Choi CH, Yoon JY, Noh SK, Kang H, Kim WY, Kim BH, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Lee JH, Kim BG, Bae DS. Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Dec;39(4):16570. Epub 2007 Dec 31.
  • 6. Prognostic value of baseline lymphocyte count in cervical carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiation. Choi CH, Kang H, Kim WY, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Huh SJ, Lee JH, Kim BG, Bae DS. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008 May 1;71(1):199204.
  • 7. Lowgrade endometrial stromal sarcoma: a single center's experience with 22 cases. Kim WY, Lee JW, Choi CH, Kang H, Kim TJ, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2008 SepOct;18(5):10849.
  • 8. Outcome and ctive function after cumulative highdose combination chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (BEP) for patients with ovarian endodermal sinus tumor. Kang H, Kim TJ, Kim WY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Gynecol Oncol. 2008 Oct;111(1):10610.
  • 9. Prognostic significance of VEGF expression in patients with bulky cervical carcinoma undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Choi CH, Song SY, Choi JJ, Park YA, Kang H, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. BMC Cancer. 2008 Oct 11;8:295.
  • 10. Phase II Study of Combination Chemotherapy with Etoposide and Ifosfamide in Patients with Heavily Pretreated Recurrent or Persistent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Kang H, Kim TJ, Choi CH, Lee JW, Lee JH, Bae DS, Kim BG. JKMS. 2009 Oct. (in press)
  • 11. Ritodrine hydrochloride 단독 투여와 magnesium sulfate와의 병합 투여의 조기진통 억제효과 및 안정성에 대한 비교 김영아, 강희석, 양순하, 김종화 대한산부인과학회 2002;45:1991.
  • 12. Experience of Surgical Treatment for Adnexal Lesions in Adolescent Patients 이은주, 강희석, 윤병구, 배덕수, 최두석 대한산부내시경 2002;14:79
  • 13. 태아간 수혈증후군이 의심되는 단일 융모막성 쌍태임신에서 발견된 일측 쌍생아의 선천성 뇌실주위 백질 연화증 1예 강희석, 양순하, 오성희, 강병희, 노정래, 김종화 대한산부인과학회 2002:45:841
  • 14. 자궁근종 치료에서 modified LAM 기법의 타당성 조사 연구 이은주, 김태중, 지현영, 김하정, 김철중, 이유영, 강희석, 최철훈, 이정원, 김병기, 배덕수 대한산부내시경 2008;20:35
  • 15. 위암, 유방암, 난소암의 원발성 중복암이 있었던 환자의 증례보고 최현진, 최철훈, 김태중, 강희석, 이은주, 이정원, 김병기, 이제호, 배덕수 대한산부인과학회 2008;51:1519
  • 16. Factors associated with complicationsand conversion to laparotomy in women undergoing laparoscopically assistedvaginal hysterectomy. Song T, Kim TJ, Kang H, Lee YY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012 May;91(5):6204.
  • 17. A review of the technique and complicationsfrom 2,012 cases of laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy at a singleinstitution. Song T, Kim TJ, Kang H, Lee YY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011 Jun;51(3):23943.
  • 18. The use of misoprostol beforehysteroscopic surgery in nonpregnant premenopausal women: a randomizedcomparison of sublingual, oral and vaginal administrations. Lee YY, Kim TJ, Kang H, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Hum Reprod. 2010 Aug;25(8):19428.
  • 19. Prognostic significance of pSTAT3 inpatients with bulky cervical carcinoma undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Choi CH, Song SY, Kang H, Lee YY, Kim CJ, Lee JW, Kim TJ, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2010 Apr;36(2):30410.
  • 20. Outcome and ctive function after cumulative highdose combination chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposideand cisplatin (BEP) for patients with ovarian endodermal sinus tumor. Kang H, Kim TJ, Kim WY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS.


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HEESEOK KANGDepartment of Obstetrics

  • Education/Academic career
  • Graduated from Yonsei University College of Medicine
  • Internship, Samsung Medical Center
  • Residency and M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center
  • Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center Pocheon Hospital
  • Clinical Instructor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center
  • Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology I, Good Morning Hospital
  • Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Daerim St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Academic Affairs of Medical Department , Hismedi Hospital
  • Head of Department, Heryoujae Women’s Hospital
  • Current)Adjunct Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsung Medical Center
  • Current)Expert for NAVER KnowledgeiN
  • Professional memberships
  • Award for Exemplary Safety Management, Samsung Medical Center, 2002
  • Award for Excellence in QI Poster, Samsung Medical Center, 2007
  • Outstanding Thesis Award, Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy, 2008
  • [Thesis]
  • 1. Single port access laparoscopic adnexal surgery. Kim TJ, Lee YY, Kim MJ, Kim CJ, Kang H, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2009 SepOct;16(5):6125.
  • 2. The prognostic significance of the SUVmax (maximum standardized uptake value for F18 fluorodeoxyglucose) of the cervical tumor in PET imaging for early cervical cancer: preliminary results. Lee YY, Choi CH, Kim CJ, Kang H, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Lee JH, Bae DS, Kim BG. Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Oct;115(1):658. Epub 2009 Jul 15.
  • 3. Singleport access laparoscopicassisted vaginal hysterectomy: a novel method with a wound retractor and a glove. Lee YY, Kim TJ, Kim CJ, Kang H, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2009 JulAug;16(4):4503. Epub 2009 May 31.
  • 4. Topotecan combined with carboplatin in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer: results of a singleinstitutional phase II study. Kang H, Kim TJ, Lee YY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Bae DS, Kim BG. Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Aug;114(2):2104. Epub 2009 May 14.
  • 5. MR Imaging in Endometrial Carcinoma as a Diagnostic Tool for the Prediction of Myometrial Invasion and Lymph Node Metastasis. Ryoo UN, Choi CH, Yoon JY, Noh SK, Kang H, Kim WY, Kim BH, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Lee JH, Kim BG, Bae DS. Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Dec;39(4):16570. Epub 2007 Dec 31.
  • 6. Prognostic value of baseline lymphocyte count in cervical carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiation. Choi CH, Kang H, Kim WY, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Huh SJ, Lee JH, Kim BG, Bae DS. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008 May 1;71(1):199204.
  • 7. Lowgrade endometrial stromal sarcoma: a single center's experience with 22 cases. Kim WY, Lee JW, Choi CH, Kang H, Kim TJ, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2008 SepOct;18(5):10849.
  • 8. Outcome and ctive function after cumulative highdose combination chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (BEP) for patients with ovarian endodermal sinus tumor. Kang H, Kim TJ, Kim WY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Gynecol Oncol. 2008 Oct;111(1):10610.
  • 9. Prognostic significance of VEGF expression in patients with bulky cervical carcinoma undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Choi CH, Song SY, Choi JJ, Park YA, Kang H, Kim TJ, Lee JW, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. BMC Cancer. 2008 Oct 11;8:295.
  • 10. Phase II Study of Combination Chemotherapy with Etoposide and Ifosfamide in Patients with Heavily Pretreated Recurrent or Persistent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Kang H, Kim TJ, Choi CH, Lee JW, Lee JH, Bae DS, Kim BG. JKMS. 2009 Oct. (in press)
  • 11. Ritodrine hydrochloride 단독 투여와 magnesium sulfate와의 병합 투여의 조기진통 억제효과 및 안정성에 대한 비교 김영아, 강희석, 양순하, 김종화 대한산부인과학회 2002;45:1991.
  • 12. Experience of Surgical Treatment for Adnexal Lesions in Adolescent Patients 이은주, 강희석, 윤병구, 배덕수, 최두석 대한산부내시경 2002;14:79
  • 13. 태아간 수혈증후군이 의심되는 단일 융모막성 쌍태임신에서 발견된 일측 쌍생아의 선천성 뇌실주위 백질 연화증 1예 강희석, 양순하, 오성희, 강병희, 노정래, 김종화 대한산부인과학회 2002:45:841
  • 14. 자궁근종 치료에서 modified LAM 기법의 타당성 조사 연구 이은주, 김태중, 지현영, 김하정, 김철중, 이유영, 강희석, 최철훈, 이정원, 김병기, 배덕수 대한산부내시경 2008;20:35
  • 15. 위암, 유방암, 난소암의 원발성 중복암이 있었던 환자의 증례보고 최현진, 최철훈, 김태중, 강희석, 이은주, 이정원, 김병기, 이제호, 배덕수 대한산부인과학회 2008;51:1519
  • 16. Factors associated with complicationsand conversion to laparotomy in women undergoing laparoscopically assistedvaginal hysterectomy. Song T, Kim TJ, Kang H, Lee YY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012 May;91(5):6204.
  • 17. A review of the technique and complicationsfrom 2,012 cases of laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy at a singleinstitution. Song T, Kim TJ, Kang H, Lee YY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011 Jun;51(3):23943.
  • 18. The use of misoprostol beforehysteroscopic surgery in nonpregnant premenopausal women: a randomizedcomparison of sublingual, oral and vaginal administrations. Lee YY, Kim TJ, Kang H, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS. Hum Reprod. 2010 Aug;25(8):19428.
  • 19. Prognostic significance of pSTAT3 inpatients with bulky cervical carcinoma undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Choi CH, Song SY, Kang H, Lee YY, Kim CJ, Lee JW, Kim TJ, Kim BG, Lee JH, Bae DS. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2010 Apr;36(2):30410.
  • 20. Outcome and ctive function after cumulative highdose combination chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposideand cisplatin (BEP) for patients with ovarian endodermal sinus tumor. Kang H, Kim TJ, Kim WY, Choi CH, Lee JW, Kim BG, Bae DS.


