Medical School Graduate – Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine
Radiology Department, Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty
2022 – Present
Neolife Medical Center
2015 – 2021
Sonomed Imaging Center
Bezmialem Vakıf University
2011 – 2015
Echomar Imaging Center
2010 – 2011
Istanbul Bilim University
2008 – 2009
Derince Military Hospital
2007 – 2008
German Hospital-Taksim
2005 – 2007
Echomar Imaging Center
MRI findings in parosteal osteosarcoma: correlation with histopathology.
Dönmez FY, Tüzün U, Başaran C, Tunaci M, Bilgiç B, Acunaş G. Diagn Interv Radiol.
The diagnostic efficiency of multislice CT virtual bronchoscopy in detecting endobronchial tumors.
Bakir B, Tüzün Ü, Terzibaşioğlu E, Dursun M, Güven K, Salmaslioğlu A, Tunaci A. Tuberk Toraks.
Diffusion MR findings in cyclosporin-A induced encephalopathy.
Aydin K, Donmez F, Tuzun U, Minareci O, Atamer T. Neuroradiology. 2004
Diffusion tensor imaging findings of the brainstem in subjects with tonsillar ectopia.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Yetis H, Tuzun U, Aralasmak A, Toprak H, Ozdemir H. Acta Neurol Belg. 2018 Mar;
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Parameters in Children with Acute Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy Due to Urea Cycle Enzyme Defects and Organic Acidemia.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Guler S, Yesil G, Toprak H, Tuzun U, Yetis H, Aralasmak A, Ozdemir H, Iscan A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017 DOI: 10.2174/
The Contribution of DTI in Determining the Relationship of Epilepsy and Brain Lesions in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Guler S, Yesil G, Toprak H, Tuzun U, Yetis H, Aralasmak A, Ozdemir H, Iscan A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017 DOI: 10.2174/
Brainstem cranial nerve diffusion changes in Wernicke encephalopathy secondary to necrotizing pancreatitis.
Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Aydin S, Tuzun U, Toprak H. Arch Med Sci Civil Dis 2016;1:e45–e50
Neuroimaging Features of Acquired Metabolic and Toxic Encephalopathies.
Ediz S.S, Kurtcan S, Alkan A, Aydin S, Tuzun U, Toprak H, Aralasmak A. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Volume 13, 2017
Does the Application of Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Enhance Graft Healing and Maturation? A Comparative MRI Study of 44 Cases.
Beyzadeoglu T, Pehlivanoglu T, Yildirim K, Buldu H, Tandogan R, Tuzun U. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Feb 20;8(2):
Deep learning for assessing image quality in bi-parametric prostate MRI: A feasibility study.
Alis D, Kartal MS, Seker ME, Guroz B, Basar Y, Arslan A, Sirolu S, Kurtcan S, Denizoglu N, Tuzun U, Yildirim D, Oksuz I, Karaarslan E. Eur J Radiol. 2023 Aug;165:110924. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110924. Epub 2023 Jun 11.
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My 34 years of medicine – which is more than half my life… After thousands of surgeries, the excitement and sense of responsibility of the first day still outweigh it. My father was a doctor, a neurologist too. I would always give the same response to those asking what I would be in elementary and secondary school: Neurosurgeon. When I started my neurosurgery residency at Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital in 1992, my childhood goal was fulfilled. Two points have always stood out from the others throughout my medical career: 1. Don’t harm anyone. 2. The most important relationship between the doctor and patient is the relationship of trust. In line with the principle of “first do no harm” in Turkish with “primum non nocere” in Latin, I have always preferred to perform secured surgeries under the microscope from smaller incisions. I didn’t perform any surgery that I wasn’t sure the patient would benefit from. So I’ve always been in a position to convince myself first of the need for surgery. Then I convince my patient. I kept in mind that the most important relationship between surgeon and patient is the relationship of trust. How can a person entrust his life to someone he saw 15 minutes ago without a relationship of trust? I cared about this relationship lasting post-surgery and even for life. I’ve had the first walks of my patients that I’ve operated in 28 years. Sometimes even after midnight many times… I’ve always cared about some patients’ feeling of their need to see their physician even at 03.00 o’clock midnight. I don’t mind giving all my patients my cell phone number. I would want my physician to be available at any time as needed. That’s what I do for my patients. In these lines, I felt the need to describe my view of medicine. Anyone who wonders anyway can reach my resume and my publications.
