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Best Conservative treatment of scoliosis orthopedists: TOP 68 doctors

Content meets the Bookimed Editorial Policy and is medically reviewed by
Fahad Mawlood - General practitioner. Winner of 4 scientific awards. Served in Western Asia. Former Team Leader of a medical team supporting Arabic-speaking patients. Now responsible for data processing and medical content accuracy.
Enes Sari
Enes Sari
18 years of experience
3 reviews
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Enes Sari

18 years of experience
  • 2017;Near East University Hospital
  • 2015 - 2017; Aksaz Military Hospital
  • 2010 - 2015; GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital Ankara
  • 2001 - 2007; GATA Medical Faculty Ankara
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Deniz Aydin
Deniz Aydin
17 years of experience
3 reviews

Deniz Aydin

17 years of experience
Northern Cyprus , Nicosia
Near East University Hospital
Adolfo Panfili
Adolfo Panfili
45 years of experience
Switzerland, Lugano
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland

Adolfo Panfili

45 years of experience

HOMO HOMINI MEDICUS. Eclectic surgeon, specialist in orthopedics and traumatology, pioneer of endoscopic surgery, radio-guided and minimally invasive robotics of the spine and small and large joints (knee, hip, foot, shoulder, elbow and wrist). He combines surgery with regenerative medicine, which he was the first to launch in Italy and Europe, with the use of FSV cells (Stromal Vascular Fraction, particularly rich in ). Adolfo Panfili boasts a prestigious scientific and sporting curriculum of international importance, as well as being an expert in homeopathy, homotoxicology, phytotherapy, acupuncture and BEST chiropractic. Expressly commissioned by his teacher, Prof. Linus Pauling (multiple Nobel Prize winner), inventor of Orthomolecular medicine, he founded AIMO, (International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine), revisiting this science and merging it with other super-specialist branches, including regenerative medicine , aimed at restoring and repairing cartilage, bone and joint structures, vertebral discs, ligaments, tendons, etc.


Prof Adolfo Panfili, orthopedic surgeon with a very long CV of international standing. He is president of AIMO, the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine of which he is the founder. He was a student of the double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, inventor of Orthomolecular medicine. Prof Panfili has revisited and expanded this science by merging it with other sciences and techniques including the use of Stromal Vascular Fraction.


– He is Deputy Rector for International Relations as well as Dean of the Master's Faculty of Orthomolecular Sciences at the Popolare University of Milan;


– He is the first to have carried out minimally invasive robotic surgery in orthopedics in Italy with the Mazor system;


– He is Trainer and Proctor of Dtrax, a minimally invasive posterior cervical fusion and distraction system;


– He is the Director of various High Technology Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Centers accredited with the NHS and otherwise;


– He is the founder and director of the first Italian Center for Minimally Invasive Robotic Spine Surgery and one of the most eminent members of robotic surgery at the “International Academy for Robotic Spine Surgery”;


Prof. Panfili has been treating vertebrae, posture and nutrition in close synergy since the beginning of his thirty-year professional activity, both from a surgical and manipulative point of view, being among other things the first orthopedist in Europe to graduate in Best Chiropractic with Prof. Ted Morter, one of the best chiropractors in the world, of whom he was the best European student.


– He is currently a pioneer in the use and application of the Stromal Vascular Fraction in the field of well-being, anti-aging and longevity, with particular reference to orthopaedics, the spine and cervical, the aspect of cartilage damage for prevention of degenerative diseases of the hips, knees and intervertebral discs.