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Doctor's visit price on request
Hymenoplasty (hymen restoration) $1500 - $3000
Cell Therapy $12000 - $15000
Surgical excision of fibroadenoma
More treatments
Séverine Iborra
Fertility specialist
18 years of experience
57 reviews
Germany, Solingen
Medical Center in Solingen

Séverine Iborra

Fertility specialist
18 years of experience

Dr. Séverine Iborra is the Chief Physician of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Städtisches Klinikum Solingen. Her responsibilities include obstetrics, the delivery room, the neonatal unit, and gynecology. The department also includes the Senology/Breast Clinic at the Bergisches Breast Center Solingen, led by Dr. Manuela Seifert.

Dr. Séverine Iborra is originally from France. She began her medical studies at the University of Lyon and later transferred to Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, where she received her medical license in 2007. She earned her doctorate in 2008 for experimental research in molecular oncology. From August 2008 to November 2013, Dr. Iborra worked as a resident at the University Women’s Clinic in Freiburg. After passing her specialist exams in gynecology and obstetrics, she continued her career as a specialist at the same clinic. In November 2015, she moved to RWTH University Hospital Aachen as a senior physician.

At the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. E. Stickeler, Dr. Iborra led the obstetrics department from 2017 to 2019. Since December 2017, she was responsible for organizing education in the department, and in October 2019, she became the Managing Senior Physician and Personnel Senior Physician of the clinic, a position she held until she moved to Solingen.

In addition to her scientific work, with numerous publications and presentations at major gynecological conferences, Dr. Iborra deepened her medical specialties. She obtained certifications in oncological diagnostics and therapy from the Gynecological Oncology Working Group, as well as additional qualifications in Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (AGCPC), Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery (AGUP), and the Professional Association of Gynecologists (BVF).

In 2019, Dr. Iborra successfully completed further specialization in “Gynecological Oncology” and “Special Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine.” She is an active member of leading German medical societies in her field, including the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics, the Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy Working Group, and the German Society for Prenatal and Birth Medicine.


Treatments Offered in Our Gynecology Department

  • Hysteroscopy and Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
  • Removal of abnormal or symptomatic ovarian findings, such as cysts, while preserving the remaining ovary.
  • Oophorectomy (removal of ovaries) in cases of abnormalities or preventively when indicated.
  • Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) while preserving the uterus.
  • Conservative treatment of fibroids: either medication or embolization performed by radiology specialists.
  • Hysterectomy with or without removal of the cervix.
  • Diagnosis and clarification of unclear findings in the cervix, vagina, and vulva.
  • Dysplasia treatment.
  • Endometriosis management.
  • Cancer treatment for vulvar, vaginal, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers.
  • Treatment for incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse.

Whenever possible, we offer all procedures as minimally invasive treatments using laparoscopy or the Da Vinci robotic system.

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Dr. Séverine Iborra is the Chief Physician of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Städtisches Klinikum Solingen. Her responsibilities include obstetrics, the delivery room, the neonatal unit, and gynecology. The department also includes the Senology/Breast Clinic at the Bergisches Breast Center Solingen, led by Dr. Manuela Seifert.

Dr. Séverine Iborra is originally from France. She began her medical studies at the University of Lyon and later transferred to Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, where she received her medical license in 2007. She earned her doctorate in 2008 for experimental research in molecular oncology. From August 2008 to November 2013, Dr. Iborra worked as a resident at the University Women’s Clinic in Freiburg. After passing her specialist exams in gynecology and obstetrics, she continued her career as a specialist at the same clinic. In November 2015, she moved to RWTH University Hospital Aachen as a senior physician.

At the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. E. Stickeler, Dr. Iborra led the obstetrics department from 2017 to 2019. Since December 2017, she was responsible for organizing education in the department, and in October 2019, she became the Managing Senior Physician and Personnel Senior Physician of the clinic, a position she held until she moved to Solingen.

In addition to her scientific work, with numerous publications and presentations at major gynecological conferences, Dr. Iborra deepened her medical specialties. She obtained certifications in oncological diagnostics and therapy from the Gynecological Oncology Working Group, as well as additional qualifications in Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (AGCPC), Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery (AGUP), and the Professional Association of Gynecologists (BVF).

In 2019, Dr. Iborra successfully completed further specialization in “Gynecological Oncology” and “Special Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine.” She is an active member of leading German medical societies in her field, including the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics, the Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy Working Group, and the German Society for Prenatal and Birth Medicine.


Treatments Offered in Our Gynecology Department

  • Hysteroscopy and Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
  • Removal of abnormal or symptomatic ovarian findings, such as cysts, while preserving the remaining ovary.
  • Oophorectomy (removal of ovaries) in cases of abnormalities or preventively when indicated.
  • Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) while preserving the uterus.
  • Conservative treatment of fibroids: either medication or embolization performed by radiology specialists.
  • Hysterectomy with or without removal of the cervix.
  • Diagnosis and clarification of unclear findings in the cervix, vagina, and vulva.
  • Dysplasia treatment.
  • Endometriosis management.
  • Cancer treatment for vulvar, vaginal, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers.
  • Treatment for incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse.

Whenever possible, we offer all procedures as minimally invasive treatments using laparoscopy or the Da Vinci robotic system.

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Doctor Nadir Adnan Hacim
16 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Erdem Hospital

Doctor Nadir Adnan Hacim

16 years of experience


  • Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine / 2003
  • Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital / 2009


  • 2023 - Presently Güneşli Erdem Hospital
  • 2021 - 2023 Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital
  • 2019 - 2021 Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital
  • 2017 - 2019 Private Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital
  • 2011 - 2017 Private Camlica Erdem Hospital
  • 2010 - 2011 Göle State Hospital
  • 2009 - 2010 Edremit Military Hospital

Professional Memberships

TTB-Istanbul Medical Chamber

Turkish Surgery Association

Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Association

Turkish Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Association


Procedures Performed

  • Laparoscopic gastric cancer, colon cancer and rectal cancer operations
  • Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery
  • Laparoscopic appendectomy (appendicitis)
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gallbladder)
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Gastroenterology Surgery
  • Tube Stomach Surgery
  • Gastric Bypass
  • Gastric Balloon
  • Swallowable Gastric Balloon
  • hemorrhoid disease
  • Anal fissure-fistula disease
  • inguinal hernia
  • incisional hernia
  • umbilical hernia
  • anal abscess
  • hair transplant surgery
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  • Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine / 2003
  • Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital / 2009


  • 2023 - Presently Güneşli Erdem Hospital
  • 2021 - 2023 Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital
  • 2019 - 2021 Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital
  • 2017 - 2019 Private Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital
  • 2011 - 2017 Private Camlica Erdem Hospital
  • 2010 - 2011 Göle State Hospital
  • 2009 - 2010 Edremit Military Hospital

Professional Memberships

TTB-Istanbul Medical Chamber

Turkish Surgery Association

Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Association

Turkish Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Association


Procedures Performed

  • Laparoscopic gastric cancer, colon cancer and rectal cancer operations
  • Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery
  • Laparoscopic appendectomy (appendicitis)
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gallbladder)
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Gastroenterology Surgery
  • Tube Stomach Surgery
  • Gastric Bypass
  • Gastric Balloon
  • Swallowable Gastric Balloon
  • hemorrhoid disease
  • Anal fissure-fistula disease
  • inguinal hernia
  • incisional hernia
  • umbilical hernia
  • anal abscess
  • hair transplant surgery
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Doctor's visit price on request
Сholecystectomy $325.1 - $541.83
Laparoscopic Anti-Reflux (GERD) Surgery $325.1 - $541.83
Stomach resection $325.1 - $541.83
More treatments
Associate Professor Doctor Ali Solmaz
18 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Erdem Hospital

Associate Professor Doctor Ali Solmaz

18 years of experience
  • Education

Postgraduate: General Surgery Department, Marmara University  – İstanbul Specialization Training, 2002-2007