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Whipple surgery | $16068.99 - $18211.52 |
Thyroid resection | $4820.7 - $7498.86 |
Prostatectomy | $7498.86 - $16068.99 |
Specialist in Neurosurgery
- “Visiting Physician”, University of Southern California, Department of Neurosurgery (1998)
- “Microsurgery Training”, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara Training and Research Hospital (2003)
- GATA Haydarpaşa Training Research Hospital (2002–2003)
- Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training Research Hospital (2003–2005)
- Özel Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital (2005–2012)
- Özel 29 Mayıs Hospital (2012–2013)
- Maltepe State Hospital (2013–2018)
- Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital (2018–2020)
- Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2022)
- Hisar Intercontinental Hospital (2022–2024)
- Özel Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital (2024-present)
- Board Member of the Society of Neurosurgeons (2006–2009)
- Emergency Service Responsibility at Maltepe State Hospital (2014–2016)
- Assistant Chief Physician at Özel Academic Hospital (2020–2021)
- Member of the Advisory Board at Beykent University Faculty of Medicine (2018–2024)
- Faculty Member at Galata University Faculty of Health Sciences (2022–2024)
- Director of the Continuous Education Center at Galata University (2022–2024)
- Guculu B, Deniz L, Yuce Y, Adilay U, Aytar H, Turkoglu M, Tiryaki M, Ozdek R, Boran BO: Transformational epidural steroid injection in the treatment of pain in foraminal and parameidan lumbar disc herniations. Turkish Neurosurgery 30: 394-399, 2020.
- Boran P, Tokuc G, Boran BO, Oktem S: Intracerebral hematoma as a complication of intrathecal methotrexate administration. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 50:152-154, 2008.
- Boran BO, Boran P, Barut N, Akgun C, Celikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Evaluation of mild head trauma in pediatric population. Pediatric Neurosurgery 42:203-207, 2006.
- Tokuc G, Boran P, Boran BO: Cleidocranial dysplasia in a mother and her daughter within the scope of neurosurgery. Journal of Neurosurgery (4 Suppl Pediatrics) 104:290-292, 2006.
- Celikoglu E, Boran BO, Bozbuga M: Abscess formation in Rathke’s cleft cyst. Neurology India 54(2):213–214, 2006.
- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Sahinoğlu K: Surface anatomy of the posterolateral cranium regarding the localization of the initial burr-hole for retrosigmoid approach. Neurosurgical Review 29(1):61–63, 2006.
- Boran BO: Rhombencephalosynapsis: a rare cerebellar malformation. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 23(1):46-48, 2006.
- Boran BO, Colak A, Kutlay M: Erythropoietin enhances neurological recovery after experimental spinal cord injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 23:341–345, 2005.
- Colak A, Boran BO, Kutlay M, Demircan N: A modified technique of syringosubarachnoid shunting for the treatment of syringomyelia. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 12(6):677–679, 2005.
- Bozbuga M, Celikoğlu E, Boran BO: Hydatid cyst of the craniocervical junction: case report. Neurosurgery 57(1):193, 2005.
- Boran BO, Akgün C, Bozbuga M: Calvarial remodeling for the treatment of scaphocephaly in a 4-month-old boy: a technical note. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(1):40-44, 2005.
- Boran BO, Barut N, Akgün C, Çelikoglu E, Bozbuga M: Indications for computed tomography in patients with mild head injuries. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 11(3):218–224, 2005.
- Colak A, Kutlay M, Boran BO, Demircan N: Identical twins presenting with hydrocephalus: one with triventricular, and the other tetraventricular hydrocephalus. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 34:187-189, 2004.
- Kurtkaya O, Elmacı I, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Sav A, Pamir MN: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor of the midbrain tectum: a case report. Brain Tumor Pathology 19(2):97-100, 2002.
- Elmacı I, Kurtkaya O, Boran BO, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Gliosarcoma associated with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report. Tumori 87:60-63, 2001.
- Boran BO, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Erdıvanlı B, Pamir N: Gamma-knife radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases. Turkish Neurosurgery 11:9-17, 2001.
- Boran BO, Colak A: Oculomotor nerve palsy due to compression by posterior cerebral artery: case report. Erciyes Medical Journal 29(2):164-167, 2007.
- Bozbuga M, Boran BO, Bayindir C: Tuberculoma of the cavernous sinus. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery 2(2), 2005.
- Boran BO: Osteoid osteoma of the lumbar spine: case report. Fırat Medical Journal 13(1):71-73, 2008.
- Boran BO: Growing skull fracture: a case operated on eight years later. Inönü University Faculty of Medicine Journal 13(3):185-187, 2006.
- Boran BO: A case report of foot drop following vertebroplasty. Fırat Medical Journal 11(3):185-186, 2006.
- Boran BO, Kızılay G, Bozbuga M: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt dysfunction. Turkish Neurosurgery 15(2):148-151, 2005.
- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy role in Dandy-Walker malformation. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):11-13, 2004.
- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Repeat endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Kartal Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 15(1):31-32, 2004.
- Boran BO, Dağcınar A, Özek MM: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in patients under one year of age. Göztepe Medical Journal 19:83-86, 2004.
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Doctor's visit | price on request |
Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) | $20000 |
High intensity focused ultrasound ablation (HIFU) | $20000 |
Removal of spinal cord tumor | $1500 - $2000 |
Turkish, English
Attending Physician
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine (Eng) 1987-1995
EXPERİENCE[1]Akdeniz University Department of Neurosurgery 1996-2002
Baskent University Department of Neurosurgery (Specialist) 2003-2007
Başkent University Department of Neurosurgery (Assistant Professor) 2007-2012
Başkent University Department of Neurosurgery (Associate Professor) 2012-2017Medical Park Antalya
Hospital Complex 2018-Present
Areas of interest;
Endoscopic Lumbar Disc Surgery
Cervical Disc (Neck Hernia) Surgery
Endoscopic Brain Surgery
Vascular (brain-vascular aneurysm and AVM) operations
Spine Tumors
Spine Fractures
Brain Tumors
Turkish Neurosurgical Society
Turkish Medical Association
2008 Turkish Neurosurgical Society Proficiency Exam 1st place
Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy Course
Minimally Invasive Surgery Course
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Laser surgery | $3000 |
$1500 - $2000 |
Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist
Foreign language: English
Date and Place of Birth: 11.11.1968 ANTALYA
o Aneurysm surgery
o Cerebrospinal tumor surgery
o Lumbar hernia
o Neck hernia
o Spine surgery
o Cerebellum prolapse surgeries
o Hydrocephalus
o Pediatric neurosurgery
- Educational Background:
Undergraduate: Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 1985-1991
Specialization SSK Göztepe Training Hospital 1994-1999
- Academic Titles:
Doctor of Medicine Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1991)
Neurosurgery Residency : SSK Göztepe Training Hospital (1999)
- Places of Duty:
Erzurum Horasan Hasanbey health center 1991-1992
Karaman health center number 1 1992-1993
SSK Göztepe Training Hospital Assistant 1994-1999
Şanlıurfa State Hospital 1999-2002
(Neurosurgeon and Deputy Chief Physician)
Burdur State Hospital 2002-2003
Serik State Hospital 2003-2012
(Neurosurgery Specialist, Chief Physician)
Antalya Training and Research Hospital 2012- 2021
Private Anadolu Antalya Hospital 2021 - 2023
Private Medicalpark Antalya Hospital 2023 - Currently
- Medical Specialty Thesis: Genetic Absence model in Wag/rij rats
Effects of Nervus Vagus Stimulation 1999
Note: Istanbul Chamber of Medicine 1999 Dr. Cengiz Çetin thesis prize winner
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Laser surgery | $3000 |
$1500 - $2000 |
Undergraduate Karadeniz Technical University 2001
PhD: Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Neurosurgery 2009
Konya Doğanhisar Başköy health center 2001-2002
Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital 2004-2010
Agri State Hospital (Compulsory service) 2010-2011
Arnavutkoy State Hospital 2011-2012
Bakirkoy Sadi Konuk EAH 2012-2014
Istanbul Kanuni Training and Research Hospital 2015-2020
Başakşehir çam Sakura City Hospital 2020-2024
In 2009, I completed my specialty training in Neurosurgery and Neurosurgery at Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital and worked as a specialist doctor at Istanbul Bakırköy Sadi Konuk EAH, Kanuni EAH and Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital affiliated to the University of Health Sciences. I have been working in the field of pediatric neurosurgery for 9 years. In 2024, I started to work as a Faculty Member at Biruni University Department of Neurosurgery and Neurosurgery.
Turkish Neurosurgical Society Membership
Pediatric Neurosurgery Group Membership
Turkish Medical Association
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Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Doctor of Medicine: Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (1987-1993)
Neurology Specialist: Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine (1997-2001)
Stroke Fellow: University of Calgary, Canada (2008-2009)
Assistant Professor: Trakya University Faculty of Medicine (2001-2006)
Associate Professor: Trakya University Faculty of Medicine (2006-2010), Bezmialem Faculty of Medicine (2010-2012)
Professor: Bezmialem Faculty of Medicine (2012-2017), Memorial Hizmet Hospital (2017-2019, 2021-2023)
Interventional Neurologist: King Hamad University Hospital, Bahrain (2019-2021)
Consultant Neurologist: Salmaniya Medical Complex, Bahrain (2023-2024)
Between 2008-2009, I worked as a stroke fellow at the University of Calgary Stroke Program for 1 year.