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Mustafa Ozdemir
Mustafa Ozdemir
32 years of experience
2 reviews
Turkey, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem District Hospital

Mustafa Ozdemir

32 years of experience



  • (1998-2004), Bachelor's Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
  • (2005-2010), Doctorate / Specialization in Medicine Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital




  • 2005-2011, Assistant Doctor Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2011-2013, Specialist Doctor Kahramanmaraş Women's and Children's Hospital, Kahramanmaraş Necip Fazıl City Hospital (mandatory service)
  • 2013-2022, Specialist Doctor Ministry of Health Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2022, Associate Professor Ministry of Health Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital, Department of Radiology


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Erman Cekic
Erman Cekic
14 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
OrtoCare Clinic

Erman Cekic

14 years of experience

Work Experience:

• 2011-2014 (Haziran) Kütahya Tavşanlı Doç. Dr. Mustafa Kalemli Hospital

• 2014(Haziran)-2019 ( Haziran) Kütahya Özel Anadolu Hospital

• 2019- 2020 İstanbul Arnavutköy Hosptial

• 2020- 2023 Özel İstanbul Şafak Hospital

• 2024 -halen OrtoCare Clinic



▪ 1989-1993 Erzurum High School

▪ 1993-1994 İzmir 60. Yıl High School

▪ 1994-1997 İzmir 60. Yıl High School

▪ 1997-2004 Dokuz Eylül University Medicine Faculty

▪ 2005-2011 Dokuz Eylül Universtiy Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department


Profesional Experience:

• Joint and Cartilage Surgery and Cell treatment

• Sports Medicine and Joint Arthroscopy

• Joint Arhtroplasty (knee- hip-shoulder prothesis)

• Hand Surgery and Microsurgery

• Spinal Surgery

• Traumatolgy


Postgraduate Education:

• 2006 Orthopaedic Trauma Course

• 2008 Monolateral Eksternal Fixator Course

• 2009 Prof. Dr. Rıdvan Ege Han Surgery Course

• 2009 Advanced Orthoapedic Trauma Course

• 2009 Based Arthroscopy Course

• 2010 AO Trauma Course ( Principles in Operative Fracture Treatment)

• 2010 3.Based İntrameduller Nailing Course

• 2011 AO Trauma Course (Advances in Operative Fracture Treatment)

• 2011 2. Advanced İntrameduller Nailing Course

• 2011 XII. Advanced Artrhroscopy Course

• 2012 Ankle Arthroscopy Course

• 2012 Shoulder Artrhroscopy Course

• 2013 AO Trauma Masters Course

• 2013 Knee Arthroplasty and Revision Arthroplasty Course ( Viyana/ Avusturya)

• 2015 Primer and Revision Knee Artrhroplasty Course( Arthroschool Courses)

• 2016 Master Knee Arthroscopy Course ( Acıbadem Univ./ İstanbul )

• 2020 Live lig spinall instrumentation kursu (Medtronic İstanbul)


Congress and Symposiums

• 2002 Eğitim Programı Geliştirme Sempozyumu

• 2004 III. National Medicine Education Congress

• 2017 National Medicine Student Congress

• 2008 8th İnternational Turkish Spine Congress

• 2009 XXI. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

• 2010 12. National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress

• 2001 II. National Medicine Education Congress

• 2011 XXII. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

• 2012 10. ArthroplastyWinter Congress

• 2012 13th European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress

• 2012 13. National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress

• 2013 Osteosynthese İnternational 2013

• 2013 14th European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress

• 2014 10th Central European Orthopaedic Congress

• 2014 24. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

• 2015 25, National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

• 2016 26. National Orthopaedy and Traumatology Congress

• 2017 Eurospine 2017 Congress Ireland



• 2011 XXII. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi Poster Bildirisi (İNTRAMEDULLER




• 2013 Osteosynthese İnternational 2013 and İntramedullary Nailing Courses Oral Presentation

(F1.4 Verification of the reliability of the radiographic union score for tibial fractures in

the follow-up of patients with tibia corpus fractures operated via the intramedullary

nailing technique using the patients’ clinical condition. E. Cekic1, E. Alici2,)

• 2014 10th Central European Orthopaedic Congress Oral Presentation ( The Reliability of

Radiographic Union Score).