University: Marmara University Faculty of Medicine – İstanbul, 1995-2002

  • Associate Professor: Bagcilar training and research Hospital, 2017



  • 2019-Now Çamlıca Erdem Hospital/Istanbul
  • 2014 – 2019  Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital / Istanbul
  • 2012 - 2014  Özel Duygu Hospital /İstanbul
  • 2010 – 2012  Viranşehir Public Hospital / Şanlıurfa
  • 2007- 2009     Military Service- Ambulance helicopter doctor, Malatya

Editorial Board Membership

  • Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Gastroenterology
  • Advances in Weight Loss Management and Medical Devices
  • Journal of General Surgery
  • American Journal of Liver & Clinical Research(AJLCR)

Association Memberships 

  • Turkish Surgery Association
  • Bariatrik ve Metabolik Cerrahi Derneği
  • Turkey Obesity Surgery Society
  • Istanbul Medical Chamber
  • National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Association (ELCD)
  • International Federation For The Surgery Of Obesity And Metabolic  Disorders (IFSO)


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  • Education

Postgraduate: General Surgery Department, Marmara University  – İstanbul Specialization Training, 2002-2007

University: Marmara University Faculty of Medicine – İstanbul, 1995-2002

  • Associate Professor: Bagcilar training and research Hospital, 2017



  • 2019-Now Çamlıca Erdem Hospital/Istanbul
  • 2014 – 2019  Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital / Istanbul
  • 2012 - 2014  Özel Duygu Hospital /İstanbul
  • 2010 – 2012  Viranşehir Public Hospital / Şanlıurfa
  • 2007- 2009     Military Service- Ambulance helicopter doctor, Malatya

Editorial Board Membership

  • Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Gastroenterology
  • Advances in Weight Loss Management and Medical Devices
  • Journal of General Surgery
  • American Journal of Liver & Clinical Research(AJLCR)

Association Memberships 

  • Turkish Surgery Association
  • Bariatrik ve Metabolik Cerrahi Derneği
  • Turkey Obesity Surgery Society
  • Istanbul Medical Chamber
  • National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Association (ELCD)
  • International Federation For The Surgery Of Obesity And Metabolic  Disorders (IFSO)


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Doctor's visit price on request
Сholecystectomy $325.1 - $541.83
Laparoscopic Anti-Reflux (GERD) Surgery $325.1 - $541.83
Stomach resection $325.1 - $541.83
More treatments
Specialist Surgeon Doctor Rafail Ibayev
6 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Erdem Hospital

Specialist Surgeon Doctor Rafail Ibayev

6 years of experience

Procedures Performed

  • Laparoscopic and Open Malignant Stomach Operations
  • Small Intestine Operations
  • Large Intestine Operations
  • Rectal Disease Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Benign Stomach Procedures
  • Laparoscopic and Open Hernia Repair Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Appendectomy Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Cholecystectomy Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Splenectomy Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Anti-Reflux Procedures
  • Laparoscopic and Open Endocrinology Procedures
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass Surgeries
  • Oncoplastic Benign and Malignant Breast Surgeries
  • Thyroid Surgery for Benign and Malignant Diseases
  • Perianal Region Procedures (fissure, fistula, pilonidal sinus)
  • Placement and Removal of Gastric Balloons
  • Endoscopic and Surgical Placement of Feeding Tubes in the Stomach
  • Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Procedures
  • Liver Surgery

Diseases Treated

  • Obesity Disorders
  • Benign Thyroid Diseases and Tumors
  • Benign Diseases and Tumors of the Esophagus
  • Benign Diseases and Tumors of the Breast
  • Benign Stomach Diseases (Reflux Disease) and Tumors
  • Benign Diseases (Meckel and other diverticula) and Tumors of the Small Intestine
  • Benign Diseases (diverticula) and Tumors of the Large Intestine
  • Benign Diseases and Tumors of the Rectum
  • Perianal Region Diseases (fissure, fistula, hemorrhoids, abscess, pilonidal sinus)
  • Benign Liver Diseases and Tumors
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Procedures Performed

  • Laparoscopic and Open Malignant Stomach Operations
  • Small Intestine Operations
  • Large Intestine Operations
  • Rectal Disease Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Benign Stomach Procedures
  • Laparoscopic and Open Hernia Repair Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Appendectomy Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Cholecystectomy Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Splenectomy Operations
  • Laparoscopic and Open Anti-Reflux Procedures
  • Laparoscopic and Open Endocrinology Procedures
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass Surgeries
  • Oncoplastic Benign and Malignant Breast Surgeries
  • Thyroid Surgery for Benign and Malignant Diseases
  • Perianal Region Procedures (fissure, fistula, pilonidal sinus)
  • Placement and Removal of Gastric Balloons
  • Endoscopic and Surgical Placement of Feeding Tubes in the Stomach
  • Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Procedures
  • Liver Surgery

Diseases Treated

  • Obesity Disorders
  • Benign Thyroid Diseases and Tumors
  • Benign Diseases and Tumors of the Esophagus
  • Benign Diseases and Tumors of the Breast
  • Benign Stomach Diseases (Reflux Disease) and Tumors
  • Benign Diseases (Meckel and other diverticula) and Tumors of the Small Intestine
  • Benign Diseases (diverticula) and Tumors of the Large Intestine
  • Benign Diseases and Tumors of the Rectum
  • Perianal Region Diseases (fissure, fistula, hemorrhoids, abscess, pilonidal sinus)
  • Benign Liver Diseases and Tumors
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Doctor's visit price on request
Сholecystectomy $325.1 - $541.83
Laparoscopic Anti-Reflux (GERD) Surgery $325.1 - $541.83
Stomach resection $325.1 - $541.83
More treatments
Roberto Martínez Álvarez
41 years of experience

Roberto Martínez Álvarez

41 years of experience
Spain, Madrid
Hospital Ruber Internacional
Antonio Gil-nagel Rein
75 years of experience
Spain, Madrid
Hospital Ruber Internacional

Antonio Gil-nagel Rein

75 years of experience

Since 1998 he has been Director of the Epilepsy Unit at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid, a pioneering centre for the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy in children and adults.

More than 150 neurologists and neurophysiologists from Spain and Latin America have been trained here, and several of its students have successfully opened epilepsy centres in other public and private hospitals, both in Spain and abroad.

The program he directs has become a pioneer in Spain in the field of genetic diagnosis of complex epilepsies and advanced treatments such as drug repositioning, interstitial laser treatment, deep electrodes and gamma radiosurgery, which are used in patients with refractory epilepsy.

Dr. Antonio Gil-Nagel is a professor at the IE University, is an Ad Honorem Professor at the Center for Biomedical Technology of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (CTB) and is Director of the Epilepsy Department at the Francisco Vitoria University of Madrid.

He was a founding member of the European Epilepsy Research Network and the European Association for Epilepsy Monitoring. He is also active in international research projects such as EpiCare and the European Epilepsy Brain Bank and has held relevant positions in international institutions such as the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) and the World Federation of Neurology (WFN).

Dr. Gil-Nagel has directed numerous clinical trials and research studies in the field of epilepsy, especially in orphan epilepsies such as Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and other epileptic and developmental encephalopathies. The Epilepsy Program he directs is an international benchmark in the development of pharmacological research. He has been the Principal Investigator of phase II and III clinical trials, including numerous clinical trials and non-pharmacological treatments (epilepsy surgery, electrical stimulation, ketogenic diet and gamma knife). His research is funded by European Union funds and the Public Innovation Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government. Their dedication to research and the development of new treatments allows them to accelerate the treatment of their patients with new treatments.

In addition to being a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, he has authored several books on epilepsy and electroencephalography and has numerous publications on epilepsy in journals such as Annals of Neurology, Brain, Epilepsy, European Journal of Neurology, Journal of Neurology, Nature Neurology, Neurology, and the New England Journal of Medicine, among others. He has authored 165 Scopus-indexed articles with 5,265 citations and an h-index of 35.

In 2021, his team received the Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise Award for the project on mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and encephalocele (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain), and in 2012, the Scientific Award from the Epilepsy Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN).


  • 1985Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery , Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 1986-1989Specialization in Neurology , Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid.
  • 1991–1993Epilepsy Specialist , Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
  • 1997Certification of the American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology .

Professional experience

  • 1993–1995 – Associate Professor, Epilepsy Program, Department of Neurology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
  • 1995–1998 – Associate Professor, Epilepsy Program, Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, USA.
  • Since 1998Director of the Epilepsy Program , Neurology Service, Ruber International Hospital, Madrid.
  • 2014 – Defense of the dissertation on the topic: "Clinical and neurophysiological studies in the pre-surgical evaluation of epilepsy" , Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 2022Deputy Head of the Neurology Service , Ruber Internacional International Hospital, Madrid.