During my tenure at Bezmialem Vakıf University, I received interventional neurology training from Prof. Dr. Ömer Göktekin.
2019-2021 I worked as an interventional neurologist at Arabian Gulf University and King Hamad University Hospital in Bahrain.
I worked as a consultant neurologist at Salmaniya Medical Complex in Bahrain between 2023-2024.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, 2004
Istanbul Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine Residency, 2010
Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Medical Oncology Residency, 2015
MD Andeson Cancer Center, USA, 2008
Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Center Breast Cancer Clinic, Canada, 2017
Moffit Cancer Center , USA 2022
Istanbul Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine, 2010
İdil State Hospital Internal Medicine Clinic, 2011
Karadeniz Technical Universityniversitesi Faculty of Medicine, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2015
Istanbul Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2018
Yeniyüzyıl University Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2020
Ataşehir Medicana Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic, 2022
Turkish Medical Association (TTB)
Turkish Society of Medical Oncology (TTOD)
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
American Society of Medical Oncology (ASCO)
Medical Intrests
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Undergraduate: Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, 2000-2006
MSc/Medical Specialization: Pediatrics, Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, 2007-2012
PhD/Subspecialization in Medicine: Child Neurology, Medipol University, 2014-2017
Medical Specialization Research Assistant: Department of Physiology, Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine, 2006-2007
Specialist Doctor/State Service Obligation: Pediatrics, Sanliurfa Suruc State Hospital, 2012-2014
Subspecialty Specialist/Public Service Obligation: Pediatric Neurology, Istanbul Gaziosmanpaşa Training and Research Hospital, 2017-2020
Subspecialty Specialist Doctor/Dr. Faculty Member: Child Neurology, Istinye University Hospital, 2020-2024
Turkish Medical Association
Child Neurology Association of Turkey
Medical Intrests
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Skull reshaping, also known as skull reshaping, can be done using many different methods. Cranioplasty surgery and plastic surgery that involves placing a specially produced 3D implant into the skull provide the most accurate results.
Later, I had the chance to work as a clinical research fellow (observer doctor) with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Başkaya at the University of Wisconsin in the USA. After returning from the USA, I worked at Okmeydanı Education and Research Hospital for another four years and started working as a specialist doctor at Medicalpark Bahçelievler Hospital in 2020.
With the excitement of transferring my experiences to future generations, I simultaneously continue my academic duty at Altınbaş University
Read moreDr. Nuran Burcu ARKALI, who graduated as a medical doctor from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2004, completed her residency training in the Neurology Clinic at Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital in 2010 and was appointed as a neurology specialist at Diyarbakır Training and Research Hospital in the same year, participating in the establishment of the neurology clinic, ward, and intensive care unit.
In 2012, she voluntarily participated in EMG training at Kocaeli University Neurology Department, and in 2013, she started working as a neurology specialist in the private sector. She graduated from the electro-physiology master’s program conducted jointly by Istanbul University Çapa and Cerrahpaşa Medical faculties in 2019, and in the same year, she received training in Botulinum toxin application at Bezmialem University Vakıf Gureba Hospital, as well as training in ozone therapy and mesotherapy from the Ministry of Health and neural therapy.
Dr. Nuran Burcu ARKALI, who has studies related to EEG, EMG, Sleep Disorders, Botulinum toxin applications, Neural therapy, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Headache, and Ozone therapy applications, serves her patients at Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Neurology Clinic.
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Immunotherapy with (Pembolizumab) | $5800 - $6000 |
Оophorectomy | $2500 - $3000 |
Radiotherapy | $8000 - $12000 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine Education, 2012, Istanbul/Turkey
Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Radiology Residency, 2018, Istanbul/Turkey
Muş Bulanık State Hospital, 2018-2020, Muş/Turkey
Istanbul Bahçelievler Community Health Center, 2013, Istanbul/Turkey
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Undergraduate: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 1998-2004
MSc: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Radiology 2005-2010
Siverek State Hospital (Compulsory Service) 2010 - 2011
Private Polatlı Can Hospital 2011 - 2012
Memorial Antalya Hospital 2012 - 2016
Private Uncalı Meydan Hospital 2016 - 2017
Private Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital 2017 - 2018
Memorial Ankara Hospital 2018 - 2022
Medicana Ataşehir Hospital 2022 - 2024
Biruni University Hospital 2024- Present
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Undergraduate Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 1975 -1983
Neurology Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 1986 -1991
Read moreDoctor's visit | price on request |
Complex treatment of thyroid cancer | $200 |
Education and Specialization
Work Experience
Doctor's visit | price on request |
Laser surgery | $3000 |
$1500 - $2000 |