• Reliability of the Radiographic Union Score for Tibial Fractures Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc

2014;48(5):533-540 doi: 10.3944/AOTT.2014.14.002

• Prediction of tibial nonunion at the 6-week time point Keir A. Ross, Kevin O’Halloran, Renan C.

Castillo, Max Coale, Justin Fowler, Jason W. Nascone, Marcus F. Sciadini, Christopher T. LeBrun,

Theodore T. Manson, Anthony R. Carlini, Josef E. Jolissaint, Robert V. O’Toole*

• Reprodutibilidade do escore radiográfico de consolidac¸ão das fraturas da tíbia (RUST) Fernando

Antonio Silva de Azevedo Filhoa,b,∗, Ricardo Britto Cotiasa, Matheus Lemos Azib e Armando Augusto

de Almeida Teixeiraa

• Does weight-bearing assignment after intramedullary nail placement alter healing of tibial shaft

fractures? D.A. Greenhilla,∗, M. Poormanb, C. Pinkowskib, F.V. Ramseyb, C. Haydela

• Will My Tibial Fracture Heal? Predicting Nonunion at the Time of Definitive Fixation Based on

Commonly Available Variables

Kevin O’Halloran MD, Max Coale BA, Timothy Costales BS,Timothy Zerhusen Jr BS, Renan C. Castillo PhD,

Jason W. Nascone MD,Robert V. O’Toole MD

• Feasibility and Value of Radiographic Union Score Hip Fracture after Treatment with Intramedullary

Nail of Stable Hip Fractures

• Image quality of cone beam computed tomography for evaluation of extremity fractures in the presence

of metalhardware: visual grading characteristics analysis




• Correlation Between RUST Assessments of Fracture Healing to Structural

and Biomechanical Properties

Margaret E. Cooke,1 Amira I. Hussein,1 Kyle E. Lybrand,1 Alexander Wulff,1 Erin Simmons,1

Jeffrey H. Choi,1 Jody Litrenta,1William M. Ricci,2 Jason W. Nascone,3 Robert V. O’Toole,3 Elise F.

Morgan,4 Louis C. Gerstenfeld,1 Paul Tornetta III1





A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree Master of Science

McMaster University

• Value of a radiographic score for the assessment of healing of nailed femoral

and tibial shaft fractures: A retrospective preliminary study

Vasiliki Perlepea,⁎, Andrea Ceratoa, Dan Putineanua, Celine Buglib, Guy Heynend,

Patrick Omoumia,c, Bruno Vande Berga


About me

I graduated from Izmir Dokuz Eylul University with the orthopedics branch. After I graduated, I carried out some

studies focusing on especially on

joint and cartilage surgery and . In this, I worked with many professional and amateur sport clubs. Also,

I worked on joint replacement surgery

for further aged people. Approximately, I achieved 10 thousand people who took knee and hip replacement

surgery from me. I attended to many international conferences about joint and cartilage surgery. Now I start

Ortocare Clinic for orthopedics and health center. In here, I treat my patients using the most advanced

technologies in the world, such as foot health centers, electromagnetic therapy, cryocabin therapy, backup

therapy and stem cell therapy. In our clinic, I continue to my work on non-surgical treatments, especially antiaging

treatment, and to eliminate pain problems in patients. On top of that, I also carry out some post-operative

rehabilitation and medical plates exercises.

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Bahtiyar Demiralp
Bahtiyar Demiralp
34 years of experience
1 review
Turkey, Antalya
Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex

Bahtiyar Demiralp

34 years of experience


1974/1979 Elementary School 

1979/1982 Secondary School 

1982/1985 High School 

1985/1991 GATA Military Medical Faculty 

1995/1999 GATA Resident in Orthopaedics. 

1999/2002 Specialist in Orthopaedics. 