Membership in professional societies

  • Since 1991 – Member of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN).
  • Since 1991 – Member of the American Epilepsy Society (AES).
  • Since 1996 – Member of the American Society of Clinical Neurophysiology .
  • Since 1988 – Member of the Spanish Society of Neurology .
  • Since 2006 – Representative of Spain in the World Federation of Neurology (WFN).
  • Since 2006 – Member of the editorial committee and the WFN web portal .
  • Since 2008 – Director of the Epilepsy Group of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS).
  • Since 2009 – Member of the EFNS Educational Courses Committee.
  • 2007–2009 – Member of the EFNS Scientific Committee .
  • 2007–2008 – Vice-President of the Scientific Committee of the 12th EFNS Congress , Madrid.
  • 2004–2007 – Delegate of Spain to the EFNS .
  • 2009 – Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Congress of Neurologists , Marrakech.

Outstanding Achievements

Dr. Hill-Nagel is a leading international figure in the field of epileptology, a recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of genetic epilepsy and the surgical approach to its correction. His distinguished professional career includes many years of experience in leading medical institutions in the United States and Europe, as well as active participation in international research and educational programs.

Dr. Hill-Nagel not only advances the science of neurology on a global level, but also successfully implements cutting-edge treatment methods, improving the lives of thousands of patients around the world.

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Since 1998 he has been Director of the Epilepsy Unit at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid, a pioneering centre for the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy in children and adults.

More than 150 neurologists and neurophysiologists from Spain and Latin America have been trained here, and several of its students have successfully opened epilepsy centres in other public and private hospitals, both in Spain and abroad.

The program he directs has become a pioneer in Spain in the field of genetic diagnosis of complex epilepsies and advanced treatments such as drug repositioning, interstitial laser treatment, deep electrodes and gamma radiosurgery, which are used in patients with refractory epilepsy.

Dr. Antonio Gil-Nagel is a professor at the IE University, is an Ad Honorem Professor at the Center for Biomedical Technology of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (CTB) and is Director of the Epilepsy Department at the Francisco Vitoria University of Madrid.

He was a founding member of the European Epilepsy Research Network and the European Association for Epilepsy Monitoring. He is also active in international research projects such as EpiCare and the European Epilepsy Brain Bank and has held relevant positions in international institutions such as the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) and the World Federation of Neurology (WFN).

Dr. Gil-Nagel has directed numerous clinical trials and research studies in the field of epilepsy, especially in orphan epilepsies such as Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and other epileptic and developmental encephalopathies. The Epilepsy Program he directs is an international benchmark in the development of pharmacological research. He has been the Principal Investigator of phase II and III clinical trials, including numerous clinical trials and non-pharmacological treatments (epilepsy surgery, electrical stimulation, ketogenic diet and gamma knife). His research is funded by European Union funds and the Public Innovation Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government. Their dedication to research and the development of new treatments allows them to accelerate the treatment of their patients with new treatments.

In addition to being a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, he has authored several books on epilepsy and electroencephalography and has numerous publications on epilepsy in journals such as Annals of Neurology, Brain, Epilepsy, European Journal of Neurology, Journal of Neurology, Nature Neurology, Neurology, and the New England Journal of Medicine, among others. He has authored 165 Scopus-indexed articles with 5,265 citations and an h-index of 35.

In 2021, his team received the Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise Award for the project on mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and encephalocele (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain), and in 2012, the Scientific Award from the Epilepsy Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN).


  • 1985Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery , Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 1986-1989Specialization in Neurology , Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid.
  • 1991–1993Epilepsy Specialist , Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
  • 1997Certification of the American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology .

Professional experience

  • 1993–1995 – Associate Professor, Epilepsy Program, Department of Neurology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
  • 1995–1998 – Associate Professor, Epilepsy Program, Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, USA.
  • Since 1998Director of the Epilepsy Program , Neurology Service, Ruber International Hospital, Madrid.
  • 2014 – Defense of the dissertation on the topic: "Clinical and neurophysiological studies in the pre-surgical evaluation of epilepsy" , Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 2022Deputy Head of the Neurology Service , Ruber Internacional International Hospital, Madrid.

Membership in professional societies

  • Since 1991 – Member of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN).
  • Since 1991 – Member of the American Epilepsy Society (AES).
  • Since 1996 – Member of the American Society of Clinical Neurophysiology .
  • Since 1988 – Member of the Spanish Society of Neurology .
  • Since 2006 – Representative of Spain in the World Federation of Neurology (WFN).
  • Since 2006 – Member of the editorial committee and the WFN web portal .
  • Since 2008 – Director of the Epilepsy Group of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS).
  • Since 2009 – Member of the EFNS Educational Courses Committee.
  • 2007–2009 – Member of the EFNS Scientific Committee .
  • 2007–2008 – Vice-President of the Scientific Committee of the 12th EFNS Congress , Madrid.
  • 2004–2007 – Delegate of Spain to the EFNS .
  • 2009 – Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Congress of Neurologists , Marrakech.

Outstanding Achievements

Dr. Hill-Nagel is a leading international figure in the field of epileptology, a recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of genetic epilepsy and the surgical approach to its correction. His distinguished professional career includes many years of experience in leading medical institutions in the United States and Europe, as well as active participation in international research and educational programs.

Dr. Hill-Nagel not only advances the science of neurology on a global level, but also successfully implements cutting-edge treatment methods, improving the lives of thousands of patients around the world.

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Cemsit Karakurt
Pediatric cardiologist
32 years of experience
1 review
Turkey, Antalya
Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex

Cemsit Karakurt

Pediatric cardiologist
32 years of experience

Education and Specialisation 

1987-1993 Undergraduate Education: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

1993-1997 Child Health and Diseases. Dr. Sami Ulus Child Health and Diseases Education and Research Hospital Specialization

2001-2005 Child Health and Diseases. Dr. Sami Ulus Child Health and Diseases Education and Research Hospital Sub-branch Specialization Education

Professional Memberships (if any)

Member of Turkish Society of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Member of 

Antalya Medical Chamber









Faculty Board Membership İnönü University Faculty of Medicine

Head of the Department: Inönü University Faculty of Medicine. Department of Child Health 

and Diseases 

Board Membership: Turkish Society of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

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Education and Specialisation 

1987-1993 Undergraduate Education: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

1993-1997 Child Health and Diseases. Dr. Sami Ulus Child Health and Diseases Education and Research Hospital Specialization

2001-2005 Child Health and Diseases. Dr. Sami Ulus Child Health and Diseases Education and Research Hospital Sub-branch Specialization Education

Professional Memberships (if any)

Member of Turkish Society of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Member of 

Antalya Medical Chamber









Faculty Board Membership İnönü University Faculty of Medicine

Head of the Department: Inönü University Faculty of Medicine. Department of Child Health 

and Diseases 

Board Membership: Turkish Society of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

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1 review
Doctor's visit price on request
$1500 - $2000
More treatments
Ullrich Graeven
39 years of experience

Ullrich Graeven

39 years of experience
Germany, Dusseldorf
Клинический комплекс "Мария Хильф"
Mehmet Karaca
Gynecologic oncologist
30 years of experience
1 review
Turkey, Antalya
Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex

Mehmet Karaca

Gynecologic oncologist
30 years of experience

Professor Dr. Mehmet Karaca

DOB: 1971, 

Place Of. Birth: Antalya. 

Foreign Languages ​​Known: English

Medical Interests Cancer Center Schools / trainings Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Medical Interests gynecological cancers Pregnancy high risk pregnancy laparoscopic surgery Urogynecology genital aesthetics in

 Schools / trainings

1993 - Undergraduate Medicine Akdeniz University    

1993 - Master's Degree in Medicine Akdeniz University     1999 - PhD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dicle University    

2011 - Minor Gynecological oncology surgery Ministry of Health experiences

2002 - 2005 - Gaziantep University - faculty of medicine - faculty member

2006 - 2010 - Kafkas University faculty of medicine - faculty member

2010 - 2014 - Antalya Training and Research Hospital - clinical chief

2014 - 2021 - Medstar Yıldız Hospital

2018 - 2021 - Gelisim University faculty member

2021 - present - Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex



Read more

Professor Dr. Mehmet Karaca

DOB: 1971, 

Place Of. Birth: Antalya. 

Foreign Languages ​​Known: English

Medical Interests Cancer Center Schools / trainings Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Medical Interests gynecological cancers Pregnancy high risk pregnancy laparoscopic surgery Urogynecology genital aesthetics in

 Schools / trainings

1993 - Undergraduate Medicine Akdeniz University    

1993 - Master's Degree in Medicine Akdeniz University     1999 - PhD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dicle University    

2011 - Minor Gynecological oncology surgery Ministry of Health experiences

2002 - 2005 - Gaziantep University - faculty of medicine - faculty member

2006 - 2010 - Kafkas University faculty of medicine - faculty member

2010 - 2014 - Antalya Training and Research Hospital - clinical chief

2014 - 2021 - Medstar Yıldız Hospital

2018 - 2021 - Gelisim University faculty member

2021 - present - Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex



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1 review
Doctor's visit price on request
$1500 - $2000
More treatments
Yuliya Doster
19 years of experience

Yuliya Doster

19 years of experience
Turkey, Bursa
Yuliya Doster MD Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Gynecology, Vaginismus Treatment.
Emine Zeynep Yilmaz
Fertility specialist
9 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Dr. EZY Clinic

Emine Zeynep Yilmaz

Fertility specialist
9 years of experience

Located in the heart of Nişantaşı, Istanbul, our clinic is a premier destination for personalized and advanced healthcare. Led by Dr. Emine Zeynep Yılmaz, a highly experienced specialist in , functional medicine, gynecology, and genital aesthetics, we combine cutting-edge technology with a holistic approach to meet your unique needs.


Dr. Yılmaz has worked in Turkey’s leading healthcare institutions, including Memorial Hospital, and now brings her expertise to her own clinic. Her commitment to innovation and patient-centered care ensures a seamless experience, whether you’re seeking treatments, hormonal balance, or aesthetic solutions.


At our clinic, we prioritize your comfort and well-being, offering state-of-the-art treatments in a warm and welcoming environment. Our comprehensive approach integrates both modern medicine and functional techniques to achieve optimal results.


Discover why international patients choose us for their health and wellness journey. Contact us today to start your transformation.

Read more

Located in the heart of Nişantaşı, Istanbul, our clinic is a premier destination for personalized and advanced healthcare. Led by Dr. Emine Zeynep Yılmaz, a highly experienced specialist in , functional medicine, gynecology, and genital aesthetics, we combine cutting-edge technology with a holistic approach to meet your unique needs.


Dr. Yılmaz has worked in Turkey’s leading healthcare institutions, including Memorial Hospital, and now brings her expertise to her own clinic. Her commitment to innovation and patient-centered care ensures a seamless experience, whether you’re seeking treatments, hormonal balance, or aesthetic solutions.


At our clinic, we prioritize your comfort and well-being, offering state-of-the-art treatments in a warm and welcoming environment. Our comprehensive approach integrates both modern medicine and functional techniques to achieve optimal results.


Discover why international patients choose us for their health and wellness journey. Contact us today to start your transformation.

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Doctor Didem Karaçetin
Radiation oncologist
27 years of experience
18 reviews
Turkey, Istanbul
Neolife Medical Center

Doctor Didem Karaçetin

Radiation oncologist
27 years of experience

Areas of Interest

  • Breast Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Gastrointestinal System Tumors
  • Gynecological Tumors
  • Brain Tumors
  • Lung Cancer


  • Professor Title, Health Sciences University Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine

2017 – 2018:

  • Master's Degree in Phytotherapy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul University


  • Associate Professor Title


  • Radiation Oncology Specialization, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada

1994 – 1998:

  • Radiation Oncology Specialization, Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital

1982 – 1988:

  • Trakya University Faculty of Medicine

Work Experience

  • Neolife Medical Center – Biruni University

2021 – 2024:

  • Health Sciences University (Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine – Bursa Medical Faculty – Izmir Medical Faculty – Lecturer)

2020 – 2024:

  • SBÜ Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital – Education and Administrative Officer

2015 – 2020:

  • Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital – Radiation Oncology Clinical Department Setup and Administrative Officer

2013 – 2020:

  • Gelişim University – Lecturer, Radiation Therapy Technician Program

2009 – 2015:

  • Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Radiation Oncology Center Setup, Clinical Administrative Responsibility, and Chief Assistant

1998 – 2009:

  • Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Radiation Oncology Clinic Chief Assistant

Professional Trainings

  • Project Creation and Development on Artificial Intelligence and Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems with Yıldız Technical University


  • Hydrogel Space Oar Application and Certification Training, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital


  • Turkish Radiation Oncology Association (Mammography Working Group, Integrative Working Group, Stereotactic Working Group, Uro-Oncology Working Group), Researcher


  • Hydrogel Space Oar Application and Certification Training, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital


  • Distance Good Clinical Practices Training; Basic Good Clinical Practices Course


  • Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Projects, European Union Education and Youth Programs Directorate


  • Brachytherapy Training, Istanbul University, Oncology Institute

2022 – 2024:

  • President of Sakura Science and Academician Association (SABADER)


  • Turkish Radiation Oncology Association, Integrative Working Group Executive Board Member


  • Cam & Sakura Medical Journal, Section Editor


  • Interdisciplinary Oncology Association, Substitute Member of the Executive Board


  • Turkish Radiation Oncology Association


  • Turkish Medical Association

Scientific Works

  • A.1 Karacetin D, Yalcin B, Okten B, Oztürk S, Maral O, Incekara O (2009). Capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) as first-line treatment for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. JBUON, 605-608
  • A.2 Yılmaz O B, Karacetin D, Kabukcuoglu F, Taskin T, Yener S (2011). Immunohistochemical study of E-cadherin and β-catenin expression in colorectal carcinomas. Pol J Pathol, 62(1), 19-24
  • A.3 Karacetin D, Cakir A, Agaoglu F, Çamlıca H, Ergen A, Dizdar Y, Darendeliler E (2010). Dose distribution in 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for prostate cancer: comparison of femur doses for four treatment techniques. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 41-51
  • A.4 Baycan D, Karacetin D, Balkanay A, Barut Y (2012). Field-in-field IMRT versus 3D-CRT of the breast. Cardiac vessels, ipsilateral lung, and contralateral breast absorbed doses in patients with left-sided lumpectomy: a dosimetric comparison. Jpn J Radiol, DOI: 10.1007/s
Read more

Areas of Interest

  • Breast Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Gastrointestinal System Tumors
  • Gynecological Tumors
  • Brain Tumors
  • Lung Cancer


  • Professor Title, Health Sciences University Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine

2017 – 2018:

  • Master's Degree in Phytotherapy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul University


  • Associate Professor Title


  • Radiation Oncology Specialization, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada

1994 – 1998:

  • Radiation Oncology Specialization, Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital

1982 – 1988:

  • Trakya University Faculty of Medicine

Work Experience

  • Neolife Medical Center – Biruni University

2021 – 2024:

  • Health Sciences University (Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine – Bursa Medical Faculty – Izmir Medical Faculty – Lecturer)

2020 – 2024:

  • SBÜ Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital – Education and Administrative Officer

2015 – 2020:

  • Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital – Radiation Oncology Clinical Department Setup and Administrative Officer

2013 – 2020:

  • Gelişim University – Lecturer, Radiation Therapy Technician Program

2009 – 2015:

  • Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Radiation Oncology Center Setup, Clinical Administrative Responsibility, and Chief Assistant

1998 – 2009:

  • Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Radiation Oncology Clinic Chief Assistant

Professional Trainings

  • Project Creation and Development on Artificial Intelligence and Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems with Yıldız Technical University


  • Hydrogel Space Oar Application and Certification Training, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital


  • Turkish Radiation Oncology Association (Mammography Working Group, Integrative Working Group, Stereotactic Working Group, Uro-Oncology Working Group), Researcher


  • Hydrogel Space Oar Application and Certification Training, Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital


  • Distance Good Clinical Practices Training; Basic Good Clinical Practices Course


  • Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Projects, European Union Education and Youth Programs Directorate


  • Brachytherapy Training, Istanbul University, Oncology Institute

2022 – 2024:

  • President of Sakura Science and Academician Association (SABADER)


  • Turkish Radiation Oncology Association, Integrative Working Group Executive Board Member


  • Cam & Sakura Medical Journal, Section Editor


  • Interdisciplinary Oncology Association, Substitute Member of the Executive Board


  • Turkish Radiation Oncology Association


  • Turkish Medical Association

Scientific Works

  • A.1 Karacetin D, Yalcin B, Okten B, Oztürk S, Maral O, Incekara O (2009). Capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) as first-line treatment for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. JBUON, 605-608
  • A.2 Yılmaz O B, Karacetin D, Kabukcuoglu F, Taskin T, Yener S (2011). Immunohistochemical study of E-cadherin and β-catenin expression in colorectal carcinomas. Pol J Pathol, 62(1), 19-24
  • A.3 Karacetin D, Cakir A, Agaoglu F, Çamlıca H, Ergen A, Dizdar Y, Darendeliler E (2010). Dose distribution in 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for prostate cancer: comparison of femur doses for four treatment techniques. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 41-51
  • A.4 Baycan D, Karacetin D, Balkanay A, Barut Y (2012). Field-in-field IMRT versus 3D-CRT of the breast. Cardiac vessels, ipsilateral lung, and contralateral breast absorbed doses in patients with left-sided lumpectomy: a dosimetric comparison. Jpn J Radiol, DOI: 10.1007/s
Read more
Specialist Doctor Umit Tuzun
20 years of experience
18 reviews
Turkey, Istanbul
Neolife Medical Center