2002/2008 GATA Assistant Prof in Orthopaedics 

2008/2009 MAYO Orthopedic Departments (with Franklin Sim, MD), Pathology Department ( with Carrie INWARDS, MD) and Orthopaedic Research Laboratory (with Michael YASZEMSKI) 

2009/2012 GATA Associate Prof in Orthopaedics 

2012/ 2016 İstanbul Medipol University Orthopaedics and Traumatology Dep 

2016/ 2019 Ankara Güven Hospital Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department 

Oct 2019 Marmaris 



The treatment of intraarticular fractures of lower extremity with Ilizarov sirculer external fixator. 


Orthopedic Oncology 

Trauma Surgery (war injury, politrauma surgery) 

External Fixation (war injury, open fractures, deformity, limb lengthening) 


Foot and ankle surgery 

AWARDS 2006 Best research presentation. Comparison between the distraction and grafting methods in the treatment of peripheral neural defects: an experimental study in rabbits. Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc; 39 (2) 163/171, 2005. 

2005 Best oral presentation. High dose neoadjuvan chemotherapy combined with autologous stem cell transplantation and limb sparing surgery in patients with nonmetastatic osteosarcoma Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc; Supp II. 39 (2) 79/80, 2005. 

2005 Best poster presentation. Vascular and nonvascular fibular reconstruction results of benign aggressive and malign bone tumors. Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc; Supp II. 39 (2) 171, 2005 









Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Oncology and Trauma Graduate Program. 



1. 4th Congress of The EFORT. 3/8 June, 1999. Brusells. 

2. 3rd Meeting of the ASAMI International 27/29 May 2004 İstanbul / Turkey. 

3. Asia pasific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society 5th meeting. 23/25 April 2004 İzmir / Turkey 

4. 18th Annual meeting European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society. 25/27 May 2005. Italy. 

5. 7th International Congress on Spine. 14/17 April 2005. Antalya / Turkey 

6. 19th Annual meeting of European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society. 24/25 May 2006. Russia. 

7. 4th meeting of ASAMI International. 2006 Japan. 

8. 14th ISOLS 11/14 2007 Germany 

9. 5th meeting of ASAMI International. Russia 2008 

10.MAYO Clinic Department of Orthopedic Surgery, A celebration of musculoskeletal tumor surgery meeting. Sep 23/25 2010 Rochester, MN, USA 

11.XXXIII Course on Musculoskeletal Pathology. 8/12 Feb. 2010. Bologna ITALY 

12. 16th ISOLS 2011 China 

13.7th meeting of ASAMI International. Greece 2012

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Eslie Perez
Eslie Perez
General practitioner
11 years of experience
Mexico, Puerto Vallarta
Holistic Bio Spa®

Eslie Perez

General practitioner
11 years of experience



Head of Teaching at the Puerto Vallarta Regional Hospital


Medical records manager at the Regional Hospital of Puerto Vallarta 2 months 2020

General practitioner in private medical office


Doctor in charge of weight control clinic


Medical assistant in dermatology clinic


Medical Assistant in Dermatological procedures.

 Medical Assistant in minimally invasive surgical procedures

 Operation of fractional laser machine - IPIXEL-ER and

facial rejuvenation with IPL.

 Experience in laser hair removal with Intense Pulsed Light and


 Experience with ultrasonic cavitation

 Experience with ultraviolet (UV) light phototherapy machine for the

treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo.

 Experience assisting in Botox and Fillers procedures.

 Biomagnet certified by the Higher Institute of Biomagnetism


 Experience in clinical records

 Training in continuing education and professional development of teachers

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Prof Ibrahim Azboy
Prof Ibrahim Azboy
Orthopedic surgeon
24 years of experience
2 reviews
Turkey, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem District Hospital

Prof Ibrahim Azboy

Orthopedic surgeon
24 years of experience

Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe School of Medicine (1994-2001)

Specialty training: Istanbul Training and Research Hospital (2002-2008)

In 2015, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor.

On February 01, 2021, he was promoted to Professor.