Specialist Doctor Umit Tuzun

20 years of experience


Medical School Graduate – Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine

Radiology Department, Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty

Work Experience

2022 – Present
Neolife Medical Center

2015 – 2021
Sonomed Imaging Center

Bezmialem Vakıf University

2011 – 2015
Echomar Imaging Center

2010 – 2011
Istanbul Bilim University

2008 – 2009
Derince Military Hospital

2007 – 2008
German Hospital-Taksim

2005 – 2007
Echomar Imaging Center

Professional Trainings

  • National Radiology Congresses
  • National Magnetic Resonance Society Meetings


  • Turkish Radiology Society
  • Turkish Magnetic Resonance Society
  • Turkish Neuroradiology Society
  • RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
  • ESR (European Society of Radiology)

Scientific Works

MRI findings in parosteal osteosarcoma: correlation with histopathology.
Dönmez FY, Tüzün U, Başaran C, Tunaci M, Bilgiç B, Acunaş G. Diagn Interv Radiol. 

The diagnostic efficiency of multislice CT virtual bronchoscopy in detecting endobronchial tumors.
Bakir B, Tüzün Ü, Terzibaşioğlu E, Dursun M, Güven K, Salmaslioğlu A, Tunaci A. Tuberk Toraks.

Diffusion MR findings in cyclosporin-A induced encephalopathy.
Aydin K, Donmez F, Tuzun U, Minareci O, Atamer T. Neuroradiology. 2004 

Diffusion tensor imaging findings of the brainstem in subjects with tonsillar ectopia.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Yetis H, Tuzun U, Aralasmak A, Toprak H, Ozdemir H. Acta Neurol Belg. 2018 Mar;

Diffusion Tensor Imaging Parameters in Children with Acute Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy Due to Urea Cycle Enzyme Defects and Organic Acidemia.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Guler S, Yesil G, Toprak H, Tuzun U, Yetis H, Aralasmak A, Ozdemir H, Iscan A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017 DOI: 10.2174/

The Contribution of DTI in Determining the Relationship of Epilepsy and Brain Lesions in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Guler S, Yesil G, Toprak H, Tuzun U, Yetis H, Aralasmak A, Ozdemir H, Iscan A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017 DOI: 10.2174/

Brainstem cranial nerve diffusion changes in Wernicke encephalopathy secondary to necrotizing pancreatitis.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Aydin S, Tuzun U, Toprak H. Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2016;1:e45–e50

Neuroimaging Features of Acquired Metabolic and Toxic Encephalopathies.
Ediz S.S, Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Aydin S, Tuzun U, Toprak H, Aralasmak A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017

Does the Application of Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Enhance Graft Healing and Maturation? A Comparative MRI Study of 44 Cases.
Beyzadeoglu T, Pehlivanoglu T, Yildirim K, Buldu H, Tandogan R, Tuzun U. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Feb 20;8(2):

Deep learning for assessing image quality in bi-parametric prostate MRI: A feasibility study.
Alis D, Kartal MS, Seker ME, Guroz B, Basar Y, Arslan A, Sirolu S, Kurtcan S, Denizoglu N, Tuzun U, Yildirim D, Oksuz I, Karaarslan E. Eur J Radiol. 2023 Aug;165:110924. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110924. Epub 2023 Jun 11.


  1. TMRD 16th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 2nd Prize (2011)
  2. TMRD 17th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 3rd Prize (2012)
  3. TMRD 17th Annual Meeting Case of the Day - 3rd Prize (2012)
  4. TRD 33rd National Congress Case of the Day - 2nd Prize (2012)
  5. TMRD 18th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 3rd Prize (2013)
  6. TMRD 18th Annual Meeting Case of the Day - 3rd Prize (2013)
  7. TMRD 19th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 2nd Prize (2014)
  8. TMRD 19th Annual Meeting Case of the Day - 1st Prize (2014)
  9. TRD 36th National Congress Case of the Day - 2nd Prize (2015)
  10. TMRD 21st Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 1st Prize (2016)
  11. TRD 37th National Congress Case of the Day - 1st Prize (2016)
  12. TMRD 37th National Congress Film Reading Session - 1st Prize (2016)
  13. TMRD 23rd Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 1st Prize (2018)


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Medical School Graduate – Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine

Radiology Department, Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty

Work Experience

2022 – Present
Neolife Medical Center

2015 – 2021
Sonomed Imaging Center

Bezmialem Vakıf University

2011 – 2015
Echomar Imaging Center

2010 – 2011
Istanbul Bilim University

2008 – 2009
Derince Military Hospital

2007 – 2008
German Hospital-Taksim

2005 – 2007
Echomar Imaging Center

Professional Trainings

  • National Radiology Congresses
  • National Magnetic Resonance Society Meetings


  • Turkish Radiology Society
  • Turkish Magnetic Resonance Society
  • Turkish Neuroradiology Society
  • RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
  • ESR (European Society of Radiology)

Scientific Works

MRI findings in parosteal osteosarcoma: correlation with histopathology.
Dönmez FY, Tüzün U, Başaran C, Tunaci M, Bilgiç B, Acunaş G. Diagn Interv Radiol. 

The diagnostic efficiency of multislice CT virtual bronchoscopy in detecting endobronchial tumors.
Bakir B, Tüzün Ü, Terzibaşioğlu E, Dursun M, Güven K, Salmaslioğlu A, Tunaci A. Tuberk Toraks.

Diffusion MR findings in cyclosporin-A induced encephalopathy.
Aydin K, Donmez F, Tuzun U, Minareci O, Atamer T. Neuroradiology. 2004 

Diffusion tensor imaging findings of the brainstem in subjects with tonsillar ectopia.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Yetis H, Tuzun U, Aralasmak A, Toprak H, Ozdemir H. Acta Neurol Belg. 2018 Mar;

Diffusion Tensor Imaging Parameters in Children with Acute Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy Due to Urea Cycle Enzyme Defects and Organic Acidemia.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Guler S, Yesil G, Toprak H, Tuzun U, Yetis H, Aralasmak A, Ozdemir H, Iscan A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017 DOI: 10.2174/

The Contribution of DTI in Determining the Relationship of Epilepsy and Brain Lesions in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Guler S, Yesil G, Toprak H, Tuzun U, Yetis H, Aralasmak A, Ozdemir H, Iscan A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017 DOI: 10.2174/

Brainstem cranial nerve diffusion changes in Wernicke encephalopathy secondary to necrotizing pancreatitis.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Aydin S, Tuzun U, Toprak H. Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2016;1:e45–e50

Neuroimaging Features of Acquired Metabolic and Toxic Encephalopathies.
Ediz S.S, Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Aydin S, Tuzun U, Toprak H, Aralasmak A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017

Does the Application of Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Enhance Graft Healing and Maturation? A Comparative MRI Study of 44 Cases.
Beyzadeoglu T, Pehlivanoglu T, Yildirim K, Buldu H, Tandogan R, Tuzun U. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Feb 20;8(2):

Deep learning for assessing image quality in bi-parametric prostate MRI: A feasibility study.
Alis D, Kartal MS, Seker ME, Guroz B, Basar Y, Arslan A, Sirolu S, Kurtcan S, Denizoglu N, Tuzun U, Yildirim D, Oksuz I, Karaarslan E. Eur J Radiol. 2023 Aug;165:110924. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110924. Epub 2023 Jun 11.


  1. TMRD 16th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 2nd Prize (2011)
  2. TMRD 17th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 3rd Prize (2012)
  3. TMRD 17th Annual Meeting Case of the Day - 3rd Prize (2012)
  4. TRD 33rd National Congress Case of the Day - 2nd Prize (2012)
  5. TMRD 18th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 3rd Prize (2013)
  6. TMRD 18th Annual Meeting Case of the Day - 3rd Prize (2013)
  7. TMRD 19th Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 2nd Prize (2014)
  8. TMRD 19th Annual Meeting Case of the Day - 1st Prize (2014)
  9. TRD 36th National Congress Case of the Day - 2nd Prize (2015)
  10. TMRD 21st Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 1st Prize (2016)
  11. TRD 37th National Congress Case of the Day - 1st Prize (2016)
  12. TMRD 37th National Congress Film Reading Session - 1st Prize (2016)
  13. TMRD 23rd Annual Meeting Film Reading Session - 1st Prize (2018)


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Mehmet Tufan Babayigit
37 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Avicenna International Hospital

Mehmet Tufan Babayigit

37 years of experience

I graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, in 1984. After compulsory service, I traveled abroad (UK, Saudi Arabia, Greece and Russia) for a many years to study and work in the fields of gynecology and in. In 1997, I received my specialist training from Kartal Training and Research Hospital. Following my training, I worked at Kartal SSK hospital. In 2001, I went to Tel Aviv University in Israel and received training I Fertilization and ctive endocrinology. After returning to Turkey, I opened my own center ( Center). Following the closure of the hospital in which my center was located due to economic reasons, I started practicing private medicine. A while after that, I started working as the manager of The Gynecological Oncology and Center in Bodrum Acibadem Hospital. Then, I returned to Istanbul, and continued my work in private hospitals as a specialist in gynecological oncology and .
Throughout my long years of experience I did over 15.000  trails.