Professional Positions:

Consultant MD, Balıkesir Military Hospital (2008-2009)

Consultant MD, Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2009-2011)

Assistant Professor MD, Dicle University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2011-2017)

Associate Professor MD, Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2017-2020)

Professor MD, Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2021 – Ongoing)

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Javier Albiñana
Javier Albiñana
40 years of experience
5 reviews
Spain, Madrid
Quironsalud Madrid

Javier Albiñana

40 years of experience

Dr. Javier Albiñana Silveti is a specialist in orthopedic surgery and pediatric traumatology. He has over 38 years of experience in the treatment of hip dysplasia, bone tumors, malformations and Perthes disease.


2013 – present | Pediatric Traumatology at the Ruber Internacional and Quirón Hospital in Pozuelo.

2004-2013|Head of the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics at the La Paz Hospital in Madrid.

1994-2004| Assistant in pediatric orthopedics at the Niño Jesus Hospital in Madrid

1992-1994 | Fellow, Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, University of Iowa (USA)

1988-1989|Research Fellow in Paediatric Orthopaedics, Oxford University (UK).


1988 | Doctor of Medicine, Autonomous University of Madrid.

1982 | Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid.


2004|Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the UAM.


2019|Does femoral head orientation influence acetabular development? An experimental study in Lamb. J Pediatr Orthop. 2019 Sep;39(8):416–421.

2015|Pavlik harness outcomes in Ortolani-positive hips: predictors of failure and arthrographic findings. J Child Orthop 2015 Aug;9(4):249-53.

2013|Selective triradiate epiphysiodesis for the treatment of residual experimental acetabular dysplasia. J Pediatr Orthop. 2013 Dec;33(8):821-8.

Communications and presentations

2021|Perthes Disease. Congress of Pediatric Orthopedics, SEOT, Ecuador.

2019|Dysplasia of the hip, Children's Hospital, San Jose, Costa Rica, April 2019

2018| Cerebral Palsy, ASFAPE, Madrid.

2007 | Tear and Dysplasia of the Hip, POSNA, San Diego.

2005 | Open reduction failure and DDH. Boston, IPOTT.

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Serdar Toker
Serdar Toker
27 years of experience
Turkey, Izmit
Private Yüzyıl Hospital

Serdar Toker

27 years of experience

Personal Information

Name Surname : Serdar TOKER
Place of Birth - Year :    Istanbul - 1972
Academic Title : Assoc. Dr.
Foreign Language : English


Ege University Faculty of Medicine - Graduation
Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital - Specialised
Work Experience

1998 - 2003 Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital
2003 - 2004 Kars State Hospital
2004 - 2006 Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital
2006 - 2009 Dumlupınar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 
2009 - 2010 Research Fellow. Colorado University Denver Healt Centre Rocky Mountain Regional Trauma Centre Department of Orthopaedics and Hand Surgery
2010 - 2016 Necmettin Erbakan University Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Head of Hand Surgery Department
Courses - Seminars and Certificates Received

2013 FESSH (Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand) European Diploma
2015 RMCD Microsurgery Course Course Chair
2015 National Turkish Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress Speaker
2015 RMCD Congress Speaker
2014 National Turkish Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress Speaker
2013 - 2014 Rıdvan Ege Hand Surgery Course Instructor
2013 RMCD Microsurgery Course Instructor
2013 RMCD Congress Session Chair
2012 Shoulder Elbow Surgery Course Instructor
2012 Subspeciality Diploma in Hand Surgery
2011 RMCD Microsurgery Course
2009 Ankle Arthroscopy Course
2008 Knee Arthroscopy Course
2005 Ilizarov Applications Course

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Volodymyr Gongalsky
Volodymyr Gongalsky
47 years of experience
Ukraine, Kyiv
Лікувально-діагностичний центр «Меддіагностика»

Volodymyr Gongalsky

47 years of experience

Born in 1957 in Kyiv. Ukrainian.