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I graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, in 1984. After compulsory service, I traveled abroad (UK, Saudi Arabia, Greece and Russia) for a many years to study and work in the fields of gynecology and in. In 1997, I received my specialist training from Kartal Training and Research Hospital. Following my training, I worked at Kartal SSK hospital. In 2001, I went to Tel Aviv University in Israel and received training I Fertilization and ctive endocrinology. After returning to Turkey, I opened my own center ( Center). Following the closure of the hospital in which my center was located due to economic reasons, I started practicing private medicine. A while after that, I started working as the manager of The Gynecological Oncology and Center in Bodrum Acibadem Hospital. Then, I returned to Istanbul, and continued my work in private hospitals as a specialist in gynecological oncology and .
Throughout my long years of experience I did over 15.000  trails.

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Doctor's visit price on request
Appendectomy $2709.13
Hymenoplasty (hymen restoration) $2167.31 - $2384.04
Hysteroscopic myomectomy $4334.61 - $6501.92
More treatments
Osman Aktas
Gastrointestinal surgeon
33 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Avicenna International Hospital

Osman Aktas

Gastrointestinal surgeon
33 years of experience

Dr. Osman Aktas has been serving as a general surgeon at Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital since 2005. Born in Kayseri in 1960, he graduated with his medical degree from Ankara University in 1983. Following his graduation, he fulfilled his military service in medical units for two years. He completed his general surgery residency at GATA from 1986 to 1990. After specializing in general surgery, He held key positions as head of general surgery departments and chief physician in several prominent military hospitals, including Tatvan, Diyarbakır, Ankara, and Manisa.

Dr. Osman has had a special focus on endoscopic surgery since 1995. He received advanced training in laparoscopic surgery techniques in Germany and has successfully performed a wide range of laparoscopic procedures. His expertise extends to gallbladder surgery, abdominal wall and inguinal hernia repairs, appendicitis, reflux and stomach surgeries, as well as complex cases such as gastrointestinal tumors, intestinal obstructions, and various other intestinal diseases, all managed through minimally invasive methods.

In 2002, Dr. Osman transitioned to the private sector, where he broadened his practice to include modern treatments for anal diseases like hemorrhoids, fistulas, and fissures, utilizing advanced techniques such as laser therapy.

Dr. Osman is also recognized for his significant contributions to oncological surgery. He has a wealth of experience in the surgical treatment of various cancers, including breast and thyroid cancer, where he has implemented new treatment methods that reduce the risk of complications. His surgical expertise spans critical cancer surgeries, such as the Whipple procedure for pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer resections, gastric cancer, and other complex malignancies. Additionally, his skills in metabolic surgery have led to lasting outcomes for patients suffering from obesity and diabetes, ensuring a better quality of life through sustained weight loss and reduced risk of diabetes.

With his vast experience and advanced skills in both laparoscopic and cancer surgeries, Dr. Osman remains at the forefront of surgical excellence, offering innovative and comprehensive care to all his patients.

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Dr. Osman Aktas has been serving as a general surgeon at Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital since 2005. Born in Kayseri in 1960, he graduated with his medical degree from Ankara University in 1983. Following his graduation, he fulfilled his military service in medical units for two years. He completed his general surgery residency at GATA from 1986 to 1990. After specializing in general surgery, He held key positions as head of general surgery departments and chief physician in several prominent military hospitals, including Tatvan, Diyarbakır, Ankara, and Manisa.

Dr. Osman has had a special focus on endoscopic surgery since 1995. He received advanced training in laparoscopic surgery techniques in Germany and has successfully performed a wide range of laparoscopic procedures. His expertise extends to gallbladder surgery, abdominal wall and inguinal hernia repairs, appendicitis, reflux and stomach surgeries, as well as complex cases such as gastrointestinal tumors, intestinal obstructions, and various other intestinal diseases, all managed through minimally invasive methods.

In 2002, Dr. Osman transitioned to the private sector, where he broadened his practice to include modern treatments for anal diseases like hemorrhoids, fistulas, and fissures, utilizing advanced techniques such as laser therapy.

Dr. Osman is also recognized for his significant contributions to oncological surgery. He has a wealth of experience in the surgical treatment of various cancers, including breast and thyroid cancer, where he has implemented new treatment methods that reduce the risk of complications. His surgical expertise spans critical cancer surgeries, such as the Whipple procedure for pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer resections, gastric cancer, and other complex malignancies. Additionally, his skills in metabolic surgery have led to lasting outcomes for patients suffering from obesity and diabetes, ensuring a better quality of life through sustained weight loss and reduced risk of diabetes.

With his vast experience and advanced skills in both laparoscopic and cancer surgeries, Dr. Osman remains at the forefront of surgical excellence, offering innovative and comprehensive care to all his patients.

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Doctor's visit price on request
Appendectomy $2709.13
Hymenoplasty (hymen restoration) $2167.31 - $2384.04
Hysteroscopic myomectomy $4334.61 - $6501.92
More treatments
Burak Boran
23 years of experience
34 reviews
Turkey, Istanbul
Medipol University Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center (PARMER)

Burak Boran

23 years of experience




Specialist in Neurosurgery  



  • Turhan and Mediha Tansel Primary School (1979–1984)
  • Kültür College (1984–1988)
  • Semiha Şakir High School (1988–1991)
  • Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (1991–1997)
  • Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Department, Specialist Training (1997–2002)
  • Title of Associate Professor in Neurosurgery (May 31, 2021)



- “Visiting Physician”, University of Southern California, Department of Neurosurgery (1998)

- “Microsurgery Training”, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara Training and Research Hospital (2003)



- GATA Haydarpaşa Training Research Hospital (2002–2003)

- Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training Research Hospital (2003–2005)

- Özel Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital (2005–2012)

- Özel 29 Mayıs Hospital (2012–2013)

- Maltepe State Hospital (2013–2018)

- Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital (2018–2020)

- Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2022)

- Hisar Intercontinental Hospital (2022–2024)

- Özel Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital (2024-present)




- Board Member of the Society of Neurosurgeons (2006–2009)

- Emergency Service Responsibility at Maltepe State Hospital (2014–2016)

- Assistant Chief Physician at Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2021)

- Member of the Advisory Board at Beykent University Faculty of Medicine (2018–2024)

- Faculty Member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences (2022–2024)

- Director of the Continuous Education Center at Galata University (2022–2024)



- Guculu B, Deniz L, Yuce Y, Adilay U, Aytar H, Turkoglu M, Tiryaki M, Ozdek R, Boran BO: Transformational epidural steroid injection in the treatment of pain in foraminal and parameidan lumbar disc herniations. Turkish Neurosurgery 30: 394-399, 2020.

- Boran P, Tokuc G, Boran BO, Oktem S: Intracerebral hematoma as a complication of intrathecal methotrexate administration. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 50:152-154, 2008.

- Boran BO, Boran P, Barut N, Akgun C, Celikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Evaluation of mild head trauma in pediatric population. Pediatric Neurosurgery 42:203-207, 2006.

- Tokuc G, Boran P, Boran BO: Cleidocranial dysplasia in a mother and her daughter within the scope of neurosurgery. Journal of Neurosurgery (4 Suppl Pediatrics) 104:290-292, 2006.

- Celikoglu E, Boran BO, Bozbuga M: Abscess formation in Rathke’s cleft cyst. Neurology India 54(2):213–214, 2006.


- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Sahinoğlu K: Surface anatomy of the posterolateral cranium regarding the localization of the initial burr-hole for retrosigmoid approach. Neurosurgical Review 29(1):61–63, 2006.

- Boran BO: Rhombencephalosynapsis: a rare cerebellar malformation. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 23(1):46-48, 2006.

- Boran BO, Colak A, Kutlay M: Erythropoietin enhances neurological recovery after experimental spinal cord injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 23:341–345, 2005.

- Colak A, Boran BO, Kutlay M, Demircan N: A modified technique of syringosubarachnoid shunting for the treatment of syringomyelia. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 12(6):677–679, 2005.