Since 1978, scientific and practical activity in the field of orthopedic pathology (pathophysiology of scoliosis and scoliotic deformations of the spine and chest, vertebrology). The first scientific publication on vertebrology in 1980.

1980 – graduation from the medical faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute.

1981 to 1984 Anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Scientific and practical work in the field of treatment of pain syndromes and vegetology, use of stimulation of nerve trunks and reflexogenic zones, acupuncture, manual medicine, non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, physical rehabilitation.

Since 1984 and up to the present moment, he has been professionally engaged exclusively in practical and scientific problems of diseases of the spine and joints, vertebroneurology, neurology, traumatology-orthopedics, rheumatology.

1984 – employee of the laboratory of problems of osteochondrosis of the spinal column of the university research laboratory center* (Academician A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University). Scientific and practical activity in the field of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of pathology of the musculoskeletal system (spine, joints, muscles) and nervous system.

1990 - defense of a candidate's dissertation on neurological disorders in spinal pathology " Early segmental neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine " (specialty - neurology)

1994 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the mechanisms of formation of neurological pathology in spinal pathology (vertebroneurology) “ Mechanisms of formation of vertebral neurological pathology in the case of functional blockage of the spinal rox segments (2 specialties: neurology and traumatology-orthopedics)

Since 1995 – Professor of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine of the National Medical University named after Academician A.A. Bogomolets.

1995 Founded the first clinic of Vertebroneurology in Ukraine, head of the department of vertebroneurology at the Central City Clinical Hospital of Kiev - the clinical base of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine of the National Medical University.

2004 Established the diagnostic department of the Vertebroneurology Clinic.

2011 Established the Ukrainian Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine and Neurology based on the Meddiagnostika Center.

Sphere of scientific and practical interests


More than 80 scientific papers , 12 inventions in the field of pathology of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

Key research:

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Dr Piya Assawaboonyadej
Dr Piya Assawaboonyadej
Orthopedic surgeon
17 years of experience
1 review
Thailand, Bangkok
Intrarat Hospital

Dr Piya Assawaboonyadej

Orthopedic surgeon
17 years of experience

Piya Assawaboonyadej, M.D.


  • Orthopedic surgeon
  • Expert in bone and connective tissue tumors
2004Doctor of medicine, Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok, Thailand
2008 - 2011Residency, Institute of Orthopaedics, Lerdsin General Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
2012 - 2013Clinical Fellow in Orthopaedic Oncology, Institute of Orthopaedics, Lerdsin General Hospital, Bangkok,Thailand
2016 - 2017Clinical fellowship in Orthopedic Oncology and Reconstruction, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
2011 - 2022Lecturer, Department of Orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University Hospital, Phitsanulok, Thailand
2022 - PresentFull-time orthopedic surgeon Intrarat hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Present Member of Thai Medical Council
  • Present Member of The Medical Association of Thailand
  • Present Member of Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeon of Thailand
  • Present Member of Thai Musculoskeletal Tumor society
  • Result of arthroscopic removal of an enchondroma at the talar dome: a case report. J med assoc thai. 2012 Oct:95 Suppl 10:S226-9
  • Poster presentation 17th general meeting of the international society of limb salvage, Bologna, Italy. 2013
  • Chapter 6: overview in bone sarcoma. Essential course in bone tumor. 2019
 Musculoskeletal tumor surgery  
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Dr Thongchai Theerajumyaporn
Dr Thongchai Theerajumyaporn
Orthopedic surgeon
35 years of experience
1 review
Thailand, Bangkok
Intrarat Hospital

Dr Thongchai Theerajumyaporn

Orthopedic surgeon
35 years of experience
2017Certificate of attainment for a Clinical Training Course for the Treatment of Osteoarthrosis and Muscular Skeletal Conditions using and Therapy at SureCell Melbourne Australia
2003 - 2004Fellowship in Hip and Knee Reconstructions, UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, California, USA
2000 - 2003Fellowship in Spine Surgery, UC Davis, School of Medicine, California, USA
  • Adult degenerative spine and spinal deformity
  • Pediatric spine surgery
  • Minimally invasive spine surgery
  • Dynamic stabilization spine surgery
  • Total disc replacement in spine surgery
1990 - 2000Certificate Spine Fellowship, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Load distribution mechanism of subchondral cancellous bonejournal of Orthopedic Surgery 1991.
  • Anterior Lumbar Pedicle Screw Placement: A Cadaveric Feasibility Study; Poster present at 53rd Annual Meeting, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, October 2003, Denver, CO
  • Estrogen-dependent actions of bone morphogenetic protein-7 spine Fusion in rats Spine.2005 Aug 1.
  • Apical sublaminar wires versus pedicle screws-which provides better Results for surgical correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Spine.2005 Sep .
  • Efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell enriched grafts in an ovine posterolateral Lumbar spine model Spine


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Murat Aydin
Murat Aydin
17 years of experience
3 reviews
Turkey, Istanbul
Büyük Anadolu Hospitals (BAH)

Murat Aydin

17 years of experience

Key Areas of Expertise:

Trauma and Emergency Orthopedics: Dr. Aydın is an expert in managing traumatic injuries, including fractures, dislocations, and soft tissue injuries. His approach is focused on minimizing recovery time and ensuring the best possible functional outcomes for patients.

Joint Replacement Surgery: Specializing in hip, knee, and shoulder replacement surgeries, he has performed numerous successful joint replacements, offering patients relief from chronic pain and enhanced mobility.

Sports Injuries: Dr. Aydın has an in-depth understanding of sports-related injuries, including ligament tears, tendon ruptures, and cartilage damage. He employs both conservative and surgical techniques to help athletes recover and return to their active lifestyles.

Spine Surgery: His experience extends to treating various spine conditions, such as degenerative diseases, herniated discs, and spinal deformities. He uses minimally invasive techniques whenever possible to reduce recovery times and improve surgical outcomes.

Pediatric Orthopedics: Dr. Aydın also has expertise in treating musculoskeletal conditions in children, such as congenital deformities, growth plate injuries, and scoliosis.

Arthroscopy: Skilled in minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery, Dr. Aydın can diagnose and treat conditions affecting joints, including the knee, shoulder, and ankle, with reduced scarring and quicker recovery.

Complex Trauma and Reconstruction: With a focus on treating complex fractures and trauma cases, he is skilled in using advanced surgical techniques to restore function and structure to severely injured bones and soft tissues.


Academic and Research Contributions:

Dr. Aydın’s position as an Associate Professor underscores his dedication to advancing the field through both teaching and research. He actively contributes to medical literature, presenting innovative findings and new treatment methodologies in orthopedics and traumatology. His research interests include improving patient outcomes in fracture healing, developing better surgical techniques, and exploring the use of regenerative medicine in orthopedic care.

Clinical Approach:

Dr. Aydın takes a patient-centered approach, tailoring treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each individual. He emphasizes early intervention, advanced diagnostic tools, and personalized rehabilitation strategies to ensure optimal recovery.

Through his extensive knowledge and experience in orthopedics and traumatology, Dr. Murat Aydın has earned a reputation for excellence in patient care, making him a highly respected figure in his field.

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Turgut Akgul
Turgut Akgul
20 years of experience
Turkey, Istanbul
Biruni University Hospital

Turgut Akgul

20 years of experience


1. Best Oral Presentation, AO Spine AWARD 10th Hellenic spine congress and joint meeting with french and turkish spine society and 40th symposium'' Giannestras- symrnis Thessaloniki, 26-29 october 2016 Spinal Tuberculosis inPatients With Growing Spine Akgül T., Korkmaz M., Benli T., Talu U., Şar C.