- Bozbuga M, Celikoğlu E, Boran BO: Hydatid cyst of the craniocervical junction: case report. Neurosurgery 57(1):193, 2005.

- Boran BO, Akgün C, Bozbuga M: Calvarial remodeling for the treatment of scaphocephaly in a 4-month-old boy: a technical note. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(1):40-44, 2005.

- Boran BO, Barut N, Akgün C, Çelikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Indications for computed tomography in patients with mild head injuries. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 11(3):218–224, 2005.

- Colak A, Kutlay M, Boran BO, Demircan N: Identical twins presenting with hydrocephalus: one with triventricular, and the other tetraventricular hydrocephalus. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 34:187-189, 2004.

- Kurtkaya O, Elmacı I, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Sav A, Pamir MN: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor of the midbrain tectum: a case report. Brain Tumor Pathology 19(2):97-100, 2002.

- Elmacı I, Kurtkaya O, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Gliosarcoma associated with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report. Tumori 87:60-63, 2001.

- Boran BO, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Erdıvanlı B, Pamir N: Gamma-knife radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases. Turkish Neurosurgery 11:9-17, 2001.





- Boran BO, Colak A: Oculomotor nerve palsy due to compression by posterior cerebral artery: case report. Erciyes Medical Journal 29(2):164-167, 2007.

- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Bayindir C: Tuberculoma of the cavernous sinus. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery 2(2), 2005.




- Boran BO: Osteoid osteoma of the lumbar spine: case report. Fırat Medical Journal 13(1):71-73, 2008.

- Boran BO: Growing skull fracture: a case operated on eight years later. Inönü University Faculty of Medicine Journal 13(3):185-187, 2006.

- Boran BO: A case report of foot drop following vertebroplasty. Fırat Medical Journal 11(3):185-186, 2006.

- Boran BO, Kızılay G, Bozbuga M: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt dysfunction. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(2):148-151, 2005.

- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy role in Dandy-Walker malformation. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):11-13, 2004.

- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Repeat endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):31-32, 2004.

- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in patients under one year of age. Göztepe Medical Journal 19:83-86, 2004.



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Specialist in Neurosurgery  



  • Turhan and Mediha Tansel Primary School (1979–1984)
  • Kültür College (1984–1988)
  • Semiha Şakir High School (1988–1991)
  • Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (1991–1997)
  • Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Department, Specialist Training (1997–2002)
  • Title of Associate Professor in Neurosurgery (May 31, 2021)



- “Visiting Physician”, University of Southern California, Department of Neurosurgery (1998)

- “Microsurgery Training”, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara Training and Research Hospital (2003)



- GATA Haydarpaşa Training Research Hospital (2002–2003)

- Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training Research Hospital (2003–2005)

- Özel Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital (2005–2012)

- Özel 29 Mayıs Hospital (2012–2013)

- Maltepe State Hospital (2013–2018)

- Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital (2018–2020)

- Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2022)

- Hisar Intercontinental Hospital (2022–2024)

- Özel Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital (2024-present)




- Board Member of the Society of Neurosurgeons (2006–2009)

- Emergency Service Responsibility at Maltepe State Hospital (2014–2016)

- Assistant Chief Physician at Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2021)

- Member of the Advisory Board at Beykent University Faculty of Medicine (2018–2024)

- Faculty Member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences (2022–2024)

- Director of the Continuous Education Center at Galata University (2022–2024)



- Guculu B, Deniz L, Yuce Y, Adilay U, Aytar H, Turkoglu M, Tiryaki M, Ozdek R, Boran BO: Transformational epidural steroid injection in the treatment of pain in foraminal and parameidan lumbar disc herniations. Turkish Neurosurgery 30: 394-399, 2020.

- Boran P, Tokuc G, Boran BO, Oktem S: Intracerebral hematoma as a complication of intrathecal methotrexate administration. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 50:152-154, 2008.

- Boran BO, Boran P, Barut N, Akgun C, Celikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Evaluation of mild head trauma in pediatric population. Pediatric Neurosurgery 42:203-207, 2006.

- Tokuc G, Boran P, Boran BO: Cleidocranial dysplasia in a mother and her daughter within the scope of neurosurgery. Journal of Neurosurgery (4 Suppl Pediatrics) 104:290-292, 2006.

- Celikoglu E, Boran BO, Bozbuga M: Abscess formation in Rathke’s cleft cyst. Neurology India 54(2):213–214, 2006.


- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Sahinoğlu K: Surface anatomy of the posterolateral cranium regarding the localization of the initial burr-hole for retrosigmoid approach. Neurosurgical Review 29(1):61–63, 2006.

- Boran BO: Rhombencephalosynapsis: a rare cerebellar malformation. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 23(1):46-48, 2006.

- Boran BO, Colak A, Kutlay M: Erythropoietin enhances neurological recovery after experimental spinal cord injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 23:341–345, 2005.

- Colak A, Boran BO, Kutlay M, Demircan N: A modified technique of syringosubarachnoid shunting for the treatment of syringomyelia. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 12(6):677–679, 2005.

- Bozbuga M, Celikoğlu E, Boran BO: Hydatid cyst of the craniocervical junction: case report. Neurosurgery 57(1):193, 2005.

- Boran BO, Akgün C, Bozbuga M: Calvarial remodeling for the treatment of scaphocephaly in a 4-month-old boy: a technical note. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(1):40-44, 2005.

- Boran BO, Barut N, Akgün C, Çelikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Indications for computed tomography in patients with mild head injuries. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 11(3):218–224, 2005.

- Colak A, Kutlay M, Boran BO, Demircan N: Identical twins presenting with hydrocephalus: one with triventricular, and the other tetraventricular hydrocephalus. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 34:187-189, 2004.

- Kurtkaya O, Elmacı I, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Sav A, Pamir MN: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor of the midbrain tectum: a case report. Brain Tumor Pathology 19(2):97-100, 2002.

- Elmacı I, Kurtkaya O, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Gliosarcoma associated with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report. Tumori 87:60-63, 2001.

- Boran BO, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Erdıvanlı B, Pamir N: Gamma-knife radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases. Turkish Neurosurgery 11:9-17, 2001.





- Boran BO, Colak A: Oculomotor nerve palsy due to compression by posterior cerebral artery: case report. Erciyes Medical Journal 29(2):164-167, 2007.

- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Bayindir C: Tuberculoma of the cavernous sinus. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery 2(2), 2005.




- Boran BO: Osteoid osteoma of the lumbar spine: case report. Fırat Medical Journal 13(1):71-73, 2008.

- Boran BO: Growing skull fracture: a case operated on eight years later. Inönü University Faculty of Medicine Journal 13(3):185-187, 2006.

- Boran BO: A case report of foot drop following vertebroplasty. Fırat Medical Journal 11(3):185-186, 2006.

- Boran BO, Kızılay G, Bozbuga M: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt dysfunction. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(2):148-151, 2005.

- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy role in Dandy-Walker malformation. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):11-13, 2004.

- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Repeat endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):31-32, 2004.

- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in patients under one year of age. Göztepe Medical Journal 19:83-86, 2004.



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34 reviews
Doctor's visit price on request
Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) $20000
High intensity focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) $20000
Removal of spinal cord tumor $1500 - $2000
More treatments
Igor Kostyev
39 years of experience

Igor Kostyev

39 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Лікувально-діагностичний центр «Меддіагностика»
Gokhan Albayrak
Cardiovascular surgeon
35 years of experience
Turkey, İzmir
Medicalpoint International Hospital

Gokhan Albayrak

Cardiovascular surgeon
35 years of experience

Education and Expertise



Treatment Methods

Aortic Surgery

Heart Valve Surgery

Coronary Surgery

Venous Surgery



Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine


Professional Memberships

Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

National Society for Vascular Surgery



Relationship Between Extracorporeal Perfusion Pattern and Ischemic Brain Lesions

Inhibitory effect of adenosine on intimal hyperplasia and proliferation of smooth muscle cells in a carotid arterial anastomosis animal model.

A mandatory modification in extracorporeal biventricular assist device implantation: intercostal tunnel application


Read more

Education and Expertise



Treatment Methods

Aortic Surgery

Heart Valve Surgery

Coronary Surgery

Venous Surgery



Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine


Professional Memberships

Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

National Society for Vascular Surgery



Relationship Between Extracorporeal Perfusion Pattern and Ischemic Brain Lesions

Inhibitory effect of adenosine on intimal hyperplasia and proliferation of smooth muscle cells in a carotid arterial anastomosis animal model.

A mandatory modification in extracorporeal biventricular assist device implantation: intercostal tunnel application


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This page may feature information relating to various medical conditions, treatments, and healthcare services available in different countries. Please be advised that the content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or guidance. Please consult with your doctor or a qualified medical professional before starting or changing medical treatment.