2. Best Poster, 23rd Efort (European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology) congress, 22-24 june 2022 Correlations between radiographic spinopelvic parameters and health-related quality of life: A prospective evaluation of 37 patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Bayram S., Kendirci A. Ş. , Karalar Ş., Durmuş Tekçe H., Parman F. Y. , Akgül T, Durmaz H.

3. TOTDER XXI.Akif Şakar Science Award

4. Best poster, TOTBID- 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014

5. Best poster, Totder 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting May 12-15, 2016

6. Best poster, Comparison of Selective and Non-Selective Fusion Results in the Treatment of Lenke Type 1B Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, 27th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 2017.



Halide Edip Adıvar High School (English High School) (1999)
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (1999-2005)
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2005-2011)
Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2011-2012)


Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associate Professor (2017-2023)
Koç University Hospital Spine Center - Part-time (2018-2023)
Istanbul Universityniversitesi Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associate Professor (2023-present)
National Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery-Turkish Journal Of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Advisory Board Member, 2020
Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, Associate Editor, 2019 - Ongoing
Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, Associate Editorr, 2019 - Ongoing
Turkish Spine Society (TOD)-board member-Treasurer
TOTDER (Turkish Orthopedic Association)-board member.


Medical Interests

  • Spine Surgery
  • Scoliosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Spine Fractures
  • Vertebra Body Tethering (VBT)(Scoliosis with tether)
  • Narrow Canal Surgery
  • Spine Revision Surgery
  • Pelvic Surgery
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Sait Ada
Sait Ada
41 years of experience
Turkey, İzmir
Emot Plus International Hospital

Sait Ada

41 years of experience


Karşıyaka Boys High School (1967 to 1973)

Ege University Faculty of Medicine (1973 to 1979)

Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (1980 to 1984)


Kütahya Askeri Hastanesi (1984 to 1985)

Bingöl Devlet Hastanesi (1985 to 1986)

Alsancak Devlet Hastanesi (1986 to 1989)

Buca SSK Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi (1989 to 1991)

Würzburg University Hand Surgery, Germany

Indianapolis Hand Center, Indianapolis, USA

EMOT Hastanesi, İzmir (1991 to present)

Members of:

TOTBID (Turkish Orthopaedic Traumatology Association) - President (2013 to 2015)

TEÜCD (Turkish Society of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery) - President (2010 to 2012)

Turkish Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association - Founding Member

FESSH (Federation of Hand-Surgery Societies of Europe of the Hand) - Congress President (2013)

ASSH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) - International Member

Turkish Medical Association

Turkish Reconstructive Microsurgery Association


Sonographic assessment of transverse carpal ligament after open surgical release of the carpal tunnel.

The effect of medial side repair in terrible triad injury of the elbow.

Risk factors for occupational hand injuries: relationship between agency and finger.

Finger replantations after ring avulsion amputations.

What kinds of hand injuries are more likely to result in amputation? An analysis of 6549 hand injuries.

Epidemiology of injuries treated at a hand and microsurgery hospital.

Long-term results of major upper extremity replantations.

Ultrasonographic evaluation of iatrogenic peripheral nerve injuries in the upper extremity.

Comparison between two mini incision techniques utilized in carpal tunnel release.

Elbow arthrolysis in severely stiff elbows.

The effect of dorsal cortical comminution on radiographic results of unstable distal radius fractures treated with closed reduction and K-wire fixation.

The importance of the finger extension test in the diagnosis of occult wrist ganglion.

Accidental use of the median nerve as an interposition material in first carpometacarpal joint arthroplasty.

Can we use nerve gliding exercises in women with carpal tunnel syndrome?

Reconstruction of skin and tendon defects from wound complications after Achilles tendon rupture.

Should the amputations of the great toe be replanted?

Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative punctate bleeding to assess the vascularity of scaphoid nonunion.

Reconstruction of soft tissue and bone defects in the lower extremity with free flaps.

Heterotopic replantation.

Eight years of experience in crush and avulsion-type finger amputation.

Rolling belt injuries in children.

Replantations and their functional results: the Turkish experience.

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